! radiation_cloud_cover.F90 - Compute cumulative cloud cover for McICA ! (C) Copyright 2016- ECMWF. ! This software is licensed under the terms of the Apache Licence Version 2.0 ! which can be obtained at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0. ! In applying this licence, ECMWF does not waive the privileges and immunities ! granted to it by virtue of its status as an intergovernmental organisation ! nor does it submit to any jurisdiction. ! Author: Robin Hogan ! Email: r.j.hogan@ecmwf.int ! Generate profiles of the cumulative cloud cover as seen from TOA, ! used in the McICA cloud generator. ! Modifications ! 2020-10-07 R. Hogan Ensure iobj1 initialized in case of alpha_obj==0 module radiation_cloud_cover use parkind1, only : jprb public ! Three overlap schemes. Note that "Exponential" means that ! clear-sky regions have no special significance for computing the ! cumulative cloud cover: non-contiguous clouds are exponentially ! rather than randomly overlapped. This is the situaition in the ! McRad radiation scheme at ECMWF. enum, bind(c) enumerator IOverlapMaximumRandom, IOverlapExponentialRandom, & & IOverlapExponential end enum character(len=*), parameter :: OverlapName(0:2) = (/ 'Max-Ran', & & 'Exp-Ran', & & 'Exp-Exp' /) ! Maximum cloud fraction distinguishable from 1 real(jprb), parameter :: MaxCloudFrac = 1.0_jprb-epsilon(1.0_jprb)*10.0_jprb contains !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Convert "beta" overlap parameter of Shonk et al. (2010) to "alpha" ! overlap parameter of Hogan and Illingworth (2000) elemental function beta2alpha(beta, frac1, frac2) implicit none ! Beta overlap parameter and the cloud fractions in the upper and ! lower layers real(jprb), intent(in) :: beta, frac1, frac2 real(jprb) :: beta2alpha ! Absolute difference in cloud fraction real(jprb) :: frac_diff if (beta < 1.0_jprb) then frac_diff = abs(frac1-frac2) beta2alpha = beta & & + (1.0_jprb-beta)*frac_diff & & / (frac_diff + 1.0_jprb/beta - 1.0_jprb) else beta2alpha = 1.0_jprb end if end function beta2alpha !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Compute total cloud cover according to the specified overlap ! rule. This can be used to compute the high, mid and low cloud ! cover by passing in subsets of the cloud fraction array function cloud_cover(nlev, i_overlap_scheme, frac, overlap_param, & & is_beta_overlap) implicit none ! Number of levels and the overlap scheme to be applied integer, intent(in) :: nlev, i_overlap_scheme ! Cloud fraction and the overlap parameter between adjacent pairs ! of levels real(jprb), intent(in) :: frac(nlev), overlap_param(nlev-1) ! Do we use the "beta" overlap scheme of Shonk et al. (2010)? ! Default is false. logical, intent(in), optional :: is_beta_overlap ! Return cloud cover real(jprb) :: cloud_cover ! Cumulative cloud cover from TOA to the base of each layer real(jprb) :: cum_cloud_cover(nlev) ! Cloud cover of a pair of layers real(jprb) :: pair_cloud_cover(nlev-1) if (i_overlap_scheme == IOverlapExponentialRandom) then call cum_cloud_cover_exp_ran(nlev, frac, overlap_param, & & cum_cloud_cover, pair_cloud_cover, is_beta_overlap) else if (i_overlap_scheme == IOverlapExponential) then call cum_cloud_cover_exp_exp(nlev, frac, overlap_param, & & cum_cloud_cover, pair_cloud_cover, is_beta_overlap) else call cum_cloud_cover_max_ran(nlev, frac, cum_cloud_cover, & & pair_cloud_cover) end if cloud_cover = cum_cloud_cover(nlev) end function cloud_cover !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Maximum-random overlap: Geleyn & Hollingsworth formula subroutine cum_cloud_cover_max_ran(nlev, frac, & & cum_cloud_cover, pair_cloud_cover) use yomhook, only : lhook, dr_hook implicit none ! Inputs integer, intent(in) :: nlev ! number of model levels ! Cloud fraction on full levels real(jprb), intent(in) :: frac(nlev) ! Outputs ! Cumulative cloud cover from TOA to the base of each layer real(jprb), intent(out) :: cum_cloud_cover(nlev) ! Cloud cover of a pair of layers real(jprb), intent(out) :: pair_cloud_cover(nlev-1) ! Local variables ! Cumulative product needed in computation of total_cloud_cover real(jprb) :: cum_product ! Loop index for model