! radsurf_intermediate.f90 - Derived type for intermediate radiative properties of surface ! (C) Copyright 2017- ECMWF. ! This software is licensed under the terms of the Apache Licence Version 2.0 ! which can be obtained at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0. ! In applying this licence, ECMWF does not waive the privileges and immunities ! granted to it by virtue of its status as an intergovernmental organisation ! nor does it submit to any jurisdiction. ! Author: Robin Hogan ! Email: r.j.hogan@ecmwf.int ! module radsurf_intermediate use parkind1, only : jpim, jprb implicit none public !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Derived type storing a description of radiative properties at the ! level of individual facets type surface_intermediate_type ! Surface "facet" properties, dimensioned (ng, nfacet, istartcol:iendcol) ! Longwave blackbody emission (W m-2) and emissivity from facets real(kind=jprb), allocatable, dimension(:,:,:) :: planck_facet real(kind=jprb), allocatable, dimension(:,:,:) :: lw_emissivity ! Shortwave direct and diffuse albedo real(kind=jprb), allocatable, dimension(:,:,:) :: sw_albedo_direct real(kind=jprb), allocatable, dimension(:,:,:) :: sw_albedo_diffuse ! Longwave blackbody emission (W m-2) from regions (volumes ! e.g. vegetation and urban canopies) real(kind=jprb), allocatable, dimension(:,:,:) :: planck_region ! Volumetric "region" properties of the canopy, e.g. vegetation or ! the space between buildings, dimensioned ! (ng,nregion,istartcol:iendcol) ! Shortwave reflectance and transmittance to diffuse radiation real(kind=jprb), allocatable, dimension(:,:,:) :: sw_ref_dif real(kind=jprb), allocatable, dimension(:,:,:) :: sw_tra_dif ! Shortwave reflectance and transmittance to direct radiation, ! where the transmittance has separate direct-to-diffuse ! transmittance (including scattering) and direct-to-direct ! transmittance (without scattering) real(kind=jprb), allocatable, dimension(:,:,:) :: sw_ref_dir real(kind=jprb), allocatable, dimension(:,:,:) :: sw_tra_dir_dif real(kind=jprb), allocatable, dimension(:,:,:) :: sw_tra_dir_dir ! Fraction of direct radiation at canyon top that is absorbed by ! the wall and the atmosphere real(kind=jprb), allocatable, dimension(:,:,:) :: sw_wall_abs_dir real(kind=jprb), allocatable, dimension(:,:,:) :: sw_air_abs_dir ! Ratio of diffuse absorption in a street canyon by the wall ! (rather than the air or vegetation in the canyon) real(kind=jprb), allocatable, dimension(:,:,:) :: sw_wall_abs_frac_dif real(kind=jprb), allocatable, dimension(:,:,:) :: lw_wall_abs_frac ! Shortwave direct and diffuse albedo at the top of a region real(kind=jprb), allocatable, dimension(:,:,:) :: sw_albedo_direct_reg real(kind=jprb), allocatable, dimension(:,:,:) :: sw_albedo_diffuse_reg ! Longwave reflectance, transmittance and source (note that source ! is the same up and down because the canopy temperature is ! assumed constant with height) real(kind=jprb), allocatable, dimension(:,:,:) :: lw_reflectance real(kind=jprb), allocatable, dimension(:,:,:) :: lw_transmittance real(kind=jprb), allocatable, dimension(:,:,:) :: lw_source ! Longwave emission and emissivity passed to the atmosphere scheme ! from the top of a region real(kind=jprb), allocatable, dimension(:,:,:) :: lw_emissivity_region real(kind=jprb), allocatable, dimension(:,:,:) :: lw_emission_region ! Total emission from wall and the air in an urban canopy, needed ! at the final partitioning stage to determine net fluxes into ! wall and air real(kind=jprb), allocatable, dimension(:,:,:) :: lw_total_wall_emission real(kind=jprb), allocatable, dimension(:,:,:) :: lw_total_canopy_emission ! Number of bands in which calculations are to be performed (can ! match either the spectral resolution of the atmosphere or that ! of the surface data) integer :: nswbands, nlwbands ! Do we represent gas radiative transfer in street/vegetation ! canopies? !logical :: do_canopy_gases_sw = .false. !logical :: do_canopy_gases_lw = .false. ! Do we use the full spectrum? !logical :: use_full_spectrum_sw = .false. !logical :: use_full_spectrum_lw = .true. contains procedure :: allocate => allocate_surface_intermediate procedure :: deallocate => deallocate_surface_intermediate procedure :: calc_boundary_conditions_sw procedure :: calc_boundary_conditions_lw procedure :: calc_boundary_conditions procedure :: partition_fluxes end type surface_intermediate_type contains !--------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine allocate_surface_intermediate(this, istartcol, iendcol, & & config, surface) use radiation_config, only : config_type use radsurf_properties, only : surface_type class(surface_intermediate_type), intent(inout) :: this integer(kind=jpim), intent(in) :: istartcol, iendcol type(config_type), intent(in) :: config type(surface_type), intent(in) :: surface call this%deallocate !this%use_full_spectrum_sw = config%use_canopy_full_spectrum_sw !this%use_full_spectrum_lw = config%use_canopy_full_spectrum_lw ! Assume that canopy gases will only be used if we do surface ! calculations at the full spectral resolution !this%do_canopy_gases_sw = config%do_canopy_gases_sw !this%do_canopy_gases_lw = config%do_canopy_gases_lw if (config%use_canopy_full_spectrum_sw) then ! Calculations will be performed at the same spectral resolution ! as in the atmosphere this%nswbands = config%n_g_sw else ! Calculations will be performed at the same spectral resolution ! as the input surface-property data this%nswbands = surface%nalbedobands end if if (config%use_canopy_full_spectrum_lw) then ! Calculations will be performed at the same spectral resolution ! as in the atmosphere this%nlwbands = config%n_g_lw else ! Calculations will be performed at the same spectral resolution ! as the input surface-property data this%nlwbands = surface%nemissbands end if if (config%do_lw) then allocate(this%planck_facet (this%nlwbands,surface%nfacet,istartcol:iendcol)) allocate(this%lw_emissivity (this%nlwbands,surface%nfacet,istartcol:iendcol)) end if if (config%do_sw) then allocate(this%sw_albedo_direct (this%nswbands,surface%nfacet,istartcol:iendcol)) allocate(this%sw_albedo_diffuse(this%nswbands,surface%nfacet,istartcol:iendcol)) end if if (surface%nregion > 0) then if (config%do_lw) then allocate(this%planck_region (this%nlwbands,surface%nregion,istartcol:iendcol)) allocate(this%lw_reflectance (this%nlwbands,surface%nregion,istartcol:iendcol)) allocate(this%lw_transmittance(this%nlwbands,surface%nregion,istartcol:iendcol)) allocate(this%lw_source (this%nlwbands,surface%nregion,istartcol:iendcol)) allocate(this%lw_emission_region(this%nlwbands,surface%nregion,istartcol:iendcol)) allocate(this%lw_emissivity_region(this%nlwbands,surface%nregion,istartcol:iendcol)) allocate(this%lw_wall_abs_frac(this%nlwbands,surface%nregion,istartcol:iendcol)) allocate(this%lw_total_wall_emission(this%nlwbands,surface%nregion,istartcol:iendcol)) allocate(this%lw_total_canopy_emission(this%nlwbands,surface%nregion,istartcol:iendcol)) end if if (config%do_sw) then allocate(this%sw_ref_dif (this%nswbands,surface%nregion,istartcol:iendcol)) allocate(this%sw_tra_dif (this%nswbands,surface%nregion,istartcol:iendcol)) allocate(this%sw_ref_dir (this%nswbands,surface%nregion,istartcol:iendcol)) allocate(this%sw_tra_dir_dif(this%nswbands,surface%nregion,istartcol:iendcol)) allocate(this%sw_tra_dir_dir(this%nswbands,surface%nregion,istartcol:iendcol)) allocate(this%sw_wall_abs_dir(this%nswbands,surface%nregion,istartcol:iendcol)) allocate(this%sw_air_abs_dir(this%nswbands,surface%nregion,istartcol:iendcol)) allocate(this%sw_wall_abs_frac_dif(this%nswbands,surface%nregion,istartcol:iendcol)) allocate(this%sw_albedo_diffuse_reg(this%nswbands,surface%nregion,istartcol:iendcol)) allocate(this%sw_albedo_direct_reg(this%nswbands,surface%nregion,istartcol:iendcol)) end if end if end subroutine allocate_surface_intermediate !--------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine deallocate_surface_intermediate(this) class(surface_intermediate_type), intent(inout) :: this if (allocated(this%planck_facet)) then deallocate(this%planck_facet) end if if (allocated(this%planck_region)) then deallocate(this%planck_region) end if if (allocated(this%lw_emissivity)) then deallocate(this%lw_emissivity) end if if (allocated(this%sw_albedo_direct)) then deallocate(this%sw_albedo_direct) end if if (allocated(this%sw_albedo_diffuse)) then deallocate(this%sw_albedo_diffuse) end if if (allocated(this%lw_reflectance)) then deallocate(this%lw_reflectance) end if if (allocated(this%lw_transmittance)) then deallocate(this%lw_transmittance) end if if (allocated(this%lw_source)) then deallocate(this%lw_source) end if if (allocated(this%lw_emissivity_region)) then deallocate(this%lw_emissivity_region) end if if (allocated(this%lw_emission_region)) then deallocate(this%lw_emission_region) end if if (allocated(this%lw_wall_abs_frac)) then deallocate(this%lw_wall_abs_frac) end if if (allocated(this%lw_total_wall_emission)) then deallocate(this%lw_total_wall_emission) end if if (allocated(this%lw_total_canopy_emission)) then deallocate(this%lw_total_canopy_emission) end if if (allocated(this%sw_ref_dif)) then deallocate(this%sw_ref_dif) end if if (allocated(this%sw_tra_dif)) then deallocate(this%sw_tra_dif) end if if (allocated(this%sw_ref_dir)) then deallocate(this%sw_ref_dir) end if if (allocated(this%sw_tra_dir_dif)) then deallocate(this%sw_tra_dir_dif) end if if (allocated(this%sw_tra_dir_dir)) then deallocate(this%sw_tra_dir_dir) end if if (allocated(this%sw_wall_abs_frac_dif)) then deallocate(this%sw_wall_abs_frac_dif) end if if (allocated(this%sw_wall_abs_dir)) then deallocate(this%sw_wall_abs_dir) end if if (allocated(this%sw_air_abs_dir)) then deallocate(this%sw_air_abs_dir) end if if (allocated(this%sw_albedo_direct_reg)) then deallocate(this%sw_albedo_direct_reg) end if if (allocated(this%sw_albedo_diffuse_reg)) then deallocate(this%sw_albedo_diffuse_reg) end if end subroutine deallocate_surface_intermediate !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Use the detailed physical properties of the surface in "surface", ! and optionally the atmospheric optical properties of the lowest ! atmospheric level, to work out the shortwave direct/diffuse albedo ! that is presented to the rest of the radiation scheme, and stored ! in "single_level". Also, store the necessary information so that ! after the atmospheric radiation scheme has been run, the net ! fluxes at each. subroutine calc_boundary_conditions_sw(this, istartcol, iendcol, & ! in & config, surface, & ! in & single_level, & ! out & ext_sw_air, ssa_sw_air, g_sw_air) ! in, optional use yomhook, only : lhook, dr_hook use radiation_io, only : nulerr, radiation_abort use radiation_config, only : config_type use radiation_single_level, only : single_level_type use radsurf_properties, only : surface_type, ITileFlat,ITileVegetation,ITileUrban3D use radiation_two_stream, only : calc_two_stream_gammas_sw, & & calc_reflectance_transmittance_sw, & & calc_reflectance_transmittance_z_sw use radiation_constants, only: Pi, GasConstantDryAir, AccelDueToGravity class(surface_intermediate_type), intent(inout) :: this integer(kind=jpim), intent(in) :: istartcol, iendcol type(config_type), intent(in) :: config type(surface_type), intent(in) :: surface type(single_level_type), intent(inout) :: single_level ! Input properties of the air in the lowest model level: ! extinction coefficient (m-1), single-scattering albedo and ! asymmetry factor real(kind=jprb), intent(in), dimension(config%n_g_sw,istartcol:iendcol), optional & & :: ext_sw_air, ssa_sw_air, g_sw_air ! Shortwave region properties real(kind=jprb), dimension(this%nswbands) :: od_sw_region, ssa_sw_region, g_sw_region ! Extinction coefficient better for urban areas real(kind=jprb), dimension(this%nswbands) :: ext_sw_region ! Optical depth of air real(kind=jprb), dimension(this%nswbands) :: od_sw_air real(kind=jprb) :: tile_fraction, cos_sza ! Exchange coefficients (m-1) for direct and diffuse radiation ! into building walls real(kind=jprb) :: fdiff, fdir ! One minus the building fraction real(kind=jprb) :: canyon_fraction ! Tangent of solar zenith angle real(kind=jprb) :: tan_sza ! Two-stream coefficients real(jprb), dimension(this%nswbands) :: gamma1_sw, gamma2_sw real(jprb), dimension(this%nswbands) :: gamma0_sw, gamma3_sw, gamma4_sw real(jprb), dimension(this%nswbands) :: inv_denominator_sw integer(kind=jpim) :: jcol,jtile,iregion ! Mapping from albedo bands to reordered shortwave g points integer(kind=jpim) :: i_albedo_from_g(config%n_g_sw) ! Indices to different facets integer(kind=jpim) :: iground, iwall, iroof real(jprb) :: hook_handle if (lhook) call dr_hook('radsurf_intermediate:calc_boundary_conditions_sw',0,hook_handle) if (present(ext_sw_air)) then if (.not. present(ssa_sw_air) .or. .not. present(g_sw_air)) then write(nulerr,'(a)') '*** Error: if ext_sw_air is provided then ssa_sw_air and g_sw_air must also be provided' call