MODULE lmdz_lscp_tools IMPLICIT NONE CONTAINS !+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ SUBROUTINE FALLICE_VELOCITY(klon,iwc,temp,rho,pres,ptconv,velo) ! Ref: ! Stubenrauch, C. J., Bonazzola, M., ! Protopapadaki, S. E., & Musat, I. (2019). ! New cloud system metrics to assess bulk ! ice cloud schemes in a GCM. Journal of ! Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 11, ! 3212–3234. use lmdz_lscp_ini, only: iflag_vice, ffallv_con, ffallv_lsc use lmdz_lscp_ini, only: cice_velo, dice_velo IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: klon REAL, INTENT(IN), DIMENSION(klon) :: iwc ! specific ice water content [kg/m3] REAL, INTENT(IN), DIMENSION(klon) :: temp ! temperature [K] REAL, INTENT(IN), DIMENSION(klon) :: rho ! dry air density [kg/m3] REAL, INTENT(IN), DIMENSION(klon) :: pres ! air pressure [Pa] LOGICAL, INTENT(IN), DIMENSION(klon) :: ptconv ! convective point [-] REAL, INTENT(OUT), DIMENSION(klon) :: velo ! fallspeed velocity of crystals [m/s] INTEGER i REAL logvm,iwcg,tempc,phpa,fallv_tun REAL m2ice, m2snow, vmice, vmsnow REAL aice, bice, asnow, bsnow DO i=1,klon IF (ptconv(i)) THEN fallv_tun=ffallv_con ELSE fallv_tun=ffallv_lsc ENDIF tempc=temp(i)-273.15 ! celcius temp iwcg=MAX(iwc(i)*1000.,1E-3) ! iwc in g/m3. We set a minimum value to prevent from division by 0 phpa=pres(i)/100. ! pressure in hPa IF (iflag_vice .EQ. 1) THEN ! so-called 'empirical parameterization' in Stubenrauch et al. 2019 if (tempc .GE. -60.0) then logvm= -0.0000414122*tempc*tempc*log(iwcg)-0.00538922*tempc*log(iwcg) & -0.0516344*log(iwcg)+0.00216078*tempc + 1.9714 velo(i)=exp(logvm) else velo(i)=65.0*(iwcg**0.2)*(150./phpa)**0.15 endif velo(i)=fallv_tun*velo(i)/100.0 ! from cm/s to m/s ELSE IF (iflag_vice .EQ. 2) THEN ! so called PSDM empirical coherent bulk ice scheme in Stubenrauch et al. 2019 aice=0.587 bice=2.45 asnow=0.0444 bsnow=2.1 m2ice=((iwcg*0.001/aice)/(exp(13.6-bice*7.76+0.479*bice**2)* & exp((-0.0361+bice*0.0151+0.00149*bice**2)*tempc))) & **(1./(0.807+bice*0.00581+0.0457*bice**2)) vmice=100.*1042.4*exp(13.6-(bice+1)*7.76+0.479*(bice+1.)**2)*exp((-0.0361+ & (bice+1.)*0.0151+0.00149*(bice+1.)**2)*tempc) & *(m2ice**(0.807+(bice+1.)*0.00581+0.0457*(bice+1.)**2))/(iwcg*0.001/aice) vmice=vmice*((1000./phpa)**0.2) m2snow=((iwcg*0.001/asnow)/(exp(13.6-bsnow*7.76+0.479*bsnow**2)* & exp((-0.0361+bsnow*0.0151+0.00149*bsnow**2)*tempc))) & **(1./(0.807+bsnow*0.00581+0.0457*bsnow**2)) vmsnow=100.*14.3*exp(13.6-(bsnow+.416)*7.76+0.479*(bsnow+.416)**2)& *exp((-0.0361+(bsnow+.416)*0.0151+0.00149*(bsnow+.416)**2)*tempc)& *(m2snow**(0.807+(bsnow+.416)*0.00581+0.0457*(bsnow+.416)**2))/(iwcg*0.001/asnow) vmsnow=vmsnow*((1000./phpa)**0.35) velo(i)=fallv_tun*min(vmsnow,vmice)/100. ! to m/s ELSE ! By default, fallspeed velocity of ice crystals according to Heymsfield & Donner 1990 velo(i) = fallv_tun*cice_velo*((iwcg/1000.)