!$Id: infotrac.F90 4301 2022-10-20 11:57:21Z dcugnet $ MODULE infotrac_phy USE lmdz_strings, ONLY: msg, fmsg, maxlen, cat, dispTable, int2str, bool2str, strStack, strParse, strIdx USE lmdz_readTracFiles, ONLY: trac_type, readTracersFiles, tracers, setGeneration, itZonIso, nzone, tran0, isoZone, & delPhase, niso, getKey, isot_type, processIsotopes, isotope, maxTableWidth, iqIsoPha, nphas, ixIso, isoPhas, & addPhase, iH2O, addKey, isoSelect, testTracersFiles, isoKeys, indexUpdate, iqWIsoPha, nbIso, ntiso, isoName, isoCheck IMPLICIT NONE PRIVATE !=== FOR TRACERS: PUBLIC :: init_infotrac_phy !--- Initialization of the tracers PUBLIC :: tracers, type_trac !--- Full tracers database, tracers type keyword PUBLIC :: nqtot, nbtr, nqo, nqCO2, nqtottr !--- Main dimensions PUBLIC :: conv_flg, pbl_flg !--- Convection & boundary layer activation keys PUBLIC :: nbtr_bin, nbtr_sulgas !--- Number of aerosols bins and sulfur gases for StratAer model PUBLIC :: id_OCS_strat, id_SO2_strat, id_H2SO4_strat, id_BIN01_strat, id_TEST_strat !=== FOR WATER PUBLIC :: ivap, iliq, isol !=== FOR ISOTOPES: General PUBLIC :: isot_type, nbIso !--- Derived type, full isotopes families database + nb of families PUBLIC :: isoSelect, ixIso !--- Isotopes family selection tool + selected family index !=== FOR ISOTOPES: Specific to water PUBLIC :: iH2O !--- H2O isotopes class index !=== FOR ISOTOPES: Depending on the selected isotopes family PUBLIC :: isotope, isoKeys !--- Selected isotopes database + associated keys (cf. getKey) PUBLIC :: isoName, isoZone, isoPhas !--- Isotopes and tagging zones names, phases PUBLIC :: niso, nzone, nphas, ntiso !--- " " numbers + isotopes & tagging tracers number PUBLIC :: itZonIso !--- idx "it" (in "isoName(1:niso)") = function(tagging idx, isotope idx) PUBLIC :: iqIsoPha !--- idx "iq" (in "qx") = function(isotope idx, phase idx) + aliases PUBLIC :: iqWIsoPha !--- Same as iqIsoPha but with normal water phases PUBLIC :: isoCheck !--- Run isotopes checking routines !=== FOR BOTH TRACERS AND ISOTOPES PUBLIC :: getKey !--- Get a key from "tracers" or "isotope" !=== CONVENTIONS FOR TRACERS NUMBERS: ! |--------------------+-----------------------+-----------------+---------------+----------------------------| ! | water in different | water tagging | water isotopes | other tracers | additional tracers moments | ! | phases: H2O_[gls] | isotopes | | | for higher order schemes | ! |--------------------+-----------------------+-----------------+---------------+----------------------------| ! | | | | | | ! |<-- nqo -->|<-- nqo*niso* nzone -->|<-- nqo*niso -->|<-- nbtr -->|<-- (nmom) -->| ! | | | | ! | |<-- nqo*niso*(nzone+1) = nqo*ntiso -->|<-- nqtottr = nbtr + nmom -->| ! | = nqtot - nqo*(ntiso+1) | ! | | ! |<-- nqtrue = nbtr + nqo*(ntiso+1) -->| | ! | | ! |<-- nqtot = nqtrue + nmom -->| ! | | ! |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| ! NOTES FOR THIS TABLE: ! * Used "niso", "nzone" and "ntiso" are components of "isotopes(ip)" for water (isotopes(ip)%parent == 'H2O'), ! since water is so far the sole tracers family, except passive CO2, removed from the main tracers table. ! * For water, "nqo" is equal to the more general field "isotopes(ip)%nphas". ! * "niso", "nzone", "ntiso", "nphas" are defined for other isotopic tracers families, if any. !