! AI mars 2021 ! ====================== Interface between ECRAD and LMDZ ==================== ! radiation_scheme.F90 appelee dans radlwsw_m.F90 si iflag_rttm = 2 ! revoir toutes les parties avec "AI ATTENTION" ! Mars 2021 : ! - Revoir toutes les parties commentees AI ATTENTION ! 1. Traitement des aerosols ! 2. Verifier les parametres times issus de LMDZ (calcul issed) ! 3. Configuration a partir de namelist ! 4. frac_std = 0.75 ! Juillet 2023 : ! ! ============================================================================ SUBROUTINE RADIATION_SCHEME & ! Inputs & (KIDIA, KFDIA, KLON, KLEV, KAEROSOL, NSW, & & namelist_file, ok_3Deffect, IDAY, TIME, & & PSOLAR_IRRADIANCE, & & PMU0, PTEMPERATURE_SKIN, & & PALBEDO_DIF, PALBEDO_DIR, & & PEMIS, PEMIS_WINDOW, & & PGELAM, PGEMU, & & PPRESSURE_H, PTEMPERATURE_H, PQ, PQSAT, & & PCO2, PCH4, PN2O, PNO2, PCFC11, PCFC12, PHCFC22, & & PCCL4, PO3, PO2, & & PCLOUD_FRAC, PQ_LIQUID, PQ_ICE, PQ_SNOW, & & ZRE_LIQUID_UM, ZRE_ICE_UM, & & PAEROSOL_OLD, PAEROSOL, & ! Outputs & PFLUX_SW, PFLUX_LW, PFLUX_SW_CLEAR, PFLUX_LW_CLEAR, & & PFLUX_SW_DN, PFLUX_LW_DN, PFLUX_SW_DN_CLEAR, PFLUX_LW_DN_CLEAR, & & PFLUX_SW_UP, PFLUX_LW_UP, PFLUX_SW_UP_CLEAR, PFLUX_LW_UP_CLEAR, & & PFLUX_DIR, PFLUX_DIR_CLEAR, PFLUX_DIR_INTO_SUN, & & PFLUX_UV, PFLUX_PAR, PFLUX_PAR_CLEAR, & & PEMIS_OUT, PLWDERIVATIVE, & & PSWDIFFUSEBAND, PSWDIRECTBAND) ! RADIATION_SCHEME - Interface to modular radiation scheme ! (C) Copyright 2015- ECMWF. ! This software is licensed under the terms of the Apache Licence Version 2.0 ! which can be obtained at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0. ! In applying this licence, ECMWF does not waive the privileges and immunities ! granted to it by virtue of its status as an intergovernmental organisation ! nor does it submit to any jurisdiction. ! PURPOSE ! ------- ! The modular radiation scheme is contained in a separate ! library. This routine puts the the IFS arrays into appropriate ! objects, computing the additional data that is required, and sends ! it to the radiation scheme. It returns net fluxes and surface ! flux components needed by the rest of the model. ! Lower case is used for variables and types taken from the ! radiation library ! INTERFACE ! --------- ! RADIATION_SCHEME is called from RADLSWR. The ! SETUP_RADIATION_SCHEME routine (in the RADIATION_SETUP module) ! should have been run first. ! AUTHOR ! ------ ! Robin Hogan, ECMWF ! Original: 2015-09-16 ! MODIFICATIONS ! ------------- ! TO DO ! ----- !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Modules from ifs or ifsaux libraries USE PARKIND1 , ONLY : JPIM, JPRB USE YOMHOOK , ONLY : LHOOK, DR_HOOK USE RADIATION_SETUP USE YOMCST , ONLY : RSIGMA ! Stefan-Boltzmann constant USE RADIATION_SETUP, ONLY : SETUP_RADIATION_SCHEME, & & config_type, driver_config_type, & & NWEIGHT_UV, IBAND_UV, WEIGHT_UV, & & NWEIGHT_PAR, IBAND_PAR, WEIGHT_PAR, & & ITYPE_TROP_BG_AER, TROP_BG_AER_MASS_EXT, & & ITYPE_STRAT_BG_AER, STRAT_BG_AER_MASS_EXT, & & ISolverSpartacus ! Modules from radiation library USE radiation_single_level, ONLY : single_level_type USE radiation_thermodynamics, ONLY : thermodynamics_type USE radiation_gas USE radiation_cloud, ONLY : cloud_type USE radiation_aerosol, ONLY : aerosol_type USE radiation_flux, ONLY : flux_type USE radiation_interface, ONLY : radiation, set_gas_units USE radiation_save, ONLY : save_inputs USE lmdz_phys_para IMPLICIT NONE ! INPUT ARGUMENTS ! *** Array dimensions and ranges INTEGER(KIND=JPIM),INTENT(IN) :: KIDIA ! Start column to process INTEGER(KIND=JPIM),INTENT(IN) :: KFDIA ! End column to process !INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: KIDIA, KFDIA