module const IMPLICIT NONE REAL, parameter :: beta = 0.756 / 1023.343 ! Salinity expansion coefficient. Derivative with respect to ! practical salinity, not mass fraction of salt. Value at 25 Celsius ! degrees, zero pressure, practical salinity 35, from Gill (1982 ! k0829, table A.3.1). REAL, parameter :: cpa = 1004.67 ! specific heat of dry air, in J / kg / K (Businger 1982) REAL, parameter :: cpw = 4000. ! specific heat of liquid water, in J / kg / K REAL, parameter :: grav = 9.780326772 ! constante de gravitation, m s-2 REAL, parameter :: rhow = 1022. ! density of liquid water, in kg / m3 REAL, parameter :: rgas = 287.1 ! specific ideal gas constant for dry air, in J / kg / K REAL, parameter :: von = 0.4 ! von Karman's "constant" REAL, parameter :: eps_w = 0.62197 ! molecular mass of water over molecular mass of dry air (Gill 1982 ! k0829, equation 3.1.13) END MODULE const