! %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ! Copyright (c) 2015, Regents of the University of Colorado ! All rights reserved. ! Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are ! permitted provided that the following conditions are met: ! 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of ! conditions and the following disclaimer. ! 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list ! of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other ! materials provided with the distribution. ! 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors may be ! used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior ! written permission. ! THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY ! EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF ! MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL ! THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, ! SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT ! OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS ! INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT ! LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE ! OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. ! History: ! July 2006: John Haynes - Initial version ! May 2015: Dustin Swales - Modified for COSPv2.0 ! %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% module optics_lib USE COSP_KINDS, ONLY: wp use mod_cosp_error, ONLY: errorMessage implicit none contains ! ############################################################################## ! subroutine M_WAT ! ############################################################################## subroutine m_wat(freq, tk, n_r, n_i) ! ############################################################################ ! Purpose: ! compute complex index of refraction of liquid water ! Inputs: ! [freq] frequency (GHz) ! [tk] temperature (K) ! Outputs: ! [n_r] real part index of refraction ! [n_i] imaginary part index of refraction ! Reference: ! Based on the work of Ray (1972) ! Coded: ! 03/22/05 John Haynes (haynes@atmos.colostate.edu) ! ############################################################################ ! INPUTS real(wp), intent(in) :: & freq, & ! Frequency (GHz) tk ! Temperature (K) ! OUTPUTS real(wp), intent(out) :: & n_r, & ! Real part of index of refraction n_i ! Imaginary part of index of refraction ! Internal variables real(wp) :: ld,es,ei,a,ls,sg,tm1,cos1,sin1,e_r,e_i,pi,tc complex(wp) :: e_comp, sq tc = tk - 273.15_wp ld = 100._wp*2.99792458E8_wp/(freq*1E9_wp) es = 78.54_wp*(1-(4.579E-3_wp*(tc-25._wp)+1.19E-5_wp*(tc-25._wp)**2 & -2.8E-8_wp*(tc-25._wp)**3)) ei = 5.27137_wp+0.021647_wp*tc-0.00131198_wp*tc**2 a = -(16.8129_wp/(tc+273._wp))+0.0609265_wp ls = 0.00033836_wp*exp(2513.98_wp/(tc+273._wp)) sg = 12.5664E8_wp tm1 = (ls/ld)**(1-a) pi = acos(-1._wp) cos1 = cos(0.5_wp*a*pi) sin1 = sin(0.5_wp*a*pi) e_r = ei + (((es-ei)*(1.