INTEGER(KIND=JPIM),INTENT(IN) :: KLON ! Number of columns INTEGER(KIND=JPIM),INTENT(IN) :: KLEV ! Number of levels !INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: KLON, KLEV !INTEGER(KIND=JPIM),INTENT(IN) :: KAEROLMDZ ! Number of aerosol types INTEGER(KIND=JPIM),INTENT(IN) :: KAEROSOL INTEGER(KIND=JPIM),INTENT(IN) :: NSW ! Numbe of bands ! AI ATTENTION !INTEGER, PARAMETER :: KAEROSOL = 12 ! *** Single-level fields REAL(KIND=JPRB), INTENT(IN) :: PSOLAR_IRRADIANCE ! (W m-2) REAL(KIND=JPRB), INTENT(IN) :: PMU0(KLON) ! Cosine of solar zenith ang REAL(KIND=JPRB), INTENT(IN) :: PTEMPERATURE_SKIN(KLON) ! (K) ! Diffuse and direct components of surface shortwave albedo !REAL(KIND=JPRB), INTENT(IN) :: PALBEDO_DIF(KLON,YRERAD%NSW) !REAL(KIND=JPRB), INTENT(IN) :: PALBEDO_DIR(KLON,YRERAD%NSW) REAL(KIND=JPRB), INTENT(IN) :: PALBEDO_DIF(KLON,NSW) REAL(KIND=JPRB), INTENT(IN) :: PALBEDO_DIR(KLON,NSW) ! Longwave emissivity outside and inside the window region REAL(KIND=JPRB), INTENT(IN) :: PEMIS(KLON) REAL(KIND=JPRB), INTENT(IN) :: PEMIS_WINDOW(KLON) ! Longitude (radians), sine of latitude REAL(KIND=JPRB), INTENT(IN) :: PGELAM(KLON) REAL(KIND=JPRB), INTENT(IN) :: PGEMU(KLON) ! Land-sea mask !REAL(KIND=JPRB), INTENT(IN) :: PLAND_SEA_MASK(KLON) ! *** Variables on half levels REAL(KIND=JPRB), INTENT(IN) :: PPRESSURE_H(KLON,KLEV+1) ! (Pa) REAL(KIND=JPRB), INTENT(IN) :: PTEMPERATURE_H(KLON,KLEV+1) ! (K) ! *** Gas mass mixing ratios on full levels REAL(KIND=JPRB), INTENT(IN) :: PQ(KLON,KLEV) ! AI REAL(KIND=JPRB), INTENT(IN) :: PQSAT(KLON,KLEV) REAL(KIND=JPRB), INTENT(IN) :: PCO2 REAL(KIND=JPRB), INTENT(IN) :: PCH4 REAL(KIND=JPRB), INTENT(IN) :: PN2O REAL(KIND=JPRB), INTENT(IN) :: PNO2 REAL(KIND=JPRB), INTENT(IN) :: PCFC11 REAL(KIND=JPRB), INTENT(IN) :: PCFC12 REAL(KIND=JPRB), INTENT(IN) :: PHCFC22 REAL(KIND=JPRB), INTENT(IN) :: PCCL4 REAL(KIND=JPRB), INTENT(IN) :: PO3(KLON,KLEV) ! AI (kg/kg) ATTENTION (Pa*kg/kg) REAL(KIND=JPRB), INTENT(IN) :: PO2 ! *** Cloud fraction and hydrometeor mass mixing ratios REAL(KIND=JPRB), INTENT(IN) :: PCLOUD_FRAC(KLON,KLEV) REAL(KIND=JPRB), INTENT(IN) :: PQ_LIQUID(KLON,KLEV) REAL(KIND=JPRB), INTENT(IN) :: PQ_ICE(KLON,KLEV) !REAL(KIND=JPRB), INTENT(IN) :: PQ_RAIN(KLON,KLEV) REAL(KIND=JPRB), INTENT(IN) :: PQ_SNOW(KLON,KLEV) ! *** Aerosol mass mixing ratios REAL(KIND=JPRB), INTENT(IN) :: PAEROSOL_OLD(KLON,6,KLEV) REAL(KIND=JPRB), INTENT(IN) :: PAEROSOL(KLON,KLEV,KAEROSOL) !REAL(KIND=JPRB), INTENT(IN) :: PCCN_LAND(KLON) !REAL(KIND=JPRB), INTENT(IN) :: PCCN_SEA(KLON) !AI mars 2021 INTEGER(KIND=JPIM), INTENT(IN) :: IDAY REAL(KIND=JPRB), INTENT(IN) :: TIME ! OUTPUT ARGUMENTS ! *** Net fluxes on half-levels (W m-2) REAL(KIND=JPRB), INTENT(OUT) :: PFLUX_SW(KLON,KLEV+1) REAL(KIND=JPRB), INTENT(OUT) :: PFLUX_LW(KLON,KLEV+1) REAL(KIND=JPRB), INTENT(OUT) :: PFLUX_SW_CLEAR(KLON,KLEV+1) REAL(KIND=JPRB), INTENT(OUT) :: PFLUX_LW_CLEAR(KLON,KLEV+1) !*** DN and UP flux on half-levels (W m-2) REAL(KIND=JPRB), INTENT(OUT) :: PFLUX_SW_DN(KLON,KLEV+1) REAL(KIND=JPRB), INTENT(OUT) :: PFLUX_LW_DN(KLON,KLEV+1) REAL(KIND=JPRB), INTENT(OUT) :: PFLUX_SW_DN_CLEAR(KLON,KLEV+1) REAL(KIND=JPRB), INTENT(OUT) :: PFLUX_LW_DN_CLEAR(KLON,KLEV+1) REAL(KIND=JPRB), INTENT(OUT) :: PFLUX_SW_UP(KLON,KLEV+1) REAL(KIND=JPRB), INTENT(OUT) :: PFLUX_LW_UP(KLON,KLEV+1) REAL(KIND=JPRB), INTENT(OUT) :: PFLUX_SW_UP_CLEAR(KLON,KLEV+1) REAL(KIND=JPRB), INTENT(OUT) :: PFLUX_LW_UP_CLEAR(KLON,KLEV+1) ! Direct component of surface flux into horizontal plane REAL(KIND=JPRB), INTENT(OUT) :: PFLUX_DIR(KLON) REAL(KIND=JPRB), INTENT(OUT) :: PFLUX_DIR_CLEAR(KLON) ! As PFLUX_DIR but into a plane perpendicular to the sun REAL(KIND=JPRB), INTENT(OUT) :: PFLUX_DIR_INTO_SUN(KLON) ! *** Ultraviolet