=== DERIVED TYPE EMBEDDING MOST OF THE TRACERS-RELATED QUANTITIES (LENGTH: nqtot) ! Each entry is accessible using "%" sign. ! |-------------+------------------------------------------------------+-------------+------------------------+ ! | entry | Meaning | Former name | Possible values | ! |-------------+------------------------------------------------------+-------------+------------------------+ ! | name | Name (short) | tname | | ! | gen0Name | Name of the 1st generation ancestor | / | | ! | parent | Name of the parent | / | | ! | longName | Long name (with adv. scheme suffix) for outputs | ttext | | ! | type | Type (so far: tracer or tag) | / | tracer,tag | ! | phase | Phases list ("g"as / "l"iquid / "s"olid) | / | [g][l][s] | ! | component | Name(s) of the merged/cumulated section(s) | / | coma-separated names | ! | iGeneration | Generation (>=1) | / | | ! | iqParent | Index of the parent tracer | iqpere | 1:nqtot | ! | iqDescen | Indexes of the childs (all generations) | iqfils | 1:nqtot | ! | nqDescen | Number of the descendants (all generations) | nqdesc | 1:nqtot | ! | nqChildren | Number of childs (1st generation only) | nqfils | 1:nqtot | ! | keys | key/val pairs accessible with "getKey" routine | / | | ! | isAdvected | advected tracers flag (.TRUE. if iadv >= 0) | / | nqtrue .TRUE. values | ! | isInPhysics | tracers not extracted from the main table in physics | / | nqtottr .TRUE. values | ! | iso_iGroup | Isotopes group index in isotopes(:) | / | 1:nbIso | ! | iso_iName | Isotope name index in isotopes(iso_iGroup)%trac(:) | iso_indnum | 1:niso | ! | iso_iZone | Isotope zone index in isotopes(iso_iGroup)%zone(:) | zone_num | 1:nzone | ! | iso_iPhas | Isotope phase index in isotopes(iso_iGroup)%phas(:) | phase_num | 1:nphas | ! +-------------+------------------------------------------------------+-------------+------------------------+ !=== DERIVED TYPE EMBEDDING MOST OF THE ISOTOPES-RELATED QUANTITIES (LENGTH: nbIso, NUMBER OF ISOTOPES FAMILIES) ! Each entry is accessible using "%" sign. ! |-----------------+--------------------------------------------------+--------------------+-----------------+ ! | entry | length | Meaning | Former name | Possible values | ! |-----------------+--------------------------------------------------+--------------------+-----------------+ ! | parent | Parent tracer (isotopes family name) | | | ! | keys | niso | Isotopes keys/values pairs list + number | | | ! | trac | ntiso | Isotopes + tagging tracers list + number | / | ntraciso | | ! | zone | nzone | Geographic tagging zones list + number | / | ntraceurs_zone | | ! | phase | nphas | Phases list + number | | [g][l][s], 1:3 | ! | iqIsoPha | Index in "qx" = f(name(1:ntiso)),phas) | iqiso | 1:nqtot | ! | iqWIsoPha | Index in "qx" = f(name(1:ntiso)),phas) | iqiso | 1:nqtot | ! | itZonIso | Index in "trac(1:ntiso)"= f(zone, name(1:niso)) | index_trac | 1:ntiso | ! +-----------------+--------------------------------------------------+--------------------+-----------------+ !=== DIMENSIONS OF THE TRACERS TABLES AND OTHER SCALAR VARIABLES INTEGER, SAVE :: nqtot, & !--- Tracers nb in dynamics (incl. higher moments + H2O) nbtr, & !--- Tracers nb in physics (excl. higher moments + H2O) nqo, & !--- Number of water phases nqtottr, & !--- Number of tracers passed to phytrac (TO BE DELETED ?) nqCO2 !--- Number of tracers of CO2 (ThL) CHARACTER(LEN = maxlen), SAVE :: type_trac !--- Keyword for tracers type(s) !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(nqtot, nbtr, nqo, nqtottr, nqCO2, type_trac) !=== INDICES OF WATER INTEGER, SAVE :: ivap, iliq, isol ! Indices for vap, liq and ice !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(ivap,iliq,isol) !=== VARIABLES FOR INCA INTEGER, SAVE, ALLOCATABLE :: conv_flg(:), & !