! %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ! Copyright (c) 2015, Regents of the University of Colorado ! All rights reserved. ! ! Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are ! permitted provided that the following conditions are met: ! ! 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of ! conditions and the following disclaimer. ! ! 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list ! of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other ! materials provided with the distribution. ! ! 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors may be ! used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior ! written permission. ! ! THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY ! EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF ! MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL ! THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, ! SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT ! OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS ! INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT ! LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE ! OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. ! ! History: ! Jul 2007 - A. Bodas-Salcedo - Initial version ! Jul 2008 - A. Bodas-Salcedo - Added definitions of ISCCP axes ! Oct 2008 - H. Chepfer - Added PARASOL_NREFL ! Jun 2010 - R. Marchand - Modified to support quickbeam V3, added ifdef for ! hydrometeor definitions ! May 2015 - D. Swales - Tidied up. Set up appropriate fields during initialization. ! June 2015- D. Swales - Moved hydrometeor class variables to hydro_class_init in ! the module quickbeam_optics. ! Mar 2016 - D. Swales - Added scops_ccfrac. Was previously hardcoded in prec_scops.f90. ! %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% MODULE MOD_COSP_CONFIG USE COSP_KINDS, ONLY: wp,dp USE lmdz_phys_para IMPLICIT NONE ! ##################################################################################### ! Common COSP information ! ##################################################################################### character(len=32) :: & COSP_VERSION ! COSP Version ID (set in cosp_interface_init) real(wp),parameter :: & R_UNDEF = -1.0E30, & ! Missing value R_GROUND = -1.0E20, & ! Flag for below ground results scops_ccfrac = 0.05 ! Fraction of column (or subcolumn) covered with convective ! precipitation (default is 5%). *NOTE* This quantity may vary ! between modeling centers. logical :: & use_vgrid ! True=Use new grid for L3 CLOUDAT and CALIPSO integer,parameter :: & SR_BINS = 15, & ! Number of bins (backscattering coefficient) in CALOPSO LIDAR simulator. N_HYDRO = 9 ! Number of hydrometeor classes used by quickbeam radar simulator. ! #################################################################################### ! Joint histogram bin-boundaries ! tau is used by ISCCP and MISR ! pres is used by ISCCP ! hgt is used by MISR ! ReffLiq is used by MODIS ! ReffIce is used by MODIS ! *NOTE* ALL JOINT-HISTOGRAM BIN BOUNDARIES ARE DECLARED AND DEFINED HERE IN ! COSP_CONFIG, WITH THE EXCEPTION OF THE TAU AXIS USED BY THE MODIS SIMULATOR, ! WHICH IS SET DURING INITIALIZATION IN COSP_INTERFACE_INIT. ! #################################################################################### ! Optical depth bin axis integer,parameter :: & ntau=7 real(wp),parameter,dimension(ntau+1) :: & tau_binBounds = (/0.0, 0.3, 1.3, 3.6, 9.4, 23., 60., 10000./) real(wp),parameter,dimension(ntau) :: & tau_binCenters = (/0.15, 0.80, 2.45, 6.5, 16.2, 41.5, 100.0/) real(wp),parameter,dimension(2,ntau) :: & tau_binEdges = reshape(source=(/0.0, 0.3, 0.3, 1.3, 1.3, 3.6, 3.6, & 9.4, 9.4, 23.0, 23.0, 60.0, 60.0, 100000.0/), & shape=(/2,ntau/)) ! Optical depth bin axes (ONLY USED BY MODIS SIMULATOR IN v1.4) integer :: l,k integer,parameter :: & ntauV1p4 = 6 real(wp),parameter,dimension(ntauV1p4+1) :: & tau_binBoundsV1p4 = (/0.3, 1.3, 3.6, 9.4, 23., 60., 10000./) real(wp),parameter,dimension(2,ntauV1p4) :: & tau_binEdgesV1p4 = reshape(source =(/tau_binBoundsV1p4(1),((tau_binBoundsV1p4(k),l=1,2), & k=2,ntauV1p4),100000._wp/),shape = (/2,ntauV1p4/)) real(wp),parameter,dimension(ntauV1p4) :: & tau_binCentersV1p4 = (tau_binEdgesV1p4(1,:)+tau_binEdgesV1p4(2,:))/2._wp ! Cloud-top height pressure bin axis integer,parameter :: & npres = 7 real(wp),parameter,dimension(npres+1) :: & pres_binBounds = (/0., 180., 310., 440., 560., 680., 800., 10000./) real(wp),parameter,dimension(npres) :: & pres_binCenters = (/90000., 74000., 62000., 50000., 37500., 24500., 9000./) real(wp),parameter,dimension(2,npres) :: & pres_binEdges = reshape(source=(/100000.0, 80000.0, 80000.0, 68000.0, 68000.0, & 56000.0, 56000.0, 44000.0, 44000.0, 31000.0, & 31000.0, 18000.0, 18000.0, 0.0/), & shape=(/2,npres/)) ! Cloud-top height bin axis #1 integer,parameter :: & nhgt = 16 real(wp),parameter,dimension(nhgt+1) :: & hgt_binBounds = (/-.99,0.,0.5,1.,1.5,2.,2.5,3.,4.,5.,7.,9.,11.,13.,15.,17.,99./) real(wp),parameter,dimension(nhgt) :: & hgt_binCenters = 1000*(/0.,0.25,0.75,1.25,1.75,2.25,2.75,3.5,4.5,6.,8.,10.,12., & 14.5,16.,18./) real(wp),parameter,dimension(2,nhgt) :: & hgt_binEdges = 1000.0*reshape(source=(/-99.