radiation_abort() end if end if if (size(single_level%sw_albedo,2) /= this%nswbands) then write(nulerr,'(a,i0,a,i0)') '*** Error: single-level albedo has ', & & size(single_level%sw_albedo,2), ' bands, needs ', this%nswbands call radiation_abort() end if if (config%use_canopy_full_spectrum_sw) then ! Put shortwave albedo on g-point grid and permute i_albedo_from_g = config%i_albedo_from_band_sw(config%i_band_from_reordered_g_sw) DO jcol = istartcol,iendcol this%sw_albedo_diffuse(:,:,jcol) = surface%sw_albedo(jcol,i_albedo_from_g,:) if (allocated(surface%sw_albedo_direct)) then this%sw_albedo_direct(:,:,jcol) = surface%sw_albedo_direct(jcol,i_albedo_from_g,:) else this%sw_albedo_direct = this%sw_albedo_diffuse end if end do else DO jcol = istartcol,iendcol ! No change to spectral resolution: simply permute this%sw_albedo_diffuse(:,:,jcol) = surface%sw_albedo(jcol,:,:) if (allocated(surface%sw_albedo_direct)) then this%sw_albedo_direct(:,:,jcol) = surface%sw_albedo_direct(jcol,:,:) else this%sw_albedo_direct = this%sw_albedo_diffuse end if end do end if if (surface%is_simple) then ! We have a "traditional" representation: one flat tile single_level%sw_albedo_direct(istartcol:iendcol,:) & & = transpose(this%sw_albedo_direct(:,1,istartcol:iendcol)) single_level%sw_albedo (istartcol:iendcol,:) & & = transpose(this%sw_albedo_diffuse(:,1,istartcol:iendcol)) else ! More complex description of surface ! Firstly initialize outputs to zero single_level%sw_albedo_direct(istartcol:iendcol,:) = 0.0_jprb single_level%sw_albedo (istartcol:iendcol,:) = 0.0_jprb ! Loop over column and tile DO jcol = istartcol,iendcol cos_sza = single_level%cos_sza(jcol) DO jtile = 1,surface%ntile tile_fraction = surface%tile_fraction(jcol,jtile) if (tile_fraction > 0.0_jprb) then select case (surface%i_representation(jtile)) case (ITileFlat) ! SIMPLE FLAT TILE ! Add the contribution from this simple flat tile to the ! accumulated values for the column iground = surface%i_ground_facet(jcol,jtile) single_level%sw_albedo_direct(jcol,:) = single_level%sw_albedo_direct(jcol,:) & & + tile_fraction * this%sw_albedo_direct(:,iground,jcol) single_level%sw_albedo(jcol,:) = single_level%sw_albedo(jcol,:) & & + tile_fraction * this%sw_albedo_diffuse(:,iground,jcol) case (ITileVegetation) ! HORIZONTALLY HOMOGENEOUS VEGETATION CANOPY WITH ! SELLERS-LIKE FORMULATION iground = surface%i_ground_facet(jcol,jtile) iregion = surface%i_region_1(jcol,jtile) ! Shortwave calculation if (present(ext_sw_air)) then od_sw_air = surface%canopy_depth(jcol,jtile)*ext_sw_air(:,jcol) od_sw_region = od_sw_air + surface%vegetation_optical_depth(jcol,jtile) ssa_sw_region= (ssa_sw_air(:,jcol)*od_sw_air & & + surface%vegetation_optical_depth(jcol,jtile) & & * surface%vegetation_sw_albedo(jcol,:,jtile)) & & / od_sw_region ! Assume asymmetry factor of vegetation is zero g_sw_region = g_sw_air(:,jcol)*ssa_sw_air(:,jcol)*od_sw_air & & / (ssa_sw_region*od_sw_region) else od_sw_region = surface%vegetation_optical_depth(jcol,jtile) ssa_sw_region= surface%vegetation_sw_albedo(jcol,:,jtile) g_sw_region = 0.0_jprb end if call calc_two_stream_gammas_sw(this%nswbands, & & cos_sza, ssa_sw_region, g_sw_region, & & gamma1_sw, gamma2_sw, gamma3_sw) call calc_reflectance_transmittance_sw(this%nswbands, & & cos_sza, od_sw_region, ssa_sw_region, & & gamma1_sw, gamma2_sw, gamma3_sw, & & this%sw_ref_dif(:,iregion,jcol), this%sw_tra_dif(:,iregion,jcol), & & this%sw_ref_dir(:,iregion,jcol), this%sw_tra_dir_dif(:,iregion,jcol), & & this%sw_tra_dir_dir(:,iregion,jcol)) ! Shortwave adding method for a single layer inv_denominator_sw(:) = 1.0_jprb & & / (1.0_jprb - this%sw_albedo_diffuse(:,iground,jcol) & & *this%sw_ref_dif(:,iregion,jcol)) this%sw_albedo_diffuse_reg(:,iregion,jcol) = this%sw_ref_dif(:,iregion,jcol) & & + this%sw_tra_dif(:,iregion,jcol)**2 & & * this%sw_albedo_diffuse(:,iground,jcol) * inv_denominator_sw(:) this%sw_albedo_direct_reg(:,iregion,jcol) = this%sw_ref_dir(:,iregion,jcol) & & + (this%sw_tra_dir_dir(:,iregion,jcol)*this%sw_albedo_direct (:,iground,jcol) & & +this%sw_tra_dir_dif(:,iregion,jcol)*this%sw_albedo_diffuse(:,iground,jcol)) & & * this%sw_tra_dif(:,iregion,jcol) * inv_denominator_sw(:) single_level%sw_albedo(jcol,:) = single_level%sw_albedo(jcol,:) & & + tile_fraction * this%sw_albedo_diffuse_reg(:,iregion,jcol) single_level%sw_albedo_direct(jcol,:) = single_level%sw_albedo_direct(jcol,:) & & + tile_fraction * this%sw_albedo_direct_reg(:,iregion,jcol) case (ITileUrban3D) ! URBAN CANOPY WITH NO VEGETATION, TREATED USING ! SPARTACUS METHODOLOGY iground = surface%i_ground_facet(jcol,jtile) iwall = surface%i_wall_facet(jcol,jtile) iroof = surface%i_roof_facet(jcol,jtile) iregion = surface%i_region_1(jcol,jtile) canyon_fraction = 1.0_jprb - surface%building_fraction(jcol,jtile) fdiff = 0.5_jprb * surface%building_normalized_perimeter(jcol,jtile) / canyon_fraction tan_sza = sqrt(1.0_jprb / (cos_sza*cos_sza) - 1.0_jprb) fdir = surface%building_normalized_perimeter(jcol,jtile) * tan_sza / (Pi * canyon_fraction) if (present(ext_sw_air)) then ext_sw_region = ext_sw_air(:,jcol) ssa_sw_region = ssa_sw_air(:,jcol) g_sw_region = g_sw_air(:,jcol) else ext_sw_region = 0.0_jprb ssa_sw_region = 0.0_jprb g_sw_region = 0.0_jprb end if ! Get gammas for atmosphere only call calc_two_stream_gammas_sw(this%nswbands, & & cos_sza, ssa_sw_region, g_sw_region, & & gamma1_sw, gamma2_sw, gamma3_sw) ! At this point gamma1_sw-gamma2_sw is the rate of ! absorption per unit optical depth of the air in the ! canyon this%sw_wall_abs_frac_dif(:,iregion,jcol) & & = fdiff * (1.0_jprb - this%sw_albedo_diffuse(:,iwall,jcol)) this%sw_wall_abs_frac_dif(:,iregion,jcol) = this%sw_wall_abs_frac_dif(:,iregion,jcol) & & / max(1.0e-8_jprb,ext_sw_region*(gamma1_sw-gamma2_sw) & & + this%sw_wall_abs_frac_dif(:,iregion,jcol)) gamma4_sw = 1.0_jprb - gamma3_sw gamma0_sw = ext_sw_region / cos_sza + fdir gamma1_sw = ext_sw_region * gamma1_sw & & + fdiff * (1.0_jprb - 0.5_jprb*this%sw_albedo_diffuse(:,iwall,jcol)) gamma2_sw = ext_sw_region * gamma2_sw & & + fdiff * 0.5_jprb*this%sw_albedo_diffuse(:,iwall,jcol) gamma3_sw = ext_sw_region * ssa_sw_region * gamma3_sw & & + 0.5_jprb * fdir * this%sw_albedo_direct(:,iwall,jcol) gamma4_sw = ext_sw_region * ssa_sw_region * gamma4_sw & & + 0.5_jprb * fdir * this%sw_albedo_direct(:,iwall,jcol) call