--- Convection activation ; needed for INCA (nbtr) pbl_flg(:) !--- Boundary layer activation ; needed for INCA (nbtr) !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(conv_flg, pbl_flg) !=== SPECIFIC TO STRATOSPHERIC AEROSOLS (CK/OB) INTEGER, SAVE :: nbtr_bin, nbtr_sulgas !--- number of aerosols bins and sulfur gases for StratAer model !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(nbtr_bin, nbtr_sulgas) INTEGER, SAVE :: id_OCS_strat, id_SO2_strat, id_H2SO4_strat, id_BIN01_strat, id_TEST_strat !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(id_OCS_strat, id_SO2_strat, id_H2SO4_strat, id_BIN01_strat, id_TEST_strat) CONTAINS SUBROUTINE init_infotrac_phy USE lmdz_ioipsl_getin_p, ONLY: getin_p #ifdef REPROBUS USE CHEM_REP, ONLY: Init_chem_rep_trac #endif USE lmdz_cppkeys_wrapper, ONLY: CPPKEY_INCA, CPPKEY_STRATAER USE lmdz_abort_physic, ONLY: abort_physic USE lmdz_iniprint, ONLY: lunout, prt_level IMPLICIT NONE !============================================================================================================================== ! Auteur: P. Le Van /L. Fairhead/F.Hourdin ! ------- ! Modifications: ! -------------- ! 05/94: F.Forget Modif special traceur ! 02/02: M-A Filiberti Lecture de traceur.def ! 01/22: D. Cugnet Nouveaux tracer.def et tracer_*.def + encapsulation (types trac_type et isot_type) ! Objet: ! ------ ! GCM LMD nouvelle grille !============================================================================================================================== ! ... modification de l'integration de q ( 26/04/94 ) .... !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! Declarations: INCLUDE "dimensions.h" !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! Local variables INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: hadv(:), vadv(:) !--- Horizontal/vertical transport scheme number INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: had (:), hadv_inca(:), conv_flg_inca(:), &!--- Variables specific to INCA vad (:), vadv_inca(:), pbl_flg_inca(:) CHARACTER(LEN = 8), ALLOCATABLE :: solsym_inca(:) !--- Tracers names for INCA INTEGER :: nqINCA CHARACTER(LEN = maxlen), ALLOCATABLE :: tnames(:) CHARACTER(LEN = 2) :: suff(9) !--- Suffixes for schemes of order 3 or 4 (Prather) CHARACTER(LEN = 3) :: descrq(30) !--- Advection scheme description tags CHARACTER(LEN = maxlen) :: msg1, texp, ttp !--- String for messages and expanded tracers type INTEGER :: fType !--- Tracers description file type ; 0: none !--- 1/2/3: "traceur.def"/"tracer.def"/"tracer_*.def" INTEGER :: nqtrue !--- Tracers nb from tracer.def (no higher order moments) INTEGER :: iad !--- Advection scheme number INTEGER :: iq, jq, nt, im, nm, k !--- Indexes and temporary variables LOGICAL :: lerr, lInit TYPE(trac_type), ALLOCATABLE, TARGET :: ttr(:) TYPE(trac_type), POINTER :: t1, t(:) CHARACTER(LEN = maxlen), ALLOCATABLE :: types_trac(:) !--- Keyword for tracers type(s), parsed version CHARACTER(LEN = *), PARAMETER :: modname = "init_infotrac_phy" !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! Initialization : !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ suff = ['x ', 'y ', 'z ', 'xx', 'xy', 'xz', 'yy', 'yz', 'zz'] descrq(1:30) = ' ' descrq(1:2) = ['LMV', 'BAK'] descrq(10:20) = ['VL1', 'VLP', 'FH1', 'FH2', 'VLH', ' ', 'PPM', 'PPS', 'PPP', ' ', 'SLP'] descrq(30) = 'PRA' CALL getin_p('type_trac', type_trac) lerr = strParse(type_trac, '|', types_trac, n = nt) IF (nt > 1) THEN IF (nt > 2) CALL abort_physic(modname, 'you need to modify type_trac, this version is not supported by lmdz', 1) IF (nt == 2) type_trac = types_trac(2) ENDIF CALL msg('type_trac = "' // TRIM(type_trac) // '"', modname) lInit = .NOT.ALLOCATED(tracers) !