! $Header$ ! ====================================================================== SUBROUTINE nonlocal(knon, paprs, pplay, tsol, beta, u, v, t, q, cd_h, cd_m, & pcfh, pcfm, cgh, cgq) USE dimphy USE lmdz_yoethf USE lmdz_yomcst IMPLICIT NONE INCLUDE "FCTTRE.h" ! ====================================================================== ! Laurent Li (LMD/CNRS), le 30 septembre 1998 ! Couche limite non-locale. Adaptation du code du CCM3. ! Code non teste, donc a ne pas utiliser. ! ====================================================================== ! Nonlocal scheme that determines eddy diffusivities based on a ! diagnosed boundary layer height and a turbulent velocity scale. ! Also countergradient effects for heat and moisture are included. ! For more information, see Holtslag, A.A.M., and B.A. Boville, 1993: ! Local versus nonlocal boundary-layer diffusion in a global climate ! model. J. of Climate, vol. 6, 1825-1842. ! ====================================================================== ! Arguments: INTEGER knon ! nombre de points a calculer REAL tsol(klon) ! temperature du sol (K) REAL beta(klon) ! efficacite d'evaporation (entre 0 et 1) REAL paprs(klon, klev + 1) ! pression a inter-couche (Pa) REAL pplay(klon, klev) ! pression au milieu de couche (Pa) REAL u(klon, klev) ! vitesse U (m/s) REAL v(klon, klev) ! vitesse V (m/s) REAL t(klon, klev) ! temperature (K) REAL q(klon, klev) ! vapeur d'eau (kg/kg) REAL cd_h(klon) ! coefficient de friction au sol pour chaleur REAL cd_m(klon) ! coefficient de friction au sol pour vitesse INTEGER isommet REAL vk PARAMETER (vk = 0.40) REAL ricr PARAMETER (ricr = 0.4) REAL fak PARAMETER (fak = 8.5) REAL fakn PARAMETER (fakn = 7.2) REAL onet PARAMETER (onet = 1.0 / 3.0) REAL t_coup PARAMETER (t_coup = 273.15) REAL zkmin PARAMETER (zkmin = 0.01) REAL betam PARAMETER (betam = 15.0) REAL betah PARAMETER (betah = 15.0) REAL betas PARAMETER (betas = 5.0) REAL sffrac PARAMETER (sffrac = 0.1) REAL binm PARAMETER (binm = betam * sffrac) REAL binh PARAMETER (binh = betah * sffrac) REAL ccon PARAMETER (ccon = fak * sffrac * vk) REAL z(klon, klev) REAL pcfm(klon, klev), pcfh(klon, klev) INTEGER i, k REAL zxt, zxq, zxu, zxv, zxmod, taux, tauy REAL zx_alf1, zx_alf2 ! parametres pour extrapolation REAL khfs(klon) ! surface kinematic heat flux [mK/s] REAL kqfs(klon) ! sfc kinematic constituent flux [m/s] REAL heatv(klon) ! surface virtual heat flux REAL ustar(klon) REAL rino(klon, klev) ! bulk Richardon no. from level to ref lev LOGICAL unstbl(klon) ! pts w/unstbl pbl (positive virtual ht flx) LOGICAL stblev(klon) ! stable pbl with levels within pbl LOGICAL unslev(klon) ! unstbl pbl with levels within pbl LOGICAL unssrf(klon) ! unstb pbl w/lvls within srf pbl lyr LOGICAL unsout(klon) ! unstb pbl w/lvls in outer pbl lyr LOGICAL check(klon) ! True=>chk if Richardson no.>critcal REAL pblh(klon) REAL cgh(klon, 2:klev) ! counter-gradient term for heat [K/m] REAL cgq(klon, 2:klev) ! counter-gradient term for constituents REAL cgs(klon, 2:klev) ! counter-gradient star (cg/flux) REAL obklen(klon) REAL ztvd, ztvu, zdu2 REAL therm(klon) ! thermal virtual temperature excess REAL phiminv(klon) ! inverse phi function for momentum REAL phihinv(klon) ! inverse phi function for heat REAL wm(klon) ! turbulent velocity scale for momentum REAL fak1(klon) ! k*ustar*pblh REAL fak2(klon) ! k*wm*pblh REAL fak3(klon) ! fakn*wstr/wm REAL pblk(klon) ! level eddy diffusivity for momentum REAL pr(klon) ! Prandtl number for eddy diffusivities REAL zl(klon) ! zmzp / Obukhov length REAL zh(klon) ! zmzp / pblh REAL zzh(klon) ! (1-(zmzp/pblh))**2 REAL wstr(klon) ! w*, convective velocity scale REAL zm(klon) ! current level height REAL zp(klon) ! current level height + one level up REAL zcor, zdelta, zcvm5, zxqs REAL fac, pblmin, zmzp, term ! Initialisation isommet = klev DO i = 1, klon pcfh(i, 1) = cd_h(i) pcfm(i, 1) = cd_m(i) END DO DO k = 2, klev DO i = 1, klon pcfh(i, k) = zkmin pcfm(i, k) = zkmin cgs(i, k) = 0.0 cgh(i, k) = 0.0 cgq(i, k) = 0.0 END DO END DO ! Calculer les hauteurs de chaque couche DO i = 1, knon z(i, 