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MODULE MOD_COSP_RADAR USE MOD_COSP_CONSTANTS USE MOD_COSP_TYPES USE MOD_COSP_UTILS use radar_simulator_types use array_lib use atmos_lib use format_input IMPLICIT NONE INTERFACE subroutine radar_simulator(hp,nprof,ngate,undef, & hgt_matrix,hm_matrix,re_matrix,Np_matrix, & p_matrix,t_matrix,rh_matrix, & Ze_non,Ze_ray,g_to_vol,a_to_vol,dBZe, & g_to_vol_in,g_to_vol_out) use m_mrgrnk use array_lib use math_lib use optics_lib use radar_simulator_types implicit none ! ----- INPUTS ----- type(class_param) :: hp integer, intent(in) :: nprof,ngate real undef real*8, dimension(nprof,ngate), intent(in) :: hgt_matrix, p_matrix, & t_matrix,rh_matrix real*8, dimension(hp%nhclass,nprof,ngate), intent(in) :: hm_matrix real*8, dimension(hp%nhclass,nprof,ngate), intent(inout) :: re_matrix real*8, dimension(hp%nhclass,nprof,ngate), intent(inout) :: Np_matrix ! ----- OUTPUTS ----- real*8, dimension(nprof,ngate), intent(out) :: Ze_non,Ze_ray, & g_to_vol,dBZe,a_to_vol ! ----- OPTIONAL ----- real*8, optional, dimension(nprof,ngate) :: & g_to_vol_in,g_to_vol_out end subroutine radar_simulator END INTERFACE CONTAINS !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% !------------------- SUBROUTINE COSP_RADAR ------------------------ !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% SUBROUTINE COSP_RADAR(gbx,sgx,sghydro,z) IMPLICIT NONE ! Arguments type(cosp_gridbox),intent(inout) :: gbx ! Gridbox info type(cosp_subgrid),intent(in) :: sgx ! Subgrid info type(cosp_sghydro),intent(in) :: sghydro ! Subgrid info for hydrometeors type(cosp_sgradar),intent(inout) :: z ! Output from simulator, subgrid ! Local variables integer :: & nsizes ! num of discrete drop sizes real*8, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: & g_to_vol ! integrated atten due to gases, r>v (dB) real*8, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: & Ze_non, & ! radar reflectivity withOUT attenuation (dBZ) Ze_ray, & ! Rayleigh reflectivity (dBZ) h_atten_to_vol, & ! attenuation by hydromets, radar to vol (dB) g_atten_to_vol, & ! gaseous atteunation, radar to vol (dB) dBZe, & ! effective radar reflectivity factor (dBZ) hgt_matrix, & ! height of hydrometeors (km) t_matrix, & !temperature (k) p_matrix, & !pressure (hPa) rh_matrix !relative humidity (%) real*8, dimension(:,:,:), allocatable :: & hm_matrix, & ! hydrometeor mixing ratio (g kg^-1) re_matrix, & ! effective radius (microns). Optional. 0 ==> use Np_matrix or defaults Np_matrix ! total number concentration (kg^-1). Optional 0==> use defaults integer, parameter :: one = 1 ! logical :: hgt_reversed logical :: hgt_descending integer :: pr,i,j,k,unt,ngate ! ----- main program settings ------ ! Inputs to Quickbeam allocate(hgt_matrix(gbx%Npoints,gbx%Nlevels),p_matrix(gbx%Npoints,gbx%Nlevels), & t_matrix(gbx%Npoints,gbx%Nlevels),rh_matrix(gbx%Npoints,gbx%Nlevels)) allocate(hm_matrix(gbx%Nhydro,gbx%Npoints,gbx%Nlevels)) allocate(re_matrix(gbx%Nhydro,gbx%Npoints,gbx%Nlevels)) allocate(Np_matrix(gbx%Nhydro,gbx%Npoints,gbx%Nlevels)) ! Outputs from Quickbeam allocate(Ze_non(gbx%Npoints,gbx%Nlevels)) allocate(Ze_ray(gbx%Npoints,gbx%Nlevels)) allocate(h_atten_to_vol(gbx%Npoints,gbx%Nlevels)) allocate(g_atten_to_vol(gbx%Npoints,gbx%Nlevels)) allocate(dBZe(gbx%Npoints,gbx%Nlevels)) ! Optional argument. It is computed and returned in the first call to ! radar_simulator, and passed as input in the rest allocate(g_to_vol(gbx%Npoints,gbx%Nlevels)) ! Even if there is no unit conversion, they are needed for type conversion p_matrix = gbx%p/100.0 ! From Pa to hPa hgt_matrix = gbx%zlev/1000.0 ! From m to km t_matrix = gbx%T rh_matrix = gbx%q re_matrix = 0.0 ! set flag denoting position of radar relative to hgt_matrix orientation ngate = size(hgt_matrix,2) hgt_descending = hgt_matrix(1,1) > hgt_matrix(1,ngate) if ( & (gbx%surface_radar == 1 .AND. hgt_descending) .or. & (gbx%surface_radar == 0 .AND. (.not. hgt_descending)) & ) & then gbx%hp%radar_at_layer_one = .false. else gbx%hp%radar_at_layer_one = .true. endif ! ----- loop over subcolumns ----- DO pr=1,sgx%Ncolumns ! NOTE: ! atmospheric profiles are the same within the same gridbox ! only hydrometeor profiles will be different for each subgridbox DO i=1,gbx%Nhydro hm_matrix(i,:,:) = sghydro%mr_hydro(:,pr,:,i)*1000.0 ! Units from kg/kg to g/kg if (gbx%use_reff) then re_matrix(i,:,:) = sghydro%Reff(:,pr,:,i)*1.e6 ! Units from m to micron Np_matrix(i,:,:) = sghydro%Np(:,pr,:,i) ! Units [#/kg] endif enddo ! ----- call radar simulator ----- if (pr == 1) then ! Compute gaseous attenuation for all profiles call radar_simulator(gbx%hp,gbx%Npoints,gbx%Nlevels,R_UNDEF, & hgt_matrix,hm_matrix,re_matrix,Np_matrix, & p_matrix,t_matrix,rh_matrix, & Ze_non,Ze_ray,h_atten_to_vol,g_atten_to_vol,dBZe,g_to_vol_out=g_to_vol) else ! Use gaseous atteunuation for pr = 1 call radar_simulator(gbx%hp,gbx%Npoints,gbx%Nlevels,R_UNDEF, & hgt_matrix,hm_matrix,re_matrix,Np_matrix, & p_matrix,t_matrix,rh_matrix, & Ze_non,Ze_ray,h_atten_to_vol,g_atten_to_vol,dBZe,g_to_vol_in=g_to_vol) endif ! store caluculated dBZe values for later output/processing z%Ze_tot(:,pr,:)=dBZe(:,:) enddo !pr deallocate(hgt_matrix,p_matrix,t_matrix,rh_matrix) deallocate(hm_matrix,re_matrix, & Ze_non,Ze_ray,h_atten_to_vol,g_atten_to_vol,dBZe) deallocate(g_to_vol) END SUBROUTINE COSP_RADAR END MODULE MOD_COSP_RADAR