############################################################################################################################## IF(lInit) THEN !=== SKIPED IF ALREADY DONE IN dyn3d_common/infotrac #### !############################################################################################################################## !--- MESSAGE ABOUT THE CHOSEN CONFIGURATION msg1 = 'For type_trac = "' // TRIM(type_trac) // '":' SELECT CASE(type_trac) CASE('inca'); CALL msg(TRIM(msg1) // ' coupling with INCA chemistry model', modname) CASE('inco'); CALL msg(TRIM(msg1) // ' coupling jointly with INCA and CO2 cycle', modname) CASE('repr'); CALL msg(TRIM(msg1) // ' coupling with REPROBUS chemistry model', modname) CASE('co2i'); CALL msg(TRIM(msg1) // ' you have chosen to run with CO2 cycle', modname) CASE('coag'); CALL msg(TRIM(msg1) // ' tracers are treated for COAGULATION tests', modname) CASE('lmdz'); CALL msg(TRIM(msg1) // ' tracers are treated in LMDZ only', modname) CASE DEFAULT; CALL abort_physic(modname, 'type_trac=' // TRIM(type_trac) // ' not possible yet.', 1) END SELECT !--- COHERENCE TEST BETWEEN "type_trac" AND PREPROCESSING KEYS SELECT CASE(type_trac) CASE('inca', 'inco') IF (.NOT. CPPKEY_INCA) THEN CALL abort_physic(modname, 'You must add cpp key INCA and compile with INCA code', 1) END IF CASE('repr') #ifndef REPROBUS CALL abort_physic(modname, 'You must add cpp key REPROBUS and compile with REPROBUS code', 1) #endif CASE('coag') IF (.NOT. CPPKEY_STRATAER) THEN CALL abort_physic(modname, 'You must add cpp key StratAer and compile with StratAer code', 1) END IF END SELECT !############################################################################################################################## END IF !############################################################################################################################## nqCO2 = COUNT([type_trac == 'inco', type_trac == 'co2i']) !============================================================================================================================== ! 1) Get the numbers of: true (first order only) tracers "nqtrue", water tracers "nqo" (vapor/liquid/solid) !============================================================================================================================== texp = type_trac !=== EXPANDED VERSION OF "type_trac", WITH "|" SEPARATOR IF(texp == 'inco') texp = 'co2i|inca' IF(texp /= 'lmdz') texp = 'lmdz|' // TRIM(texp) !=== DETERMINE THE TYPE OF THE INPUT TRACERS DESCRIPTION FILE IF(testTracersFiles(modname, texp, fType, lInit)) CALL abort_physic(modname, 'problem with tracers file(s)', 1) ttp = type_trac; IF(fType /= 1) ttp = texp !############################################################################################################################## IF(lInit) THEN IF(readTracersFiles(ttp, lRepr = type_trac=='repr')) CALL abort_physic(modname, 'problem with tracers file(s)', 1) ELSE CALL msg('No tracers description file(s) reading needed: already done in the dynamics', modname) END IF !############################################################################################################################## !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IF(fType == 0) CALL abort_physic(modname, 'Missing tracers file: "traceur.def", "tracer.def" or "tracer_.def file.', 1) !