and photosynthetically active radiation (W m-2) REAL(KIND=JPRB), INTENT(OUT) :: PFLUX_UV(KLON) REAL(KIND=JPRB), INTENT(OUT) :: PFLUX_PAR(KLON) REAL(KIND=JPRB), INTENT(OUT) :: PFLUX_PAR_CLEAR(KLON) ! Diagnosed longwave surface emissivity across the whole spectrum REAL(KIND=JPRB), INTENT(OUT) :: PEMIS_OUT(KLON) ! Partial derivative of total-sky longwave upward flux at each level ! with respect to upward flux at surface, used to correct heating ! rates at gridpoints/timesteps between calls to the full radiation ! scheme. Note that this version uses the convention of level index ! increasing downwards, unlike the local variable ZLwDerivative that ! is returned from the LW radiation scheme. REAL(KIND=JPRB), INTENT(OUT) :: PLWDERIVATIVE(KLON,KLEV+1) ! Surface diffuse and direct downwelling shortwave flux in each ! shortwave albedo band, used in RADINTG to update the surface fluxes ! accounting for high-resolution albedo information REAL(KIND=JPRB), INTENT(OUT) :: PSWDIFFUSEBAND(KLON,NSW) REAL(KIND=JPRB), INTENT(OUT) :: PSWDIRECTBAND (KLON,NSW) ! LOCAL VARIABLES ! AI ATTENTION type(config_type),save :: rad_config !!$OMP THREADPRIVATE(rad_config) type(driver_config_type),save :: driver_config !!$OMP THREADPRIVATE(driver_config) !type(config_type) :: rad_config !type(driver_config_type) :: driver_config TYPE(single_level_type) :: single_level TYPE(thermodynamics_type) :: thermodynamics TYPE(gas_type) :: gas TYPE(cloud_type) :: cloud TYPE(aerosol_type) :: aerosol TYPE(flux_type) :: flux ! Mass mixing ratio of ozone (kg/kg) REAL(KIND=JPRB) :: ZO3(KLON,KLEV) ! Cloud effective radii in microns REAL(KIND=JPRB) :: ZRE_LIQUID_UM(KLON,KLEV) REAL(KIND=JPRB) :: ZRE_ICE_UM(KLON,KLEV) ! Cloud overlap decorrelation length for cloud boundaries in km REAL(KIND=JPRB) :: ZDECORR_LEN_KM(KLON) ! Ratio of cloud overlap decorrelation length for cloud water ! inhomogeneities to that for cloud boundaries (typically 0.5) !REAL(KIND=JPRB) :: ZDECORR_LEN_RATIO = 0.5_jprb ! The surface net longwave flux if the surface was a black body, used ! to compute the effective broadband surface emissivity REAL(KIND=JPRB) :: ZBLACK_BODY_NET_LW(KIDIA:KFDIA) ! Layer mass in kg m-2 REAL(KIND=JPRB) :: ZLAYER_MASS(KIDIA:KFDIA,KLEV) ! Time integers INTEGER :: ITIM ! Loop indices INTEGER :: JLON, JLEV, JBAND, JB_ALBEDO, JAER REAL(KIND=JPRB) :: ZHOOK_HANDLE ! AI ATTENTION traitement aerosols INTEGER, PARAMETER :: NAERMACC = 1 ! Name of file names specified on command line character(len=512) :: namelist_file logical :: loutput=.true. logical :: lprint_input=.false. logical :: lprint_config=.true. logical, save :: debut_ecrad=.true. !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(debut_ecrad) integer, save :: itap_ecrad=1 logical :: ok_3Deffect IF (LHOOK) CALL DR_HOOK('RADIATION_SCHEME',0,ZHOOK_HANDLE) ! A.I juillet 2023 : ! Initialisation dans radiation_setup au 1er passage dans Ecrad !$OMP MASTER if (.not.ok_3Deffect) then if (debut_ecrad) then call SETUP_RADIATION_SCHEME(loutput,namelist_file,rad_config,driver_config) debut_ecrad=.false. endif else call SETUP_RADIATION_SCHEME(loutput,namelist_file,rad_config,driver_config) endif !$OMP END MASTER !