1) = rd * t(i, 1) / (0.5 * (paprs(i, 1) + pplay(i, 1))) * (paprs(i, 1) - pplay(i, 1) & ) / rg END DO DO k = 2, klev DO i = 1, knon z(i, k) = z(i, k - 1) + rd * 0.5 * (t(i, k - 1) + t(i, k)) / paprs(i, k) * (pplay(i, k - 1 & ) - pplay(i, k)) / rg END DO END DO DO i = 1, knon IF (thermcep) THEN zdelta = max(0., sign(1., rtt - tsol(i))) zcvm5 = r5les * rlvtt * (1. - zdelta) + r5ies * rlstt * zdelta zcvm5 = zcvm5 / rcpd / (1.0 + rvtmp2 * q(i, 1)) zxqs = r2es * foeew(tsol(i), zdelta) / paprs(i, 1) zxqs = min(0.5, zxqs) zcor = 1. / (1. - retv * zxqs) zxqs = zxqs * zcor ELSE IF (tsol(i)=ricr) THEN pblh(i) = z(i, k - 1) + (z(i, k - 1) - z(i, k)) * (ricr - rino(i, k - 1)) / (rino(i, & k - 1) - rino(i, k)) check(i) = .FALSE. END IF END IF END DO END DO ! Set pbl height to maximum value where computation exceeds number of ! layers allowed DO i = 1, knon IF (check(i)) pblh(i) = z(i, isommet) END DO ! Improve estimate of pbl height for the unstable points. ! Find unstable points (sensible heat flux is upward): DO i = 1, knon IF (heatv(i)>0.) THEN unstbl(i) = .TRUE. check(i) = .TRUE. ELSE unstbl(i) = .FALSE. check(i) = .FALSE. END IF END DO ! For the unstable case, compute velocity scale and the ! convective temperature excess: DO i = 1, knon IF (check(i)) THEN phiminv(i) = (1. - binm * pblh(i) / obklen(i))**onet wm(i) = ustar(i) * phiminv(i) therm(i) = heatv(i) * fak / wm(i) rino(i, 1) = 0.0 END IF END DO ! Improve pblh estimate for unstable conditions using the ! convective temperature excess: DO k = 1, isommet DO i = 1, knon IF (check(i)) THEN zdu2 = (u(i, k) - u(i, 1))**2 + (v(i, k) - v(i, 1))**2 + fac * ustar(i)**2 zdu2 = max(zdu2, 1.0E-20) ztvd = (t(i, k) + z(i, k) * 0.5 * rg / rcpd / (1. + rvtmp2 * q(i, & k))) * (1. + retv * q(i, k)) ztvu = (t(i, 1) + therm(i) - z(i, k) * 0.5 * rg / rcpd / (1. + rvtmp2 * q(i, & 1))) * (1. + retv * q(i, 1)) rino(i, k) = (z(i, k) - z(i, 1)) * rg * (ztvd - ztvu) / (zdu2 * 0.5 * (ztvd + ztvu)) IF (rino(i, k)>=ricr) THEN pblh(i) = z(i, k - 1) + (z(i, k - 1) - z(i, k)) * (ricr - rino(i, k - 1)) / (rino(i, & k - 1) - rino(i, k)) check(i) = .FALSE. END IF END IF END DO END DO ! Set pbl height to maximum value where computation exceeds number of ! layers allowed DO i = 1, knon IF (check(i)) pblh(i) = z(i, isommet) END DO ! Points for which pblh exceeds number of pbl layers allowed; ! set to maximum DO i = 1, knon IF (check(i)) pblh(i) = z(i, isommet) END DO ! PBL height must be greater than some minimum mechanical mixing depth ! Several investigators have proposed minimum mechanical mixing depth ! relationships as a function of the local friction velocity, u*. We ! make use of a linear relationship of the form h = c u* where c=700. ! The scaling arguments that give rise to this relationship most often ! represent the coefficient c as some constant over the local coriolis ! parameter. Here we make use of the experimental results of Koracin ! and Berkowicz (1988) [BLM, Vol 43] for wich they recommend 0.07/f ! where f was evaluated at 39.5 N and 52 N. Thus we use a typical mid ! latitude value for f so that c = 0.07/f = 700. DO i = 1, knon pblmin = 700.0 * ustar(i) pblh(i) = max(pblh(i), pblmin) END DO ! pblh is now available; do preparation for diffusivity calculation: DO i = 1, knon pblk(i) = 0.0 fak1(i) = ustar(i) * pblh(i) * vk ! Do additional preparation for unstable cases only, set temperature ! and moisture perturbations depending on stability. IF (unstbl(i)) THEN zxt = (t(i, 1) - z(i, 1) * 0.5 * rg / rcpd / (1. + rvtmp2 * q(i, 1))) * (1. + retv * q(i, 1)) phiminv(i) = (1. - binm * pblh(i) / obklen(i))**onet phihinv(i) = sqrt(1. - binh * pblh(i) / obklen(i)) wm(i) = ustar(i) * phiminv(i) fak2(i) = wm(i) * pblh(i) * vk wstr(i) = (heatv(i) * rg * pblh(i) / zxt)**onet fak3(i) = fakn * wstr(i) / wm(i) END IF END DO ! Main level loop to compute the diffusivities and ! counter-gradient terms: DO k = 2, isommet ! Find levels within boundary layer: DO i = 1, knon unslev(i) = .FALSE. stblev(i) = .FALSE. zm(i) = z(i, k - 1) zp(i) = z(i, k) IF (zkmin==0.0 .AND. zp(i)>pblh(i)) zp(i) = pblh(i) IF (zm(i)