+tm1*sin1))/(1._wp+2*tm1*sin1+tm1**2)) e_i = (((es-ei)*tm1*cos1)/(1._wp+2*tm1*sin1+tm1**2)) & +((sg*ld)/1.885E11_wp) !ds e_comp = cmplx(e_r,e_i,Kind=Kind(0d0)) e_comp = cmplx(e_r,e_i,Kind=wp) sq = sqrt(e_comp) n_r = real(sq) n_i = aimag(sq) return end subroutine m_wat ! ############################################################################ ! subroutine M_ICE ! ############################################################################ subroutine m_ice(freq,t,n_r,n_i) ! ########################################################################## ! Purpose: ! compute complex index of refraction of ice ! Inputs: ! [freq] frequency (GHz) ! [t] temperature (K) ! Outputs: ! [n_r] real part index of refraction ! [n_i] imaginary part index of refraction ! Reference: ! Fortran 90 port from IDL of REFICE by Stephen G. Warren ! Modified: ! 05/31/05 John Haynes (haynes@atmos.colostate.edu) ! ########################################################################## ! INPUTS real(wp), intent(in) :: & freq, & ! Frequency (GHz) t ! Temperature (K) ! OUTPUTS real(wp), intent(out) :: & n_r, & ! Real part of index of refraction n_i ! Imaginary part of index of refraction ! Internal variables integer :: i,lt1,lt2 real(wp) :: alam,pi,t1,t2, & x,x1,x2,y,y1,y2,ylo,yhi,tk ! Parameters: integer,parameter :: & nwl = 468, & ! nwlt = 62 ! real(wp),parameter,dimension(4) :: & temref = [272.16,268.16,253.16,213.16] real(wp),parameter :: & ! wlmin = 0.045, & ! wlmax = 8.6e6, & ! cutice = 167.0 real(wp),parameter,dimension(nwlt) :: & wlt = & [0.1670e+03, 0.1778e+03, 0.1884e+03, 0.1995e+03, 0.2113e+03, 0.2239e+03, & 0.2371e+03, 0.2512e+03, 0.2661e+03, 0.2818e+03, 0.2985e+03, 0.3162e+03, & 0.3548e+03, 0.3981e+03, 0.4467e+03, 0.5012e+03, 0.5623e+03, 0.6310e+03, & 0.7943e+03, 0.1000e+04, 0.1259e+04, 0.2500e+04, 0.5000e+04, 0.1000e+05, & 0.2000e+05, 0.3200e+05, 0.3500e+05, 0.4000e+05, 0.4500e+05, 0.5000e+05, & 0.6000e+05, 0.7000e+05, 0.9000e+05, 0.1110e+06, 0.1200e+06, 0.1300e+06, & 0.1400e+06, 0.1500e+06, 0.1600e+06, 0.1700e+06, 0.1800e+06, 0.2000e+06, & 0.2500e+06, 0.2900e+06, 0.3200e+06, 0.3500e+06, 0.3800e+06, 0.4000e+06, & 0.4500e+06, 0.5000e+06, 0.6000e+06, 0.6400e+06, 0.6800e+06, 0.7200e+06, & 0.7600e+06, 0.8000e+06, 0.8400e+06, 0.9000e+06, 0.1000e+07, 0.2000e+07, & 0.5000e+07,0.8600e+07] real(wp),parameter,dimension(nwl) :: & tabim = & [0.1640e+00, 0.1730e+00, 0.1830e+00, 0.1950e+00, 0.2080e+00, 0.2230e+00, & 0.2400e+00, 0.2500e+00, 