! $Header$ SUBROUTINE ustarhb(klon, klev, knon, u, v, cd_m, ustar) IMPLICIT NONE ! ====================================================================== ! Laurent Li (LMD/CNRS), le 30 septembre 1998 ! Couche limite non-locale. Adaptation du code du CCM3. ! Code non teste, donc a ne pas utiliser. ! ====================================================================== ! Nonlocal scheme that determines eddy diffusivities based on a ! diagnosed boundary layer height and a turbulent velocity scale. ! Also countergradient effects for heat and moisture are included. ! For more information, see Holtslag, A.A.M., and B.A. Boville, 1993: ! Local versus nonlocal boundary-layer diffusion in a global climate ! model. J. of Climate, vol. 6, 1825-1842. ! ====================================================================== ! Arguments: INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: klon, klev, knon ! nombre de points a calculer REAL, DIMENSION(klon, klev), INTENT(IN) :: u,v ! vent horizontal (m/s) REAL, DIMENSION(klon), INTENT(IN) :: cd_m ! coefficient de friction au sol pour vitesse REAL, DIMENSION(klon), INTENT(OUT) :: ustar INTEGER :: i, k REAL :: zxt, zxq, zxu, zxv, zxmod, taux, tauy REAL :: zx_alf1, zx_alf2 ! parametres pour extrapolation DO i = 1, knon zx_alf1 = 1.0 zx_alf2 = 1.0 - zx_alf1 zxu = u(i, 1)*zx_alf1 + u(i, 2)*zx_alf2 zxv = v(i, 1)*zx_alf1 + v(i, 2)*zx_alf2 zxmod = 1.0 + sqrt(zxu**2+zxv**2) taux = zxu*zxmod*cd_m(i) tauy = zxv*zxmod*cd_m(i) ustar(i) = sqrt(taux**2+tauy**2) END DO END SUBROUTINE ustarhb