! radiation_aerosol_optics_description.F90 - Type to store aerosol optics metadata ! ! (C) Copyright 2022- ECMWF. ! ! This software is licensed under the terms of the Apache Licence Version 2.0 ! which can be obtained at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0. ! ! In applying this licence, ECMWF does not waive the privileges and immunities ! granted to it by virtue of its status as an intergovernmental organisation ! nor does it submit to any jurisdiction. ! ! Author: Robin Hogan ! Email: r.j.hogan@ecmwf.int ! #include "ecrad_config.h" module radiation_aerosol_optics_description use parkind1, only : jprb implicit none public !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! This type holds the metadata from an aerosol optical property ! file, enabling the user to request the index to the aerosol type ! with particular properties. Note that string information is held ! in the form of 2D arrays of single characters, so comparison to ! character strings requires the to_string helper function at the ! end of this file. type aerosol_optics_description_type ! Two-character code describing the aerosol family, dimensioned ! (2,naer), e.g. ! SS: Sea salt ! OM: Organic matter ! SU: Sulfate ! OB: Secondary organic biogenic ! OA: Secondary organic anthropogenic ! AM: Fine-mode ammonium sulfate ! NI: Nitrate ! DD: Desert dust ! BC: Black carbon character(len=1), allocatable :: code_phobic(:,:) character(len=1), allocatable :: code_philic(:,:) ! Size bin, typically 1-2 or 1-3 in order fine to coarse, or zero ! if no division by size is used, dimensioned (naer) integer, allocatable :: bin_phobic(:) integer, allocatable :: bin_philic(:) ! Character string characterizing the optical model, e.g. OPAC, ! GACP, GLOMAP, Dubovik2002 etc. character(len=1), allocatable :: optical_model_phobic(:,:) character(len=1), allocatable :: optical_model_philic(:,:) ! The user can call preferred_optical_model to specify that a ! certain optical model for a certain aerosol family is to be ! preferred when get_index is called logical, allocatable :: is_preferred_phobic(:) logical, allocatable :: is_preferred_philic(:) ! Verbosity level integer :: iverbose contains procedure :: read procedure :: preferred_optical_model procedure :: get_index end type aerosol_optics_description_type contains !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Read optical property file file_name into an ! aerosol_optics_description_type object subroutine read(this, file_name, iverbose) use yomhook, only : lhook, dr_hook, jphook #ifdef EASY_NETCDF_READ_MPI use easy_netcdf_read_mpi, only : netcdf_file #else use easy_netcdf, only : netcdf_file #endif class(aerosol_optics_description_type), intent(inout) :: this character(len=*), intent(in) :: file_name integer, intent(in), optional :: iverbose ! The NetCDF file containing the aerosol optics data type(netcdf_file) :: file real(jphook) :: hook_handle if (lhook) call dr_hook('radiation_aerosol_optics_description:load',0,hook_handle) ! Open the aerosol scattering file and configure the way it is ! read call file%open(trim(file_name), iverbose=iverbose) ! Read metadata variables call file%get('code_hydrophilic', this%code_philic) call file%get('code_hydrophobic', this%code_phobic) call file%get('bin_hydrophilic', this%bin_philic) call file%get('bin_hydrophobic', this%bin_phobic) call file%get('optical_model_hydrophilic', this%optical_model_philic) call file%get('optical_model_hydrophobic', this%optical_model_phobic) ! Allocate logical arrays of the appropriate size and set to FALSE allocate(this%is_preferred_philic(size(this%bin_philic))) allocate(this%is_preferred_phobic(size(this%bin_phobic))) this%is_preferred_philic = .false. this%is_preferred_phobic = .false. call file%close() if (present(iverbose)) then this%iverbose = iverbose else this%iverbose = 3 end if if (lhook) call dr_hook('radiation_aerosol_optics_description:load',1,hook_handle) end subroutine read !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Specify the preferred optical model for a particular aerosol ! family, e.g. "call ! aer_desc%preferred_optical_model('DD','Woodward2001')" would mean ! that subsequent calls to get_index in which the optical model is ! not specified would return the Woodward model rather than the ! first matching model in the file. The check is only done on the ! first len(optical_model_str) characters, so "Woodward" and ! "Woodward2001" would both match the Woodward2001 model. subroutine preferred_optical_model(this, code_str, optical_model_str) use yomhook, only : lhook, dr_hook, jphook use radiation_io, only : nulout, nulerr, radiation_abort class(aerosol_optics_description_type), intent(inout) :: this character(len=2), intent(in) :: code_str character(len=*), intent(in) :: optical_model_str ! Aerosol loop counter integer :: ja logical :: is_found, is_philic, is_phobic real(jphook) :: hook_handle if (lhook) call dr_hook('radiation_aerosol_optics_description:preferred_optical_model',0,hook_handle) ! Check for empty string if (optical_model_str == ' ') then if (lhook) call dr_hook('radiation_aerosol_optics_description:preferred_optical_model',1,hook_handle) return end if is_found = .false. is_philic = .false. is_phobic = .false. ! Loop over hydrophilic types do ja = 1,size(this%bin_philic) ! Check if we have a match if (to_string(this%code_philic(:,ja)) == code_str & & .and. trim(to_string(this%optical_model_philic(:,ja))) & & == optical_model_str) then this%is_preferred_philic(ja) = .true. is_found = .true. is_philic = .true. end if end do ! Repeat for the hydrophobic types do ja = 1,size(this%bin_phobic) if (to_string(this%code_phobic(:,ja)) == code_str & & .and. trim(to_string(this%optical_model_phobic(:,ja))) & & == optical_model_str) then this%is_preferred_phobic(ja) = .true. is_found = .true. is_phobic = .true. end if end do if (.not. is_found) then write(nulerr,'(a,a2,a,a,a)') '*** Error: Preferred "', code_str ,'" aerosol optical model "', & & trim(optical_model_str), '" not found in file' call radiation_abort() else if (this%iverbose > 2) then write(nulout,'(a,a2,a,a,a)',advance='no') 'Preferred "', code_str, '" aerosol optical model set to "', & & trim(optical_model_str), '" (' if (is_phobic) then write(nulout,'(a)',advance='no') ' hydrophobic' end if if (is_philic) then write(nulout,'(a)',advance='no') ' hydrophilic' end if write(nulout,'(a)') ' )' end if if (lhook) call dr_hook('radiation_aerosol_optics_description:preferred_optical_model',1,hook_handle) end subroutine preferred_optical_model !