level integer :: jlev real(jprb) :: hook_handle if (lhook) call dr_hook('radiation_cloud_cover:cum_cloud_cover_max_ran',0,hook_handle) ! Loop to compute total cloud cover and the cumulative cloud cover ! down to the base of each layer cum_product = 1.0_jprb - frac(1) cum_cloud_cover(1) = frac(1) DO jlev = 1,nlev-1 ! Compute the combined cloud cover of layers jlev and jlev+1 pair_cloud_cover(jlev) = max(frac(jlev),frac(jlev+1)) if (frac(jlev) >= MaxCloudFrac) then ! Cloud cover has reached one cum_product = 0.0_jprb else cum_product = cum_product * (1.0_jprb - pair_cloud_cover(jlev)) & & / (1.0_jprb - frac(jlev)) end if cum_cloud_cover(jlev+1) = 1.0_jprb - cum_product end do if (lhook) call dr_hook('radiation_cloud_cover:cum_cloud_cover_max_ran',1,hook_handle) end subroutine cum_cloud_cover_max_ran !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Exponential-random overlap: exponential overlap for contiguous ! clouds, random overlap for non-contiguous clouds subroutine cum_cloud_cover_exp_ran(nlev, frac, overlap_param, & & cum_cloud_cover, pair_cloud_cover, is_beta_overlap) use yomhook, only : lhook, dr_hook implicit none ! Inputs integer, intent(in) :: nlev ! number of model levels ! Cloud fraction on full levels real(jprb), intent(in) :: frac(nlev) ! Cloud overlap parameter for interfaces between model layers, ! where 0 indicates random overlap and 1 indicates maximum-random ! overlap real(jprb), intent(in) :: overlap_param(nlev-1) ! This routine has been coded using the "alpha" overlap parameter ! of Hogan and Illingworth (2000). If the following logical is ! present and true then the input is interpretted to be the "beta" ! overlap parameter of Shonk et al. (2010), and needs to be ! converted to alpha. logical, intent(in), optional :: is_beta_overlap ! Outputs ! Cumulative cloud cover from TOA to the base of each layer real(jprb), intent(out) :: cum_cloud_cover(nlev) ! Cloud cover of a pair of layers real(jprb), intent(out) :: pair_cloud_cover(nlev-1) ! Local variables ! Cumulative product needed in computation of total_cloud_cover real(jprb) :: cum_product ! "Alpha" overlap parameter real(jprb) :: overlap_alpha logical :: do_overlap_conversion ! Loop index for model level integer :: jlev real(jprb) :: hook_handle if (lhook) call dr_hook('radiation_cloud_cover:cum_cloud_cover_exp_ran',0,hook_handle) if (present(is_beta_overlap)) then do_overlap_conversion = is_beta_overlap else do_overlap_conversion = .false. end if ! Loop to compute total cloud cover and the cumulative cloud cover ! down to the base of each layer cum_product = 1.0_jprb - frac(1) cum_cloud_cover(1) = frac(1) DO jlev = 1,nlev-1 ! Convert to "alpha" overlap parameter if necessary if (do_overlap_conversion) then overlap_alpha = beta2alpha(overlap_param(jlev), & & frac(jlev), frac(jlev+1)) else overlap_alpha = overlap_param(jlev) end if ! Compute the combined cloud cover of layers jlev and jlev+1 pair_cloud_cover(jlev) = overlap_alpha*max(frac(jlev),frac(jlev+1)) & & + (1.0_jprb - overlap_alpha) & & * (frac(jlev)+frac(jlev+1)-frac(jlev)*frac(jlev+1)) ! Added for DWD (2020) #ifdef __SX__ end do DO jlev = 1,nlev-1 #endif if (frac(jlev) >= MaxCloudFrac) then ! Cloud cover has reached one cum_product = 0.0_jprb else cum_product = cum_product * (1.0_jprb - pair_cloud_cover(jlev)) & & / (1.0_jprb - frac(jlev)) end if cum_cloud_cover(jlev+1) = 1.0_jprb - cum_product end do if (lhook) call dr_hook('radiation_cloud_cover:cum_cloud_cover_exp_ran',1,hook_handle) end subroutine cum_cloud_cover_exp_ran !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Exponential-exponential overlap: exponential overlap for both ! contiguous and non-contiguous clouds. This is the result of the ! simple Raisanen cloud generator, but unfortunately it has no ! (known) analytic formula for the total cloud cover, or the ! cumulative cloud cover. In partially cloudy columns, The McICA ! scheme needs this info in order to devote all the cloudy g-points ! to columns containing cloud, which reduces McICA noise. The ! following routine provides an approximate estimate of cumulative ! cloud cover consistent with the exponential-exponential scheme. subroutine