0.2590e+00, 0.2680e+00, 0.2790e+00, 0.2970e+00, & 0.3190e+00, 0.3400e+00, 0.3660e+00, 0.3920e+00, 0.4160e+00, 0.4400e+00, & 0.4640e+00, 0.4920e+00, 0.5170e+00, 0.5280e+00, 0.5330e+00, 0.5340e+00, & 0.5310e+00, 0.5240e+00, 0.5100e+00, 0.5000e+00, 0.4990e+00, 0.4680e+00, & 0.3800e+00, 0.3600e+00, 0.3390e+00, 0.3180e+00, 0.2910e+00, 0.2510e+00, & 0.2440e+00, 0.2390e+00, 0.2390e+00, 0.2440e+00, 0.2470e+00, 0.2240e+00, & 0.1950e+00, 0.1740e+00, 0.1720e+00, 0.1800e+00, 0.1940e+00, 0.2130e+00, & 0.2430e+00, 0.2710e+00, 0.2890e+00, 0.3340e+00, 0.3440e+00, 0.3820e+00, & 0.4010e+00, 0.4065e+00, 0.4050e+00, 0.3890e+00, 0.3770e+00, 0.3450e+00, & 0.3320e+00, 0.3150e+00, 0.2980e+00, 0.2740e+00, 0.2280e+00, 0.1980e+00, & 0.1720e+00, 0.1560e+00, 0.1100e+00, 0.8300e-01, 0.5800e-01, 0.2200e-01, & 0.1000e-01, 0.3000e-02, 0.1000e-02, 0.3000e-03, 0.1000e-03, 0.3000e-04, & 0.1000e-04, 0.3000e-05, 0.1000e-05, 0.7000e-06, 0.4000e-06, 0.2000e-06, & 0.1000e-06, 0.6377e-07, 0.3750e-07, 0.2800e-07, 0.2400e-07, 0.2200e-07, & 0.1900e-07, 0.1750e-07, 0.1640e-07, 0.1590e-07, 0.1325e-07, 0.8623e-08, & 0.5504e-08, 0.3765e-08, 0.2710e-08, 0.2510e-08, 0.2260e-08, 0.2080e-08, & 0.1910e-08, 0.1540e-08, 0.1530e-08, 0.1550e-08, 0.1640e-08, 0.1780e-08, & 0.1910e-08, 0.2140e-08, 0.2260e-08, 0.2540e-08, 0.2930e-08, 0.3110e-08, & 0.3290e-08, 0.3520e-08, 0.4040e-08, 0.4880e-08, 0.5730e-08, 0.6890e-08, & 0.8580e-08, 0.1040e-07, 0.1220e-07, 0.1430e-07, 0.1660e-07, 0.1890e-07, & 0.2090e-07, 0.2400e-07, 0.2900e-07, 0.3440e-07, 0.4030e-07, 0.4300e-07, & 0.4920e-07, 0.5870e-07, 0.7080e-07, 0.8580e-07, 0.1020e-06, 0.1180e-06, & 0.1340e-06, 0.1400e-06, 0.1430e-06, 0.1450e-06, 0.1510e-06, 0.1830e-06, & 0.2150e-06, 0.2650e-06, 0.3350e-06, 0.3920e-06, 0.4200e-06, 0.4440e-06, & 0.4740e-06, 0.5110e-06, 0.5530e-06, 0.6020e-06, 0.7550e-06, 0.9260e-06, & 0.1120e-05, 0.1330e-05, 0.1620e-05, 0.2000e-05, 0.2250e-05, 0.2330e-05, & 0.2330e-05, 0.2170e-05, 0.1960e-05, 0.1810e-05, 0.1740e-05, 0.1730e-05, & 0.1700e-05, 0.1760e-05, 0.1820e-05, 0.2040e-05, 0.2250e-05, 0.2290e-05, & 0.3040e-05, 0.3840e-05, 0.4770e-05, 0.5760e-05, 0.6710e-05, 0.8660e-05, & 0.1020e-04, 0.1130e-04, 0.1220e-04, 0.1290e-04, 0.1320e-04, 0.1350e-04, & 0.1330e-04, 0.1320e-04, 0.1320e-04, 0.1310e-04, 0.1320e-04, 0.1320e-04, & 0.1340e-04, 0.1390e-04, 0.1420e-04, 0.1480e-04, 0.1580e-04, 0.1740e-04, & 0.1980e-04, 0.2500e-04, 0.5400e-04, 0.1040e-03, 0.2030e-03, 0.2708e-03, & 0.3511e-03, 0.4299e-03, 0.5181e-03, 0.5855e-03, 0.5899e-03, 0.5635e-03, & 0.5480e-03, 0.5266e-03, 0.4394e-03, 0.3701e-03, 0.3372e-03, 0.2410e-03, & 0.1890e-03, 0.1660e-03, 0.1450e-03, 0.1280e-03, 0.1030e-03, 0.8600e-04, & 0.8220e-04, 0.8030e-04, 0.8500e-04, 