calc_reflectance_transmittance_z_sw(this%nswbands, & & cos_sza, surface%canopy_depth(jcol,jtile), gamma0_sw, & & gamma1_sw, gamma2_sw, gamma3_sw, gamma3_sw, & & this%sw_ref_dif(:,iregion,jcol), this%sw_tra_dif(:,iregion,jcol), & & this%sw_ref_dir(:,iregion,jcol), this%sw_tra_dir_dif(:,iregion,jcol), & & this%sw_tra_dir_dir(:,iregion,jcol)) ! Compute fraction of direct at canyon top that is absorbed by wall and air this%sw_wall_abs_dir(:,iregion,jcol) & & = (1.0_jprb - this%sw_tra_dir_dir(:,iregion,jcol)) & & * fdir * (1.0_jprb - this%sw_albedo_direct(:,iwall,jcol)) * cos_sza & & / max(1.0e-8_jprb, fdir*cos_sza + ext_sw_region) this%sw_air_abs_dir(:,iregion,jcol)& & = (1.0_jprb - this%sw_tra_dir_dir(:,iregion,jcol)) & & * ext_sw_region * (1.0_jprb - ssa_sw_region) & & / max(1.0e-8_jprb, fdir*cos_sza + ext_sw_region) ! Add roof component single_level%sw_albedo(jcol,:) = single_level%sw_albedo(jcol,:) & & + tile_fraction * surface%building_fraction(jcol,jtile) & & * this%sw_albedo_diffuse(:,iroof,jcol) single_level%sw_albedo_direct(jcol,:) = single_level%sw_albedo_direct(jcol,:) & & + tile_fraction * surface%building_fraction(jcol,jtile) & & * this%sw_albedo_direct(:,iroof,jcol) ! Add canyon component using shortwave adding method for a single layer inv_denominator_sw(:) = 1.0_jprb & & / (1.0_jprb - this%sw_albedo_diffuse(:,iground,jcol) & & *this%sw_ref_dif(:,iregion,jcol)) this%sw_albedo_diffuse_reg(:,iregion,jcol) = this%sw_ref_dif(:,iregion,jcol) & & + this%sw_tra_dif(:,iregion,jcol)**2 & & * this%sw_albedo_diffuse(:,iground,jcol) * inv_denominator_sw(:) this%sw_albedo_direct_reg(:,iregion,jcol) = this%sw_ref_dir(:,iregion,jcol) & & + (this%sw_tra_dir_dir(:,iregion,jcol)*this%sw_albedo_direct (:,iground,jcol) & & +this%sw_tra_dir_dif(:,iregion,jcol)*this%sw_albedo_diffuse(:,iground,jcol)) & & * this%sw_tra_dif(:,iregion,jcol) * inv_denominator_sw(:) single_level%sw_albedo(jcol,:) = single_level%sw_albedo(jcol,:) & & + tile_fraction * canyon_fraction * this%sw_albedo_diffuse_reg(:,iregion,jcol) single_level%sw_albedo_direct(jcol,:) = single_level%sw_albedo_direct(jcol,:) & & + tile_fraction * canyon_fraction * this%sw_albedo_direct_reg(:,iregion,jcol) end select end if end do end do end if if (lhook) call dr_hook('radsurf_intermediate:calc_boundary_conditions_sw',1,hook_handle) end subroutine calc_boundary_conditions_sw !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! As calc_boundary_conditions_sw, but for the longwave. subroutine calc_boundary_conditions_lw(this, istartcol, iendcol, & ! in & config, surface, & ! in & single_level, & ! out & ext_lw_air, ssa_lw_air, g_lw_air) ! in, optional use yomhook, only : lhook, dr_hook use radiation_io, only : nulerr, radiation_abort use radiation_config, only : config_type use radiation_single_level, only : single_level_type use radsurf_properties, only : surface_type, ITileFlat,ITileVegetation,ITileUrban3D use radiation_two_stream, only : calc_two_stream_gammas_lw, & & calc_reflectance_transmittance_isothermal_lw, & & LwDiffusivity use radiation_ifs_rrtm, only : planck_function use radiation_constants, only: Pi, GasConstantDryAir, AccelDueToGravity, StefanBoltzmann class(surface_intermediate_type), intent(inout) :: this integer(kind=jpim), intent(in) :: istartcol, iendcol type(config_type), intent(in) :: config type(surface_type), intent(in) :: surface type(single_level_type), intent(inout) :: single_level ! Input properties of the air in the lowest model level: ! extinction coefficient (m-1), single-scattering albedo and ! asymmetry factor real(kind=jprb), intent(in), dimension(config%n_g_lw,istartcol:iendcol), optional & & :: ext_lw_air, ssa_lw_air, g_lw_air ! Longwave region properties real(kind=jprb), dimension(this%nlwbands) :: od_lw_region, ssa_lw_region, g_lw_region ! Optical depth of air real(kind=jprb), dimension(this%nlwbands) :: od_lw_air ! Effective Planck function of urban canopy as a weighted average ! of wall and air emission real(kind=jprb), dimension(this%nlwbands) :: planck_canopy ! Vegetation emissivity using local spectral representation real(kind=jprb), dimension(this%nlwbands) :: vegetation_lw_emissivity real(kind=jprb) :: tile_fraction ! Exchange coefficient (m-1) for diffuse radiation into building ! walls, multiplied by canyon depth (m) to get a dimensionless ! analogue for optical depth real(kind=jprb) :: od_lw_wall ! One minus the building fraction real(kind=jprb) :: canyon_fraction ! Two-stream coefficients real(jprb), dimension(this%nlwbands) :: gamma1_lw, gamma2_lw real(jprb), dimension(this%nlwbands) :: inv_denominator_lw integer(kind=jpim) :: jcol,jtile,jfacet,iregion ! Indices to different facets integer(kind=jpim) :: iground, iwall, iroof real(jprb) :: hook_handle if (lhook) call dr_hook('radsurf_intermediate:calc_boundary_conditions_lw',0,hook_handle) if (present(ssa_lw_air)) then if (.not. present(g_lw_air)) then write(nulerr,'(a)') '*** Error: if ssa_lw_air is provided then g_lw_air must also be provided' call radiation_abort() end if end if if (size(single_level%lw_emissivity,2) /= this%nlwbands) then write(nulerr,'(a,i0,a,i0)') '*** Error: single-level emissivity has ', & & size(single_level%lw_emissivity,2), ' bands, needs ', this%nlwbands call radiation_abort() end if ! FIX: This section ought to check what tiles are present in each column if (config%use_canopy_full_spectrum_lw) then ! Put longwave emissivity on g-point grid and permute DO jcol = istartcol,iendcol this%lw_emissivity(:,:,jcol) = surface%lw_emissivity(jcol,config%i_emiss_from_band_lw( & & config%i_band_from_reordered_g_lw),:) end do ! Compute Planck function at each facet DO jfacet = 1,surface%nfacet DO jcol = istartcol,iendcol ! FIX this function assumes contiguous data for planck_facet ! so copies into a temporary call planck_function(config, & & surface%skin_temperature(jcol,jfacet), & & this%planck_facet(:,jfacet,jcol)) end do end do DO jtile = 1,surface%ntile DO jcol = istartcol,iendcol iregion = surface%i_region_1(jcol,jtile) if (iregion > 0) then call planck_function(config, & & surface%canopy_temperature(jcol,jtile), & & this%planck_region(:,iregion,jcol:jcol)) end if end do end do else if (surface%nemissbands /= 1) then write(nulerr,'(a)') '*** Error: insufficient information to compute Planck function in emissivity bands' call radiation_abort() end if DO jcol = istartcol,iendcol ! No change to spectral resolution: simply permute this%lw_emissivity(:,:,jcol) = surface%lw_emissivity(jcol,:,:) end do ! Broadband calculation: Stefan-Boltzmann law DO jfacet = 1,surface%nfacet this%planck_facet(1,jfacet,istartcol:iendcol) & & = StefanBoltzmann*surface%skin_temperature(istartcol:iendcol,jfacet)**4 end do