! %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ! Copyright (c) 2015, Regents of the University of Colorado ! All rights reserved. ! Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are ! permitted provided that the following conditions are met: ! 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of ! conditions and the following disclaimer. ! 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list ! of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other ! materials provided with the distribution. ! 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors may be ! used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior ! written permission. ! THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY ! EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF ! MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL ! THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, ! SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT ! OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS ! INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT ! LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE ! OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. ! History: ! May 2015: Dustin Swales - Initial version ! %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% module mod_quickbeam_optics USE COSP_KINDS, ONLY: wp,dp USE array_lib, ONLY: infind USE math_lib, ONLY: path_integral,avint,gamma USE optics_lib, ONLY: m_wat,m_ice,MieInt USE cosp_math_constants, ONLY: pi USE cosp_phys_constants, ONLY: rhoice use quickbeam, ONLY: radar_cfg,dmin,dmax,Re_BIN_LENGTH, & Re_MAX_BIN,nRe_types,nd,maxhclass use mod_cosp_config, ONLY: N_HYDRO use mod_cosp_error, ONLY: errorMessage implicit none ! Derived type for particle size distribution TYPE size_distribution real(wp),dimension(maxhclass) :: p1,p2,p3,dmin,dmax,apm,bpm,rho integer, dimension(maxhclass) :: dtype,phase END TYPE size_distribution ! Parameters integer,parameter :: & ! cnt_liq = 19, & ! Liquid temperature count cnt_ice = 20 ! Lce temperature count ! Initialization variables real(wp),dimension(cnt_ice) :: mt_tti real(wp),dimension(cnt_liq) :: mt_ttl real(wp),dimension(nd) :: D !logical :: lQuickbeamInit contains ! ###################################################################################### ! SUBROUTINE quickbeam_optics_init ! ###################################################################################### subroutine quickbeam_optics_init() integer :: j mt_tti = (/ ((j-1)*5-90 + 273.15, j = 1, cnt_ice) /) mt_ttl = (/ ((j-1)*5-60 + 273.15, j = 1, cnt_liq) /) D(1) = dmin DO j=2,nd D(j) = D(j-1)*exp((log(dmax)-log(dmin))/(nd-1)) enddo !lQuickbeamInit = .true. end subroutine quickbeam_optics_init ! ###################################################################################### ! SUBROUTINE QUICKBEAM_OPTICS ! ###################################################################################### subroutine quickbeam_optics(sd, rcfg, nprof, ngate, undef, hm_matrix, re_matrix, & Np_matrix, p_matrix, t_matrix, sh_matrix,z_vol,kr_vol) ! INPUTS type(size_distribution),intent(inout) :: & sd ! type(radar_cfg),intent(inout) :: & rcfg ! integer,intent(in) :: & nprof, & ! Number of hydrometeor profiles ngate ! Number of vertical layers real(wp),intent(in) :: & undef ! Missing data value real(wp),intent(in),dimension(nprof,ngate) :: & p_matrix, & ! Pressure profile (hPa) t_matrix, & ! Temperature profile (K) sh_matrix ! Specific humidity profile (%) -- only needed if gaseous aborption calculated. real(wp),intent(in),dimension(nprof,ngate,rcfg%nhclass) :: & re_matrix, & ! Table of hydrometeor effective radii. 0 ==> use defaults. (units=microns) hm_matrix ! Table of hydrometeor mixing ratios (g/kg) real(wp),intent(inout),dimension(nprof,ngate,rcfg%nhclass) :: & Np_matrix ! Table of hydrometeor number concentration. 0 ==> use defaults. (units = 1/kg) ! OUTPUTS real(wp),intent(out), dimension(nprof, ngate) :: & z_vol, & ! Effective reflectivity factor (mm^6/m^3) kr_vol ! Attenuation coefficient hydro (dB/km) ! INTERNAL VARIABLES integer :: & phase, ns,tp,j,k,pr,itt,iRe_type,n logical :: & hydro real(wp) :: & t_kelvin,Re_internal real(wp) :: & rho_a,kr,ze,zr,scale_factor,Re,Np,base,step real(wp),dimension(:),allocatable :: & Deq, & ! Discrete drop sizes (um) Ni, & ! Discrete concentrations (cm^-3 um^-1) rhoi, & ! Discrete densities (kg m^-3) xxa, & ! Di ! Discrete drop sizes (um) real(wp), dimension(nprof, ngate) :: & z_ray ! Reflectivity factor, Rayleigh only (mm^6/m^3) ! PARAMETERS logical, parameter :: & ! DO_LUT_TEST = .false., & ! DO_NP_TEST = .false. ! real(wp), parameter :: & one_third = 1._wp/3._wp ! ! Initialization z_vol = 0._wp z_ray = 0._wp kr_vol = 0._wp DO k=1,ngate ! Loop over each profile (nprof) DO pr=1,nprof ! Determine if hydrometeor(s) present in volume hydro = .false. DO j=1,rcfg%nhclass if ((hm_matrix(pr,k,j) > 1E-12) .AND. (sd%dtype(j) > 0)) then hydro = .true. exit endif enddo t_kelvin = t_matrix(pr,k) ! If there is hydrometeor in the volume if (hydro) then rho_a = (p_matrix(pr,k))/(287._wp*(t_kelvin)) ! Loop over hydrometeor type DO tp=1,rcfg%nhclass Re_internal = re_matrix(pr,k,tp) if (hm_matrix(pr,k,tp) <= 1E-12) cycle ! Index into temperature dimension of scaling tables ! These tables have regular steps -- exploit this and abandon infind phase = sd%phase(tp) if (phase==0) then itt = infind(mt_ttl,t_kelvin) else itt = infind(mt_tti,t_kelvin) endif ! Compute effective radius from number concentration and distribution parameters if (Re_internal .eq. 0) then call calc_Re(hm_matrix(pr,k,tp),Np_matrix(pr,k,tp),rho_a, & sd%dtype(tp),sd%apm(tp),sd%bpm(tp),sd%rho(tp),sd%p1(tp),sd%p2(tp),sd%p3(tp),Re) Re_internal=Re !re_matrix(pr,k,tp)=Re else if (Np_matrix(pr,k,tp) > 0) then call errorMessage('WARNING(optics/quickbeam_optics.f90): Re and Np set for the same volume & hydrometeor type. Np is being ignored.') endif Re = Re_internal !Re = re_matrix(pr,k,tp) endif ! Index into particle size dimension of scaling tables iRe_type=1 if(Re.gt.0) then ! Determine index in to scale LUT ! Distance between Re points (defined by "base" and "step") for ! each interval of size Re_BIN_LENGTH ! Integer asignment, avoids calling floor intrinsic n=Re/Re_BIN_LENGTH if (n>=Re_MAX_BIN) n=Re_MAX_BIN-1 step = rcfg%step_list(n+1) base = rcfg%base_list(n+1) iRe_type=Re/step if (iRe_type.lt.1) iRe_type=1 Re=step*(iRe_type+0.5_wp) ! set value of Re to closest value allowed in LUT. iRe_type=iRe_type+base-int(n*Re_BIN_LENGTH/step) ! Make sure iRe_type is within bounds if (iRe_type.ge.nRe_types) then !write(*,*) 'Warning: size of Re exceed value permitted ', & ! 