! %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ! Copyright (c) 2015, Regents of the University of Colorado ! All rights reserved. ! Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are ! permitted provided that the following conditions are met: ! 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of ! conditions and the following disclaimer. ! 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list ! of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other ! materials provided with the distribution. ! 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors may be ! used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior ! written permission. ! THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY ! EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF ! MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL ! THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, ! SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT ! OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS ! INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT ! LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE ! OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. ! History: ! Jul 2007 - A. Bodas-Salcedo - Initial version ! Jul 2008 - A. Bodas-Salcedo - Added capability of producing outputs in standard grid ! Oct 2008 - J.-L. Dufresne - Bug fixed. Assignment of Npoints,Nlevels,Nhydro,Ncolumns ! in COSP_STATS ! Oct 2008 - H. Chepfer - Added PARASOL reflectance arguments ! Jun 2010 - T. Yokohata, T. Nishimura and K. Ogochi - Added NEC SXs optimisations ! Jan 2013 - G. Cesana - Added betaperp and temperature arguments ! - Added phase 3D/3Dtemperature/Map output variables in diag_lidar ! May 2015 - D. Swales - Modified for cosp2.0 ! %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% MODULE MOD_COSP_STATS USE COSP_KINDS, ONLY: wp USE MOD_COSP_CONFIG, ONLY: R_UNDEF,R_GROUND IMPLICIT NONE CONTAINS !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% !---------- SUBROUTINE COSP_CHANGE_VERTICAL_GRID ---------------- !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% SUBROUTINE COSP_CHANGE_VERTICAL_GRID(Npoints,Ncolumns,Nlevels,zfull,zhalf,y,Nglevels,newgrid_bot,newgrid_top,r,log_units) implicit none ! Input arguments integer,intent(in) :: Npoints !# of grid points integer,intent(in) :: Nlevels !# of levels integer,intent(in) :: Ncolumns !# of columns real(wp),dimension(Npoints,Nlevels),intent(in) :: zfull ! Height at model levels [m] (Bottom of model layer) real(wp),dimension(Npoints,Nlevels),intent(in) :: zhalf ! Height at half model levels [m] (Bottom of model layer) real(wp),dimension(Npoints,Ncolumns,Nlevels),intent(in) :: y ! Variable to be changed to a different grid integer,intent(in) :: Nglevels !# levels in the new grid real(wp),dimension(Nglevels),intent(in) :: newgrid_bot ! Lower boundary of new levels [m] real(wp),dimension(Nglevels),intent(in) :: newgrid_top ! Upper boundary of new levels [m] logical,optional,intent(in) :: log_units ! log units, need to convert to linear units ! Output real(wp),dimension(Npoints,Ncolumns,Nglevels),intent(out) :: r ! Variable on new grid ! Local variables integer :: i,j,k logical :: lunits integer :: l real(wp) :: w ! Weight real(wp) :: dbb, dtb, dbt, dtt ! Distances between edges of both grids integer :: Nw ! Number of weights real(wp) :: wt ! Sum of weights real(wp),dimension(Nlevels) :: oldgrid_bot,oldgrid_top ! Lower and upper boundaries of model grid real(wp) :: yp ! Local copy of y at a particular point. ! This allows for change of units. lunits=.false. if (present(log_units)) lunits=log_units r = 0._wp DO i=1,Npoints ! Calculate tops and bottoms of new and old grids oldgrid_bot = zhalf(i,:) oldgrid_top(1:Nlevels-1) = oldgrid_bot(2:Nlevels) oldgrid_top(Nlevels) = zfull(i,Nlevels) + zfull(i,Nlevels) - zhalf(i,Nlevels) ! Top level symmetric l = 0 ! Index of level in the old grid ! Loop over levels in the new grid DO k = 1,Nglevels Nw = 0 ! Number of weigths wt = 0._wp ! Sum of weights ! Loop over levels in the old grid and accumulate total for weighted average DO l = l + 1 w = 0.0 ! Initialise weight to 0 ! Distances between edges of both grids dbb = oldgrid_bot(l) - newgrid_bot(k) dtb = oldgrid_top(l) - newgrid_bot(k) dbt = oldgrid_bot(l) - newgrid_top(k) dtt = oldgrid_top(l) - newgrid_top(k) if (dbt >= 0.0) exit ! Do next level in the new grid if (dtb > 0.0) then if (dbb <= 0.0) then if (dtt <= 0) then w = dtb else w = newgrid_top(k) - newgrid_bot(k) endif else if (dtt <= 0) then w = oldgrid_top(l) - oldgrid_bot(l) else w = -dbt endif endif ! If layers overlap (w/=0), then accumulate if (w /= 0.0) then Nw = Nw + 1 wt = wt + w DO j=1,Ncolumns if (lunits) then if (y(i,j,l) /= R_UNDEF) then yp = 10._wp**(y(i,j,l)/10._wp) else yp = 0._wp endif else yp = y(i,j,l) endif r(i,j,k) = r(i,j,k) + w*yp enddo endif endif enddo l = l - 2 if (l < 1) l = 0 ! Calculate average in new grid if (Nw > 0) then DO j=1,Ncolumns r(i,j,k) = r(i,j,k)/wt enddo endif enddo enddo ! Set points under surface to R_UNDEF, and change to dBZ if necessary DO k=1,Nglevels DO j=1,Ncolumns DO i=1,Npoints if (newgrid_top(k) > zhalf(i,1)) then ! Level above model bottom level if (lunits) then if (r(i,j,k) <= 0.0) then r(i,j,k) = R_UNDEF else r(i,j,k) = 10._wp*log10(r(i,j,k)) endif endif else ! Level below surface r(i,j,k) = R_GROUND endif enddo enddo enddo END SUBROUTINE COSP_CHANGE_VERTICAL_GRID !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% !------------- SUBROUTINE COSP_LIDAR_ONLY_CLOUD ----------------- ! (c) 2008, Lawrence Livermore National Security Limited Liability Corporation. ! All rights reserved. !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% SUBROUTINE COSP_LIDAR_ONLY_CLOUD(Npoints, Ncolumns, Nlevels, beta_tot, beta_mol, & Ze_tot, lidar_only_freq_cloud, tcc, radar_tcc, radar_tcc2) ! Inputs integer,intent(in) :: & Npoints, & ! Number of horizontal gridpoints Ncolumns, & ! Number of subcolumns Nlevels ! Number of vertical layers real(wp),dimension(Npoints,Nlevels),intent(in) :: & beta_mol ! Molecular backscatter real(wp),dimension(Npoints,Ncolumns,Nlevels),intent(in) :: & beta_tot, & ! Total backscattered signal Ze_tot ! Radar reflectivity ! Outputs real(wp),dimension(Npoints,Nlevels),intent(out) :: & lidar_only_freq_cloud real(wp),dimension(Npoints),intent(out) ::& tcc, & ! radar_tcc, & ! radar_tcc2 ! ! local variables real(wp) :: sc_ratio real(wp),parameter :: & s_cld=5.0, & s_att=0.01 integer :: flag_sat,flag_cld,pr,i,j,flag_radarcld,flag_radarcld_no1km,j_1km lidar_only_freq_cloud = 0._wp tcc = 0._wp radar_tcc = 0._wp radar_tcc2 = 0._wp DO pr=1,Npoints DO i=1,Ncolumns flag_sat = 0 flag_cld = 0 flag_radarcld = 0 !