DO jtile = 1,surface%ntile DO jcol = istartcol,iendcol iregion = surface%i_region_1(jcol,jtile) if (iregion > 0) then this%planck_region(1,iregion,jcol) & & = StefanBoltzmann*surface%canopy_temperature(jcol,jtile) end if end do end do end if if (surface%is_simple) then ! We have a "traditional" representation: one flat tile single_level%lw_emissivity(istartcol:iendcol,:) & & = transpose(this%lw_emissivity(:,1,istartcol:iendcol)) single_level%lw_emission(istartcol:iendcol,:) & & = transpose(this%planck_facet(:,1,istartcol:iendcol) & & * this%lw_emissivity(:,1,istartcol:iendcol)) else ! More complex description of surface ! Firstly initialize outputs to zero single_level%lw_emissivity(istartcol:iendcol,:) = 0.0_jprb single_level%lw_emission (istartcol:iendcol,:) = 0.0_jprb ! Loop over column and tile DO jcol = istartcol,iendcol DO jtile = 1,surface%ntile tile_fraction = surface%tile_fraction(jcol,jtile) if (tile_fraction > 0.0_jprb) then select case (surface%i_representation(jtile)) case (ITileFlat) ! SIMPLE FLAT TILE ! Add the contribution from this simple flat tile to the ! accumulated values for the column iground = surface%i_ground_facet(jcol,jtile) single_level%lw_emissivity(jcol,:) = single_level%lw_emissivity(jcol,:) & & + tile_fraction*this%lw_emissivity(:,iground,jcol) single_level%lw_emission(jcol,:) = single_level%lw_emission(jcol,:) + tile_fraction & & * (this%planck_facet(:,iground,jcol)*this%lw_emissivity(:,iground,jcol)) case (ITileVegetation) ! HORIZONTALLY HOMOGENEOUS VEGETATION CANOPY iground = surface%i_ground_facet(jcol,jtile) iregion = surface%i_region_1(jcol,jtile) ! Convert vegetation emissivity to local spectral representation if (config%use_canopy_full_spectrum_lw) then vegetation_lw_emissivity = surface%vegetation_lw_emissivity(jcol, & & config%i_emiss_from_band_lw(config%i_band_from_reordered_g_lw), & & jtile) else vegetation_lw_emissivity = surface%vegetation_lw_emissivity(jcol,:,jtile) end if if (present(ext_lw_air)) then od_lw_air = surface%canopy_depth(jcol,jtile)*ext_lw_air(:,jcol) od_lw_region = od_lw_air + surface%vegetation_optical_depth(jcol,jtile) if (present(ssa_lw_air)) then ssa_lw_region= (ssa_lw_air(:,jcol)*od_lw_air & & + surface%vegetation_optical_depth(jcol,jtile) & & * (1.0_jprb-vegetation_lw_emissivity)) & & / od_lw_region ! Assume asymmetry factor of vegetation is zero g_lw_region = g_lw_air(:,jcol)*ssa_lw_air(:,jcol)*od_lw_air & & / (ssa_lw_region * od_lw_region) else ! No longwave scattering properties for air ssa_lw_region= surface%vegetation_optical_depth(jcol,jtile) & & * (1.0_jprb-vegetation_lw_emissivity) & & / od_lw_region ! Assume asymmetry factor of vegetation is zero g_lw_region = 0.0_jprb end if else ! No gases od_lw_region = surface%vegetation_optical_depth(jcol,jtile) ssa_lw_region= 1.0_jprb-vegetation_lw_emissivity g_lw_region = 0.0_jprb end if call calc_two_stream_gammas_lw(this%nlwbands, & & ssa_lw_region, g_lw_region, & & gamma1_lw, gamma2_lw) call calc_reflectance_transmittance_isothermal_lw(this%nlwbands, & & od_lw_region, gamma1_lw, gamma2_lw, this%planck_region(:,iregion,jcol), & & this%lw_reflectance(:,iregion,jcol), this%lw_transmittance(:,iregion,jcol), & & this%lw_source(:,iregion,jcol)) ! Longwave adding method for a single layer inv_denominator_lw(:) = 1.0_jprb & & / (1.0_jprb - (1.0_jprb - this%lw_emissivity(:,iground,jcol)) & & *this%lw_reflectance(:,iregion,jcol)) single_level%lw_emissivity(jcol,:) = single_level%lw_emissivity(jcol,:) & & + tile_fraction * (1.0_jprb - (this%lw_reflectance(:,iregion,jcol) & & + this%lw_transmittance(:,iregion,jcol)**2 & & * (1.0_jprb - this%lw_emissivity(:,iground,jcol)) * inv_denominator_lw(:))) single_level%lw_emission(jcol,:) = single_level%lw_emission(jcol,:) + tile_fraction & & * (this%lw_source(:,iregion,jcol) * (1.0_jprb + inv_denominator_lw(:) & & * (1.0_jprb - this%lw_emissivity(:,iground,jcol)) & & * this%lw_transmittance(:,iregion,jcol)) & & +this%planck_facet(:,iground,jcol)*this%lw_emissivity(:,iground,jcol) & & *this%lw_transmittance(:,iregion,jcol)*inv_denominator_lw(:)) case (ITileUrban3D) ! URBAN CANOPY WITH NO VEGETATION, TREATED USING ! SPARTACUS METHODOLOGY iground = surface%i_ground_facet(jcol,jtile) iwall = surface%i_wall_facet(jcol,jtile) iroof = surface%i_roof_facet(jcol,jtile) iregion = surface%i_region_1(jcol,jtile) canyon_fraction = 1.0_jprb - surface%building_fraction(jcol,jtile) ! fdiff woould be 0.5 * building_normalized_perimeter / ! canyon_fraction, but to get equivalent zenith optical ! depth we multiply by the building height and divide by ! the longwave diffusivity angle ! od_lw_wall = 0.5_jprb * surface%building_normalized_perimeter(jcol,jtile) & ! & * surface%canopy_depth(jcol,jtile) / (LwDiffusivity * canyon_fraction) ! Or first compute H/W od_lw_wall = 0.5_jprb * surface%building_normalized_perimeter(jcol,jtile) & & * surface%canopy_depth(jcol,jtile) / canyon_fraction ! And then use the Harman et al. (2004) formula for ! street-to-sky transmittance T=sqrt[(H/W)^2+1]-H/W, to ! compute equivalent optical depth knowing that the ! two-stream scheme treatment will be T=exp(-D*od) od_lw_wall = -log(sqrt(od_lw_wall*od_lw_wall + 1) - od_lw_wall) / LwDiffusivity if (present(ext_lw_air)) then od_lw_air = ext_lw_air(:,jcol)*surface%canopy_depth(jcol,jtile) !*10.0_jprb od_lw_region = od_lw_air + od_lw_wall if (present(ssa_lw_air)) then ssa_lw_region = (od_lw_air * ssa_lw_air(:,jcol) & & + od_lw_wall * (1.0_jprb - this%lw_emissivity(:,iwall,jcol))) & & / max(od_lw_region,1.0e-6_jprb) ! We assume that any scattering off the walls is ! equally likely to be up or down, so the effective ! asymmetry factor is zero g_lw_region = (od_lw_air * ssa_lw_air(:,jcol)*g_lw_air(:,jcol)) & & / max(od_lw_region*ssa_lw_region,1.0e-6_jprb) ! Effective Planck function of the canopy is the ! weighted average of wall and air emission this%lw_total_wall_emission(:,iregion,jcol) = LwDiffusivity & & * od_lw_wall*this%lw_emissivity(:,iwall,jcol)*this%planck_facet(:,iwall,jcol) this%lw_total_canopy_emission(:,iregion,jcol) = LwDiffusivity & & * od_lw_air*(1.0_jprb-ssa_lw_air(:,jcol))*this%planck_region(:,iregion,jcol) planck_canopy = (this%lw_total_wall_emission(:,iregion,jcol) & & +this%lw_total_canopy_emission(:,iregion,jcol)) & & / max(od_lw_region*(1.0_jprb-ssa_lw_region)*LwDiffusivity,1.0e-6_jprb) else ssa_lw_region = od_lw_wall * (1.0_jprb - this%lw_emissivity(:,iwall,jcol)) & & / max(od_lw_region,1.0e-6_jprb) ! We assume that any scattering off the walls is ! equally likely to