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IF(fType == 1 .AND. ANY(['inca', 'inco']==type_trac) .AND. lInit) THEN !=== FOUND OLD STYLE INCA "traceur.def" !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- nqo = SIZE(tracers) - nqCO2 CALL Init_chem_inca_trac(nqINCA) !--- Get nqINCA from INCA nbtr = nqINCA + nqCO2 !--- Number of tracers passed to phytrac nqtrue = nbtr + nqo !--- Total number of "true" tracers IF(ALL([2, 3] /= nqo)) CALL abort_physic(modname, 'Only 2 or 3 water phases allowed ; found nqo=' // TRIM(int2str(nqo)), 1) ALLOCATE(hadv(nqtrue), hadv_inca(nqINCA), conv_flg_inca(nqINCA), solsym_inca(nqINCA)) ALLOCATE(vadv(nqtrue), vadv_inca(nqINCA), pbl_flg_inca(nqINCA)) CALL init_transport(solsym_inca, conv_flg_inca, pbl_flg_inca, hadv_inca, vadv_inca) ALLOCATE(ttr(nqtrue)) ttr(1:nqo + nqCO2) = tracers ttr(1:nqo)%component = 'lmdz' ttr(1 + nqo:nqCO2 + nqo)%component = 'co2i' ttr(1 + nqo + nqCO2:nqtrue)%component = 'inca' ttr(1 + nqo:nqtrue)%name = [('CO2 ', k = 1, nqCO2), solsym_inca] ttr(1 + nqo + nqCO2:nqtrue)%parent = tran0 ttr(1 + nqo + nqCO2:nqtrue)%phase = 'g' lerr = getKey('hadv', had, ky = tracers(:)%keys) lerr = getKey('vadv', vad, ky = tracers(:)%keys) hadv(1:nqo + nqCO2) = had(:); hadv(1 + nqo + nqCO2:nqtrue) = hadv_inca vadv(1:nqo + nqCO2) = vad(:); vadv(1 + nqo + nqCO2:nqtrue) = vadv_inca CALL MOVE_ALLOC(FROM = ttr, TO = tracers) DO iq = 1, nqtrue t1 => tracers(iq) CALL addKey('name', t1%name, t1%keys) CALL addKey('component', t1%component, t1%keys) CALL addKey('parent', t1%parent, t1%keys) CALL addKey('phase', t1%phase, t1%keys) END DO IF(setGeneration(tracers)) CALL abort_physic(modname, 'See below', 1) !- SET FIELDS %iGeneration, %gen0Name DEALLOCATE(had, hadv_inca, vad, vadv_inca, conv_flg_inca, pbl_flg_inca, solsym_inca) !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ELSE !=== OTHER CASES (OLD OR NEW FORMAT, NO INCA MODULE) !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- nqo = COUNT(delPhase(tracers(:)%name) == 'H2O' & .AND. tracers(:)%component == 'lmdz') !--- Number of water phases nqtrue = SIZE(tracers) !--- Total number of "true" tracers nbtr = nqtrue - COUNT(delPhase(tracers(:)%gen0Name) == 'H2O' & .AND. tracers(:)%component == 'lmdz') !--- Number of tracers passed to phytrac nqINCA = COUNT(tracers(:)%component == 'inca') lerr = getKey('hadv', hadv, ky = tracers(:)%keys) lerr = getKey('vadv', vadv, ky = tracers(:)%keys) !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- END IF !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !--- Transfert the number of tracers to Reprobus #ifdef REPROBUS CALL Init_chem_rep_trac(nbtr, nqo, tracers(:)%name) #endif !############################################################################################################################## IF(lInit) THEN !=== SKIPED IF ALREADY DONE IN dyn3d_common/infotrac #### !############################################################################################################################## !============================================================================================================================== ! 2) Calculate nqtot, number of tracers needed (greater if advection schemes 20 or 30 have been chosen). !============================================================================================================================== DO iq = 1, nqtrue IF(hadv(iq)<20 .OR. (ANY(hadv(iq)==[20, 30]) .AND. hadv(iq)==vadv(iq))) CYCLE WRITE(msg1, '("The choice hadv=",i0,", vadv=",i0,a)')hadv(iq), vadv(iq), ' for "' // TRIM(tracers(iq)%name) // '" is not available' CALL abort_physic(modname, TRIM(msg1), 1) END DO nqtot = COUNT(hadv< 20 .AND. vadv< 20) & !