**dice_velo) ENDIF ENDDO END SUBROUTINE FALLICE_VELOCITY !+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ !+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ SUBROUTINE ICEFRAC_LSCP(klon, temp, iflag_ice_thermo, distcltop, temp_cltop, icefrac, dicefracdT) !+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ! Compute the ice fraction 1-xliq (see e.g. ! Doutriaux-Boucher & Quaas 2004, section 2.2.) ! as a function of temperature ! see also Fig 3 of Madeleine et al. 2020, JAMES !+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ USE print_control_mod, ONLY: lunout, prt_level USE lmdz_lscp_ini, ONLY: t_glace_min, t_glace_max, exposant_glace, iflag_t_glace USE lmdz_lscp_ini, ONLY : RTT, dist_liq, temp_nowater IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: klon ! number of horizontal grid points REAL, INTENT(IN), DIMENSION(klon) :: temp ! temperature REAL, INTENT(IN), DIMENSION(klon) :: distcltop ! distance to cloud top REAL, INTENT(IN), DIMENSION(klon) :: temp_cltop ! temperature of cloud top INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: iflag_ice_thermo REAL, INTENT(OUT), DIMENSION(klon) :: icefrac REAL, INTENT(OUT), DIMENSION(klon) :: dicefracdT INTEGER i REAL liqfrac_tmp, dicefrac_tmp REAL Dv, denomdep,beta,qsi,dqsidt LOGICAL ice_thermo CHARACTER (len = 20) :: modname = 'lscp_tools' CHARACTER (len = 80) :: abort_message IF ((iflag_t_glace.LT.2)) THEN !.OR. (iflag_t_glace.GT.6)) THEN abort_message = 'lscp cannot be used if iflag_t_glace<2 or >6' CALL abort_physic(modname,abort_message,1) ENDIF IF (.NOT.((iflag_ice_thermo .EQ. 1).OR.(iflag_ice_thermo .GE. 3))) THEN abort_message = 'lscp cannot be used without ice thermodynamics' CALL abort_physic(modname,abort_message,1) ENDIF DO i=1,klon ! old function with sole dependence upon temperature IF (iflag_t_glace .EQ. 2) THEN liqfrac_tmp = (temp(i)-t_glace_min) / (t_glace_max-t_glace_min) liqfrac_tmp = MIN(MAX(liqfrac_tmp,0.0),1.0) icefrac(i) = (1.0-liqfrac_tmp)**exposant_glace IF (icefrac(i) .GT.0.) THEN dicefracdT(i)= exposant_glace * (icefrac(i)**(exposant_glace-1.)) & / (t_glace_min - t_glace_max) ENDIF IF ((icefrac(i).EQ.0).OR.(icefrac(i).EQ.1)) THEN dicefracdT(i)=0. ENDIF ENDIF ! function of temperature used in CMIP6 physics IF (iflag_t_glace .EQ. 3) THEN liqfrac_tmp = (temp(i)-t_glace_min) / (t_glace_max-t_glace_min) liqfrac_tmp = MIN(MAX(liqfrac_tmp,0.0),1.0) icefrac(i) = 1.0-liqfrac_tmp**exposant_glace IF ((icefrac(i) .GT.0.) .AND. (liqfrac_tmp .GT. 0.)) THEN dicefracdT(i)= exposant_glace * ((liqfrac_tmp)**(exposant_glace-1.)) & / (t_glace_min - t_glace_max) ELSE dicefracdT(i)=0. ENDIF ENDIF ! for iflag_t_glace .GE. 4, the liquid fraction depends upon temperature at cloud top ! and then decreases with decreasing height !with linear function of temperature at cloud top IF (iflag_t_glace .EQ. 4) THEN liqfrac_tmp = (temp(i)-t_glace_min) / (t_glace_max-t_glace_min) liqfrac_tmp = MIN(MAX(liqfrac_tmp,0.0),1.0) icefrac(i) = MAX(MIN(1.,1.0 - liqfrac_tmp*exp(-distcltop(i)/dist_liq)),0.) dicefrac_tmp = - temp(i)/(t_glace_max-t_glace_min) dicefracdT(i) = dicefrac_tmp*exp(-distcltop(i)/dist_liq) IF ((liqfrac_tmp .LE.0) .OR. (liqfrac_tmp .GE. 1)) THEN dicefracdT(i) = 0. ENDIF ENDIF ! with CMIP6 function of temperature at cloud top IF ((iflag_t_glace .EQ. 5) .OR. (iflag_t_glace .EQ. 7)) THEN liqfrac_tmp = (temp(i)-t_glace_min) / (t_glace_max-t_glace_min) liqfrac_tmp = MIN(MAX(liqfrac_tmp,0.0),1.0) liqfrac_tmp = liqfrac_tmp**exposant_glace icefrac(i) = MAX(MIN(1.,1.0 - liqfrac_tmp*exp(-distcltop(i)/dist_liq)),0.) IF ((liqfrac_tmp .LE.0) .OR. (liqfrac_tmp .GE. 1)) THEN dicefracdT(i) = 0. ELSE dicefracdT(i) = exposant_glace*((liqfrac_tmp)**(exposant_glace-1.))/(t_glace_min- t_glace_max) & *exp(-distcltop(i)/dist_liq) ENDIF ENDIF ! with modified function of temperature at cloud top ! to get largere values around 260 K, works well with t_glace_min = 241K IF (iflag_t_glace .EQ. 6) THEN IF (temp(i) .GT. t_glace_max) THEN liqfrac_tmp = 1. ELSE liqfrac_tmp = -((temp(i)-t_glace_max) / (t_glace_max-t_glace_min))**2+1. ENDIF liqfrac_tmp = MIN(MAX(liqfrac_tmp,0.0),1.0) icefrac(i) = MAX(MIN(1.,1.0 - liqfrac_tmp*exp(-distcltop(i)/dist_liq)),0.) IF ((liqfrac_tmp .LE.0) .OR. (liqfrac_tmp .GE. 1)) THEN dicefracdT(i) = 0. ELSE dicefracdT(i) = 2*((temp(i)-t_glace_max) / (t_glace_max-t_glace_min))/(t_glace_max-t_glace_min) & *exp(-distcltop(i)/dist_liq) ENDIF ENDIF ! if temperature of cloud top <-40°C, IF (iflag_t_glace .GE. 4) THEN IF ((temp_cltop(i) .LE. temp_nowater) .AND. (temp(i) .LE. t_glace_max)) THEN icefrac(i) = 1. dicefracdT(i) = 0. ENDIF ENDIF ENDDO ! klon RETURN END SUBROUTINE ICEFRAC_LSCP !+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ SUBROUTINE ICEFRAC_LSCP_TURB(klon, dtime, temp, pplay, paprsdn, paprsup, qice_ini, snowcld, qtot_incl, cldfra, tke, tke_dissip, qliq, qvap_cld, qice, icefrac, dicefracdT, cldfraliq, sigma2_icefracturb, mean_icefracturb) !+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ! Compute the liquid, ice and vapour content (+ice fraction) based ! on turbulence (see Fields 2014, Furtado 2016, Raillard 2025) ! L.Raillard (30/08/24) !+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ USE lmdz_lscp_ini, ONLY : prt_level, lunout USE lmdz_lscp_ini, ONLY : RCPD, RLSTT, RLVTT, RLMLT, RVTMP2, RTT, RD, RG, RV, RPI USE lmdz_lscp_ini, ONLY : seuil_neb, temp_nowater USE lmdz_lscp_ini, ONLY : tau_mixenv, lmix_mpc, naero5, gamma_snwretro, gamma_taud, capa_crystal USE lmdz_lscp_ini, ONLY : eps IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: klon !