be up or down, so the effective ! asymmetry factor is zero g_lw_region = 0.0_jprb ! Effective Planck function of the canopy is the ! weighted average of wall and air emission this%lw_total_wall_emission(:,iregion,jcol) = LwDiffusivity & & * od_lw_wall*this%lw_emissivity(:,iwall,jcol)*this%planck_facet(:,iwall,jcol) this%lw_total_canopy_emission(:,iregion,jcol) = LwDiffusivity & & * od_lw_air*this%planck_region(:,iregion,jcol) planck_canopy = (this%lw_total_wall_emission(:,iregion,jcol) & & +this%lw_total_canopy_emission(:,iregion,jcol)) & & / max(od_lw_region*(1.0_jprb-ssa_lw_region)*LwDiffusivity,1.0e-6_jprb) end if ! Compute fraction of canyon absorption by the wall this%lw_wall_abs_frac(:,iregion,jcol) = od_lw_wall * this%lw_emissivity(:,iwall,jcol) & & / max(od_lw_region*(1.0_jprb-ssa_lw_region),1.0e-6_jprb) else od_lw_region = od_lw_wall ssa_lw_region = 1.0_jprb - this%lw_emissivity(:,iwall,jcol); g_lw_region = 0.0_jprb ! All absorption and emission is by the wall this%lw_wall_abs_frac(:,iregion,jcol) = 1.0_jprb this%lw_total_wall_emission(:,iregion,jcol) = LwDiffusivity & & * od_lw_wall*this%lw_emissivity(:,iwall,jcol)*this%planck_facet(:,iwall,jcol) this%lw_total_canopy_emission(:,iregion,jcol) = 0.0_jprb planck_canopy = this%planck_facet(:,iwall,jcol) end if call calc_two_stream_gammas_lw(this%nlwbands, & & ssa_lw_region, g_lw_region, & & gamma1_lw, gamma2_lw) call calc_reflectance_transmittance_isothermal_lw(this%nlwbands, & & od_lw_region, gamma1_lw, gamma2_lw, planck_canopy, & & this%lw_reflectance(:,iregion,jcol), this%lw_transmittance(:,iregion,jcol), & & this%lw_source(:,iregion,jcol)) ! Add roof component single_level%lw_emissivity(jcol,:) = single_level%lw_emissivity(jcol,:) & & + tile_fraction * surface%building_fraction(jcol,jtile) & & * this%lw_emissivity(:,iroof,jcol) single_level%lw_emission(jcol,:) = single_level%lw_emission(jcol,:) & & + tile_fraction * surface%building_fraction(jcol,jtile) & & * this%lw_emissivity(:,iroof,jcol)*this%planck_facet(:,iroof,jcol) ! Add canyon component: longwave adding method for a single layer inv_denominator_lw(:) = 1.0_jprb & & / (1.0_jprb - (1.0_jprb - this%lw_emissivity(:,iground,jcol)) & & *this%lw_reflectance(:,iregion,jcol)) this%lw_emissivity_region(:,iregion,jcol) & & = (1.0_jprb - (this%lw_reflectance(:,iregion,jcol) & & + this%lw_transmittance(:,iregion,jcol)**2 & & * (1.0_jprb - this%lw_emissivity(:,iground,jcol)) * inv_denominator_lw(:))) single_level%lw_emissivity(jcol,:) = single_level%lw_emissivity(jcol,:) & & + tile_fraction * canyon_fraction * this%lw_emissivity_region(:,iregion,jcol) this%lw_emission_region(:,iregion,jcol) & & = this%lw_source(:,iregion,jcol) * (1.0_jprb + inv_denominator_lw(:) & & * (1.0_jprb - this%lw_emissivity(:,iground,jcol)) & & * this%lw_transmittance(:,iregion,jcol)) & & +this%planck_facet(:,iground,jcol)*this%lw_emissivity(:,iground,jcol) & & *this%lw_transmittance(:,iregion,jcol)*inv_denominator_lw(:) single_level%lw_emission(jcol,:) = single_level%lw_emission(jcol,:) & & + tile_fraction * canyon_fraction * this%lw_emission_region(:,iregion,jcol) end select end if end do end do end if if (lhook) call dr_hook('radsurf_intermediate:calc_boundary_conditions_lw',1,hook_handle) end subroutine calc_boundary_conditions_lw !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Compute both shortwave and longwave boundary conditions neglecting ! gases within vegetation and urban canopies subroutine calc_boundary_conditions_vacuum(this, istartcol, iendcol, & ! in & config, surface, & ! in & single_level) ! out use radiation_config, only : config_type use radiation_single_level, only : single_level_type use radsurf_properties, only : surface_type class(surface_intermediate_type), intent(inout) :: this integer(kind=jpim), intent(in) :: istartcol, iendcol type(config_type), intent(in) :: config type(surface_type), intent(in) :: surface type(single_level_type), intent(inout) :: single_level call this%calc_boundary_conditions_sw(istartcol, iendcol, & & config, surface, single_level) call this%calc_boundary_conditions_lw(istartcol, iendcol, & & config, surface, single_level) end subroutine calc_boundary_conditions_vacuum !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Compute both shortwave and longwave boundary conditions subroutine calc_boundary_conditions(this, istartcol, iendcol, & ! in & config, surface, & ! in & thermodynamics, gas, & ! in & single_level) ! out use radiation_config, only : config_type use radiation_thermodynamics,only: thermodynamics_type use radiation_gas, only : gas_type use radiation_single_level, only : single_level_type use radiation_ifs_rrtm, only : gas_optics use radsurf_properties, only : surface_type use radiation_constants, only : GasConstantDryAir, & & AccelDueToGravity class(surface_intermediate_type), intent(inout) :: this integer(kind=jpim), intent(in) :: istartcol, iendcol type(config_type), intent(in) :: config type(surface_type), intent(in) :: surface type(gas_type), intent(in) :: gas type(thermodynamics_type), intent(in) :: thermodynamics type(single_level_type), intent(inout) :: single_level ! Ratio of gas constant for dry air to acceleration due to gravity real(jprb), parameter :: R_over_g = GasConstantDryAir / AccelDueToGravity ! Number of leves to request gas optical depths for; we only need ! one but gas optics scheme assumes more integer, parameter :: NGasLevels = 1 ! Canopy longwave optical depth real(jprb), dimension(config%n_g_lw,NGasLevels,istartcol:iendcol) :: od_lw ! Canopy longwave extinction coefficient real(jprb), dimension(config%n_g_lw,istartcol:iendcol) :: ext_lw ! Canopy shortwave optical depth, single scattering albedo and ! asymmetry factor of gases and aerosols at each shortwave g-point real(jprb), dimension(config%n_g_sw,NGasLevels,istartcol:iendcol) :: od_sw, ssa_sw, g_sw ! Thickness of lowest model level real(jprb) :: layer_depth ! Index to final level of full model grid integer :: iendlev ! Column loop counter, number of columns integer :: jcol, ncol ncol = ubound(thermodynamics%pressure_hl,1) iendlev = ubound(thermodynamics%pressure_hl,2)-1 call gas_optics(ncol, NGasLevels, istartcol, iendcol, & & config, single_level, thermodynamics, gas, & & od_lw, od_sw, ssa_sw) ! Scale optical depths to extinction DO jcol = istartcol,iendcol layer_depth = R_over_g & & * (thermodynamics%pressure_hl(jcol,iendlev+1) & & - thermodynamics%pressure_hl(jcol,iendlev)) & & * (thermodynamics%temperature_hl(jcol,iendlev) & & + thermodynamics%temperature_hl(jcol,iendlev+1)) & & / (thermodynamics%pressure_hl(jcol,iendlev) & & + thermodynamics%pressure_hl(jcol,iendlev+1)) !if (config%do_sw) then ! ext_sw(jcol) = ext_sw(jcol) / layer_depth !end if if (config%do_lw) then ext_lw(:,jcol) = od_lw(:,NGasLevels,jcol) / layer_depth end if end do call this%calc_boundary_conditions_sw(istartcol, iendcol, & & config, surface, single_level) if (config%do_canopy_gases_lw) then call this%calc_boundary_conditions_lw(istartcol, iendcol, & & config, surface, single_level, & & ext_lw_air=ext_lw) else call this%calc_boundary_conditions_lw(istartcol, iendcol, & & config, surface, single_level) end if end subroutine calc_boundary_conditions !