--- No additional tracer + 4 * COUNT(hadv==20 .AND. vadv==20) & !--- 3 additional tracers + 10 * COUNT(hadv==30 .AND. vadv==30) !--- 9 additional tracers !--- More tracers due to the choice of advection scheme => assign total number of tracers IF(nqtot /= nqtrue) THEN CALL msg('The choice of advection scheme for one or more tracers makes it necessary to add tracers') CALL msg('The number of true tracers is ' // TRIM(int2str(nqtrue))) CALL msg('The total number of tracers needed is ' // TRIM(int2str(nqtot))) END IF !============================================================================================================================== ! 3) Determine the advection scheme ; needed to compute the full tracers list, the long names, nqtot and %isAdvected !============================================================================================================================== ALLOCATE(ttr(nqtot)) jq = nqtrue + 1; tracers(:)%iadv = -1 DO iq = 1, nqtrue t1 => tracers(iq) !--- VERIFY THE CHOICE OF ADVECTION SCHEME iad = -1 IF(hadv(iq) == vadv(iq)) iad = hadv(iq) IF(hadv(iq)==10 .AND. vadv(iq)==16) iad = 11 WRITE(msg1, '("Bad choice of advection scheme for ",a,": hadv = ",i0,", vadv = ",i0)')TRIM(t1%name), hadv(iq), vadv(iq) IF(iad == -1) CALL abort_physic(modname, msg1, 1) !--- SET FIELDS %longName, %isAdvected, %isInPhysics t1%longName = t1%name; IF(iad > 0) t1%longName = TRIM(t1%name) // descrq(iad) t1%isAdvected = iad >= 0 t1%isInPhysics = delPhase(t1%gen0Name) /= 'H2O' & .OR. t1%component /= 'lmdz' !=== OTHER EXCEPTIONS TO BE ADDED: CO2i, SURSATURATED WATER CLOUD... ttr(iq) = t1 !--- DEFINE THE HIGHER ORDER TRACERS, IF ANY nm = 0 IF(iad == 20) nm = 3 !--- 2nd order scheme IF(iad == 30) nm = 9 !--- 3rd order scheme IF(nm == 0) CYCLE !--- No higher moments ttr(jq + 1:jq + nm) = t1 ttr(jq + 1:jq + nm)%name = [(TRIM(t1%name) // '-' // TRIM(suff(im)), im = 1, nm) ] ttr(jq + 1:jq + nm)%parent = [(TRIM(t1%parent) // '-' // TRIM(suff(im)), im = 1, nm) ] ttr(jq + 1:jq + nm)%longName = [(TRIM(t1%longName) // '-' // TRIM(suff(im)), im = 1, nm) ] ttr(jq + 1:jq + nm)%isAdvected = [(.FALSE., im = 1, nm) ] jq = jq + nm END DO DEALLOCATE(hadv, vadv) CALL MOVE_ALLOC(FROM = ttr, TO = tracers) !--- SET FIELDS %iqParent, %nqChildren, %iGeneration, %iqDescen, %nqDescen IF(indexUpdate(tracers)) CALL abort_gcm(modname, 'problem when processing isotopes parameters', 1) !############################################################################################################################## END IF !############################################################################################################################## !############################################################################################################################## IF(.NOT.lInit) THEN !############################################################################################################################## nqtot = SIZE(tracers) !############################################################################################################################## ELSE !############################################################################################################################## !=== READ PHYSICAL PARAMETERS FOR ISOTOPES niso = 0; nzone = 0; nphas = nqo; ntiso = 0; isoCheck = .FALSE. IF(processIsotopes()) CALL abort_physic(modname, 'Problem when processing isotopes parameters', 1) !