'in Look-Up Table (LUT). Will calculate. ' ! No scaling allowed iRe_type=nRe_types rcfg%Z_scale_flag(tp,itt,iRe_type)=.false. else ! Set value in re_matrix to closest values in LUT if (.not. DO_LUT_TEST) re_internal=Re !if (.not. DO_LUT_TEST) re_matrix(pr,k,tp)=Re endif endif ! Use Ze_scaled, Zr_scaled, and kr_scaled ... if know them ! if not we will calculate Ze, Zr, and Kr from the distribution parameters ! if( rcfg%Z_scale_flag(tp,itt,iRe_type) .AND. .not. DO_LUT_TEST) then ! ! can use z scaling ! scale_factor=rho_a*hm_matrix(pr,k,tp) ! zr = rcfg%Zr_scaled(tp,itt,iRe_type) * scale_factor ! ze = rcfg%Ze_scaled(tp,itt,iRe_type) * scale_factor ! kr = rcfg%kr_scaled(tp,itt,iRe_type) * scale_factor ! else if( (.not. rcfg%Z_scale_flag(tp,itt,iRe_type)) .or. DO_LUT_TEST) then ! Create a discrete distribution of hydrometeors within volume select case(sd%dtype(tp)) case(4) ns = 1 allocate(Di(ns),Ni(ns),rhoi(ns),xxa(ns),Deq(ns)) Di = sd%p1(tp) Ni = 0._wp case default ns = nd ! constant defined in simulator/quickbeam.f90 allocate(Di(ns),Ni(ns),rhoi(ns),xxa(ns),Deq(ns)) Di = D Ni = 0._wp end select call dsd(hm_matrix(pr,k,tp),re_internal,Np_matrix(pr,k,tp), & Di,Ni,ns,sd%dtype(tp),rho_a,t_kelvin, & sd%dmin(tp),sd%dmax(tp),sd%apm(tp),sd%bpm(tp), & sd%rho(tp),sd%p1(tp),sd%p2(tp),sd%p3(tp)) ! Calculate particle density if (phase == 1) then if (sd%rho(tp) < 0) then ! Use equivalent volume spheres. rcfg%rho_eff(tp,1:ns,iRe_type) = rhoice ! solid ice == equivalent volume approach Deq = ( ( 6/pi*sd%apm(tp)/rhoice) ** one_third ) * ( (Di*1E-6) ** (sd%bpm(tp)/3._wp) ) * 1E6 ! alternative is to comment out above two lines and use the following block ! MG Mie approach - adjust density of sphere with D = D_characteristic to match particle density ! rcfg%rho_eff(tp,1:ns,iRe_type) = (6/pi)*sd%apm(tp)*(Di*1E-6)**(sd%bpm(tp)-3) !MG Mie approach ! as the particle size gets small it is possible that the mass to size relationship of ! (given by power law in hclass.data) can produce impossible results ! where the mass is larger than a solid sphere of ice. ! This loop ensures that no ice particle can have more mass/density larger than an ice sphere. ! do i=1,ns ! if(rcfg%rho_eff(tp,i,iRe_type) > 917 ) then ! rcfg%rho_eff(tp,i,iRe_type) = 917 ! endif ! enddo else ! Equivalent volume sphere (solid ice rhoice=917 kg/m^3). rcfg%rho_eff(tp,1:ns,iRe_type) = rhoice Deq=Di * ((sd%rho(tp)/rhoice)**one_third) ! alternative ... coment out above two lines and use the following for MG-Mie ! rcfg%rho_eff(tp,1:ns,iRe_type) = sd%rho(tp) !MG Mie approach endif else ! I assume here that water phase droplets are spheres. ! sd%rho should be ~ 1000 or sd%apm=524 .AND. sd%bpm=3 Deq = Di endif ! Calculate effective reflectivity factor of volume ! xxa are unused (Mie scattering and extinction efficiencies) xxa(1:ns) = -9.9_wp rhoi = rcfg%rho_eff(tp,1:ns,iRe_type) call zeff(rcfg%freq,Deq,Ni,ns,rcfg%k2,t_kelvin,phase,rcfg%do_ray, & ze,zr,kr,xxa,xxa,rhoi) ! Test compares total number concentration with sum of discrete samples ! The second test, below, compares ab initio and "scaled" computations ! of reflectivity ! These should get broken out as a unit test that gets called on ! data. That routine could write to std out. ! Test code ... compare Np value input to routine with sum of DSD ! NOTE: if .not. DO_LUT_TEST, then you are checking the LUT approximation ! not just the DSD representation given by Ni if(Np_matrix(pr,k,tp)>0 .AND. DO_NP_TEST ) then Np = path_integral(Ni,Di,1,ns-1)/rho_a*1.E6_wp ! Note: Representation is not great or small Re < 2 if( (Np_matrix(pr,k,tp)-Np)/Np_matrix(pr,k,tp)>0.1 ) then call errorMessage('ERROR(optics/quickbeam_optics.f90): Error: Np input does not match sum(N)') endif endif ! Clean up space deallocate(Di,Ni,rhoi,xxa,Deq) ! LUT test code ! This segment of code compares full calculation to scaling result if ( rcfg%Z_scale_flag(tp,itt,iRe_type) .AND. DO_LUT_TEST ) then scale_factor=rho_a*hm_matrix(pr,k,tp) ! if more than 2 dBZe difference print error message/parameters. if ( abs(10*log10(ze) - 10*log10(rcfg%Ze_scaled(tp,itt,iRe_type) * & scale_factor)) > 2 ) then call errorMessage('ERROR(optics/quickbeam_optics.f90): ERROR: Roj Error?') endif endif else ! Use z scaling scale_factor=rho_a*hm_matrix(pr,k,tp) zr = rcfg%Zr_scaled(tp,itt,iRe_type) * scale_factor ze = rcfg%Ze_scaled(tp,itt,iRe_type) * scale_factor kr = rcfg%kr_scaled(tp,itt,iRe_type) * scale_factor endif ! end z_scaling kr_vol(pr,k) = kr_vol(pr,k) + kr z_vol(pr,k) = z_vol(pr,k) + ze z_ray(pr,k) = z_ray(pr,k) + zr ! Construct Ze_scaled, Zr_scaled, and kr_scaled ... if we can if ( .not. rcfg%Z_scale_flag(tp,itt,iRe_type) ) then if (iRe_type>1) then scale_factor=rho_a*hm_matrix(pr,k,tp) rcfg%Ze_scaled(tp,itt,iRe_type) = ze/ scale_factor rcfg%Zr_scaled(tp,itt,iRe_type) = zr/ scale_factor rcfg%kr_scaled(tp,itt,iRe_type) = kr/ scale_factor rcfg%Z_scale_flag(tp,itt,iRe_type) = .true. rcfg%Z_scale_added_flag(tp,itt,iRe_type)=.true. endif endif enddo ! end loop of tp (hydrometeor type) endif enddo enddo where(kr_vol(:,:) <= EPSILON(kr_vol)) ! Volume is hydrometeor-free !z_vol(:,:) = undef z_ray(:,:) = undef end where end subroutine quickbeam_optics ! ############################################################################################## ! ############################################################################################## subroutine calc_Re(Q,Np,rho_a,dtype,apm,bpm,rho_c,p1,p2,p3,Re) ! ############################################################################################## ! Purpose: ! Calculates Effective Radius (1/2 distribution 3rd moment / 2nd moment). ! For some distribution types, the total number concentration (per kg), Np ! may be optionally specified. Should be set to zero, otherwise. ! Roj Marchand July 2010 ! Inputs: ! [Q] hydrometeor mixing ratio (g/kg) ! not needed for some distribution types ! [Np] Optional Total number concentration (per kg). 