--number of horizontal grid points REAL, INTENT(IN) :: dtime !--time step [s] REAL, INTENT(IN), DIMENSION(klon) :: temp !--temperature REAL, INTENT(IN), DIMENSION(klon) :: pplay !--pressure in the middle of the layer [Pa] REAL, INTENT(IN), DIMENSION(klon) :: paprsdn !--pressure at the bottom interface of the layer [Pa] REAL, INTENT(IN), DIMENSION(klon) :: paprsup !--pressure at the top interface of the layer [Pa] REAL, INTENT(IN), DIMENSION(klon) :: qtot_incl !--specific total cloud water content, in-cloud content [kg/kg] REAL, INTENT(IN), DIMENSION(klon) :: cldfra !--cloud fraction in gridbox [-] REAL, INTENT(IN), DIMENSION(klon) :: tke !--turbulent kinetic energy [m2/s2] REAL, INTENT(IN), DIMENSION(klon) :: tke_dissip !--TKE dissipation [m2/s3] REAL, INTENT(IN), DIMENSION(klon) :: qice_ini !--initial specific ice content gridbox-mean [kg/kg] REAL, INTENT(IN), DIMENSION(klon) :: snowcld REAL, INTENT(OUT), DIMENSION(klon) :: qliq !--specific liquid content gridbox-mean [kg/kg] REAL, INTENT(OUT), DIMENSION(klon) :: qvap_cld !--specific cloud vapor content, gridbox-mean [kg/kg] REAL, INTENT(OUT), DIMENSION(klon) :: qice !--specific ice content gridbox-mean [kg/kg] REAL, INTENT(OUT), DIMENSION(klon) :: icefrac !--fraction of ice in condensed water [-] REAL, INTENT(OUT), DIMENSION(klon) :: dicefracdT REAL, INTENT(OUT), DIMENSION(klon) :: cldfraliq !--fraction of cldfra which is liquid only REAL, INTENT(OUT), DIMENSION(klon) :: sigma2_icefracturb !--Temporary REAL, INTENT(OUT), DIMENSION(klon) :: mean_icefracturb !--Temporary REAL, DIMENSION(klon) :: qzero, qsatl, dqsatl, qsati, dqsati !--specific humidity saturation values INTEGER :: i REAL :: qvap_incl, qice_incl, qliq_incl, qiceini_incl !--In-cloud specific quantities [kg/kg] REAL :: qsnowcld_incl !REAL :: capa_crystal !--Capacitance of ice crystals [-] REAL :: water_vapor_diff !--Water-vapour diffusion coefficient in air [m2/s] (function of T&P) REAL :: air_thermal_conduct !--Thermal conductivity of air [J/m/K/s] (function of T) REAL :: C0 !--Lagrangian structure function [-] REAL :: tau_mixingenv REAL :: tau_dissipturb REAL :: invtau_phaserelax REAL :: sigma2_pdf, mean_pdf REAL :: ai, bi, B0 REAL :: sursat_iceliq REAL :: sursat_env REAL :: liqfra_max REAL :: sursat_iceext REAL :: nb_crystals !--number concentration of ice crystals [#/m3] REAL :: moment1_PSD !--1st moment of ice PSD REAL :: N0_PSD, lambda_PSD !--parameters of the exponential PSD REAL :: rho_ice !--ice density [kg/m3] REAL :: cldfra1D REAL :: deltaz, rho_air REAL :: psati !--saturation vapor pressure wrt i [Pa] C0 = 10. !--value assumed in Field2014 rho_ice = 950. sursat_iceext = -0.1 !capa_crystal = 1. !r_ice qzero(:) = 0. cldfraliq(:) = 0. icefrac(:) = 0. dicefracdT(:) = 0. sigma2_icefracturb(:) = 0. mean_icefracturb(:) = 0. !