0.9900e-04, 0.1500e-03, 0.2950e-03, & 0.4687e-03, 0.7615e-03, 0.1010e-02, 0.1313e-02, 0.1539e-02, 0.1588e-02, & 0.1540e-02, 0.1412e-02, 0.1244e-02, 0.1068e-02, 0.8414e-03, 0.5650e-03, & 0.4320e-03, 0.3500e-03, 0.2870e-03, 0.2210e-03, 0.2030e-03, 0.2010e-03, & 0.2030e-03, 0.2140e-03, 0.2320e-03, 0.2890e-03, 0.3810e-03, 0.4620e-03, & 0.5480e-03, 0.6180e-03, 0.6800e-03, 0.7300e-03, 0.7820e-03, 0.8480e-03, & 0.9250e-03, 0.9200e-03, 0.8920e-03, 0.8700e-03, 0.8900e-03, 0.9300e-03, & 0.1010e-02, 0.1350e-02, 0.3420e-02, 0.7920e-02, 0.2000e-01, 0.3800e-01, & 0.5200e-01, 0.6800e-01, 0.9230e-01, 0.1270e+00, 0.1690e+00, 0.2210e+00, & 0.2760e+00, 0.3120e+00, 0.3470e+00, 0.3880e+00, 0.4380e+00, 0.4930e+00, & 0.5540e+00, 0.6120e+00, 0.6250e+00, 0.5930e+00, 0.5390e+00, 0.4910e+00, & 0.4380e+00, 0.3720e+00, 0.3000e+00, 0.2380e+00, 0.1930e+00, 0.1580e+00, & 0.1210e+00, 0.1030e+00, 0.8360e-01, 0.6680e-01, 0.5400e-01, 0.4220e-01, & 0.3420e-01, 0.2740e-01, 0.2200e-01, 0.1860e-01, 0.1520e-01, 0.1260e-01, & 0.1060e-01, 0.8020e-02, 0.6850e-02, 0.6600e-02, 0.6960e-02, 0.9160e-02, & 0.1110e-01, 0.1450e-01, 0.2000e-01, 0.2300e-01, 0.2600e-01, 0.2900e-01, & 0.2930e-01, 0.3000e-01, 0.2850e-01, 0.1730e-01, 0.1290e-01, 0.1200e-01, & 0.1250e-01, 0.1340e-01, 0.1400e-01, 0.1750e-01, 0.2400e-01, 0.3500e-01, & 0.3800e-01, 0.4200e-01, 0.4600e-01, 0.5200e-01, 0.5700e-01, 0.6900e-01, & 0.7000e-01, 0.6700e-01, 0.6500e-01, 0.6400e-01, 0.6200e-01, 0.5900e-01, & 0.5700e-01, 0.5600e-01, 0.5500e-01, 0.5700e-01, 0.5800e-01, 0.5700e-01, & 0.5500e-01, 0.5500e-01, 0.5400e-01, 0.5200e-01, 0.5200e-01, 0.5200e-01, & 0.5200e-01, 0.5000e-01, 0.4700e-01, 0.4300e-01, 0.3900e-01, 0.3700e-01, & 0.3900e-01, 0.4000e-01, 0.4200e-01, 0.4400e-01, 0.4500e-01, 0.4600e-01, & 0.4700e-01, 0.5100e-01, 0.6500e-01, 0.7500e-01, 0.8800e-01, 0.1080e+00, & 0.1340e+00, 0.1680e+00, 0.2040e+00, 0.2480e+00, 0.2800e+00, 0.3410e+00, & 0.3790e+00, 0.4090e+00, 0.4220e+00, 0.4220e+00, 0.4030e+00, 0.3890e+00, & 0.3740e+00, 0.3540e+00, 0.3350e+00, 0.3150e+00, 0.2940e+00, 0.2710e+00, & 0.2460e+00, 0.1980e+00, 0.1640e+00, 0.1520e+00, 0.1420e+00, 0.1280e+00, & 0.1250e+00, 0.1230e+00, 0.1160e+00, 0.1070e+00, 0.7900e-01, 0.7200e-01, & 0.7600e-01, 0.7500e-01, 0.6700e-01, 0.5500e-01, 0.4500e-01, 0.2900e-01, & 0.2750e-01, 0.2700e-01, 0.2730e-01, 0.2890e-01, 0.3000e-01, 0.3400e-01, & 0.5300e-01, 0.7550e-01, 0.1060e+00, 0.1350e+00, 0.1761e+00, 0.2229e+00, & 0.2746e+00, 0.3280e+00, 0.3906e+00, 0.4642e+00, 0.5247e+00, 0.5731e+00, & 0.6362e+00, 0.6839e+00, 0.7091e+00, 0.6790e+00, 0.6250e+00, 0.5654e+00, & 0.5433e+00, 0.5292e+00, 0.5070e+00, 0.4883e+00, 0.4707e+00, 0.4203e+00, & 0.3771e+00, 0.3376e+00, 0.3056e+00, 0.2835e+00, 