+JEK flag_radarcld_no1km=0 !+JEK ! look for j_1km from bottom to top j = 1 DO while (Ze_tot(pr,i,j) .eq. R_GROUND) j = j+1 enddo j_1km = j+1 !this is the vertical index of 1km above surface DO j=1,Nlevels sc_ratio = beta_tot(pr,i,j)/beta_mol(pr,j) if ((sc_ratio .le. s_att) .AND. (flag_sat .eq. 0)) flag_sat = j if (Ze_tot(pr,i,j) .lt. -30.) then !radar can't detect cloud if ( (sc_ratio .gt. s_cld) .or. (flag_sat .eq. j) ) then !lidar sense cloud lidar_only_freq_cloud(pr,j)=lidar_only_freq_cloud(pr,j)+1. !top->surf flag_cld=1 endif else !radar sense cloud (z%Ze_tot(pr,i,j) .ge. -30.) flag_cld=1 flag_radarcld=1 if (j .gt. j_1km) flag_radarcld_no1km=1 endif enddo !levels if (flag_cld .eq. 1) tcc(pr)=tcc(pr)+1._wp if (flag_radarcld .eq. 1) radar_tcc(pr)=radar_tcc(pr)+1. if (flag_radarcld_no1km .eq. 1) radar_tcc2(pr)=radar_tcc2(pr)+1. enddo !columns enddo !points lidar_only_freq_cloud=lidar_only_freq_cloud/Ncolumns tcc=tcc/Ncolumns radar_tcc=radar_tcc/Ncolumns radar_tcc2=radar_tcc2/Ncolumns ! Unit conversion where(lidar_only_freq_cloud /= R_UNDEF) & lidar_only_freq_cloud = lidar_only_freq_cloud*100._wp where(tcc /= R_UNDEF) tcc = tcc*100._wp where(radar_tcc /= R_UNDEF) radar_tcc = radar_tcc*100._wp where(radar_tcc2 /= R_UNDEF) radar_tcc2 = radar_tcc2*100._wp END SUBROUTINE COSP_LIDAR_ONLY_CLOUD ! ###################################################################################### ! FUNCTION hist1D ! ###################################################################################### function hist1d(Npoints,var,nbins,bins) ! Inputs integer,intent(in) :: & Npoints, & ! Number of points in input array Nbins ! Number of bins for sorting real(wp),intent(in),dimension(Npoints) :: & var ! Input variable to be sorted real(wp),intent(in),dimension(Nbins+1) :: & bins ! Histogram bins [lowest,binTops] ! Outputs real(wp),dimension(Nbins) :: & hist1d ! Output histogram ! Local variables integer :: ij DO ij=2,Nbins+1 hist1D(ij-1) = count(var .ge. bins(ij-1) .AND. var .lt. bins(ij)) if (count(var .eq. R_GROUND) .ge. 1) hist1D(ij-1)=R_UNDEF enddo end function hist1D ! ###################################################################################### ! SUBROUTINE hist2D ! ###################################################################################### subroutine hist2D(var1,var2,npts,bin1,nbin1,bin2,nbin2,jointHist) implicit none ! INPUTS integer, intent(in) :: & npts, & ! Number of data points to be sorted nbin1, & ! Number of bins in histogram direction 1 nbin2 ! Number of bins in histogram direction 2 real(wp),intent(in),dimension(npts) :: & var1, & ! Variable 1 to be sorted into bins var2 ! variable 2 to be sorted into bins real(wp),intent(in),dimension(nbin1+1) :: & bin1 ! Histogram bin 1 boundaries real(wp),intent(in),dimension(nbin2+1) :: & bin2 ! Histogram bin 2 boundaries ! OUTPUTS real(wp),intent(out),dimension(nbin1,nbin2) :: & jointHist ! LOCAL VARIABLES integer :: ij,ik DO ij=2,nbin1+1 DO ik=2,nbin2+1 jointHist(ij-1,ik-1)=count(var1 .ge. bin1(ij-1) .AND. var1 .lt. bin1(ij) .AND. & var2 .ge. bin2(ik-1) .AND. var2 .lt. bin2(ik)) enddo enddo end subroutine hist2D END MODULE MOD_COSP_STATS