$OMP BARRIER ! Fin partie initialisation et configuration !AI juillet 2023 : verif des param de config : if (lprint_config) then ! IF (is_master) THEN print*,'Parametres de configuration de ecrad, etape ',itap_ecrad print*,'Entree dans radiation_scheme' print*,'ok_3Deffect = ',ok_3Deffect print*,'Fichier namelist = ',namelist_file print*,'do_sw, do_lw, do_sw_direct, do_3d_effects = ', & rad_config%do_sw, rad_config%do_lw, rad_config%do_sw_direct, rad_config%do_3d_effects print*,'do_lw_side_emissivity, do_clear, do_save_radiative_properties = ', & rad_config%do_lw_side_emissivity, rad_config%do_clear, rad_config%do_save_radiative_properties ! print*,'sw_entrapment_name, sw_encroachment_name = ', & ! rad_config%sw_entrapment_name, rad_config%sw_encroachment_name print*,'do_3d_lw_multilayer_effects, do_fu_lw_ice_optics_bug = ', & rad_config%do_3d_lw_multilayer_effects, rad_config%do_fu_lw_ice_optics_bug print*,'do_save_spectral_flux, do_save_gpoint_flux = ', & rad_config%do_save_spectral_flux, rad_config%do_save_gpoint_flux print*,'do_surface_sw_spectral_flux, do_lw_derivatives = ', & rad_config%do_surface_sw_spectral_flux, rad_config%do_lw_derivatives print*,'do_lw_aerosol_scattering, do_lw_cloud_scattering = ', & rad_config%do_lw_aerosol_scattering, rad_config%do_lw_cloud_scattering print*, 'nregions, i_gas_model = ', & rad_config%nregions, rad_config%i_gas_model ! print*, 'ice_optics_override_file_name, liq_optics_override_file_name = ', & ! rad_config%ice_optics_override_file_name, rad_config%liq_optics_override_file_name ! print*, 'aerosol_optics_override_file_name, cloud_pdf_override_file_name = ', & ! rad_config%aerosol_optics_override_file_name, rad_config%cloud_pdf_override_file_name ! print*, 'gas_optics_sw_override_file_name, gas_optics_lw_override_file_name = ', & ! rad_config%gas_optics_sw_override_file_name, rad_config%gas_optics_lw_override_file_name print*, 'i_liq_model, i_ice_model, max_3d_transfer_rate = ', & rad_config%i_liq_model, rad_config%i_ice_model, rad_config%max_3d_transfer_rate print*, 'min_cloud_effective_size, overhang_factor = ', & rad_config%min_cloud_effective_size, rad_config%overhang_factor print*, 'use_canopy_full_spectrum_sw, use_canopy_full_spectrum_lw = ', & rad_config%use_canopy_full_spectrum_sw, rad_config%use_canopy_full_spectrum_lw print*, 'do_canopy_fluxes_sw, do_canopy_fluxes_lw = ', & rad_config%do_canopy_fluxes_sw, rad_config%do_canopy_fluxes_lw print*, 'do_canopy_gases_sw, do_canopy_gases_lw = ', & rad_config%do_canopy_gases_sw, rad_config%do_canopy_gases_lw print*, 'use_general_cloud_optics, use_general_aerosol_optics = ', & rad_config%use_general_cloud_optics, rad_config%use_general_aerosol_optics print*, 'do_sw_delta_scaling_with_gases, i_overlap_scheme = ', & rad_config%do_sw_delta_scaling_with_gases, rad_config%i_overlap_scheme print*, 'i_solver_sw, i_solver_sw, use_beta_overlap, use_vectorizable_generator = ', & rad_config%i_solver_sw, rad_config%i_solver_lw, & rad_config%use_beta_overlap, rad_config%use_vectorizable_generator print*, 'use_expm_everywhere, iverbose, iverbosesetup = ', & rad_config%use_expm_everywhere, rad_config%iverbose, rad_config%iverbosesetup print*, 'cloud_inhom_decorr_scaling, cloud_fraction_threshold = ', & rad_config%cloud_inhom_decorr_scaling, rad_config%cloud_fraction_threshold print*, 'clear_to_thick_fraction, max_gas_od_3d, max_cloud_od = ', & rad_config%clear_to_thick_fraction, rad_config%max_gas_od_3d, rad_config%max_cloud_od print*, 'cloud_mixing_ratio_threshold, overhead_sun_factor =', & rad_config%cloud_mixing_ratio_threshold, rad_config%overhead_sun_factor print*, 'n_aerosol_types, i_aerosol_type_map, use_aerosols = ', & rad_config%n_aerosol_types, rad_config%i_aerosol_type_map, rad_config%use_aerosols print*, 'mono_lw_wavelength, mono_lw_total_od, mono_sw_total_od = ', & rad_config%mono_lw_wavelength, rad_config%mono_lw_total_od,rad_config% mono_sw_total_od print*, 'mono_lw_single_scattering_albedo, mono_sw_single_scattering_albedo = ', & rad_config%mono_lw_single_scattering_albedo, rad_config%mono_sw_single_scattering_albedo print*, 'mono_lw_asymmetry_factor, mono_sw_asymmetry_factor = ', & rad_config%mono_lw_asymmetry_factor, rad_config%mono_sw_asymmetry_factor print*, 'i_cloud_pdf_shape = ', & rad_config%i_cloud_pdf_shape ! cloud_type_name, use_thick_cloud_spectral_averaging = ', & ! rad_config%i_cloud_pdf_shape, rad_config%cloud_type_name, & ! rad_config%use_thick_cloud_spectral_averaging print*, 'do_nearest_spectral_sw_albedo, do_nearest_spectral_lw_emiss = ', & rad_config%do_nearest_spectral_sw_albedo, rad_config%do_nearest_spectral_lw_emiss print*, 'sw_albedo_wavelength_bound, lw_emiss_wavelength_bound = ', & rad_config%sw_albedo_wavelength_bound, rad_config%lw_emiss_wavelength_bound print*, 'i_sw_albedo_index, i_lw_emiss_index = ', & rad_config%i_sw_albedo_index, rad_config%i_lw_emiss_index print*, 'do_cloud_aerosol_per_lw_g_point = ', & rad_config%do_cloud_aerosol_per_lw_g_point print*, 'do_cloud_aerosol_per_sw_g_point, do_weighted_surface_mapping = ', & rad_config%do_cloud_aerosol_per_sw_g_point, rad_config%do_weighted_surface_mapping print*, 'n_bands_sw, n_bands_lw, n_g_sw, n_g_lw = ', & rad_config%n_bands_sw, rad_config%n_bands_lw, rad_config%n_g_sw, rad_config%n_g_lw itap_ecrad=itap_ecrad+1 ! ENDIF endif ! AI ATTENTION ! Allocate memory in radiation objects ! emissivite avec une seule bande CALL single_level%allocate(KLON, NSW, 1, & & use_sw_albedo_direct=.TRUE.) print*,'************* THERMO (allocate + input) ************************************' ! Set thermodynamic profiles: simply copy over the half-level ! pressure and temperature !print*,'Appel allocate thermo' CALL thermodynamics%allocate(KLON, KLEV, use_h2o_sat=.true.) !print*,'Definir les champs thermo' ! AI ! pressure_hl > paprs ! temperature_hl calculee dans radlsw de la meme facon que pour RRTM thermodynamics%pressure_hl (KIDIA:KFDIA,:) = PPRESSURE_H (KIDIA:KFDIA,:) thermodynamics%temperature_hl(KIDIA:KFDIA,:) = PTEMPERATURE_H(KIDIA:KFDIA,:) !print*,'Compute saturation specific humidity' ! Compute saturation specific humidity, used to hydrate aerosols. The ! "2" for the last argument indicates that the routine is not being ! called from within the convection scheme. !CALL SATUR(KIDIA, KFDIA, KLON, 1, KLEV, & ! & PPRESSURE, PTEMPERATURE, thermodynamics%h2o_sat_liq, 2) ! Alternative approximate version using temperature and pressure from ! the thermodynamics structure !CALL thermodynamics%calc_saturation_wrt_liquid(KIDIA, KFDIA) !AI ATTENTION thermodynamics%h2o_sat_liq = PQSAT print*,'********** SINGLE LEVEL VARS **********************************' !AI ATTENTION ! Set single-level fileds single_level%solar_irradiance = PSOLAR_IRRADIANCE single_level%cos_sza(KIDIA:KFDIA) = PMU0(KIDIA:KFDIA) single_level%skin_temperature(KIDIA:KFDIA) = PTEMPERATURE_SKIN(KIDIA:KFDIA) single_level%sw_albedo(KIDIA:KFDIA,:) = PALBEDO_DIF(KIDIA:KFDIA,:) single_level%sw_albedo_direct(KIDIA:KFDIA,:)=PALBEDO_DIR(KIDIA:KFDIA,:) single_level%lw_emissivity(KIDIA:KFDIA,1) = PEMIS(KIDIA:KFDIA) !single_level%lw_emissivity(KIDIA:KFDIA,2) = PEMIS_WINDOW(KIDIA:KFDIA) ! Create the relevant seed from date and time get the starting day ! and number of minutes since start !IDAY = NDD(NINDAT) !cur_day !ITIM = NINT(NSTEP * YRRIP%TSTEP / 60.0_JPRB) ITIM = NINT(TIME / 60.0_JPRB) !current_time !allocate(single_level%iseed(KIDIA:KFDIA)) DO JLON = KIDIA, KFDIA ! This method gives a unique value for roughly every 1-km square ! on the globe and every minute. ASIN(PGEMU)*60 gives rough ! latitude in degrees, which we multiply by 100 to give a unique ! value for roughly every km. PGELAM*60*100 gives a unique number ! for roughly every km of longitude around the equator, which we ! multiply by 180*100 so there is no overlap with the latitude ! values. The result can be contained