0.3170e+00, 0.3517e+00, & 0.3902e+00, 0.4509e+00, 0.4671e+00, 0.4779e+00, 0.4890e+00, 0.4899e+00, & 0.4873e+00, 0.4766e+00, 0.4508e+00, 0.4193e+00, 0.3880e+00, 0.3433e+00, & 0.3118e+00, 0.2935e+00, 0.2350e+00, 0.1981e+00, 0.1865e+00, 0.1771e+00, & 0.1620e+00, 0.1490e+00, 0.1390e+00, 0.1200e+00, 0.9620e-01, 0.8300e-01] real(wp),parameter,dimension(nwl) :: & wl = & [0.4430e-01, 0.4510e-01, 0.4590e-01, 0.4680e-01, 0.4770e-01, 0.4860e-01, & 0.4960e-01, 0.5060e-01, 0.5170e-01, 0.5280e-01, 0.5390e-01, 0.5510e-01, & 0.5640e-01, 0.5770e-01, 0.5900e-01, 0.6050e-01, 0.6200e-01, 0.6360e-01, & 0.6530e-01, 0.6700e-01, 0.6890e-01, 0.7080e-01, 0.7290e-01, 0.7380e-01, & 0.7510e-01, 0.7750e-01, 0.8000e-01, 0.8270e-01, 0.8550e-01, 0.8860e-01, & 0.9180e-01, 0.9300e-01, 0.9540e-01, 0.9920e-01, 0.1033e+00, 0.1078e+00, & 0.1100e+00, 0.1127e+00, 0.1140e+00, 0.1181e+00, 0.1210e+00, 0.1240e+00, & 0.1272e+00, 0.1295e+00, 0.1305e+00, 0.1319e+00, 0.1333e+00, 0.1348e+00, & 0.1362e+00, 0.1370e+00, 0.1378e+00, 0.1387e+00, 0.1393e+00, 0.1409e+00, & 0.1425e+00, 0.1435e+00, 0.1442e+00, 0.1450e+00, 0.1459e+00, 0.1468e+00, & 0.1476e+00, 0.1480e+00, 0.1485e+00, 0.1494e+00, 0.1512e+00, 0.1531e+00, & 0.1540e+00, 0.1550e+00, 0.1569e+00, 0.1580e+00, 0.1589e+00, 0.1610e+00, & 0.1625e+00, 0.1648e+00, 0.1669e+00, 0.1692e+00, 0.1713e+00, 0.1737e+00, & 0.1757e+00, 0.1779e+00, 0.1802e+00, 0.1809e+00, 0.1821e+00, 0.1833e+00, & 0.1843e+00, 0.1850e+00, 0.1860e+00, 0.1870e+00, 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Defines wavelength dependent complex index of refraction for ice. ! Allowable wavelength range extends from 0.045 microns to 8.6 meter ! temperature dependence only considered beyond 167 microns. ! interpolation is done n_r vs. log(xlam) ! n_r vs. t ! log(n_i) vs. log(xlam) ! log(n_i) vs. t ! Stephen G. Warren - 1983 ! Dept. of Atmospheric Sciences ! University of Washington ! Seattle, Wa 98195 ! Based on ! Warren,S.G.,1984. ! Optical constants of ice from the ultraviolet to the microwave. ! Applied Optics,23,1206-1225 ! Reference temperatures are -1.0,-5.0,-20.0, and -60.0 deg C ! ##################################################################### pi = acos(-1._wp) n_r = 0._wp n_i = 0._wp tk = t ! Convert frequency to wavelength (um) alam=3E5_wp/freq if((alam < wlmin) .or. (alam > wlmax)) then call errorMessage('FATAL ERROR(optics/optics_lib.f90:m_ice): wavelength out of bounds') return endif if (alam < cutice) then ! Region from 0.045 microns to 167.0 microns - no temperature depend DO i=2,nwl if(alam < wl(i)) continue enddo x1 = log(wl(i-1)) x2 = log(wl(i)) y1 = tabre(i-1) y2 = tabre(i) x = log(alam) y = ((x-x1)*(y2-y1)/(x2-x1))+y1 n_r = y y1 = log(abs(tabim(i-1))) y2 = log(abs(tabim(i))) y = ((x-x1)*(y2-y1)/(x2-x1))+y1 n_i = exp(y) else ! Region from 167.0 microns to 8.6 meters - temperature dependence if(tk > temref(1)) tk=temref(1) if(tk < temref(4)) tk=temref(4) DO i=2,4 if(tk.ge.temref(i)) go to 12 enddo 12 lt1 = i lt2 = i-1 DO i=2,nwlt if(alam.le.wlt(i)) go to 14 enddo 14 x1 = log(wlt(i-1)) x2 = log(wlt(i)) y1 = tabret(i-1,lt1) y2 = tabret(i,lt1) x = log(alam) ylo = ((x-x1)*(y2-y1)/(x2-x1))+y1 y1 = tabret(i-1,lt2) y2 = tabret(i,lt2) yhi = ((x-x1)*(y2-y1)/(x2-x1))+y1 t1 = temref(lt1) t2 = temref(lt2) y = ((tk-t1)*(yhi-ylo)/(t2-t1))+ylo n_r = y y1 = log(abs(tabimt(i-1,lt1))) y2 = log(abs(tabimt(i,lt1))) ylo = ((x-x1)*(y2-y1)/(x2-x1))+y1 y1 = log(abs(tabimt(i-1,lt2))) y2 = log(abs(tabimt(i,lt2))) yhi = ((x-x1)*(y2-y1)/(x2-x1))+y1 y = ((tk-t1)*(yhi-ylo)/(t2-t1))+ylo n_i = exp(y) endif end subroutine m_ice ! ############################################################################ ! subroutine MIEINT ! ############################################################################ Subroutine MieInt(Dx, SCm, Inp, Dqv, Dqxt, Dqsc, Dbsc, Dg, Xs1, Xs2, DPh, Error) ! ########################################################################## ! General purpose Mie scattering routine for single particles ! Author: R Grainger 1990 ! History: ! G Thomas, March 2005: Added calculation of Phase function and ! code to ensure correct calculation of backscatter coeficient ! Options/Extend_Source ! ########################################################################## ! INPUTS integer, intent(in) :: & Inp real(wp),intent(in) :: & Dx ! real(wp),intent(in),dimension(Inp) :: & Dqv Complex(wp),intent(in) :: & SCm! ! OUTPUTS Complex(wp),intent(out),dimension(InP) :: & Xs1, & ! Xs2 ! real(wp),intent(out) :: & Dqxt, & ! Dqsc, & ! Dg, & ! Dbsc ! real(wp),intent(out),dimension(InP) :: & DPh integer :: & Error !! ! PARAMETERS Integer,parameter :: & Imaxx = 12000, & ! Itermax = 30000, & ! Must be large enough to cope with the ! largest possible nmx = x * abs(scm) + 15 ! or nmx = Dx + 4.05*Dx**(1./3.) + 2.0 Imaxnp = 10000 ! Change this as required Real(wp),parameter :: & RIMax=2.5, & ! Largest real part of refractive index IRIMax = -2 ! Largest imaginary part of refractive index ! Internal variables Integer :: I, NStop, NmX, N, Inp2 Real(wp) :: Chi,Chi0,Chi1,APsi,APsi0,APsi1,Psi,Psi0,Psi1 Real(wp),dimension(Imaxnp) :: Pi0,Pi1,Taun Complex(wp) :: Ir,Cm,A,ANM1,APB,B,BNM1,AMB,Xi,Xi0,Xi1,Y Complex(wp),dimension(Itermax) :: D Complex(wp),dimension(Imaxnp) :: Sp,Sm! ! ACCELERATOR VARIABLES Integer :: Tnp1,Tnm1 Real(wp) :: Dn, Rnx,Turbo,A2 real(wp),dimension(Imaxnp) :: S,T Complex(wp) :: A1 If ((Dx.Gt.Imaxx) .Or. (InP.Gt.ImaxNP)) Then Error = 1 Return EndIf Cm = SCm Ir = 1 / Cm Y = Dx * Cm If (Dx.Lt.0.02) Then NStop = 2 Else If (Dx.Le.8.0) Then NStop = Dx + 4.00*Dx**(1./3.) + 2.0 Else If (Dx.Lt. 4200.0) Then NStop = Dx + 4.05*Dx**(1./3.) + 2.0 Else NStop = Dx + 4.00*Dx**(1./3.) + 2.0 End If End If End If NmX = Max(Real(NStop),Real(Abs(Y))) + 15. If (Nmx .gt. Itermax) then Error = 1 Return End If Inp2 = Inp+1 !ds D(NmX) = cmplx(0,0,Kind=Kind(0d0)) D(NmX) = cmplx(0,0,Kind=wp) Do N = Nmx-1,1,-1 A1 = (N+1) / Y D(N) = A1 - 1/(A1+D(N+1)) End Do Do I =1,Inp2 Sm(I) = cmplx(0,0,Kind=wp) !ds Sm(I) = cmplx(0,0,Kind=Kind(0d0)) Sp(I) = cmplx(0,0,Kind=wp) !ds Sp(I) = cmplx(0,0,Kind=Kind(0d0)) Pi0(I) = 0 Pi1(I) = 1 End Do Psi0 = Cos(Dx) Psi1 = Sin(Dx) Chi0 =-Sin(Dx) Chi1 = Cos(Dx) APsi0 = Psi0 APsi1 = Psi1 Xi0 = cmplx(APsi0,Chi0,Kind=wp) !ds Xi0 = cmplx(APsi0,Chi0,Kind=Kind(0d0)) Xi1 = cmplx(APsi1,Chi1,Kind=wp) !ds Xi1 = cmplx(APsi1,Chi1,Kind=Kind(0d0)) Dg = 0 Dqsc = 0 Dqxt = 0 Tnp1 = 1 Do N = 1,Nstop DN = N Tnp1 = Tnp1 + 2 Tnm1 = Tnp1 - 2 A2 = Tnp1 / (DN*(DN+1._wp)) !ds A2 = Tnp1 / (DN*(DN+1D0)) Turbo = (DN+1._wp) / DN !ds Turbo = (DN+1D0) / DN Rnx = DN/Dx Psi = Tnm1*Psi1/Dx - Psi0 !ds Psi = Dble(Tnm1)*Psi1/Dx - Psi0 APsi = Psi Chi = Tnm1*Chi1/Dx - Chi0 Xi = cmplx(APsi,Chi,Kind=wp) !ds Xi = cmplx(APsi,Chi,Kind=Kind(0d0)) A = ((D(N)*Ir+Rnx)*APsi-APsi1) / ((D(N)*Ir+Rnx)* Xi- Xi1) B = ((D(N)*Cm+Rnx)*APsi-APsi1) / ((D(N)*Cm+Rnx)* Xi- Xi1) Dqxt = Tnp1*(A + B)+ Dqxt !ds Dqxt = Tnp1 * Dble(A + B) + Dqxt Dqsc = Tnp1 * (A*Conjg(A) + B*Conjg(B)) + Dqsc If (N.Gt.1) then Dg = Dg + (dN*dN - 1) * (ANM1*Conjg(A) + BNM1 * Conjg(B)) / dN + TNM1 *(ANM1*Conjg(BNM1)) / (dN*dN - dN) !ds Dg = Dg + (dN*dN - 1) * Dble(ANM1*Conjg(A) + BNM1 * Conjg(B)) / dN + TNM1 * Dble(ANM1*Conjg(BNM1)) / (dN*dN - dN) End If Anm1 = A Bnm1 = B APB = A2 * (A + B) AMB = A2 * (A - B) Do I = 1,Inp2 If (I.GT.Inp) Then S(I) = -Pi1(I) Else S(I) = Dqv(I) * Pi1(I) End If T(I) = S(I) - Pi0(I) Taun(I) = N*T(I) - Pi0(I) Sp(I) = APB * (Pi1(I) + Taun(I)) + Sp(I) Sm(I) = AMB * (Pi1(I) - Taun(I)) + Sm(I) Pi0(I) = Pi1(I) Pi1(I) = S(I) + T(I)*Turbo End Do Psi0 = Psi1 Psi1 = Psi Apsi1 = Psi1 Chi0 = Chi1 Chi1 = Chi Xi1 = cmplx(APsi1,Chi1,Kind=wp) !ds Xi1 = cmplx(APsi1,Chi1,Kind=Kind(0d0)) End Do If (Dg .GT.0) Dg = 2 * Dg / Dqsc Dqsc = 2 * Dqsc / Dx**2 Dqxt = 2 * Dqxt / Dx**2 Do I = 1,Inp Xs1(I) = (Sp(I)+Sm(I)) / 2 Xs2(I) = (Sp(I)-Sm(I)) / 2 Dph(I) = 2 * (Xs1(I)*Conjg(Xs1(I)) + Xs2(I)*Conjg(Xs2(I))) / (Dx**2 * Dqsc) !ds Dph(I) = 2 * Dble(Xs1(I)*Conjg(Xs1(I)) + Xs2(I)*Conjg(Xs2(I))) / (Dx**2 * Dqsc) End Do Dbsc = 4 * Abs(( (Sp(Inp2)+Sm(Inp2))/2 )**2) / Dx**2 Error = 0 Return End subroutine MieInt end module optics_lib