--------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine partition_fluxes(this, istartcol, iendcol, config, surface, flux, & & surface_flux) use yomhook, only : lhook, dr_hook use radiation_flux, only : flux_type use radsurf_flux, only : surface_flux_type use radiation_config, only : config_type use radsurf_properties,only : surface_type, ITileFlat,ITileVegetation,ITileUrban3D class(surface_intermediate_type), intent(in) :: this integer(kind=jpim), intent(in) :: istartcol, iendcol type(config_type), intent(in) :: config type(surface_type), intent(in) :: surface type(flux_type), intent(in) :: flux type(surface_flux_type), intent(inout) :: surface_flux real(kind=jprb), dimension(config%n_g_lw) :: lw_dn_g, lw_up_g real(kind=jprb), dimension(config%n_canopy_bands_sw) & & :: sw_dn_diffuse_g, sw_dn_direct_g, sw_up_g, sw_abs_g real(kind=jprb), dimension(config%n_canopy_bands_lw) :: lw_abs_g ! Ratio of street planar area to wall frontal area real(kind=jprb) :: wall_scaling real(kind=jprb) :: tile_fraction integer(kind=jpim) :: iground, iroof, iwall, iregion integer(kind=jpim) :: isurf ! index to lowest flux level (=nlev+1) integer(kind=jpim) :: jcol, jtile real(kind=jprb) :: hook_handle if (lhook) call dr_hook('radsurf_intermediate:partition_fluxes',0,hook_handle) if (.not. surface%is_simple) then isurf = size(flux%lw_dn,2) if (config%do_lw) then surface_flux%lw_dn_facet(istartcol:iendcol,:) = 0.0_jprb surface_flux%lw_up_facet(istartcol:iendcol,:) = 0.0_jprb surface_flux%lw_abs_canopy(istartcol:iendcol,:)=0.0_jprb end if if (config%do_sw) then surface_flux%sw_dn_facet(istartcol:iendcol,:) = 0.0_jprb surface_flux%sw_dn_direct_facet(istartcol:iendcol,:) = 0.0_jprb surface_flux%sw_up_facet(istartcol:iendcol,:) = 0.0_jprb surface_flux%sw_abs_canopy(istartcol:iendcol,:)=0.0_jprb end if ! Loop over column and tile DO jcol = istartcol,iendcol DO jtile = 1,surface%ntile tile_fraction = surface%tile_fraction(jcol,jtile) if (tile_fraction > 0.0_jprb) then select case (surface%i_representation(jtile)) case (ITileFlat) iground = surface%i_ground_facet(jcol,jtile) if (config%do_lw) then surface_flux%lw_dn_facet(jcol,iground) = flux%lw_dn(jcol,isurf) surface_flux%lw_up_facet(jcol,iground) & & = sum(this%lw_emissivity(:,iground,jcol)*this%planck_facet(:,iground,jcol) & & + (1.0_jprb - this%lw_emissivity(:,iground,jcol)) & & * flux%lw_dn_surf_canopy(:,jcol)) end if if (config%do_sw) then surface_flux%sw_dn_facet(jcol,iground) = flux%sw_dn(jcol,isurf) surface_flux%sw_dn_direct_facet(jcol,iground) = flux%sw_dn_direct(jcol,isurf) surface_flux%sw_up_facet(jcol,iground) & & = sum(this%sw_albedo_diffuse(:,iground,jcol) & & * flux%sw_dn_diffuse_surf_canopy(:,jcol) & & + this%sw_albedo_direct (:,iground,jcol) & & * flux%sw_dn_direct_surf_canopy (:,jcol)) end if case (ITileVegetation) iground = surface%i_ground_facet(jcol,jtile) iregion = surface%i_region_1(jcol,jtile) ! Adding method in longwave and shortwave if (config%do_lw) then ! Surface downwelling fluxes at each g point lw_dn_g = (this%lw_transmittance(:,iregion,jcol)*flux%lw_dn_surf_canopy(:,jcol) & & +this%lw_reflectance (:,iregion,jcol) & & *this%lw_emissivity(:,iground,jcol)*this%planck_facet(:,iground,jcol) & & +this%lw_source(:,iregion,jcol)) & & / (1.0_jprb - (1.0_jprb - this%lw_emissivity(:,iground,jcol)) & & *this%lw_reflectance(:,iregion,jcol)) surface_flux%lw_dn_facet(jcol,iground) = sum(lw_dn_g) surface_flux%lw_up_facet(jcol,iground) & & = sum((1.0_jprb-this%lw_emissivity(:,iground,jcol))*lw_dn_g & & +this%lw_emissivity(:,iground,jcol)*this%planck_facet(:,iground,jcol)) surface_flux%lw_abs_canopy(jcol,jtile) = flux%lw_dn(jcol,isurf) & & - flux%lw_up(jcol,isurf) - surface_flux%lw_dn_facet(jcol,iground) & & + surface_flux%lw_up_facet(jcol,iground) end if if (config%do_sw) then sw_dn_direct_g = this%sw_tra_dir_dir(:,iregion,jcol) & & * flux%sw_dn_direct_surf_canopy(:,jcol) ! Note that the following is initially just the ! upwelling due to scattering of the direct beam sw_up_g = sw_dn_direct_g * this%sw_albedo_direct(:,iground,jcol) sw_dn_diffuse_g & & = (this%sw_tra_dif(:,iregion,jcol)*flux%sw_dn_diffuse_surf_canopy(:,jcol) & & +this%sw_ref_dif(:,iregion,jcol)*sw_up_g & & +this%sw_tra_dir_dif(:,iregion,jcol)*flux%sw_dn_direct_surf_canopy(:,jcol)) & & / (1.0_jprb - this%sw_albedo_diffuse(:,iground,jcol) & & *this%sw_ref_dif(:,iregion,jcol)) sw_up_g = sw_up_g + sw_dn_diffuse_g * this%sw_albedo_diffuse(:,iground,jcol) surface_flux%sw_dn_direct_facet(jcol,iground) = sum(sw_dn_direct_g) surface_flux%sw_dn_facet(jcol,iground) = surface_flux%sw_dn_direct_facet(jcol,iground) & & + sum(sw_dn_diffuse_g) surface_flux%sw_up_facet(jcol,iground) = sum(sw_up_g) surface_flux%sw_abs_canopy(jcol,jtile) & & = flux%sw_dn(jcol,isurf) - flux%sw_up(jcol,isurf) & & - surface_flux%sw_dn_facet(jcol,iground) & & + surface_flux%sw_up_facet(jcol,iground) end if case (ITileUrban3D) iground = surface%i_ground_facet(jcol,jtile) iroof = surface%i_roof_facet(jcol,jtile) iwall = surface%i_wall_facet(jcol,jtile) iregion = surface%i_region_1(jcol,jtile) ! We want wall fluxes per unit area of wall, not per ! unit area of street wall_scaling = (1.0_jprb - surface%building_fraction(jcol,jtile)) & & / max(1.0e-4_jprb, surface%building_normalized_perimeter(jcol,jtile) & & * surface%canopy_depth(jcol,jtile)) if (config%do_sw) then ! Roof fluxes surface_flux%sw_dn_facet(jcol,iroof) = flux%sw_dn(jcol,isurf) surface_flux%sw_dn_direct_facet(jcol,iroof) = flux%sw_dn_direct(jcol,isurf) surface_flux%sw_up_facet(jcol,iroof) & & = sum(this%sw_albedo_diffuse(:,iroof,jcol) & & * flux%sw_dn_diffuse_surf_canopy(:,jcol) & & + this%sw_albedo_direct (:,iroof,jcol) & & * flux%sw_dn_direct_surf_canopy (:,jcol)) ! Ground fluxes sw_dn_direct_g = this%sw_tra_dir_dir(:,iregion,jcol) & & * flux%sw_dn_direct_surf_canopy(:,jcol) ! Note that the following