! (c) British Crown Copyright 2008, the Met Office. ! All rights reserved. ! Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted ! provided that the following conditions are met: ! * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list ! of conditions and the following disclaimer. ! * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list ! of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials ! provided with the distribution. ! * Neither the name of the Met Office nor the names of its contributors may be used ! to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written ! permission. ! THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR ! IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND ! 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Number of levels in statistical outputs (only used if USE_VGRID=.true.) CSAT_VGRID_IN=.true., ! CloudSat vertical grid? (if .true. then the CloudSat standard grid is used for the outputs. ! USE_VGRID needs also be .true.) ! DINPUT='./', ! Directory where the input files are located. Useful when processing multiple files. ! Leave blank ('') if you are using the full path in FINPUT. ! FINPUT='../data/inputs/UKMO/cosp_input_um.nc', ! List input NetCDF files ! FOUTPUT='../data/outputs/UKMO/cosp2_output_um.nc', !---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !--------------- Inputs related to radar simulations !---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- cloudsat_RADAR_FREQ=94.0, ! CloudSat radar frequency (GHz) SURFACE_RADAR=0, ! surface=1, spaceborne=0 cloudsat_use_gas_abs=1, ! include gaseous absorption? yes=1,no=0 cloudsat_do_ray=0, ! calculate/output Rayleigh refl=1, not=0 cloudsat_k2=-1, ! |K|^2, -1=use frequency dependent default use_precipitation_fluxes=.true., ! True if precipitation fluxes are input to the algorithm cloudsat_micro_scheme='MMF_v3_single_moment', !'MMF_v3.5_two_moment' !---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !---------------- Inputs related to lidar simulations !---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- lidar_ice_type=0, ! Ice particle shape in lidar calculations (0=ice-spheres ; 1=ice-non-spherical) OVERLAP=3, ! overlap assumption used by scops: 1=max, 2=rand, 3=max/rand !---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !---------------- Inputs related to ISCCP simulator !---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ISCCP_TOPHEIGHT=1, ! 1 = adjust top height using both a computed ! infrared brightness temperature and the visible ! optical depth to adjust cloud top pressure. Note ! that this calculation is most appropriate to compare ! to ISCCP data during sunlit hours. ! 2 = do not adjust top height, that is cloud top ! pressure is the actual cloud top pressure ! in the model ! 3 = adjust top height using only the computed ! infrared brightness temperature. Note that this ! calculation is most appropriate to compare to ISCCP ! IR only algortihm (i.e. you can compare to nighttime ! ISCCP data with this option) ISCCP_TOPHEIGHT_DIRECTION=2, ! direction for finding atmosphere pressure level ! with interpolated temperature equal to the radiance ! determined cloud-top temperature ! 1 = find the *lowest* altitude (highest pressure) level ! with interpolated temperature equal to the radiance ! determined cloud-top temperature ! 2 = find the *highest* altitude (lowest pressure) level ! with interpolated temperature equal to the radiance ! determined cloud-top temperature. This is the ! default value since V4.0 of the ISCCP simulator. ! ONLY APPLICABLE IF top_height EQUALS 1 or 3 !---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !-------------- RTTOV inputs !---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- rttov_Platform=1, ! satellite platform rttov_Satellite=15, ! satellite rttov_Instrument=5, ! instrument rttov_Nchannels=3, ! Number of channels to be computed rttov_Channels=1,2,3, ! Channel numbers (please be sure that you supply Nchannels) rttov_Surfem=0.0,0.0,0.0, ! Surface emissivity (please be sure that you supply Nchannels) rttov_ZenAng=50.0, ! Satellite Zenith Angle CO2=5.241e-04, ! Mixing ratios of trace gases CH4=9.139e-07, N2O=4.665e-07, CO=2.098e-07 /