############################################################################################################################## END IF !############################################################################################################################## !--- Convection / boundary layer activation for all tracers IF (.NOT.ALLOCATED(conv_flg)) ALLOCATE(conv_flg(nbtr)); conv_flg(1:nbtr) = 1 IF (.NOT.ALLOCATED(pbl_flg)) ALLOCATE(pbl_flg(nbtr)); pbl_flg(1:nbtr) = 1 !--- Note: nqtottr can differ from nbtr when nmom/=0 nqtottr = nqtot - COUNT(delPhase(tracers%gen0Name) == 'H2O' .AND. tracers%component == 'lmdz') IF(COUNT(tracers%iso_iName == 0) - COUNT(delPhase(tracers%name) == 'H2O' .AND. tracers%component == 'lmdz') /= nqtottr) & CALL abort_physic(modname, 'problem with the computation of nqtottr', 1) !=== DISPLAY THE RESULTS CALL msg('nqo = ' // TRIM(int2str(nqo)), modname) CALL msg('nbtr = ' // TRIM(int2str(nbtr)), modname) CALL msg('nqtrue = ' // TRIM(int2str(nqtrue)), modname) CALL msg('nqtot = ' // TRIM(int2str(nqtot)), modname) CALL msg('niso = ' // TRIM(int2str(niso)), modname) CALL msg('ntiso = ' // TRIM(int2str(ntiso)), modname) IF (CPPKEY_INCA) THEN CALL msg('nqCO2 = ' // TRIM(int2str(nqCO2)), modname) CALL msg('nqINCA = ' // TRIM(int2str(nqINCA)), modname) END IF t => tracers CALL msg('Information stored in infotrac_phy :', modname) IF(dispTable('issssssssiiiiiiii', ['iq ', 'name', 'lNam', 'g0Nm', 'prnt', 'type', 'phas', 'comp', & 'isPh', 'iGen', 'iqPr', 'nqDe', 'nqCh', 'iGrp', 'iNam', 'iZon', 'iPha'], & cat(t%name, t%longName, t%gen0Name, t%parent, t%type, t%phase, t%component, bool2str(t%isInPhysics)), & cat([(iq, iq = 1, nqtot)], t%iGeneration, t%iqParent, t%nqDescen, t%nqChildren, t%iso_iGroup, & t%iso_iName, t%iso_iZone, t%iso_iPhase), nColMax = maxTableWidth, nHead = 2, sub = modname)) & CALL abort_physic(modname, "problem with the tracers table content", 1) IF(niso > 0) THEN CALL msg('Where, for isotopes family "' // TRIM(isotope%parent) // '":', modname) CALL msg(' isoKeys%name = ' // strStack(isoKeys%name), modname) CALL msg(' isoName = ' // strStack(isoName), modname) CALL msg(' isoZone = ' // strStack(isoZone), modname) CALL msg(' isoPhas = ' // TRIM(isoPhas), modname) ELSE CALL msg('No isotopes identified.', modname) END IF #ifdef ISOVERIF CALL msg('iso_iName = '//strStack(int2str(PACK(tracers(:)%iso_iName, MASK=tracers(:)%iso_iGroup==iH2O))), modname) #endif IF (CPPKEY_STRATAER) THEN IF (type_trac == 'coag') THEN nbtr_bin = COUNT([(tracers(iq)%name(1:3)=='BIN', iq = 1, nqtot)]) nbtr_sulgas = COUNT([(tracers(iq)%name(1:3)=='GAS', iq = 1, nqtot)]) tnames = PACK(tracers(:)%name, MASK = tracers(:)%isInPhysics) id_BIN01_strat = strIdx(tnames, 'BIN01') id_OCS_strat = strIdx(tnames, 'GASOCS') id_SO2_strat = strIdx(tnames, 'GASSO2') id_H2SO4_strat = strIdx(tnames, 'GASH2SO4') id_TEST_strat = strIdx(tnames, 'GASTEST') CALL msg('nbtr_bin =' // TRIM(int2str(nbtr_bin)), modname) CALL msg('nbtr_sulgas =' // TRIM(int2str(nbtr_sulgas)), modname) CALL msg('id_BIN01_strat =' // TRIM(int2str(id_BIN01_strat)), modname) CALL msg('id_OCS_strat =' // TRIM(int2str(id_OCS_strat)), modname) CALL msg('id_SO2_strat =' // TRIM(int2str(id_SO2_strat)), modname) CALL msg('id_H2SO4_strat =' // TRIM(int2str(id_H2SO4_strat)), modname) CALL msg('id_TEST_strat =' // TRIM(int2str(id_TEST_strat)), modname) END IF END IF CALL msg('end', modname) END SUBROUTINE init_infotrac_phy END MODULE infotrac_phy