0 = use defaults (p1, p2, p3) ! [rho_a] ambient air density (kg m^-3) ! Distribution parameters as per quickbeam documentation. ! [dtype] distribution type ! [apm] a parameter for mass (kg m^[-bpm]) ! [bmp] b params for mass ! [p1],[p2],[p3] distribution parameters ! Outputs: ! [Re] Effective radius, 1/2 the 3rd moment/2nd moment (um) ! Created: ! July 2010 Roj Marchand ! Modified: ! 12/18/14 Dustin Swales: Define type REALs as double precision (dustin.swales@noaa.gov) ! ############################################################################################## ! ############################################################################################## ! Inputs real(wp), intent(in) :: Q,Np,rho_a,rho_c,p1,p2,p3 integer, intent(in) :: dtype real(wp), intent(inout) :: apm,bpm ! Outputs real(wp), intent(out) :: Re ! Internal integer :: local_dtype real(wp) :: local_p3,local_Np,tmp1,tmp2 real(wp) :: N0,D0,vu,dm,ld,rg,log_sigma_g ! gamma, exponential variables ! If density is constant, set equivalent values for apm and bpm if ((rho_c > 0) .AND. (apm < 0)) then apm = (pi/6)*rho_c bpm = 3._wp endif ! Exponential is same as modified gamma with vu =1 ! if Np is specified then we will just treat as modified gamma if(dtype .eq. 2 .AND. Np .gt. 0) then local_dtype = 1 local_p3 = 1 else local_dtype = dtype local_p3 = p3 endif select case(local_dtype) ! ---------------------------------------------------------! ! Modified gamma ! ! Np = total number concentration (1/kg) = Nt / rho_a ! ! D0 = characteristic diameter (um) ! ! dm = mean diameter (um) - first moment over zeroth moment! ! vu = distribution width parameter ! ! ---------------------------------------------------------! case(1) if( abs(local_p3+2) < 1E-8) then if(Np>1E-30) then ! Morrison scheme with Martin 1994 shape parameter (NOTE: vu = pc +1) ! fixed Roj. Dec. 2010 -- after comment by S. Mcfarlane vu = (1/(0.2714_wp + 0.00057145_wp*Np*rho_a*1E-6))**2 ! units of Nt = Np*rhoa = #/cm^3 else call errorMessage('FATAL ERROR(optics/quickbeam_optics.f90:Calc_Re): Must specify a value for Np in each volume with Morrison/Martin Scheme.') return endif elseif (abs(local_p3+1) > 1E-8) then ! vu is fixed in hp structure vu = local_p3 else ! vu isn't specified call errorMessage('FATAL ERROR(optics/quickbeam_optics.f90:Calc_Re): Must specify a value for vu for Modified Gamma distribution') return endif if( Np.eq.0 .AND. p2+1 > 1E-8) then ! use default value for MEAN diameter as first default dm = p2 ! by definition, should have units of microns D0 = gamma(vu)/gamma(vu+1)*dm else ! use value of Np if(Np.eq.0) then if( abs(p1+1) > 1E-8 ) then ! use default number concentration local_Np = p1 ! total number concentration / pa --- units kg^-1 else call errorMessage('FATAL ERROR(optics/quickbeam_optics.f90:Calc_Re): Must specify Np or default value (p1=Dm [um] or p2=Np [1/kg]) for Modified Gamma distribution') return endif else local_Np=Np; endif D0 = 1E6 * ( Q*1E-3*gamma(vu)/(apm*local_Np*gamma(vu+bpm)) )**(1/bpm) ! units = microns endif Re = 0.5_wp*D0*gamma(vu+3)/gamma(vu+2) ! ---------------------------------------------------------! ! Exponential ! ! N0 = intercept parameter (m^-4) ! ! ld = slope parameter (um) ! ! ---------------------------------------------------------! case(2) ! Np not specified (see if statement above) if((abs(p1+1) > 1E-8) ) then ! N0 has been specified, determine ld N0 = p1 tmp1 = 1._wp/(1._wp+bpm) ld = ((apm*gamma(1.+bpm)*N0)/(rho_a*Q*1E-3))**tmp1 ld = ld/1E6 ! set units to microns^-1 elseif (abs(p2+1) > 1E-8) then ! lambda=ld has been specified as default ld = p2 ! should have units of microns^-1 else call errorMessage('FATAL ERROR(optics/quickbeam_optics.f90:Calc_Re): Must specify Np or default value (p1=No or p2=lambda) for Exponential distribution') return endif Re = 1.5_wp/ld ! ---------------------------------------------------------! ! Power law ! ! ahp = Ar parameter (m^-4 mm^-bhp) ! ! bhp = br parameter ! ! dmin_mm = lower bound (mm) ! ! dmax_mm = upper bound (mm) ! ! ---------------------------------------------------------! case(3) Re=0._wp ! Not supporting LUT approach for power-law ... if(Np>0) then call errorMessage('FATAL ERROR(optics/quickbeam_optics.f90:Calc_Re): Variable Np not supported for Power Law distribution') return endif ! ---------------------------------------------------------! ! Monodisperse ! ! D0 = particle diameter (um) == Re ! ! ---------------------------------------------------------! case(4) Re = p1 if(Np>0) then call errorMessage('FATAL ERROR(optics/quickbeam_optics.f90:Calc_Re): Variable Np not supported for Monodispersed distribution') return endif ! ---------------------------------------------------------! ! Lognormal ! ! N0 = total number concentration (m^-3) ! ! np = fixed number concentration (kg^-1) ! ! rg = mean radius (um) ! ! log_sigma_g = ln(geometric standard deviation) ! ! ---------------------------------------------------------! case(5) if( abs(local_p3+1) > 1E-8 ) then !set natural log width log_sigma_g = local_p3 else call errorMessage('FATAL ERROR(optics/quickbeam_optics.f90:Calc_Re): Must specify a value for sigma_g when using a Log-Normal distribution') return endif ! get rg ... if( Np.eq.0 .AND. (abs(p2+1) > 1E-8) ) then ! use default value of rg rg = p2 else if(Np>0) then local_Np=Np; elseif(abs(p2+1) < 1E-8) then local_Np=p1 else call errorMessage('ERROR(optics/quickbeam_optics.f90:Calc_Re): Must specify Np or default value (p2=Rg or p1=Np) for Log-Normal distribution') endif log_sigma_g = p3 tmp1 = (Q*1E-3)/(2._wp**bpm*apm*local_Np) tmp2 = exp(0.5_wp*bpm*bpm*(log_sigma_g))*exp(0.5_wp*bpm*bpm*(log_sigma_g)) rg = ((tmp1/tmp2)**(1._wp/bpm))*1E6 endif Re = rg*exp(2.5_wp*(log_sigma_g*log_sigma_g)) end select end subroutine calc_Re ! ############################################################################################## ! ############################################################################################## subroutine dsd(Q,Re,Np,D,N,nsizes,dtype,rho_a,tk,dmin,dmax,apm,bpm,rho_c,p1,p2,p3) ! ############################################################################################## ! Purpose: ! Create a discrete drop size distribution ! Starting with Quickbeam V3, this routine now allows input of ! both effective radius (Re) and total number concentration (Nt) ! Roj Marchand July 2010 ! The version in Quickbeam v.104 was modified to allow Re but not Nt ! This is a significantly modified form for the version ! Originally Part of QuickBeam v1.03 by John Haynes ! http://reef.atmos.colostate.edu/haynes/radarsim ! Inputs: ! [Q] hydrometeor mixing ratio (g/kg) ! [Re] Optional Effective Radius (microns). 0 = use defaults (p1, p2, p3) ! [D] array of discrete drop sizes (um) where we desire to know the number concentraiton n(D). ! [nsizes] number of elements of [D] ! [dtype] distribution type ! [rho_a] ambient air density (kg m^-3) ! [tk] temperature (K) ! [dmin] minimum size cutoff (um) ! [dmax] maximum size cutoff (um) ! [rho_c] alternate constant density (kg m^-3) ! [p1],[p2],[p3] distribution parameters ! Input/Output: ! [apm] a parameter for mass (kg m^[-bpm]) ! [bmp] b params for mass ! Outputs: ! [N] discrete concentrations (cm^-3 um^-1) ! or, for monodisperse, a constant (1/cm^3) ! Requires: ! function infind ! Created: ! 11/28/05 John Haynes (haynes@atmos.colostate.edu) ! Modified: ! 01/31/06 Port from IDL to Fortran 90 ! 07/07/06 Rewritten for variable DSD's ! 10/02/06 Rewritten using scaling factors (Roger Marchand and JMH), Re added V1.04 ! July 2020 "N Scale factors" (variable fc) removed (Roj Marchand). ! 12/18/14 Define type REALs as double precision (dustin.swales@noaa.gov) ! ############################################################################################## ! Inputs integer, intent(in) :: & nsizes,& ! Number of elements of [D] dtype ! distribution type real(wp),intent(in),dimension(nsizes) :: & D ! Array of discrete drop sizes (um) where we desire to know the number concentraiton n(D). real(wp),intent(in) :: & Q, & ! Hydrometeor mixing ratio (g/kg) Np, & ! rho_a, & ! Ambient air density (kg m^-3) tk, & ! Temperature (K) dmin, & ! Minimum size cutoff (um) dmax, & ! Maximum size cutoff (um) rho_c, & ! Alternate constant density (kg m^-3) p1, & ! Distribution parameter 1 p2, & ! Distribution parameter 2 p3 ! Distribution parameter 3 real(wp),intent(inout) :: & apm, & ! a parameter for mass (kg m^[-bpm]) bpm, & ! b params for mass Re ! Optional Effective Radius (microns) ! Outputs real(wp),intent(out),dimension(nsizes) :: & N ! Discrete concentrations (cm^-3 um^-1) ! or, for monodisperse, a constant (1/cm^3) ! Internal Variables real(wp),dimension(nsizes) :: & fc real(wp) :: & N0,D0,vu,local_np,dm,ld, & ! gamma, exponential variables dmin_mm,dmax_mm,ahp,bhp, & ! power law variables rg,log_sigma_g, & ! lognormal variables rho_e, & ! particle density (kg m^-3) tmp1,tmp2,tc integer :: & k,lidx,uidx ! Convert temperature from Kelvin to Celsius tc = tk - 273.15_wp ! If density is constant, store equivalent values for apm and bpm if ((rho_c > 0) .AND. (apm < 0)) then apm = (pi/6)*rho_c bpm = 3._wp endif ! Will preferentially use Re input over Np. ! if only Np given then calculate Re ! if neigher than use other defaults (p1,p2,p3) following quickbeam documentation if(Re==0 .AND. Np>0) then call calc_Re(Q,Np,rho_a,dtype,apm,bpm,rho_c,p1,p2,p3,Re) endif select case(dtype) ! ---------------------------------------------------------! ! Modified gamma ! ! np = total number concentration ! ! D0 = characteristic diameter (um) ! ! dm = mean diameter (um) - first moment over zeroth moment! ! vu = distribution width parameter ! ! ---------------------------------------------------------! case(1) if( abs(p3+2) < 1E-8) then if( Np>1E-30) then ! Morrison scheme with Martin 1994 shape parameter (NOTE: vu = pc +1) ! fixed Roj. Dec. 2010 -- after comment by S. Mcfarlane vu = (1/(0.2714_wp + 0.00057145_wp*Np*rho_a*1E-6))**2._wp ! units of Nt = Np*rhoa = #/cm^3 else call errorMessage('FATAL ERROR(optics/quickbeam_optics.f90:dsd): Must specify a value for Np in each volume with Morrison/Martin Scheme.') return endif elseif (abs(p3+1) > 1E-8) then ! vu is fixed in hp structure vu = p3 else ! vu isn't specified call errorMessage('FATAL ERROR(optics/quickbeam_optics.f90:dsd): Must specify a value for vu for Modified Gamma distribution') return endif if(Re>0) then D0 = 2._wp*Re*gamma(vu+2)/gamma(vu+3) fc = (((D*1E-6)**(vu-1)*exp(-1*D/D0)) / & (apm*((D0*1E-6)**(vu+bpm))*gamma(vu+bpm))) * 1E-12 N = fc*rho_a*(Q*1E-3) elseif( p2+1 > 1E-8) then ! use default value for MEAN diameter dm = p2 D0 = gamma(vu)/gamma(vu+1)*dm fc = (((D*1E-6)**(vu-1)*exp(-1*D/D0)) / & (apm*((D0*1E-6)**(vu+bpm))*gamma(vu+bpm))) * 1E-12 N = fc*rho_a*(Q*1E-3) elseif(abs(p3+1) > 1E-8) then! use default number concentration local_np = p1 ! total number concentration / pa check tmp1 = (Q*1E-3)**(1./bpm) fc = (D*1E-6 / (gamma(vu)/(apm*local_np*gamma(vu+bpm)))**(1._wp/bpm))**vu N = ((rho_a*local_np*fc*(D*1E-6)**(-1._wp))/(gamma(vu)*tmp1**vu) * & exp(-1._wp*fc**(1._wp/vu)/tmp1)) * 1E-12 else call errorMessage('FATAL ERROR(optics/quickbeam_optics.f90:dsd): No default value for Dm or Np provided!') return endif ! ---------------------------------------------------------! ! Exponential ! ! N0 = intercept parameter (m^-4) ! ! ld = slope parameter (um) ! ! ---------------------------------------------------------! case(2) if(Re>0) then ld = 1.5_wp/Re ! units 1/um fc = (ld*1E6)**(1.+bpm)/(apm*gamma(1+bpm))*exp(-1._wp*(ld*1E6)*(D*1E-6))*1E-12 N = fc*rho_a*(Q*1E-3) elseif (abs(p1+1) > 1E-8) then ! Use N0 default value N0 = p1 tmp1 = 1._wp/(1._wp+bpm) fc = ((apm*gamma(1.