in a 32-byte integer (but ! since random numbers are generated with the help of integer ! overflow, it should not matter if the number did overflow). single_level%iseed(JLON) = ITIM + IDAY & & + NINT(PGELAM(JLON)*108000000.0_JPRB & & + ASIN(PGEMU(JLON))*6000.0_JPRB) ENDDO print*,'********** CLOUDS (allocate + input) *******************************************' !print*,'Appel Allocate clouds' CALL cloud%allocate(KLON, KLEV) ! Set cloud fields cloud%q_liq(KIDIA:KFDIA,:) = PQ_LIQUID(KIDIA:KFDIA,:) cloud%q_ice(KIDIA:KFDIA,:) = PQ_ICE(KIDIA:KFDIA,:) + PQ_SNOW(KIDIA:KFDIA,:) cloud%fraction(KIDIA:KFDIA,:) = PCLOUD_FRAC(KIDIA:KFDIA,:) !!! ok AI ATTENTION a voir avec JL ! Compute effective radi and convert to metres ! AI. : on passe directement les champs de LMDZ cloud%re_liq(KIDIA:KFDIA,:) = ZRE_LIQUID_UM(KIDIA:KFDIA,:) cloud%re_ice(KIDIA:KFDIA,:) = ZRE_ICE_UM(KIDIA:KFDIA,:) ! Get the cloud overlap decorrelation length (for cloud boundaries), ! in km, according to the parameterization specified by NDECOLAT, ! and insert into the "cloud" object. Also get the ratio of ! decorrelation lengths for cloud water content inhomogeneities and ! cloud boundaries, and set it in the "rad_config" object. ! IFS : !CALL CLOUD_OVERLAP_DECORR_LEN(KIDIA, KFDIA, KLON, PGEMU, YRERAD%NDECOLAT, & ! & ZDECORR_LEN_KM, PDECORR_LEN_RATIO=ZDECORR_LEN_RATIO) ! AI valeur dans namelist ! rad_config%cloud_inhom_decorr_scaling = ZDECORR_LEN_RATIO !AI ATTENTION meme valeur que dans offline ! A mettre dans namelist ZDECORR_LEN_KM = driver_config%overlap_decorr_length DO JLON = KIDIA,KFDIA CALL cloud%set_overlap_param(thermodynamics, & & ZDECORR_LEN_KM(JLON), & & istartcol=JLON, iendcol=JLON) ENDDO ! IFS : ! Cloud water content fractional standard deviation is configurable ! from namelist NAERAD but must be globally constant. Before it was ! hard coded at 1.0. !CALL cloud%create_fractional_std(KLON, KLEV, YRERAD%RCLOUD_FRAC_STD) ! AI ATTENTION frac_std=0.75 meme valeur que dans la version offline CALL cloud%create_fractional_std(KLON, KLEV, driver_config%frac_std) if (rad_config%i_solver_sw == ISolverSPARTACUS & & .or. rad_config%i_solver_lw == ISolverSPARTACUS) then ! AI ! Read cloud properties needed by SPARTACUS !AI ATTENTION meme traitement dans le version offline ! By default mid and high cloud effective size is 10 km !CALL cloud%create_inv_cloud_effective_size(KLON,KLEV,1.0_JPRB/10000.0_JPRB) ! if (driver_config%low_inv_effective_size >= 0.0_jprb & ! & .or. driver_config%middle_inv_effective_size >= 0.0_jprb & ! & .or. driver_config%high_inv_effective_size >= 0.0_jprb) then if (driver_config%ok_effective_size) then call cloud%create_inv_cloud_effective_size_eta(klon, klev, & & thermodynamics%pressure_hl, & & driver_config%low_inv_effective_size, & & driver_config%middle_inv_effective_size, & & driver_config%high_inv_effective_size, 0.8_jprb, 0.45_jprb) ! else if (driver_config%cloud_separation_scale_surface > 0.0_jprb & ! .AND. driver_config%cloud_separation_scale_toa > 0.0_jprb) then else if (driver_config%ok_separation) then call cloud%param_cloud_effective_separation_eta(klon, klev, & & thermodynamics%pressure_hl, & & driver_config%cloud_separation_scale_surface, & & driver_config%cloud_separation_scale_toa, & & driver_config%cloud_separation_scale_power, & & driver_config%cloud_inhom_separation_factor) endif endif print*,'******** AEROSOLS (allocate + input) **************************************' !IF (NAERMACC > 0) THEN CALL aerosol%allocate(KLON, 1, KLEV, KAEROSOL) ! MACC climatology !ELSE ! CALL aerosol%allocate(KLON, 1, KLEV, 6) ! Tegen climatology !ENDIF ! Compute the dry mass of each layer neglecting humidity effects, in ! kg