! $Revision: 23 $, $Date: 2011-03-31 15:41:37 +0200 (jeu. 31 mars 2011) $ ! $URL: http://cfmip-obs-sim.googlecode.com/svn/stable/v1.4.0/quickbeam/atmos_lib.f90 $ ! ATMOS_LIB: Atmospheric science procedures for F90 ! Compiled/Modified: ! 07/01/06 John Haynes (haynes@atmos.colostate.edu) ! mcclatchey (subroutine) module atmos_lib implicit none contains ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! subroutine MCCLATCHEY ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine mcclatchey(stype,hgt,prs,tk,rh) implicit none ! Purpose: ! returns a standard atmospheric profile ! Input: ! [stype] type of profile to return ! 1 = mid-latitude summer ! 2 = mid-latitude winter ! 3 = tropical ! Outputs: ! [hgt] height (m) ! [prs] pressure (hPa) ! [tk] temperature (K) ! [rh] relative humidity (%) ! Created: ! 06/01/2006 John Haynes (haynes@atmos.colostate.edu) ! ----- INPUTS ----- integer, intent(in) :: & stype integer, parameter :: ndat = 33 ! ----- OUTPUTS ----- real*8, intent(out), dimension(ndat) :: & hgt, & ! height (m) prs, & ! pressure (hPa) tk, & ! temperature (K) rh ! relative humidity (%) hgt = (/0.00000,1000.00,2000.00,3000.00,4000.00,5000.00, & 6000.00,7000.00,8000.00,9000.00,10000.0,11000.0, & 12000.0,13000.0,14000.0,15000.0,16000.0,17000.0, & 18000.0,19000.0,20000.0,21000.0,22000.0,23000.0, & 24000.0,25000.0,30000.0,35000.0,40000.0,45000.0, & 50000.0,70000.0,100000./) select case(stype) case(1) ! // mid-latitide summer prs = (/1013.00, 902.000, 802.000, 710.000, 628.000, 554.000, & 487.000, 426.000, 372.000, 324.000, 281.000, 243.000, & 209.000, 179.000, 153.000, 130.000, 111.000, 95.0000, & 81.2000, 69.5000, 59.5000, 51.0000, 43.7000, 37.6000, & 32.2000, 27.7000, 13.2000, 6.52000, 3.33000, 1.76000, & 0.951000,0.0671000,0.000300000/) tk = (/294.000, 290.000, 285.000, 279.000, 273.000, 267.000, & 261.000, 255.000, 248.000, 242.000, 235.000, 229.000, & 222.000, 216.000, 216.000, 216.000, 216.000, 216.000, & 216.000, 217.000, 218.000, 219.000, 220.000, 222.000, & 223.000, 224.000, 234.000, 245.000, 258.000, 270.000, & 276.000, 218.000, 210.000/) rh = (/74.8384, 63.4602, 55.0485, 45.4953, 39.3805, 31.7965, & 30.3958, 29.5966, 30.1626, 29.3624, 30.3334, 19.0768, & 11.0450, 6.61278, 3.67379, 2.79209, 2.35123, 2.05732, & 1.83690, 1.59930, 1.30655, 1.31890, 1.17620,0.994076, & 0.988566,0.989143,0.188288,0.0205613,0.00271164,0.000488798, & 0.000107066,0.000406489,7.68645e-06/) case(2) ! // mid-latitude winter prs = (/1018.00, 897.300, 789.700, 693.800, 608.100, 531.300, & 462.700, 401.600, 347.300, 299.200, 256.800, 219.900, & 188.200, 161.000, 137.800, 117.800, 100.700, 86.1000, & 73.5000, 62.8000, 53.7000, 45.8000, 39.1000, 33.4000, & 28.6000, 24.3000, 11.1000, 5.18000, 2.53000, 1.29000, & 0.682000,0.0467000,0.000300000/) tk = (/272.200, 268.700, 265.200, 261.700, 255.700, 249.700, & 243.700, 237.700, 231.700, 225.700, 219.700, 219.200, & 218.700, 218.200, 217.700, 217.200, 216.700, 216.200, & 215.700, 215.200, 215.200, 215.200, 215.200, 215.200, & 215.200, 215.200, 217.400, 227.800, 243.200, 258.500, & 265.700, 230.700, 210.200/) rh = (/76.6175, 70.1686, 65.2478, 56.6267, 49.8755, 47.1765, & 44.0477, 31.0565, 23.0244, 19.6510, 17.8987, 17.4376, & 16.0621, 5.10608, 3.00679, 2.42293, 2.16406, 2.00901, & 1.90374, 1.98072, 1.81902, 2.06155, 2.06154, 2.18280, & 2.42531,2.70824,1.12105,0.108119,0.00944200,0.00115201, & 0.000221094,0.000101946,7.49350e-06/) case(3) ! // tropical prs = (/1013.00, 904.000, 805.000, 715.000, 633.000, 559.000, & 492.000, 432.000, 378.000, 329.000, 286.000, 247.000, & 213.000, 182.000, 156.000, 132.000, 111.000, 93.7000, & 78.9000, 66.6000, 56.5000, 48.0000, 40.9000, 35.0000, & 30.0000, 25.7000, 12.2000, 6.00000, 3.05000, 1.59000, & 0.854000,0.0579000,0.000300000/) tk = (/300.000, 294.000, 288.000, 284.000, 277.000, 270.000, & 264.000, 257.000, 250.000, 244.000, 237.000, 230.000, & 224.000, 217.000, 210.000, 204.000, 197.000, 195.000, & 199.000, 203.000, 207.000, 211.000, 215.000, 217.000, & 219.000, 221.000, 232.000, 243.000, 254.000, 265.000, & 270.000, 219.000, 210.000/) rh = (/71.4334, 69.4097, 71.4488, 46.7724, 34.7129, 38.3820, & 33.7214, 32.0122, 30.2607, 24.5059, 19.5321, 13.2966, & 8.85795, 5.87496, 7.68644, 12.8879, 29.4976, 34.9351, & 17.1606, 9.53422, 5.10154, 3.45407, 2.11168, 1.76247, & 1.55162,1.37966,0.229799,0.0245943,0.00373686,0.000702138, & 0.000162076,0.000362055,7.68645e-06/) case default print *, 'Must enter a profile type' stop end select end subroutine mcclatchey end module atmos_lib