+bpm)*N0)**tmp1)*(D*1E-6) N = (N0*exp(-1._wp*fc*(1._wp/(rho_a*Q*1E-3))**tmp1)) * 1E-12 elseif (abs(p2+1) > 1E-8) then ! Use default value for lambda ld = p2 fc = (ld*1E6)**(1._wp+bpm)/(apm*gamma(1+bpm))*exp(-1._wp*(ld*1E6)*(D*1E-6))*1E-12 N = fc*rho_a*(Q*1E-3) else ! ld "parameterized" from temperature (carry over from original Quickbeam). ld = 1220._wp*10._wp**(-0.0245_wp*tc)*1E-6 N0 = ((ld*1E6)**(1._wp+bpm)*Q*1E-3*rho_a)/(apm*gamma(1+bpm)) N = (N0*exp(-ld*D)) * 1E-12 endif ! ---------------------------------------------------------! ! Power law ! ! ahp = Ar parameter (m^-4 mm^-bhp) ! ! bhp = br parameter ! ! dmin_mm = lower bound (mm) ! ! dmax_mm = upper bound (mm) ! ! ---------------------------------------------------------! case(3) if(Re>0) then call errorMessage('FATAL ERROR(optics/quickbeam_optics.f90:dsd): Variable Re not supported for Power-Law distribution') return elseif(Np>0) then call errorMessage('FATAL ERROR(optics/quickbeam_optics.f90:dsd): Variable Np not supported for Power-Law distribution') return endif ! br parameter if (abs(p1+2) < 1E-8) then ! if p1=-2, bhp is parameterized according to Ryan (2000), ! applicatable to cirrus clouds if (tc < -30) then bhp = -1.75_wp+0.09_wp*((tc+273._wp)-243.16_wp) elseif ((tc >= -30) .AND. (tc < -9)) then bhp = -3.25_wp-0.06_wp*((tc+273._wp)-265.66_wp) else bhp = -2.15_wp endif elseif (abs(p1+3) < 1E-8) then ! if p1=-3, bhp is parameterized according to Ryan (2000), ! applicable to frontal clouds if (tc < -35) then bhp = -1.75_wp+0.09_wp*((tc+273._wp)-243.16_wp) elseif ((tc >= -35) .AND. (tc < -17.5)) then bhp = -2.65_wp+0.09_wp*((tc+273._wp)-255.66_wp) elseif ((tc >= -17.5) .AND. (tc < -9)) then bhp = -3.25_wp-0.06_wp*((tc+273._wp)-265.66_wp) else bhp = -2.15_wp endif else ! Otherwise the specified value is used bhp = p1 endif ! Ar parameter dmin_mm = dmin*1E-3 dmax_mm = dmax*1E-3 ! Commented lines are original method with constant density ! rc = 500. ! (kg/m^3) ! tmp1 = 6*rho_a*(bhp+4) ! tmp2 = pi*rc*(dmax_mm**(bhp+4))*(1-(dmin_mm/dmax_mm)**(bhp+4)) ! ahp = (Q*1E-3)*1E12*tmp1/tmp2 ! New method is more consistent with the rest of the distributions ! and allows density to vary with particle size tmp1 = rho_a*(Q*1E-3)*(bhp+bpm+1) tmp2 = apm*(dmax_mm**bhp*dmax**(bpm+1)-dmin_mm**bhp*dmin**(bpm+1)) ahp = tmp1/tmp2 * 1E24 ! ahp = tmp1/tmp2 lidx = infind(D,dmin) uidx = infind(D,dmax) DO k=lidx,uidx N(k) = (ahp*(D(k)*1E-3)**bhp) * 1E-12 enddo ! ---------------------------------------------------------! ! Monodisperse ! ! D0 = particle diameter (um) ! ! ---------------------------------------------------------! case(4) if (Re>0) then D0 = Re else D0 = p1 endif rho_e = (6._wp/pi)*apm*(D0*1E-6)**(bpm-3) fc(1) = (6._wp/(pi*D0*D0*D0*rho_e))*1E12 N(1) = fc(1)*rho_a*(Q*1E-3) ! ---------------------------------------------------------! ! Lognormal ! ! N0 = total number concentration (m^-3) ! ! np = fixed number concentration (kg^-1) ! ! rg = mean radius (um) ! ! og_sigma_g = ln(geometric standard deviation) ! ! ---------------------------------------------------------! case(5) if (abs(p1+1) < 1E-8 .or. Re>0 ) then ! rg, log_sigma_g are given log_sigma_g = p3 tmp2 = (bpm*log_sigma_g)*(bpm*log_sigma_g) if(Re.le.0) then rg = p2 else !rg = Re*exp(-2.5*(log_sigma_g*log_sigma_g)) rg =Re*exp(-2.5_wp*(log_sigma_g**2)) endif fc = 0.5_wp*((1._wp/((2._wp*rg*1E-6)**(bpm)*apm*(2._wp*pi)**(0.5_wp) * & log_sigma_g*D*0.5_wp*1E-6))*exp(-0.5_wp*((log(0.5_wp*D/rg)/log_sigma_g)**2._wp+tmp2)))*1E-12 N = fc*rho_a*(Q*1E-3) elseif (abs(p2+1) < 1E-8 .or. Np>0) then ! Np, log_sigma_g are given if(Np>0) then local_Np = Np else local_Np = p1 endif log_sigma_g = p3 N0 = local_np*rho_a tmp1 = (rho_a*(Q*1E-3))/(2._wp**bpm*apm*N0) tmp2 = exp(0.5_wp*bpm*bpm*(log_sigma_g))*exp(0.5_wp*bpm*bpm*(log_sigma_g)) rg = ((tmp1/tmp2)**(1/bpm))*1E6 N = 0.5_wp*(N0 / ((2._wp*pi)**(0.5_wp)*log_sigma_g*D*0.5_wp*1E-6) * & exp((-0.5_wp*(log(0.5_wp*D/rg)/log_sigma_g)**2._wp)))*1E-12 else call errorMessage('FATAL ERROR(optics/quickbeam_optics.f90:dsd): Must specify a value for sigma_g') return endif end select end subroutine dsd ! ############################################################################################## ! ############################################################################################## subroutine zeff(freq,D,N,nsizes,k2,tt,ice,xr,z_eff,z_ray,kr,qe,qs,rho_e) ! ############################################################################################## ! Purpose: ! Simulates radar return of a volume given DSD of spheres ! Part of QuickBeam v1.03 by John Haynes ! http://reef.atmos.colostate.edu/haynes/radarsim ! Inputs: ! [freq] radar frequency (GHz) ! [D] discrete drop sizes (um) ! [N] discrete concentrations (cm^-3 um^-1) ! [nsizes] number of discrete drop sizes ! [k2] |K|^2, -1=use frequency dependent default ! [tt] hydrometeor temperature (K) ! [ice] indicates volume consists of ice ! [xr] perform Rayleigh calculations? ! [qe] if using a mie table, these contain ext/sca ... ! [qs] ... efficiencies; otherwise set to -1 ! [rho_e] medium effective density (kg m^-3) (-1 = pure) ! Outputs: ! [z_eff] unattenuated effective reflectivity factor (mm^6/m^3) ! [z_ray] reflectivity factor, Rayleigh only (mm^6/m^3) ! [kr] attenuation coefficient (db km^-1) ! Created: ! 11/28/05 John Haynes (haynes@atmos.colostate.edu) ! Modified: ! 