--wrt liquid water CALL calc_qsat_ecmwf(klon,temp(:),qzero(:),pplay(:),RTT,1,.false.,qsatl(:),dqsatl(:)) !--wrt ice CALL calc_qsat_ecmwf(klon,temp(:),qzero(:),pplay(:),RTT,2,.false.,qsati(:),dqsati(:)) DO i=1,klon rho_air = pplay(i) / temp(i) / RD !deltaz = ( paprsdn(i) - paprsup(i) ) / RG / rho_air(i) ! because cldfra is intent in, but can be locally modified due to test cldfra1D = cldfra(i) IF (cldfra(i) .LE. 0.) THEN qvap_cld(i) = 0. qliq(i) = 0. qice(i) = 0. cldfraliq(i) = 0. icefrac(i) = 0. dicefracdT(i) = 0. ! If there is a cloud ELSE IF (cldfra(i) .GE. 1.0) THEN cldfra1D = 1.0 END IF ! T>0°C, no ice allowed IF ( temp(i) .GE. RTT ) THEN qvap_cld(i) = qsatl(i) * cldfra1D qliq(i) = MAX(0.0,qtot_incl(i)-qsatl(i)) * cldfra1D qice(i) = 0. cldfraliq(i) = 1. icefrac(i) = 0. dicefracdT(i) = 0. ! T<-38°C, no liquid allowed ELSE IF ( temp(i) .LE. temp_nowater) THEN qvap_cld(i) = qsati(i) * cldfra1D qliq(i) = 0. qice(i) = MAX(0.0,qtot_incl(i)-qsati(i)) * cldfra1D cldfraliq(i) = 0. icefrac(i) = 1. dicefracdT(i) = 0. ! MPC temperature ELSE ! Not enough TKE IF ( tke_dissip(i) .LE. eps ) THEN qvap_cld(i) = qsati(i) * cldfra1D qliq(i) = 0. qice(i) = MAX(0.,qtot_incl(i)-qsati(i)) * cldfra1D cldfraliq(i) = 0. icefrac(i) = 1. dicefracdT(i) = 0. ! Enough TKE ELSE print*,"MOUCHOIRACTIVE" !--------------------------------------------------------- !-- ICE SUPERSATURATION PDF !--------------------------------------------------------- !--If -38°C< T <0°C and there is enough turbulence, !--we compute the cloud liquid properties with a Gaussian PDF !--of ice supersaturation F(Si) (Field2014, Furtado2016). !--Parameters of the PDF are function of turbulence and !--microphysics/existing ice. sursat_iceliq = qsatl(i)/qsati(i) - 1. psati = qsati(i) * pplay(i) / (RD/RV) !-------------- MICROPHYSICAL TERMS -------------- !--We assume an exponential ice PSD whose parameters !--are computed following Morrison&Gettelman 2008 !--Ice number density is assumed equals to INP density !--which is a function of temperature (DeMott 2010) !--bi and B0 are microphysical function characterizing !--vapor/ice interactions !--tau_phase_relax is the typical time of vapor deposition !--onto ice crystals qiceini_incl = qice_ini(i) / cldfra1D qsnowcld_incl = snowcld(i) * RG * dtime / ( paprsdn(i) - paprsup(i) ) / cldfra1D sursat_env = max(0., (qtot_incl(i) - qiceini_incl)/qsati(i) - 1.) IF ( qiceini_incl .GT. eps ) THEN nb_crystals = 1.e3 * 5.94e-5 * ( RTT - temp(i) )**3.33 * naero5**(0.0264*(RTT-temp(i))+0.0033) lambda_PSD = ( (RPI*rho_ice*nb_crystals) / (rho_air*(qiceini_incl + gamma_snwretro * qsnowcld_incl)) ) ** (1./3.) N0_PSD = nb_crystals * lambda_PSD moment1_PSD = N0_PSD/lambda_PSD**2 ELSE moment1_PSD = 0. ENDIF !--Formulae for air thermal conductivity and water vapor diffusivity !