m-2, needed to scale some of the aerosol inputs ! AI commente ATTENTION !CALL thermodynamics%get_layer_mass(ZLAYER_MASS) ! Copy over aerosol mass mixing ratio !IF (NAERMACC > 0) THEN ! MACC aerosol climatology - this is already in mass mixing ratio ! units with the required array orientation so we can copy it over ! directly aerosol%mixing_ratio(KIDIA:KFDIA,:,:) = PAEROSOL(KIDIA:KFDIA,:,:) ! Add the tropospheric and stratospheric backgrounds contained in the ! old Tegen arrays - this is very ugly! ! AI ATTENTION ! IF (TROP_BG_AER_MASS_EXT > 0.0_JPRB) THEN ! aerosol%mixing_ratio(KIDIA:KFDIA,:,ITYPE_TROP_BG_AER) & ! & = aerosol%mixing_ratio(KIDIA:KFDIA,:,ITYPE_TROP_BG_AER) & ! & + PAEROSOL_OLD(KIDIA:KFDIA,1,:) & ! & / (ZLAYER_MASS * TROP_BG_AER_MASS_EXT) ! ENDIF ! IF (STRAT_BG_AER_MASS_EXT > 0.0_JPRB) THEN ! aerosol%mixing_ratio(KIDIA:KFDIA,:,ITYPE_STRAT_BG_AER) & ! & = aerosol%mixing_ratio(KIDIA:KFDIA,:,ITYPE_STRAT_BG_AER) & ! & + PAEROSOL_OLD(KIDIA:KFDIA,6,:) & ! & / (ZLAYER_MASS * STRAT_BG_AER_MASS_EXT) ! ENDIF !ELSE ! Tegen aerosol climatology - the array PAEROSOL_OLD contains the ! 550-nm optical depth in each layer. The optics data file ! aerosol_ifs_rrtm_tegen.nc does not contain mass extinction ! coefficient, but a scaling factor that the 550-nm optical depth ! should be multiplied by to obtain the optical depth in each ! spectral band. Therefore, in order for the units to work out, we ! need to divide by the layer mass (in kg m-2) to obtain the 550-nm ! cross-section per unit mass of dry air (so in m2 kg-1). We also ! need to permute the array. ! DO JLEV = 1,KLEV ! DO JAER = 1,6 ! aerosol%mixing_ratio(KIDIA:KFDIA,JLEV,JAER) & ! & = PAEROSOL_OLD(KIDIA:KFDIA,JAER,JLEV) & ! & / ZLAYER_MASS(KIDIA:KFDIA,JLEV) ! ENDDO ! ENDDO !ENDIF print*,'********** GAS (allocate + input) ************************************************' !print*,'Appel Allocate gas' CALL gas%allocate(KLON, KLEV) ! Convert ozone Pa*kg/kg to kg/kg ! AI ATTENTION !DO JLEV = 1,KLEV ! DO JLON = KIDIA,KFDIA ! ZO3(JLON,JLEV) = PO3_DP(JLON,JLEV) & ! & / (PPRESSURE_H(JLON,JLEV+1)-PPRESSURE_H(JLON,JLEV)) ! ENDDO !ENDDO ! Insert gas mixing ratios !print*,'Insert gas mixing ratios' CALL gas%put(IH2O, IMassMixingRatio, PQ) CALL gas%put(IO3, IMassMixingRatio, PO3) CALL gas%put_well_mixed(ICO2, IMAssMixingRatio, PCO2) CALL gas%put_well_mixed(ICH4, IMassMixingRatio, PCH4) CALL gas%put_well_mixed(IN2O, IMassMixingRatio, PN2O) CALL gas%put_well_mixed(ICFC11, IMassMixingRatio, PCFC11) CALL gas%put_well_mixed(ICFC12, IMassMixingRatio, PCFC12) CALL gas%put_well_mixed(IHCFC22, IMassMixingRatio, PHCFC22) CALL gas%put_well_mixed(ICCL4, IMassMixingRatio, PCCL4) CALL gas%put_well_mixed(IO2, IMassMixingRatio, PO2) ! Ensure the units of the gas mixing ratios are what is required by ! the gas absorption model call set_gas_units(rad_config, gas) print*,'************** FLUX (allocate) ***********************' CALL flux%allocate(rad_config, 1, KLON, KLEV) ! Call radiation scheme print*,'******** Appel radiation scheme **************************' CALL radiation(KLON, KLEV, KIDIA, KFDIA, rad_config, & & single_level, thermodynamics, gas, cloud, aerosol, flux) ! Compute required output fluxes ! DN and UP flux PFLUX_SW_DN(KIDIA:KFDIA,:) = flux%sw_dn(KIDIA:KFDIA,:) PFLUX_SW_UP(KIDIA:KFDIA,:) = flux%sw_up(KIDIA:KFDIA,:) PFLUX_LW_DN(KIDIA:KFDIA,:) = flux%lw_dn(KIDIA:KFDIA,:) PFLUX_LW_UP(KIDIA:KFDIA,:) = flux%lw_up(KIDIA:KFDIA,:) PFLUX_SW_DN_CLEAR(KIDIA:KFDIA,:) = flux%sw_dn_clear(KIDIA:KFDIA,:) PFLUX_SW_UP_CLEAR(KIDIA:KFDIA,:) = flux%sw_up_clear(KIDIA:KFDIA,:) PFLUX_LW_DN_CLEAR(KIDIA:KFDIA,:) = flux%lw_dn_clear(KIDIA:KFDIA,:) PFLUX_LW_UP_CLEAR(KIDIA:KFDIA,:) = flux%lw_up_clear(KIDIA:KFDIA,:) ! First