cum_cloud_cover_exp_exp(nlev, frac, overlap_param, & & cum_cloud_cover, pair_cloud_cover, is_beta_overlap) use yomhook, only : lhook, dr_hook implicit none ! Inputs integer, intent(in) :: nlev ! number of model levels ! Cloud fraction on full levels real(jprb), intent(in) :: frac(nlev) ! Cloud overlap parameter for interfaces between model layers, ! where 0 indicates random overlap and 1 indicates maximum-random ! overlap real(jprb), intent(in) :: overlap_param(nlev-1) ! This routine has been coded using the "alpha" overlap parameter ! of Hogan and Illingworth (2000). If the following logical is ! present and true then the input is interpretted to be the "beta" ! overlap parameter of Shonk et al. (2010), and needs to be ! converted to alpha. logical, intent(in), optional :: is_beta_overlap ! Outputs ! Cumulative cloud cover from TOA to the base of each layer real(jprb), intent(out) :: cum_cloud_cover(nlev) ! Cloud cover of a pair of layers real(jprb), intent(out) :: pair_cloud_cover(nlev-1) ! Local variables ! If this routine is called from the radiation_interface tree then ! very low cloud fractions have already been set to zero, but if ! it is called as a cloud cover diagnostic then this can't be ! guaranteed so a small non-zero numbers is required real(jprb), parameter :: min_frac = 1.0e-6_jprb ! "Alpha" overlap parameter real(jprb) :: overlap_alpha(nlev-1) logical :: do_overlap_conversion ! Variables describing "concave cloud objects", i.e. contiguous ! layers where the cloud fraction monotonically increases then ! monotonically decreases ! Number of objects integer :: nobj ! Indices to the location of the top, maximum cloud fraction, and ! base, of each concave cloud object integer :: i_top_obj(nlev) integer :: i_max_obj(nlev) integer :: i_base_obj(nlev) ! Poor-man's linked list to allow for deletion of objects: this ! variable points to the index of the next active object integer :: i_next_obj(nlev) ! Cloud cover of object real(jprb) :: cc_obj(nlev) ! Overlap parameter between objects real(jprb) :: alpha_obj(nlev) ! Do (while) loop index for model level integer :: jlev ! Do loop index for object integer :: jobj ! Maximum correlation between adjacent objects real(jprb) :: alpha_max ! Indices to pair of objects integer :: iobj1, iobj2 ! Combined cloud cover of pair of objects, and scaling to modify ! cumulative cloud cover of lower layer real(jprb) :: cc_pair, scaling real(jprb) :: hook_handle if (lhook) call dr_hook('radiation_cloud_cover:cum_cloud_cover_exp_exp',0,hook_handle) if (present(is_beta_overlap)) then do_overlap_conversion = is_beta_overlap else do_overlap_conversion = .false. end if ! Loop down through atmosphere to locate objects and compute their ! basic properties jlev = 1 nobj = 0 DO while (jlev <= nlev) if (frac(jlev) > min_frac) then ! Starting a new object: store its top nobj = nobj + 1 i_top_obj(nobj) = jlev; ! Find its maximum cloud fraction jlev = jlev + 1 DO while (jlev <= nlev) if (frac(jlev) < frac(jlev-1)) then exit end if jlev = jlev + 1 end do i_max_obj(nobj) = jlev - 1 ! Find its base DO while (jlev <= nlev) if (frac(jlev) > frac(jlev-1) .or. frac(jlev) <= min_frac) then exit end if jlev = jlev + 1 end do ! In the case of cloud fraction profile starting from the top ! like this: 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.2 0.1, we may want the object grouping ! to be (0.1 0.2) (0.1 0.2 0.1), not (0.1 0.2 0.1) (0.2 0.1), ! in which case the following should be uncommented ! if (jlev < nlev) then ! if (frac(jlev) > frac(jlev-1)) then ! jlev = jlev - 1 ! end if ! end if i_base_obj(nobj) = jlev - 1 ! Index to the next object i_next_obj(nobj) = nobj+1 else jlev = jlev + 1 end if end do ! Array assignments cum_cloud_cover = 0.0_jprb pair_cloud_cover = 0.0_jprb if (nobj > 0) then ! Only do any more work if there is cloud present ! To minimize the potential calls to beta2alpha, we do all the ! computations related to overlap parameter here if (.not. do_overlap_conversion) then ! Compute the combined cloud cover of pairs of layers DO jlev = 1,nlev-1 pair_cloud_cover(jlev) & & = overlap_param(jlev)*max(frac(jlev),frac(jlev+1)) & & + (1.0_jprb - overlap_param(jlev)) & & * (frac(jlev)+frac(jlev+1)-frac(jlev)*frac(jlev+1)) end do ! Estimate the effective overlap parameter "alpha_obj" between ! adjacent objects as the product of the layerwise overlap ! parameters between their layers of maximum cloud fraction DO jobj = 1,nobj-1 alpha_obj(jobj) & & = product(overlap_param(i_max_obj(jobj):i_max_obj(jobj+1)-1)) end do else ! Convert Shonk et al overlap parameter to Hogan and ! Illingworth definition overlap_alpha = beta2alpha(overlap_param, & & frac(1:nlev-1), frac(2:nlev)) ! Compute the combined cloud cover of pairs of layers DO jlev = 1,nlev-1 pair_cloud_cover(jlev) & & = overlap_alpha(jlev)*max(frac(jlev),frac(jlev+1)) & & + (1.0_jprb - overlap_alpha(jlev)) & & * (frac(jlev)+frac(jlev+1)-frac(jlev)*frac(jlev+1)) end do ! Estimate the effective overlap parameter "alpha_obj" between ! adjacent objects as the product of the layerwise overlap ! parameters between their layers of maximum cloud fraction DO jobj = 1,nobj-1 alpha_obj(jobj) & & = product(overlap_alpha(i_max_obj(jobj):i_max_obj(jobj+1)-1)) end do end if ! Compute the cumulative cloud cover working down from the top ! of each object: this will later be converted to the cumulative ! cloud cover working down from TOA DO jobj = 1,nobj cum_cloud_cover(i_top_obj(jobj)) = frac(i_top_obj(jobj)) DO jlev = i_top_obj(jobj), i_base_obj(jobj)-1 if (frac(jlev) >= MaxCloudFrac) then ! Cloud cover has reached one cum_cloud_cover(jlev+1) = 1.0_jprb else cum_cloud_cover(jlev+1) = 1.0_jprb & & - (1.0_jprb - cum_cloud_cover(jlev)) & & * (1.0_jprb - pair_cloud_cover(jlev)) & & / (1.0_jprb - frac(jlev)) end if end do cc_obj(jobj) = cum_cloud_cover(i_base_obj(jobj)) end do iobj1 = 1 ! Sequentially combine objects until there is only one left ! covering the full vertical extent of clouds in the profile DO while (nobj > 1) ! Find the most correlated adjacent pair of objects alpha_max = 0.0_jprb ! Need to re-initialize iobj1 here in case alpha_obj(:)==0.0, ! which would mean that the "if" statement in the following ! loop would never get triggered iobj1 = 1 jobj = 1 DO while (jobj < nobj) if (alpha_obj(jobj) > alpha_max) then alpha_max = alpha_obj(jobj) iobj1 = jobj end if jobj = i_next_obj(jobj) end do ! iobj1 is the index to the first object in the pair, set ! iobj2 to the second iobj2 = i_next_obj(iobj1) ! Set the cumulative cloud cover in the clear-sky gap between ! the objects to the value at the base of the upper object cum_cloud_cover(i_base_obj(iobj1)+1:i_top_obj(iobj2)-1) & & = cum_cloud_cover(i_base_obj(iobj1)) ! Calculate the combined cloud cover of the pair of objects cc_pair = alpha_obj(iobj1)*max(cc_obj(iobj1), cc_obj(iobj2)) & & + (1.0_jprb - alpha_obj(iobj1)) & & * (cc_obj(iobj1) + cc_obj(iobj2) - cc_obj(iobj1)*cc_obj(iobj2)) scaling = min(max((cc_pair-cc_obj(iobj1)) / max(min_frac, cc_obj(iobj2)), & & 0.0_jprb), & & 1.0_jprb) ! Scale the combined cloud cover of the lower object to ! account for its overlap with the upper object DO jlev = i_top_obj(iobj2),i_base_obj(iobj2) cum_cloud_cover(jlev) = cum_cloud_cover(i_base_obj(iobj1)) & + cum_cloud_cover(jlev) * scaling end do ! Merge the objects by setting the properties of the upper ! object to the combined properties of both. Note that ! i_max_obj is not modified because it is no longer needed. cc_obj(iobj1) = cc_pair i_base_obj(iobj1) = i_base_obj(iobj2) i_next_obj(iobj1) = i_next_obj(iobj2) alpha_obj(iobj1) = alpha_obj(iobj2) nobj = nobj - 1 end do ! Finish off the total cloud cover below cloud cum_cloud_cover(i_base_obj(iobj1)+1:nlev) & & = cum_cloud_cover(i_base_obj(iobj1)) ! Ensure that the combined cloud cover of pairs of layers is ! consistent with the overhang DO jlev = 1,nlev-1 pair_cloud_cover(jlev) = max(pair_cloud_cover(jlev), & & frac(jlev)+cum_cloud_cover(jlev+1)-cum_cloud_cover(jlev)) end do ! Sometimes round-off error can lead to cloud cover just above ! one, which in turn can lead to direct shortwave fluxes just ! below zero cum_cloud_cover = min(cum_cloud_cover, 1.0_jprb) end if ! cloud is present in profile if (lhook) call dr_hook('radiation_cloud_cover:cum_cloud_cover_exp_exp',1,hook_handle) end subroutine cum_cloud_cover_exp_exp end module radiation_cloud_cover