12/18/14 Dustin Swales: Define type REALs as double precision (dustin.swales@noaa.gov) ! ############################################################################################## ! Inputs integer, intent(in) :: & ice, & ! Indicates volume consists of ice xr, & ! Perform Rayleigh calculations? nsizes ! Number of discrete drop sizes real(wp), intent(in),dimension(nsizes) :: & D, & ! Discrete drop sizes (um) N, & ! Discrete concentrations (cm^-3 um^-1) rho_e, & ! Medium effective density (kg m^-3) (-1 = pure) qe, & ! Extinction efficiency, when using Mie tables qs ! Scatering efficiency, when using Mie tables real(wp),intent(in) :: & freq, & ! Radar frequency (GHz) tt ! Hydrometeor temperature (K) real(wp), intent(inout) :: & k2 ! |K|^2, -1=use frequency dependent default ! Outputs real(wp), intent(out) :: & z_eff, & ! Unattenuated effective reflectivity factor (mm^6/m^3) z_ray, & ! Reflectivity factor, Rayleigh only (mm^6/m^3) kr ! Attenuation coefficient (db km^-1) ! Internal Variables integer :: correct_for_rho ! Correct for density flag real(wp), dimension(nsizes) :: & D0, & ! D in (m) N0, & ! N in m^-3 m^-1 sizep, & ! Size parameter qext, & ! Extinction efficiency qbsca, & ! Backscatter efficiency f, & ! Ice fraction xtemp ! real(wp) :: & wl, cr,eta_sum,eta_mie,const,z0_eff,z0_ray,k_sum,n_r,n_i,dqv(1),dqsc,dg,dph(1) complex(wp) :: & m, & ! Complex index of refraction of bulk form Xs1(1), Xs2(1) ! integer :: & i, err ! integer, parameter :: & one=1 ! real(wp),parameter :: & conv_d = 1e-6, & ! Conversion factor for drop sizes (to m) conv_n = 1e12, & ! Conversion factor for drop concentrations (to m^-3) conv_f = 0.299792458 ! Conversion for radar frequency (to m) complex(wp),dimension(nsizes) ::& m0 ! Complex index of refraction ! Initialize z0_ray = 0._wp ! Conversions D0 = d*conv_d N0 = n*conv_n wl = conv_f/freq ! // dielectric constant |k^2| defaults if (k2 < 0) then k2 = 0.933_wp if (abs(94.-freq) < 3.) k2=0.75_wp if (abs(35.-freq) < 3.) k2=0.88_wp if (abs(13.8-freq) < 3.) k2=0.925_wp endif if (qe(1) < -9) then ! Get the refractive index of the bulk hydrometeors if (ice == 0) then call m_wat(freq,tt,n_r,n_i) else call m_ice(freq,tt,n_r,n_i) endif m = cmplx(n_r,-n_i) m0(1:nsizes) = m correct_for_rho = 0 if ((ice == 1) .AND. (minval(rho_e) >= 0)) correct_for_rho = 1 ! Correct refractive index for ice density if needed if (correct_for_rho == 1) then f = rho_e/rhoice m0 = sqrt((2+(m0*m0)+2*f*((m0*m0)-1))/(2+(m0*m0)+f*(1-(m0*m0)))) endif ! Mie calculations sizep = (pi*D0)/wl dqv(1) = 0._wp DO i=1,nsizes call mieint(sizep(i), m0(i), one, dqv, qext(i), dqsc, qbsca(i), & dg, xs1, xs2, dph, err) end do else ! Mie table used qext = qe qbsca = qs endif ! eta_mie = 0.25*sum[qbsca*pi*D^2*N(D)*deltaD] ! <--------- eta_sum ---------> ! z0_eff = (wl^4/!pi^5)*(1./k2)*eta_mie eta_sum = 0._wp if (size(D0) == 1) then eta_sum = qbsca(1)*(n(1)*1E6)*D0(1)*D0(1) else xtemp = qbsca*N0*D0*D0 call avint(xtemp,D0,nsizes,D0(1),D0(size(D0,1)),eta_sum) endif eta_mie = eta_sum*0.25_wp*pi const = ((wl*wl*wl*wl)/(pi*pi*pi*pi*pi))*(1._wp/k2) z0_eff = const*eta_mie ! kr = 0.25*cr*sum[qext*pi*D^2*N(D)*deltaD] ! <---------- k_sum ---------> k_sum = 0._wp if (size(D0) == 1) then k_sum = qext(1)*(n(1)*1E6)*D0(1)*D0(1) else xtemp = qext*N0*D0*D0 call avint(xtemp,D0,nsizes,D0(1),D0(size(D0,1)),k_sum) endif ! DS2014 START: Making this calculation in double precision results in a small ! amount of very small errors in the COSP output field,dBZE94, ! so it will be left as is. !cr = 10._wp/log(10._wp) cr = 10./log(10.) ! DS2014 STOP kr = k_sum*0.25_wp*pi*(1000._wp*cr) ! z_ray = sum[D^6*N(D)*deltaD] if (xr == 1) then z0_ray = 0._wp if (size(D0) == 1) then z0_ray = (n(1)*1E6)*D0(1)*D0(1)*D0(1)*D0(1)*D0(1)*D0(1) else xtemp = N0*D0*D0*D0*D0*D0*D0 call avint(xtemp,D0,nsizes,D0(1),D0(size(D0)),z0_ray) endif endif ! Convert to mm^6/m^3 z_eff = z0_eff*1E18 ! 10.*alog10(z0_eff*1E18) z_ray = z0_ray*1E18 ! 10.*alog10(z0_ray*1E18) end subroutine zeff ! ############################################################################################## ! ############################################################################################## function gases(PRES_mb,T,SH,f) ! ############################################################################################## ! Purpose: ! Compute 2-way gaseous attenuation through a volume in microwave ! Inputs: ! [PRES_mb] pressure (mb) (hPa) ! [T] temperature (K) ! [RH] relative humidity (%) ! [f] frequency (GHz), < 300 GHz ! Returns: ! 2-way gaseous attenuation (dB/km) ! Reference: ! Uses method of Liebe (1985) ! Created: ! 12/09/05 John Haynes (haynes@atmos.colostate.edu) ! Modified: ! 01/31/06 Port from IDL to Fortran 90 ! 12/19/14 Dustin Swales: Define type REALs as double precision (dustin.swales@noaa.gov) ! ############################################################################################## ! INPUTS real(wp), intent(in) :: & ! PRES_mb, & ! Pressure (mb) (hPa) T, & ! Temperature (K) SH, & ! Specific humidity f ! Frequency (GHz), < 300 GHz ! PARAMETERS integer, parameter :: & ! nbands_o2 = 48, & ! Number of O2 bands nbands_h2o = 30 ! Number of h2o bands ! LOCAL VARIABLES real(wp) :: & gases, th, e, p, sumo, gm0, a0, ap, term1, & term2, term3, bf, be, term4, npp,e_th,one_th, & pth3,eth35,aux1,aux2,aux3, aux4,gm,delt,x,y, & gm2,fpp_o2,fpp_h2o,s_o2,s_h2o integer :: i ! Table1 parameters v0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6 real(wp),dimension(nbands_o2),parameter :: & v0 = (/49.4523790,49.9622570,50.4742380,50.9877480,51.5033500, & 52.0214090,52.5423930,53.0669060,53.5957480,54.1299999,54.6711570, & 55.2213650,55.7838000,56.2647770,56.3378700,56.9681000,57.6124810, & 58.3238740,58.4465890,59.1642040,59.5909820,60.3060570,60.4347750, & 61.1505580,61.8001520,62.4112120,62.4862530,62.9979740,63.5685150, & 64.1277640,64.6789000,65.2240670,65.7647690,66.3020880,66.8368270, & 67.3695950,67.9008620,68.4310010,68.9603060,69.4890210,70.0173420, & 118.7503410,368.4983500,424.7631200,487.2493700,715.3931500, & 773.8387300, 834.1453300/), & a1 = (/0.0000001,0.0000003,0.0000009,0.0000025,0.0000061,0.0000141, & 0.0000310,0.0000641,0.0001247,0.0002280,0.0003918,0.0006316,0.0009535, & 0.0005489,0.0013440,0.0017630,0.0000213,0.0000239,0.0000146,0.0000240, & 0.0000211,0.0000212,0.0000246,0.0000250,0.0000230,0.0000193,0.0000152, & 0.0000150,0.0000109,0.0007335,0.0004635,0.0002748,0.0001530,0.0000801, & 0.0000395,0.0000183,0.0000080,0.0000033,0.0000013,0.0000005,0.0000002, & 0.0000094,0.0000679,0.0006380,0.0002350,0.0000996,0.0006710,0.0001800/),& a2 = (/11.8300000,10.7200000,9.6900000,8.8900000,7.7400000,6.8400000, & 