--comes respectively from Beard and Pruppacher (1971) !--and Hall and Pruppacher (1976) air_thermal_conduct = ( 5.69 + 0.017 * ( temp(i) - RTT ) ) * 1.e-3 * 4.184 water_vapor_diff = 2.11*1e-5 * ( temp(i) / RTT )**1.94 * ( 101325 / pplay(i) ) bi = 1./((qsati(i)+qsatl(i))/2.) + RLSTT**2 / RCPD / RV / temp(i)**2 B0 = 4. * RPI * capa_crystal * 1. / ( RLSTT**2 / air_thermal_conduct / RV / temp(i)**2 & + RV * temp(i) / psati / water_vapor_diff ) invtau_phaserelax = (bi * B0 * moment1_PSD ) ! Old way of estimating moment1 : spherical crystals + monodisperse PSD ! nb_crystals = rho_air * qiceini_incl / ( 4. / 3. * RPI * r_ice**3. * rho_ice ) ! moment1_PSD = nb_crystals * r_ice !----------------- TURBULENT SOURCE/SINK TERMS ----------------- !--Tau_mixingenv is the time needed to homogeneize the parcel !--with its environment by turbulent diffusion over the parcel !--length scale !--if lmix_mpc <0, tau_mixigenv value is prescribed !--else tau_mixigenv value is derived from tke_dissip and lmix_mpc !--Tau_dissipturb is the time needed turbulence to decay due to !--viscosity ai = RG / RD / temp(i) * ( RD * RLSTT / RCPD / RV / temp(i) - 1. ) IF ( lmix_mpc .GT. 0 ) THEN tau_mixingenv = ( lmix_mpc**2. / tke_dissip(i) )**(1./3.) ELSE tau_mixingenv = tau_mixenv ENDIF tau_dissipturb = gamma_taud * 2. * 2./3. * tke(i) / tke_dissip(i) / C0 !--------------------- PDF COMPUTATIONS --------------------- !--Formulae for sigma2_pdf (variance), mean of PDF in Furtado2016 !--cloud liquid fraction and in-cloud liquid content are given !--by integrating resp. F(Si) and Si*F(Si) !--Liquid is limited by the available water vapor trough a !--maximal liquid fraction liqfra_max = MAX(0., (MIN (1.,( qtot_incl(i) - qiceini_incl - qsati(i) * (1 + sursat_iceext ) ) / ( qsatl(i) - qsati(i) ) ) ) ) sigma2_pdf = 1./2. * ( ai**2 ) * 2./3. * tke(i) * tau_dissipturb / ( invtau_phaserelax + 1./tau_mixingenv ) mean_pdf = sursat_env * 1./tau_mixingenv / ( invtau_phaserelax + 1./tau_mixingenv ) cldfraliq(i) = 0.5 * (1. - erf( ( sursat_iceliq - mean_pdf) / (SQRT(2.* sigma2_pdf) ) ) ) IF (cldfraliq(i) .GT. liqfra_max) THEN cldfraliq(i) = liqfra_max ENDIF qliq_incl = qsati(i) * SQRT(sigma2_pdf) / SQRT(2.*RPI) * EXP( -1.*(sursat_iceliq - mean_pdf)**2. / (2.*sigma2_pdf) ) & - qsati(i) * cldfraliq(i) * (sursat_iceliq - mean_pdf ) sigma2_icefracturb(i)= sigma2_pdf mean_icefracturb(i) = mean_pdf !------------ SPECIFIC VAPOR CONTENT AND WATER CONSERVATION ------------ IF ( (qliq_incl .LE. eps) .OR. (cldfraliq(i) .LE. eps) ) THEN qliq_incl = 0. cldfraliq(i) = 0. END IF !--Specific humidity is the max between qsati and the weighted mean between !--qv in MPC patches and qv in ice-only parts. We assume that MPC parts are !--always at qsatl and ice-only parts slightly subsaturated (qsati*sursat_iceext+1) !