subroutine calc_Re(Q,Np,rho_a, & dtype,dmin,dmax,apm,bpm,rho_c,p1,p2,p3, & Re) use math_lib implicit none ! Purpose: ! Calculates Effective Radius (1/2 distribution 3rd moment / 2nd moment). ! For some distribution types, the total number concentration (per kg), Np ! may be optionally specified. Should be set to zero, otherwise. ! Roj Marchand July 2010 ! Inputs: ! [Q] hydrometeor mixing ratio (g/kg) ! not needed for some distribution types ! [Np] Optional Total number concentration (per kg). 0 = use defaults (p1, p2, p3) ! [rho_a] ambient air density (kg m^-3) ! Distribution parameters as per quickbeam documentation. ! [dtype] distribution type ! [dmin] minimum size cutoff (um) ! [dmax] maximum size cutoff (um) ! [apm] a parameter for mass (kg m^[-bpm]) ! [bmp] b params for mass ! [p1],[p2],[p3] distribution parameters ! Outputs: ! [Re] Effective radius, 1/2 the 3rd moment/2nd moment (um) ! Created: ! July 2010 Roj Marchand ! ----- INPUTS ----- real*8, intent(in) :: Q,Np,rho_a integer, intent(in):: dtype real*8, intent(in) :: dmin,dmax,rho_c,p1,p2,p3 real*8, intent(inout) :: apm,bpm ! ----- OUTPUTS ----- real*8, intent(out) :: Re ! ----- INTERNAL ----- integer :: local_dtype real*8 :: local_p3,local_Np real*8 :: pi, & N0,D0,vu,dm,ld, & ! gamma, exponential variables rg,log_sigma_g real*8 :: tmp1,tmp2 pi = acos(-1.0) ! // if density is constant, set equivalent values for apm and bpm if ((rho_c > 0) .AND. (apm < 0)) then apm = (pi/6)*rho_c bpm = 3. endif ! Exponential is same as modified gamma with vu =1 ! if Np is specified then we will just treat as modified gamma if(dtype.eq.2 .AND. Np>0) then local_dtype=1; local_p3=1; else local_dtype=dtype; local_p3=p3; endif select case(local_dtype) ! ---------------------------------------------------------! ! // modified gamma ! ! ---------------------------------------------------------! ! :: Np = total number concentration (1/kg) = Nt / rho_a ! :: D0 = characteristic diameter (um) ! :: dm = mean diameter (um) - first moment over zeroth moment ! :: vu = distribution width parameter case(1) if( abs(local_p3+2) < 1E-8) then if(Np>1E-30) then ! Morrison scheme with Martin 1994 shape parameter (NOTE: vu = pc +1) ! fixed Roj. Dec. 2010 -- after comment by S. Mcfarlane vu = (1/(0.2714 + 0.00057145*Np*rho_a*1E-6))**2 ! units of Nt = Np*rhoa = #/cm^3 else PRINT *, 'Error: Must specify a value for Np in each volume', & ' with Morrison/Martin Scheme.' stop endif elseif (abs(local_p3+1) > 1E-8) then ! vu is fixed in hp structure vu = local_p3 else ! vu isn't specified PRINT *, 'Error: Must specify a value for vu for Modified Gamma distribution' stop endif if( Np.eq.0 .AND. p2+1 > 1E-8) then ! use default value for MEAN diameter as first default dm = p2 ! by definition, should have units of microns D0 = gamma(vu)/gamma(vu+1)*dm else ! use value of Np if(Np.eq.0) then if( abs(p1+1) > 1E-8 ) then ! use default number concentration local_Np = p1 ! total number concentration / pa --- units kg^-1 else PRINT *, 'Error: Must specify Np or default value ', & '(p1=Dm [um] or p2=Np [1/kg]) for ', & 'Modified Gamma distribution' stop endif else local_Np=Np; endif D0 = 1E6 * ( Q*1E-3*gamma(vu)/(apm*local_Np*gamma(vu+bpm)) )**(1/bpm) ! units = microns endif Re = 0.5*D0*gamma(vu+3)/gamma(vu+2) ! ---------------------------------------------------------! ! // exponential ! ! ---------------------------------------------------------! ! :: N0 = intercept parameter (m^-4) ! :: ld = slope parameter (um) case(2) ! Np not specified (see if statement above) if((abs(p1+1) > 1E-8) ) then ! N0 has been specified, determine ld N0 = p1 tmp1 = 1./(1.+bpm) ld = ((apm*gamma(1.+bpm)*N0)/(rho_a*Q*1E-3))**tmp1 ld = ld/1E6 ! set units to microns^-1 elseif (abs(p2+1) > 1E-8) then ! lambda=ld has been specified as default ld = p2 ! should have units of microns^-1 else PRINT *, 'Error: Must specify Np or default value ', & '(p1=No or p2=lambda) for Exponential distribution' stop endif Re = 1.5/ld ; ! ---------------------------------------------------------! ! // power law ! ! ---------------------------------------------------------! ! :: ahp = Ar parameter (m^-4 mm^-bhp) ! :: bhp = br parameter ! :: dmin_mm = lower bound (mm) ! :: dmax_mm = upper bound (mm) case(3) Re=0; ! Not supporting LUT approach for power-law ... if(Np>0) then PRINT *, 'Variable Np not supported for ', & 'Power Law distribution' stop endif ! ---------------------------------------------------------! ! // monodisperse ! ! ---------------------------------------------------------! ! :: D0 = particle diameter (um) == Re case(4) Re = p1 if(Np>0) then PRINT *, 'Variable Np not supported for ', & 'Monodispersed distribution' stop endif ! ---------------------------------------------------------! ! // lognormal ! ! ---------------------------------------------------------! ! :: N0 = total number concentration (m^-3) ! :: np = fixed number concentration (kg^-1) ! :: rg = mean radius (um) ! :: log_sigma_g = ln(geometric standard deviation) case(5) if( abs(local_p3+1) > 1E-8 ) then !set natural log width log_sigma_g = local_p3 else PRINT *, 'Error: Must specify a value for sigma_g ', & 'when using a Log-Normal distribution' stop endif ! get rg ... if( Np.eq.0 .AND. (abs(p2+1) > 1E-8) ) then ! use default value of rg rg = p2 else if(Np>0) then local_Np=Np; elseif(abs(p2+1) < 1E-8) then local_Np=p1 else PRINT *, 'Error: Must specify Np or default value ', & '(p2=Rg or p1=Np) for Log-Normal distribution' endif log_sigma_g = p3 tmp1 = (Q*1E-3)/(2.**bpm*apm*local_Np) tmp2 = exp(0.5*bpm**2.*(log_sigma_g))**2. rg = ((tmp1/tmp2)**(1/bpm))*1E6 endif Re = rg*exp(+2.5*(log_sigma_g**2)) end select end subroutine calc_Re