6.0000000,5.2200000,4.4800000,3.8100000,3.1900000,2.6200000,2.1150000, & 0.0100000,1.6550000,1.2550000,0.9100000,0.6210000,0.0790000,0.3860000, & 0.2070000,0.2070000,0.3860000,0.6210000,0.9100000,1.2550000,0.0780000, & 1.6600000,2.1100000,2.6200000,3.1900000,3.8100000,4.4800000,5.2200000, & 6.0000000,6.8400000,7.7400000,8.6900000,9.6900000,10.7200000,11.8300000,& 0.0000000,0.0200000,0.0110000,0.0110000,0.0890000,0.0790000,0.0790000/),& a3 = (/0.0083000,0.0085000,0.0086000,0.0087000,0.0089000,0.0092000, & 0.0094000,0.0097000,0.0100000,0.0102000,0.0105000,0.0107900,0.0111000, & 0.0164600,0.0114400,0.0118100,0.0122100,0.0126600,0.0144900,0.0131900, & 0.0136000,0.0138200,0.0129700,0.0124800,0.0120700,0.0117100,0.0146800, & 0.0113900,0.0110800,0.0107800,0.0105000,0.0102000,0.0100000,0.0097000, & 0.0094000,0.0092000,0.0089000,0.0087000,0.0086000,0.0085000,0.0084000, & 0.0159200,0.0192000,0.0191600,0.0192000,0.0181000,0.0181000,0.0181000/),& a4 = (/0.0000000,0.0000000,0.0000000,0.0000000,0.0000000,0.0000000, & 0.0000000,0.0000000,0.0000000,0.0000000,0.0000000,0.0000000,0.0000000, & 0.0000000,0.0000000,0.0000000,0.0000000,0.0000000,0.0000000,0.0000000, & 0.0000000,0.0000000,0.0000000,0.0000000,0.0000000,0.0000000,0.0000000, & 0.0000000,0.0000000,0.0000000,0.0000000,0.0000000,0.0000000,0.0000000, & 0.0000000,0.0000000,0.0000000,0.0000000,0.0000000,0.0000000,0.0000000, & 0.0000000,0.6000000,0.6000000,0.6000000,0.6000000,0.6000000,0.6000000/),& a5 = (/0.0056000,0.0056000,0.0056000,0.0055000,0.0056000,0.0055000, & 0.0057000,0.0053000,0.0054000,0.0048000,0.0048000,0.0041700,0.0037500, & 0.0077400,0.0029700,0.0021200,0.0009400,-0.0005500,0.0059700,-0.0024400,& 0.0034400,-0.0041300,0.0013200,-0.0003600,-0.0015900,-0.0026600, & -0.0047700,-0.0033400,-0.0041700,-0.0044800,-0.0051000,-0.0051000, & -0.0057000,-0.0055000,-0.0059000,-0.0056000,-0.0058000,-0.0057000, & -0.0056000,-0.0056000,-0.0056000,-0.0004400,0.0000000,0.0000000, & 0.0000000,0.0000000,0.0000000,0.0000000/), & a6 = (/1.7000000,1.7000000,1.7000000,1.7000000,1.8000000,1.8000000, & 1.8000000,1.9000000,1.8000000,2.0000000,1.9000000,2.1000000,2.1000000, & 0.9000000,2.3000000,2.5000000,3.7000000,-3.1000000,0.8000000,0.1000000, & 0.5000000,0.7000000,-1.0000000,5.8000000,2.9000000,2.3000000,0.9000000, & 2.2000000,2.0000000,2.0000000,1.8000000,1.9000000,1.8000000,1.8000000, & 1.7000000,1.8000000,1.7000000,1.7000000,1.7000000,1.7000000,1.7000000, & 0.9000000,1.0000000,1.0000000,1.0000000,1.0000000,1.0000000,1.0000000/) ! Table2 parameters v1, b1, b2, b3 real(wp),dimension(nbands_h2o),parameter :: & v1 = (/22.2350800,67.8139600,119.9959400,183.3101170,321.2256440, & 325.1529190,336.1870000,380.1973720,390.1345080,437.3466670,439.1508120, & 443.0182950,448.0010750,470.8889740,474.6891270,488.4911330,503.5685320, & 504.4826920,556.9360020,620.7008070,658.0065000,752.0332270,841.0735950, & 859.8650000,899.4070000,902.5550000,906.2055240,916.1715820,970.3150220, & 987.9267640/), & b1 = (/0.1090000,0.0011000,0.0007000,2.3000000,0.0464000,1.5400000, & 0.0010000,11.9000000,0.0044000,0.0637000,0.9210000,0.1940000,10.6000000, & 0.3300000,1.2800000,0.2530000,0.0374000,0.0125000,510.0000000,5.0900000, & 0.2740000,250.0000000,0.0130000,0.1330000,0.0550000,0.0380000,0.1830000, & 8.5600000,9.1600000,138.0000000/), & b2 = (/2.1430000,8.7300000,8.3470000,0.6530000,6.1560000,1.5150000, & 9.8020000,1.0180000,7.3180000,5.0150000,3.5610000,5.0150000,1.3700000, & 3.5610000,2.3420000,2.8140000,6.6930000,6.6930000,0.1140000,2.1500000, & 7.7670000,0.3360000,8.1130000,7.9890000,7.8450000,8.3600000,5.0390000, & 1.3690000,1.8420000,0.1780000/), & b3 = (/0.0278400,0.0276000,0.0270000,0.0283500,0.0214000,0.0270000, & 0.0265000,0.0276000,0.0190000,0.0137000,0.0164000,0.0144000,0.0238000, & 0.0182000,0.0198000,0.0249000,0.0115000,0.0119000,0.0300000,0.0223000, & 0.0300000,0.0286000,0.0141000,0.0286000,0.0286000,0.0264000,0.0234000, & 0.0253000,0.0240000,0.0286000/) ! Conversions th = 300._wp/T ! unitless ! DS2014 START: Using _wp for the exponential in the denominator results in slight errors ! for dBze94. 0.01 % of values differ, relative range: 1.03e-05 to 1.78e-04 !e = (RH*th*th*th*th*th)/(41.45_wp*10**(9.834_wp*th-10)) ! kPa !e = (RH*th*th*th*th*th)/(41.45_wp*10**(9.834_wp*th-10)) ! kPa e = SH*PRES_mb/(SH+0.622_wp)/1000._wp !kPa ! DS2014 END p = PRES_mb/1000._wp-e ! kPa e_th = e*th one_th = 1 - th pth3 = p*th*th*th eth35 = e*th**(3.5) ! Term1 sumo = 0._wp aux1 = 1.1_wp*e_th DO i=1,nbands_o2 aux2 = f/v0(i) aux3 = v0(i)-f aux4 = v0(i)+f gm = a3(i)*(p*th**(0.8_wp-a4(i))+aux1) gm2 = gm*gm delt = a5(i)*p*th**a6(i) x = aux3*aux3+gm2 y = aux4*aux4+gm2 fpp_o2 = (((1._wp/x)+(1._wp/y))*(gm*aux2) - (delt*aux2)*((aux3/(x))-(aux4/(x)))) s_o2 = a1(i)*pth3*exp(a2(i)*one_th) sumo = sumo + fpp_o2 * s_o2 enddo term1 = sumo ! Term2 gm0 = 5.6E-3_wp*(p+1.1_wp*e)*th**(0.8_wp) a0 = 3.07E-4_wp ap = 1.4_wp*(1-1.2_wp*f**(1.5_wp)*1E-5)*1E-10 term2 = (2*a0*(gm0*(1+(f/gm0)*(f/gm0))*(1+(f/60._wp)**2))**(-1) + ap*p*th**(2.5_wp))*f*p*th*th ! Term3 sumo = 0._wp aux1 = 4.8_wp*e_th DO i=1,nbands_h2o aux2 = f/v1(i) aux3 = v1(i)-f aux4 = v1(i)+f gm = b3(i)*(p*th**(0.8)+aux1) gm2 = gm*gm x = aux3*aux3+gm2 y = aux4*aux4+gm2 fpp_h2o = ((1._wp/x)+(1._wp/y))*(gm*aux2) ! - (delt*aux2)*((aux3/(x))-(aux4/(x))) s_h2o = b1(i)*eth35*exp(b2(i)*one_th) sumo = sumo + fpp_h2o * s_h2o enddo term3 = sumo ! Term4 bf = 1.4E-6_wp be = 5.41E-5_wp term4 = (bf*p+be*e*th*th*th)*f*e*th**(2.5_wp) ! Summation and result npp = term1 + term2 + term3 + term4 gases = 0.182_wp*f*npp end function gases subroutine hydro_class_init(lsingle,ldouble,sd) ! ############################################################################################## ! Purpose: ! Initialize variables used by the radar simulator. ! Part of QuickBeam v3.0 by John Haynes and Roj Marchand ! Inputs: ! NAME SIZE DESCRIPTION ! [lsingle] (1) Logical flag to use single moment ! [ldouble] (1) Logical flag to use two moment ! Outputs: ! [sd] Structure that define hydrometeor types ! Local variables: ! [n_hydro] (1) Number of hydrometeor types ! [hclass_type] (nhclass) Type of distribution (see quickbeam documentation) ! [hclass_phase] (nhclass) 1==ice, 0=liquid ! [hclass_dmin] (nhclass) Minimum diameter allowed is drop size distribution N(DDmax)=0 ! [hclass_apm] (nhclass) Density of partical apm*D^bpm or constant = rho ! [hclass_bpm] (nhclass) Density of partical apm*D^bpm or constant = rho ! [hclass_rho] (nhclass) Density of partical apm*D^bpm or constant = rho ! [hclass_p1] (nhclass) Default values of DSD parameters (see quickbeam documentation) ! [hclass_p2] (nhclass) Default values of DSD parameters (see quickbeam documentation) ! [hclass_p3] (nhclass) Default values of DSD parameters (see quickbeam documentation) ! Modified: ! 