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Return the index to the aerosol optical properties corresponding ! to the aerosol family in code_str (e.g. SS, DD etc), whether or ! not the requested aerosol is hydrophilic in the logical ! lhydrophilic, and optionally the size bin ibin and optical model ! in optical_model_str. The return value may be used to populate the ! radiation_config%i_aerosol_map vector, where a positive number is ! a hydrophobic index, a negative number is a hydrophilic index and ! zero indicates that the aerosol type was not found in the file. ! This is a valid entry in i_aerosol_map meaning the aerosol is ! ignored, but the calling routine to get_index might wish to throw ! a warning or error. This routine works by assigning a score based ! on the closeness of the match. function get_index(this, code_str, lhydrophilic, ibin, optical_model_str) use yomhook, only : lhook, dr_hook, jphook use radiation_io, only : nulout class(aerosol_optics_description_type), intent(in) :: this character(len=2), intent(in) :: code_str logical, intent(in) :: lhydrophilic integer, intent(in), optional :: ibin character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: optical_model_str ! Score of the currently selected aerosol index, and the score of ! the current one under consideration integer :: score, current_score ! Loop index for aerosol type integer :: ja ! Return value integer :: get_index ! Issue a warning if there is more than one equal match logical :: is_ambiguous real(jphook) :: hook_handle if (lhook) call dr_hook('radiation_aerosol_optics_description:get_index',0,hook_handle) ! Initial values get_index = 0 score = 0 is_ambiguous = .false. if (lhydrophilic) then ! Loop over hydrophilic aerosol types do ja = 1,size(this%bin_philic) current_score = 0 if (to_string(this%code_philic(:,ja)) == code_str) then ! Aerosol code matches if (present(ibin) .and. this%bin_philic(ja) > 0) then if (ibin > 0) then if (ibin == this%bin_philic(ja)) then ! Requested bin number matches current_score = 4 else ! Requested bin number does not match current_score = -1 end if else ! Bin number is zero: no request current_score = 2 end if else ! No bin number present current_score = 2 end if if (present(optical_model_str)) then if (trim(to_string(this%optical_model_philic(:,ja))) & & == optical_model_str) then ! Requested optical model matches if (current_score >= 0) then current_score = current_score + 4 end if else ! Requested optical model does not match current_score = -1 end if else if (current_score >= 0) then ! No requested optical model current_score = current_score + 2 end if if (current_score > 0 .and. this%is_preferred_philic(ja)) then current_score = current_score + 1 end if if (current_score > score) then ! Better score than any existing aerosol type get_index = -ja score = current_score is_ambiguous = .false. else if (current_score > 0 .and. current_score == score) then is_ambiguous = .true. end if end if end do else ! Loop over hydrophobic aerosol types do ja = 1,size(this%bin_phobic) current_score = 0 if (to_string(this%code_phobic(:,ja)) == code_str) then ! Aerosol code matches if (present(ibin) .and. this%bin_phobic(ja) > 0) then if (ibin > 0) then if (ibin == this%bin_phobic(ja)) then ! Requested bin number matches current_score = 4 else ! Requested bin number does not match current_score = -1 end if else ! Bin number is zero: no request current_score = 2 end if else ! No bin number requested or present current_score = 2 end if if (present(optical_model_str)) then if (trim(to_string(this%optical_model_phobic(:,ja))) & & == optical_model_str) then ! Requested optical model matches if (current_score >= 0) then current_score = current_score + 4 end if else ! Requested optical model does not match current_score = -1 end if else if (current_score >= 0) then ! No requested optical model current_score = current_score + 2 end if if (current_score > 0 .and. this%is_preferred_phobic(ja)) then current_score = current_score + 1 end if if (current_score > score) then ! Better score than any existing aerosol type get_index = ja score = current_score is_ambiguous = .false. else if (current_score > 0 .and. current_score == score) then is_ambiguous = .true. end if end if end do end if if (is_ambiguous) then write(nulout,'(a,a2,a,l,a)') 'Warning: radiation_aerosol_optics_description:get_index("', & & code_str, '",', lhydrophilic, & & ',...) does not unambiguously identify an aerosol optical property index' end if if (lhook) call dr_hook('radiation_aerosol_optics_description:get_index',1,hook_handle) end function get_index !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Utility function to convert an array of single characters to a ! character string (yes Fortran's string handling is a bit ! rubbish). We set NULL characters (ASCII code 0) returned from the ! NetCDF library to spaces, so that TRIM can remove them. pure function to_string(arr) result(str) character, intent(in) :: arr(:) character(len=size(arr)) :: str integer :: jc do jc = 1,size(arr) if (ichar(arr(jc)) == 0) then ! Replace NULL character with a space str(jc:jc) = ' ' else str(jc:jc) = arr(jc) end if end do end function to_string end module radiation_aerosol_optics_description