! $Id$ module regr1_lint_m ! Author: Lionel GUEZ implicit none interface regr1_lint ! Each procedure regrids by linear interpolation. ! The regridding operation is done on the first dimension of the ! input array. ! The difference betwwen the procedures is the rank of the first argument. module procedure regr11_lint, regr12_lint end interface private public regr1_lint contains function regr11_lint(vs, xs, xt) result(vt) ! "vs" has rank 1. use assert_eq_m, only: assert_eq use interpolation, only: hunt !!, polint real, intent(in):: vs(:) ! (values of the function at source points "xs") real, intent(in):: xs(:) ! (abscissas of points in source grid, in strictly monotonic order) real, intent(in):: xt(:) ! (abscissas of points in target grid) real vt(size(xt)) ! values of the function on the target grid ! Variables local to the procedure: integer is, it, ns integer is_b ! "is" bound between 1 and "ns - 1" !-------------------------------------- ns = assert_eq(size(vs), size(xs), "regr11_lint ns") is = -1 ! go immediately to bisection on first call to "hunt" do it = 1, size(xt) call hunt(xs, xt(it), is) is_b = min(max(is, 1), ns - 1) !! call polint(xs(is_b:is_b+1), vs(is_b:is_b+1), xt(it), vt(it)) vt(it) = ((xs(is_b+1) - xt(it)) * vs(is_b) & + (xt(it) - xs(is_b)) * vs(is_b+1)) / (xs(is_b+1) - xs(is_b)) END DO end function regr11_lint !********************************************************* function regr12_lint(vs, xs, xt) result(vt) ! "vs" has rank 2. use assert_eq_m, only: assert_eq use interpolation, only: hunt real, intent(in):: vs(:, :) ! (values of the function at source points "xs") real, intent(in):: xs(:) ! (abscissas of points in source grid, in strictly monotonic order) real, intent(in):: xt(:) ! (abscissas of points in target grid) real vt(size(xt), size(vs, 2)) ! values of the function on the target grid ! Variables local to the procedure: integer is, it, ns integer is_b ! "is" bound between 1 and "ns - 1" !-------------------------------------- ns = assert_eq(size(vs, 1), size(xs), "regr12_lint ns") is = -1 ! go immediately to bisection on first call to "hunt" do it = 1, size(xt) call hunt(xs, xt(it), is) is_b = min(max(is, 1), ns - 1) vt(it, :) = ((xs(is_b+1) - xt(it)) * vs(is_b, :) & + (xt(it) - xs(is_b)) * vs(is_b+1, :)) / (xs(is_b+1) - xs(is_b)) END DO end function regr12_lint end module regr1_lint_m