SUBROUTINE SUPHY(KULOUT) USE YOMCT0 , ONLY : NCONF USE YOMHOOK ,ONLY : LHOOK, DR_HOOK !**** *SUPHY* - Calls physic specific set-up routines ! Purpose. ! -------- ! Calls set-up routines specific to the different physics ! packages that can be used in the IFS/ARPEGE model !** Interface. ! ---------- ! *CALL* *SUPHY(KULOUT) ! Explicit arguments : ! -------------------- ! KULOUT : Logical unit for the output ! Implicit arguments : ! -------------------- ! COMMON YOMPHY, YOEPHY ! Method. ! ------- ! See documentation ! Externals. ! ---------- ! SUPHEC ! SUPHMF ! SUPHYFL ! SUHLPH ! Reference. ! ---------- ! ECMWF Research Department documentation of the IFS ! or ! Documentation ARPEGE (depending on which physics will be used) ! Author. ! ------- ! Mats Hamrud and Philippe Courtier *ECMWF* ! J.-F. Geleyn for the ARPEGE rewriting. ! Modifications. ! -------------- ! Original : 87-10-15 ! ARPEGE extension 90-9-1 ! ARPEGE modification 90-11-24 ! Modified by M. Deque 91-02-28 (key for Ozone) ! Modified by M. Deque 91-03-18 (key for Negative humidity) ! Modified by M. Deque 91-04-01 (keys for cloudiness and wavedrag) ! Modified by J.-F. Geleyn 91-06-15 (call to SUPHMF and SUPHEC) ! Modified by J.-J. Morcrette 91-11-12 ! Modified by K. YESSAD (MAY 2000): remove call to EC physics setup ! in a 2D model because some dimensionings are inconsistent and ! generate aborts, and because 2D models are purely adiabatic ones. ! M.Hamrud 01-Oct-2003 CY28 Cleaning ! B.Sass 01-June-2006 (call setup for HIRLAM physics) ! ------------------------------------------------------------------ USE PARKIND1 ,ONLY : JPIM ,JPRB IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER(KIND=JPIM),INTENT(IN) :: KULOUT LOGICAL :: LLSHW, LLVEQ, LL2D REAL(KIND=JPRB) :: ZHOOK_HANDLE #include "suphec.intfb.h" #include "suphmf.intfb.h" #include "suhlph.intfb.h" #include "suphyfl.intfb.h" #include "sumts.intfb.h" ! ------------------------------------------------------------------ !* 0. Set-up LL2D (2D model switch). ! ------------------------------ IF (LHOOK) CALL DR_HOOK('SUPHY',0,ZHOOK_HANDLE) LLSHW=NCONF == 201.OR.NCONF == 421.OR.NCONF == 521 LLVEQ=NCONF == 202.OR.NCONF == 422.OR.NCONF == 522 LL2D=LLSHW.OR.LLVEQ ! ------------------------------------------------------------------ !* 1. Call initialization of specific physics' commons. ! ------------------------------------------------- !* 1.1 Meteo-France Physics ! -------------------- PRINT *,'---- SUPHY: avant SUPHMF' CALL SUPHMF(KULOUT) PRINT *,'---- SUPHY: avant SUGFL' !SUGFL: Set up unified_treatment grid-point fields CALL SUGFL !* 1.2 ECMWF Physics ! ------------- ! IF Commente par MPL 20.11.08 !IF (.NOT.LL2D) THEN CALL SUPHEC(KULOUT) !ENDIF ! 1.3 Initialize HIRLAM physics ! ------------------------- ! Commente par MPL 20.11.08 !CALL SUHLPH(KULOUT) ! ------------------------------------------------------------------ !* 2. Initialize physics' flags commons. ! ---------------------------------- ! Commente par MPL 20.11.08 !CALL SUPHYFL ! ------------------------------------------------------------------ !* 3. Initialize "model to satellite" RTTOV parameters. ! ------------------------------------------------ ! Commente par MPL 20.11.08 !CALL SUMTS ! ------------------------------------------------------------------ IF (LHOOK) CALL DR_HOOK('SUPHY',1,ZHOOK_HANDLE) END SUBROUTINE SUPHY