08/23/2006 placed into subroutine form (Roger Marchand) ! June 2010 New interface to support "radar_simulator_params" structure ! 12/22/2014 Moved radar simulator (CLOUDSAT) configuration initialization to cloudsat_init ! ############################################################################################## ! #################################################################################### ! NOTES on HCLASS variables ! TYPE - Set to ! 1 for modified gamma distribution, ! 2 for exponential distribution, ! 3 for power law distribution, ! 4 for monodisperse distribution, ! 5 for lognormal distribution. ! PHASE - Set to 0 for liquid, 1 for ice. ! DMIN - The minimum drop size for this class (micron), ignored for monodisperse. ! DMAX - The maximum drop size for this class (micron), ignored for monodisperse. ! Important note: The settings for DMIN and DMAX are ! ignored in the current version for all distributions except for power ! law. Except when the power law distribution is used, particle size ! is fixed to vary from zero to infinity, a restriction that is expected ! to be lifted in future versions. A placeholder must still be specified ! for each. ! Density of particles is given by apm*D^bpm or a fixed value rho. ONLY specify ONE of these two!! ! APM - The alpha_m coefficient in equation (1) (kg m**-beta_m ) ! BPM - The beta_m coefficient in equation (1), see section 4.1. ! RHO - Hydrometeor density (kg m-3 ). ! P1, P2, P3 - are default distribution parameters that depend on the type ! of distribution (see quickmbeam documentation for more information) ! Modified Gamma (must set P3 and one of P1 or P2) ! P1 - Set to the total particle number concentration Nt /rho_a (kg-1 ), where ! rho_a is the density of air in the radar volume. ! P2 - Set to the particle mean diameter D (micron). ! P3 - Set to the distribution width nu. ! Exponetial (set one of) ! P1 - Set to a constant intercept parameter N0 (m-4). ! P2 - Set to a constant lambda (micron-1). ! Power Law ! P1 - Set this to the value of a constant power law parameter br ! Monodisperse ! P1 - Set to a constant diameter D0 (micron) = Re. ! Log-normal (must set P3 and one of P1 or P2) ! P1 - Set to the total particle number concentration Nt /rho_a (kg-1 ) ! P2 - Set to the geometric mean particle radius rg (micron). ! P3 - Set to the natural logarithm of the geometric standard deviation. ! #################################################################################### ! INPUTS logical,intent(in) :: & lsingle, & ! True -> use single moment ldouble ! True -> use two moment ! OUTPUTS type(size_distribution),intent(out) ::& sd ! ! SINGLE MOMENT PARAMETERS integer,parameter,dimension(N_HYDRO) :: & ! LSL LSI LSR LSS CVL CVI CVR CVS LSG HCLASS1_TYPE = (/5, 1, 2, 2, 5, 1, 2, 2, 2/), & ! HCLASS1_PHASE = (/0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1/) ! real(wp),parameter,dimension(N_HYDRO) ::& ! LSL LSI LSR LSS CVL CVI CVR CVS LSG HCLASS1_DMIN = (/ -1., -1., -1., -1., -1., -1., -1., -1., -1. /), & HCLASS1_DMAX = (/ -1., -1., -1., -1., -1., -1., -1., -1., -1. /), & HCLASS1_APM = (/524., 110.8, 524., -1., 524., 110.8, 524., -1., -1. /), & HCLASS1_BPM = (/ 3., 2.91, 3., -1., 3., 2.91, 3., -1., -1. /), & HCLASS1_RHO = (/ -1., -1., -1., 100., -1., -1., -1., 100., 400. /), & HCLASS1_P1 = (/ -1., -1., 8.e6, 3.e6, -1., -1., 8.e6, 3.e6, 4.e6/), & HCLASS1_P2 = (/ 6., 40., -1., -1., 6., 40., -1., -1., -1. /), & HCLASS1_P3 = (/ 0.3, 2., -1., -1., 0.3, 2., -1., -1., -1. /) ! TWO MOMENT PARAMETERS integer,parameter,dimension(N_HYDRO) :: & ! LSL LSI LSR LSS CVL CVI CVR CVS LSG HCLASS2_TYPE = (/ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1/), & HCLASS2_PHASE = (/ 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1/) real(wp),parameter,dimension(N_HYDRO) :: & ! LSL LSI LSR LSS CVL CVI CVR CVS LSG HCLASS2_DMIN = (/ -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1/), & HCLASS2_DMAX = (/ -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1/), & HCLASS2_APM = (/524, -1, 524, -1, 524, -1, 524, -1, -1/), & HCLASS2_BPM = (/ 3, -1, 3, -1, 3, -1, 3, -1, -1/), & HCLASS2_RHO = (/ -1, 500, -1, 100, -1, 500, -1, 100, 900/), & HCLASS2_P1 = (/ -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1/), & HCLASS2_P2 = (/ -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1/), & HCLASS2_P3 = (/ -2, 1, 1, 1, -2, 1, 1, 1, 1/) if (lsingle) then sd%dtype(1:N_HYDRO) = HCLASS1_TYPE(1:N_HYDRO) sd%phase(1:N_HYDRO) = HCLASS1_PHASE(1:N_HYDRO) sd%dmin(1:N_HYDRO) = HCLASS1_DMIN(1:N_HYDRO) sd%dmax(1:N_HYDRO) = HCLASS1_DMAX(1:N_HYDRO) sd%apm(1:N_HYDRO) = HCLASS1_APM(1:N_HYDRO) sd%bpm(1:N_HYDRO) = HCLASS1_BPM(1:N_HYDRO) sd%rho(1:N_HYDRO) = HCLASS1_RHO(1:N_HYDRO) sd%p1(1:N_HYDRO) = HCLASS1_P1(1:N_HYDRO) sd%p2(1:N_HYDRO) = HCLASS1_P2(1:N_HYDRO) sd%p3(1:N_HYDRO) = HCLASS1_P3(1:N_HYDRO) endif if (ldouble) then sd%dtype(1:N_HYDRO) = HCLASS2_TYPE(1:N_HYDRO) sd%phase(1:N_HYDRO) = HCLASS2_PHASE(1:N_HYDRO) sd%dmin(1:N_HYDRO) = HCLASS2_DMIN(1:N_HYDRO) sd%dmax(1:N_HYDRO) = HCLASS2_DMAX(1:N_HYDRO) sd%apm(1:N_HYDRO) = HCLASS2_APM(1:N_HYDRO) sd%bpm(1:N_HYDRO) = HCLASS2_BPM(1:N_HYDRO) sd%rho(1:N_HYDRO) = HCLASS2_RHO(1:N_HYDRO) sd%p1(1:N_HYDRO) = HCLASS2_P1(1:N_HYDRO) sd%p2(1:N_HYDRO) = HCLASS2_P2(1:N_HYDRO) sd%p3(1:N_HYDRO) = HCLASS2_P3(1:N_HYDRO) endif end subroutine hydro_class_init end module mod_quickbeam_optics