--The whole cloud can therefore be supersaturated but never subsaturated. qvap_incl = MAX(qsati(i), ( 1. - cldfraliq(i) ) * (sursat_iceext + 1.) * qsati(i) + cldfraliq(i) * qsatl(i) ) IF ( qvap_incl .GE. qtot_incl(i) ) THEN qvap_incl = qsati(i) qliq_incl = qtot_incl(i) - qvap_incl qice_incl = 0. ELSEIF ( (qvap_incl + qliq_incl) .GE. qtot_incl(i) ) THEN qliq_incl = MAX(0.0,qtot_incl(i) - qvap_incl) qice_incl = 0. ELSE qice_incl = qtot_incl(i) - qvap_incl - qliq_incl END IF qvap_cld(i) = qvap_incl * cldfra1D qliq(i) = qliq_incl * cldfra1D qice(i) = qice_incl * cldfra1D icefrac(i) = qice(i) / ( qice(i) + qliq(i) ) dicefracdT(i) = 0. !print*,'MPC turb' END IF ! Enough TKE END IF ! ! MPC temperature END IF ! cldfra ENDDO ! klon END SUBROUTINE ICEFRAC_LSCP_TURB !+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ SUBROUTINE CALC_QSAT_ECMWF(klon,temp,qtot,pressure,tref,phase,flagth,qs,dqs) !+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ! Calculate qsat following ECMWF method !+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ IMPLICIT NONE include "YOMCST.h" include "YOETHF.h" include "FCTTRE.h" INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: klon ! number of horizontal grid points REAL, INTENT(IN), DIMENSION(klon) :: temp ! temperature in K REAL, INTENT(IN), DIMENSION(klon) :: qtot ! total specific water in kg/kg REAL, INTENT(IN), DIMENSION(klon) :: pressure ! pressure in Pa REAL, INTENT(IN) :: tref ! reference temperature in K LOGICAL, INTENT(IN) :: flagth ! flag for qsat calculation for thermals INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: phase ! phase: 0=depend on temperature sign (temp>tref -> liquid, tempgammasat*qsat ! Etienne Vignon, March 2021 !+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ use lmdz_lscp_ini, only: iflag_gammasat, t_glace_min, RTT IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: klon ! number of horizontal grid points REAL, INTENT(IN), DIMENSION(klon) :: temp ! temperature in K REAL, INTENT(IN), DIMENSION(klon) :: qtot ! total specific water in kg/kg REAL, INTENT(IN), DIMENSION(klon) :: pressure ! pressure in Pa REAL, INTENT(OUT), DIMENSION(klon) :: gammasat ! coefficient to multiply qsat with to calculate saturation REAL, INTENT(OUT), DIMENSION(klon) :: dgammasatdt ! derivative of gammasat wrt temperature REAL, DIMENSION(klon) :: qsi,qsl,dqsl,dqsi REAL fcirrus, fac REAL, PARAMETER :: acirrus=2.349 REAL, PARAMETER :: bcirrus=259.0 INTEGER i CALL CALC_QSAT_ECMWF(klon,temp,qtot,pressure,RTT,1,.false.,qsl,dqsl) CALL CALC_QSAT_ECMWF(klon,temp,qtot,pressure,RTT,2,.false.,qsi,dqsi) DO i=1,klon IF (temp(i) .GE. RTT) THEN ! warm clouds: condensation at saturation wrt liquid gammasat(i)=1. dgammasatdt(i)=0. ELSEIF ((temp(i) .LT. RTT) .AND. (temp(i) .GT. t_glace_min)) THEN IF (iflag_gammasat .GE. 2) THEN gammasat(i)=qsl(i)/qsi(i) dgammasatdt(i)=(dqsl(i)*qsi(i)-dqsi(i)*qsl(i))/qsi(i)/qsi(i) ELSE gammasat(i)=1. dgammasatdt(i)=0. ENDIF ELSE IF (iflag_gammasat .GE.1) THEN ! homogeneous freezing of aerosols, according to ! Koop, 2000 and Karcher 2008, QJRMS ! 