is initially just the ! upwelling due to scattering of the direct beam sw_up_g = sw_dn_direct_g * this%sw_albedo_direct(:,iground,jcol) sw_dn_diffuse_g & & = (this%sw_tra_dif(:,iregion,jcol)*flux%sw_dn_diffuse_surf_canopy(:,jcol) & & +this%sw_ref_dif(:,iregion,jcol)*sw_up_g & & +this%sw_tra_dir_dif(:,iregion,jcol)*flux%sw_dn_direct_surf_canopy(:,jcol)) & & / (1.0_jprb - this%sw_albedo_diffuse(:,iground,jcol) & & *this%sw_ref_dif(:,iregion,jcol)) sw_up_g = sw_up_g + sw_dn_diffuse_g * this%sw_albedo_diffuse(:,iground,jcol) surface_flux%sw_dn_direct_facet(jcol,iground) = sum(sw_dn_direct_g) surface_flux%sw_dn_facet(jcol,iground) = surface_flux%sw_dn_direct_facet(jcol,iground) & & + sum(sw_dn_diffuse_g) surface_flux%sw_up_facet(jcol,iground) = sum(sw_up_g) ! Wall fluxes sw_abs_g = flux%sw_dn_direct_surf_canopy(:,jcol)*this%sw_wall_abs_dir(:,iregion,jcol) surface_flux%sw_dn_direct_facet(jcol,iwall) & & = wall_scaling * sum(sw_abs_g / (1.0_jprb - this%sw_albedo_direct(:,iwall,jcol))) ! Initially just the direct reflection surface_flux%sw_up_facet(jcol,iwall) = wall_scaling & & * sum(sw_abs_g * this%sw_albedo_direct(:,iwall,jcol) & & / (1.0_jprb - this%sw_albedo_direct(:,iwall,jcol))) ! Initially just the direct absorption surface_flux%sw_abs_canopy(jcol,jtile) & & = sum(flux%sw_dn_direct_surf_canopy(:,jcol)*this%sw_air_abs_dir(:,iregion,jcol)) ! Diffuse absorption within canopy sw_abs_g = flux%sw_dn_direct_surf_canopy(:,jcol) & & * (1.0-this%sw_albedo_direct_reg (:,iregion,jcol)) & & + flux%sw_dn_diffuse_surf_canopy(:,jcol) & & * (1.0-this%sw_albedo_diffuse_reg(:,iregion,jcol)) & & - sw_dn_direct_g - sw_dn_diffuse_g + sw_up_g - sw_abs_g ! Add diffuse absorption surface_flux%sw_abs_canopy(jcol,jtile) = surface_flux%sw_abs_canopy(jcol,jtile) & & + sum(sw_abs_g * (1.0_jprb - this%sw_wall_abs_frac_dif(:,iregion,jcol))) ! Add diffuse reflection surface_flux%sw_up_facet(jcol,iwall) = surface_flux%sw_up_facet(jcol,iwall) & & + wall_scaling * sum(sw_abs_g * this%sw_wall_abs_frac_dif(:,iregion,jcol) & & * this%sw_albedo_diffuse(:,iwall,jcol) & & / (1.0_jprb - this%sw_albedo_diffuse(:,iwall,jcol))) ! Add diffuse into wall surface_flux%sw_dn_facet(jcol,iwall) = surface_flux%sw_dn_direct_facet(jcol,iwall) & & + wall_scaling * sum(sw_abs_g * this%sw_wall_abs_frac_dif(:,iregion,jcol) & & / (1.0_jprb - this%sw_albedo_diffuse(:,iwall,jcol))) !!$ !!$ sw_direct_abs_g = flux%sw_dn_direct_surf_g (:,jcol) - sw_dn_direct_g !!$ sw_diffuse_abs_g = flux%sw_dn_diffuse_surf_g(:,jcol)*(1.0_jprb - this%sw_albedo_diffuse_reg(:,iregion,jcol)) & !!$ & + flux%sw_dn_direct_surf_g (:,jcol)*(1.0_jprb - this%sw_albedo_direct_reg (:,iregion,jcol)) & !!$ & - sw_dn_direct_g - sw_dn_diffuse_g + sw_up_g !!$ !!$ !!$ surface_flux%sw_abs_canopy(jcol,jtile) = sum((1.0_jprb - this%sw_wall_abs_frac(:,iregion,jcol))*sw_abs_g) !!$ surface_flux%sw_dn_facet(jcol,iwall) = sum(this%sw_wall_abs_frac(:,iregion,jcol)*sw_abs_g & !!$ & / (1.0_jprb - this%sw_albedo_diffuse(:,iwall,jcol))) !!$ surface_flux%sw_up_facet(jcol,iwall) = sum(this%sw_albedo_diffuse(:,iwall,jcol) & !!$ & *this%sw_wall_abs_frac(:,iregion,jcol)*sw_abs_g & !!$ & / (1.0_jprb - this%sw_albedo_diffuse(:,iwall,jcol))) end if if (config%do_lw) then surface_flux%lw_dn_facet(jcol,iroof) = flux%lw_dn(jcol,isurf) surface_flux%lw_up_facet(jcol,iroof) & & = sum(this%lw_emissivity(:,iroof,jcol)*this%planck_facet(:,iroof,jcol) & & + (1.0_jprb - this%lw_emissivity(:,iroof,jcol))*flux%lw_dn_surf_canopy(:,jcol)) lw_dn_g = (this%lw_transmittance(:,iregion,jcol)*flux%lw_dn_surf_canopy(:,jcol) & & +this%lw_reflectance (:,iregion,jcol) & & *this%lw_emissivity(:,iground,jcol)*this%planck_facet(:,iground,jcol) & & +this%lw_source(:,iregion,jcol)) & & / (1.0_jprb - (1.0_jprb - this%lw_emissivity(:,iground,jcol)) & & *this%lw_reflectance(:,iregion,jcol)) lw_up_g = (1.0_jprb-this%lw_emissivity(:,iground,jcol))*lw_dn_g & & +this%lw_emissivity(:,iground,jcol)*this%planck_facet(:,iground,jcol) surface_flux%lw_dn_facet(jcol,iground) = sum(lw_dn_g) surface_flux%lw_up_facet(jcol,iground) = sum(lw_up_g) ! lw_abs_g = flux%lw_dn(jcol,isurf)-flux%lw_up(jcol,isurf) & ! & - surface_flux%lw_dn_facet(jcol,iground)+surface_flux%lw_up_facet(jcol,iground) ! lw_abs_g = flux%lw_dn_surf_canopy(:,jcol) & ! & * (1.0_jprb-this%lw_emissivity_region(:,iregion,jcol)) & ! & - this%lw_emission_region(:,iregion,jcol) & ! & - lw_dn_g*(1.0_jprb-this%lw_emissivity(:,iground,jcol)) & ! & + this%lw_emissivity(:,iground,jcol)*this%planck_facet(:,iground,jcol) ! lw_abs_g = flux%lw_dn_surf_canopy(:,jcol) & ! & * this%lw_emissivity_region(:,iregion,jcol) & ! & - this%lw_emission_region(:,iregion,jcol) & ! & - lw_dn_g*this%lw_emissivity(:,iground,jcol) & ! & + this%lw_emissivity(:,iground,jcol)*this%planck_facet(:,iground,jcol) lw_abs_g = (flux%lw_dn_surf_canopy(:,jcol) + lw_up_g) & & * (1.0_jprb - this%lw_reflectance(:,iregion,jcol) & & - this%lw_transmittance(:,iregion,jcol)) & & + this%lw_total_wall_emission(:,iregion,jcol) & & + this%lw_total_canopy_emission(:,iregion,jcol) & & - 2.0_jprb * this%lw_source(:,iregion,jcol) ! surface_flux%lw_up_facet(jcol,iwall) = sum(this%planck_facet(:,iwall,jcol) & ! & + wall_scaling*(1.0_jprb-this%lw_emissivity(:,iwall,jcol)) & ! & *this%lw_wall_abs_frac(:,iregion,jcol)*lw_abs_g & ! & / this%lw_emissivity(:,iwall,jcol)) ! surface_flux%lw_dn_facet(jcol,iwall) = sum((this%planck_facet(:,iwall,jcol) & ! & + this%lw_total_wall_emission(:,iregion,jcol)) / this%lw_emissivity(:,iwall,jcol)) ! surface_flux%lw_dn_facet(jcol,iwall) = wall_scaling*sum((this%lw_total_wall_emission(:,iregion,jcol) & ! & + this%lw_wall_abs_frac(:,iregion,jcol)*lw_abs_g) & ! & / this%lw_emissivity(:,iwall,jcol)) ! surface_flux%lw_up_facet(jcol,iwall) = surface_flux%lw_dn_facet(jcol,iwall) & ! & - wall_scaling*sum(this%lw_wall_abs_frac(:,iregion,jcol)*lw_abs_g) surface_flux%lw_dn_facet(jcol,iwall) & & = wall_scaling*sum(this%lw_wall_abs_frac(:,iregion,jcol)*lw_abs_g & & / this%lw_emissivity(:,iwall,jcol)) surface_flux%lw_up_facet(jcol,iwall) = surface_flux%lw_dn_facet(jcol,iwall) & & + wall_scaling * sum(this%lw_total_wall_emission(:,iregion,jcol) & & - this%lw_wall_abs_frac(:,iregion,jcol)*lw_abs_g) surface_flux%lw_abs_canopy(jcol,jtile) & & = sum(lw_abs_g*(1.0_jprb-this%lw_wall_abs_frac(:,iregion,jcol)) & & -this%lw_total_canopy_emission(:,iregion,jcol)) end if end select end if end do end do end if if (lhook) call dr_hook('radsurf_intermediate:partition_fluxes',1,hook_handle) end subroutine partition_fluxes end module radsurf_intermediate