the net fluxes PFLUX_SW(KIDIA:KFDIA,:) = flux%sw_dn(KIDIA:KFDIA,:) - flux%sw_up(KIDIA:KFDIA,:) PFLUX_LW(KIDIA:KFDIA,:) = flux%lw_dn(KIDIA:KFDIA,:) - flux%lw_up(KIDIA:KFDIA,:) PFLUX_SW_CLEAR(KIDIA:KFDIA,:) & & = flux%sw_dn_clear(KIDIA:KFDIA,:) - flux%sw_up_clear(KIDIA:KFDIA,:) PFLUX_LW_CLEAR(KIDIA:KFDIA,:) & & = flux%lw_dn_clear(KIDIA:KFDIA,:) - flux%lw_up_clear(KIDIA:KFDIA,:) ! Now the surface fluxes !PFLUX_SW_DN_SURF(KIDIA:KFDIA) = flux%sw_dn(KIDIA:KFDIA,KLEV+1) !PFLUX_LW_DN_SURF(KIDIA:KFDIA) = flux%lw_dn(KIDIA:KFDIA,KLEV+1) !PFLUX_SW_UP_SURF(KIDIA:KFDIA) = flux%sw_up(KIDIA:KFDIA,KLEV+1) !PFLUX_LW_UP_SURF(KIDIA:KFDIA) = flux%lw_up(KIDIA:KFDIA,KLEV+1) !PFLUX_SW_DN_CLEAR_SURF(KIDIA:KFDIA) = flux%sw_dn_clear(KIDIA:KFDIA,KLEV+1) !PFLUX_LW_DN_CLEAR_SURF(KIDIA:KFDIA) = flux%lw_dn_clear(KIDIA:KFDIA,KLEV+1) !PFLUX_SW_UP_CLEAR_SURF(KIDIA:KFDIA) = flux%sw_up_clear(KIDIA:KFDIA,KLEV+1) !PFLUX_LW_UP_CLEAR_SURF(KIDIA:KFDIA) = flux%lw_up_clear(KIDIA:KFDIA,KLEV+1) PFLUX_DIR(KIDIA:KFDIA) = flux%sw_dn_direct(KIDIA:KFDIA,KLEV+1) PFLUX_DIR_CLEAR(KIDIA:KFDIA) = flux%sw_dn_direct_clear(KIDIA:KFDIA,KLEV+1) PFLUX_DIR_INTO_SUN(KIDIA:KFDIA) = 0.0_JPRB WHERE (PMU0(KIDIA:KFDIA) > EPSILON(1.0_JPRB)) PFLUX_DIR_INTO_SUN(KIDIA:KFDIA) = PFLUX_DIR(KIDIA:KFDIA) / PMU0(KIDIA:KFDIA) END WHERE ! Top-of-atmosphere downwelling flux !PFLUX_SW_DN_TOA(KIDIA:KFDIA) = flux%sw_dn(KIDIA:KFDIA,1) !PFLUX_SW_UP_TOA(KIDIA:KFDIA) = flux%sw_up(KIDIA:KFDIA,1) !PFLUX_LW_DN_TOA(KIDIA:KFDIA) = flux%lw_dn(KIDIA:KFDIA,1) !PFLUX_LW_UP_TOA(KIDIA:KFDIA) = flux%lw_up(KIDIA:KFDIA,1) ! Compute UV fluxes as weighted sum of appropriate shortwave bands !AI ATTENTION if (0.eq.1) then PFLUX_UV (KIDIA:KFDIA) = 0.0_JPRB DO JBAND = 1,NWEIGHT_UV PFLUX_UV(KIDIA:KFDIA) = PFLUX_UV(KIDIA:KFDIA) + WEIGHT_UV(JBAND) & & * flux%sw_dn_surf_band(IBAND_UV(JBAND),KIDIA:KFDIA) ENDDO ! Compute photosynthetically active radiation similarly PFLUX_PAR (KIDIA:KFDIA) = 0.0_JPRB PFLUX_PAR_CLEAR(KIDIA:KFDIA) = 0.0_JPRB DO JBAND = 1,NWEIGHT_PAR PFLUX_PAR(KIDIA:KFDIA) = PFLUX_PAR(KIDIA:KFDIA) + WEIGHT_PAR(JBAND) & & * flux%sw_dn_surf_band(IBAND_PAR(JBAND),KIDIA:KFDIA) PFLUX_PAR_CLEAR(KIDIA:KFDIA) = PFLUX_PAR_CLEAR(KIDIA:KFDIA) & & + WEIGHT_PAR(JBAND) & & * flux%sw_dn_surf_clear_band(IBAND_PAR(JBAND),KIDIA:KFDIA) ENDDO endif ! Compute effective broadband emissivity ZBLACK_BODY_NET_LW = flux%lw_dn(KIDIA:KFDIA,KLEV+1) & & - RSIGMA*PTEMPERATURE_SKIN(KIDIA:KFDIA)**4 PEMIS_OUT(KIDIA:KFDIA) = PEMIS(KIDIA:KFDIA) WHERE (ABS(ZBLACK_BODY_NET_LW) > 1.0E-5) PEMIS_OUT(KIDIA:KFDIA) = PFLUX_LW(KIDIA:KFDIA,KLEV+1) / ZBLACK_BODY_NET_LW END WHERE ! Copy longwave derivatives ! AI ATTENTION !IF (YRERAD%LAPPROXLWUPDATE) THEN IF (rad_config%do_lw_derivatives) THEN PLWDERIVATIVE(KIDIA:KFDIA,:) = flux%lw_derivatives(KIDIA:KFDIA,:) END IF ! Store the shortwave downwelling fluxes in each albedo band !AI ATTENTION !IF (YRERAD%LAPPROXSWUPDATE) THEN if (0.eq.1) then IF (rad_config%do_surface_sw_spectral_flux) THEN PSWDIFFUSEBAND(KIDIA:KFDIA,:) = 0.0_JPRB PSWDIRECTBAND (KIDIA:KFDIA,:) = 0.0_JPRB DO JBAND = 1,rad_config%n_bands_sw JB_ALBEDO = rad_config%i_albedo_from_band_sw(JBAND) DO JLON = KIDIA,KFDIA PSWDIFFUSEBAND(JLON,JB_ALBEDO) = PSWDIFFUSEBAND(JLON,JB_ALBEDO) & & + flux%sw_dn_surf_band(JBAND,JLON) & & - flux%sw_dn_direct_surf_band(JBAND,JLON) PSWDIRECTBAND(JLON,JB_ALBEDO) = PSWDIRECTBAND(JLON,JB_ALBEDO) & & + flux%sw_dn_direct_surf_band(JBAND,JLON) ENDDO ENDDO ENDIF endif CALL single_level%deallocate CALL thermodynamics%deallocate CALL gas%deallocate CALL cloud%deallocate CALL aerosol%deallocate CALL flux%deallocate IF (LHOOK) CALL DR_HOOK('RADIATION_SCHEME',1,ZHOOK_HANDLE) END SUBROUTINE RADIATION_SCHEME