'Cirrus regime' fcirrus=acirrus-temp(i)/bcirrus IF (fcirrus .GT. qsl(i)/qsi(i)) THEN gammasat(i)=qsl(i)/qsi(i) dgammasatdt(i)=(dqsl(i)*qsi(i)-dqsi(i)*qsl(i))/qsi(i)/qsi(i) ELSE gammasat(i)=fcirrus dgammasatdt(i)=-1.0/bcirrus ENDIF ELSE gammasat(i)=1. dgammasatdt(i)=0. ENDIF ENDIF END DO END SUBROUTINE CALC_GAMMASAT !+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ !++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ SUBROUTINE DISTANCE_TO_CLOUD_TOP(klon,klev,k,temp,pplay,paprs,rneb,distcltop1D,temp_cltop) !++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ USE lmdz_lscp_ini, ONLY : rd,rg,tresh_cl IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: klon,klev !number of horizontal and vertical grid points INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: k ! vertical index REAL, INTENT(IN), DIMENSION(klon,klev) :: temp ! temperature in K REAL, INTENT(IN), DIMENSION(klon,klev) :: pplay ! pressure middle layer in Pa REAL, INTENT(IN), DIMENSION(klon,klev+1) :: paprs ! pressure interfaces in Pa REAL, INTENT(IN), DIMENSION(klon,klev) :: rneb ! cloud fraction REAL, INTENT(OUT), DIMENSION(klon) :: distcltop1D ! distance from cloud top REAL, INTENT(OUT), DIMENSION(klon) :: temp_cltop ! temperature of cloud top REAL dzlay(klon,klev) REAL zlay(klon,klev) REAL dzinterf INTEGER i,k_top, kvert LOGICAL bool_cl DO i=1,klon ! Initialization height middle of first layer dzlay(i,1) = Rd * temp(i,1) / rg * log(paprs(i,1)/paprs(i,2)) zlay(i,1) = dzlay(i,1)/2 DO kvert=2,klev IF (kvert.EQ.klev) THEN dzlay(i,kvert) = 2*(rd * temp(i,kvert) / rg * log(paprs(i,kvert)/pplay(i,kvert))) ELSE dzlay(i,kvert) = rd * temp(i,kvert) / rg * log(paprs(i,kvert)/paprs(i,kvert+1)) ENDIF dzinterf = rd * temp(i,kvert) / rg * log(pplay(i,kvert-1)/pplay(i,kvert)) zlay(i,kvert) = zlay(i,kvert-1) + dzinterf ENDDO ENDDO DO i=1,klon k_top = k IF (rneb(i,k) .LE. tresh_cl) THEN bool_cl = .FALSE. ELSE bool_cl = .TRUE. ENDIF DO WHILE ((bool_cl) .AND. (k_top .LE. klev)) ! find cloud top IF (rneb(i,k_top) .GT. tresh_cl) THEN k_top = k_top + 1 ELSE bool_cl = .FALSE. k_top = k_top - 1 ENDIF ENDDO k_top=min(k_top,klev) !dist to top is dist between current layer and layer of cloud top (from middle to middle) + dist middle to !interf for layer of cloud top distcltop1D(i) = zlay(i,k_top) - zlay(i,k) + dzlay(i,k_top)/2 temp_cltop(i) = temp(i,k_top) ENDDO ! klon END SUBROUTINE DISTANCE_TO_CLOUD_TOP !++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ END MODULE lmdz_lscp_tools