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0, 1.0, 1.5, & 1.5, 2.0, 2.0, 2.5, 2.5, 3.0, 3.0, 4.0, & 4.0, 5.0, 5.0, 7.0, 7.0, 9.0, 9.0,11.0, & 11.0,13.0,13.0,15.0,15.0,17.0,17.0,99.0/),& shape=(/2,nhgt/)) ! Liquid and Ice particle bins for MODIS joint histogram of optical-depth and particle ! size integer :: i,j integer,parameter :: & nReffLiq = 6, & ! Number of bins for tau/ReffLiq joint-histogram nReffIce = 6 ! Number of bins for tau/ReffICE joint-histogram real(wp),parameter,dimension(nReffLiq+1) :: & reffLIQ_binBounds = (/0., 8e-6, 1.0e-5, 1.3e-5, 1.5e-5, 2.0e-5, 3.0e-5/) real(wp),parameter,dimension(nReffIce+1) :: & reffICE_binBounds = (/0., 1.0e-5, 2.0e-5, 3.0e-5, 4.0e-5, 6.0e-5, 9.0e-5/) real(wp),parameter,dimension(2,nReffICE) :: & reffICE_binEdges = reshape(source=(/reffICE_binBounds(1),((reffICE_binBounds(k), & l=1,2),k=2,nReffICE),reffICE_binBounds(nReffICE+1)/), & shape = (/2,nReffICE/)) real(wp),parameter,dimension(2,nReffLIQ) :: & reffLIQ_binEdges = reshape(source=(/reffLIQ_binBounds(1),((reffLIQ_binBounds(k), & l=1,2),k=2,nReffLIQ),reffLIQ_binBounds(nReffICE+1)/), & shape = (/2,nReffLIQ/)) real(wp),parameter,dimension(nReffICE) :: & reffICE_binCenters = (reffICE_binEdges(1,:)+reffICE_binEdges(2,:))/2._wp real(wp),parameter,dimension(nReffLIQ) :: & reffLIQ_binCenters = (reffLIQ_binEdges(1,:)+reffLIQ_binEdges(2,:))/2._wp ! #################################################################################### ! Constants used by RTTOV. ! #################################################################################### integer,parameter :: & RTTOV_MAX_CHANNELS = 20 character(len=256),parameter :: & rttovDir = '/Projects/Clouds/dswales/RTTOV/rttov_11.3/' ! #################################################################################### ! Constants used by the PARASOL simulator. ! #################################################################################### integer,parameter :: & PARASOL_NREFL = 5, & ! Number of angles in LUT PARASOL_NTAU = 7 ! Number of optical depths in LUT real(wp),parameter,dimension(PARASOL_NREFL) :: & PARASOL_SZA = (/0.0, 20.0, 40.0, 60.0, 80.0/) REAL(WP),parameter,dimension(PARASOL_NTAU) :: & PARASOL_TAU = (/0., 1., 5., 10., 20., 50., 100./) ! LUTs REAL(WP),parameter,dimension(PARASOL_NREFL,PARASOL_NTAU) :: & ! LUT for liquid particles rlumA = reshape(source=(/ 0.03, 0.03, 0.03, 0.03, 0.03, & 0.090886, 0.072185, 0.058410, 0.052498, 0.034730, & 0.283965, 0.252596, 0.224707, 0.175844, 0.064488, & 0.480587, 0.436401, 0.367451, 0.252916, 0.081667, & 0.695235, 0.631352, 0.509180, 0.326551, 0.098215, & 0.908229, 0.823924, 0.648152, 0.398581, 0.114411, & 1.0, 0.909013, 0.709554, 0.430405, 0.121567/), & shape=(/PARASOL_NREFL,PARASOL_NTAU/)), & ! LUT for ice particles rlumB = reshape(source=(/ 0.03, 0.03, 0.03, 0.03, 0.03, & 0.092170, 0.087082, 0.083325, 0.084935, 0.054157, & 0.311941, 0.304293, 0.285193, 0.233450, 0.089911, & 0.511298, 0.490879, 0.430266, 0.312280, 0.107854, & 0.712079, 0.673565, 0.563747, 0.382376, 0.124127, & 0.898243, 0.842026, 0.685773, 0.446371, 0.139004, & 0.976646, 0.912966, 0.737154, 0.473317, 0.145269/), & shape=(/PARASOL_NREFL,PARASOL_NTAU/)) ! #################################################################################### ! ISCCP simulator tau/CTP joint histogram information ! #################################################################################### integer,parameter :: & numISCCPTauBins = ntau, & ! Number of optical depth bins numISCCPPresBins = npres ! Number of pressure bins real(wp),parameter,dimension(ntau+1) :: & isccp_histTau = tau_binBounds ! Joint-histogram boundaries (optical depth) real(wp),parameter,dimension(npres+1) :: & isccp_histPres = pres_binBounds ! Joint-histogram boundaries (cloud pressure) real(wp),parameter,dimension(ntau) :: & isccp_histTauCenters = tau_binCenters ! Joint histogram bin centers (optical depth) real(wp),parameter,dimension(npres) :: & isccp_histPresCenters = pres_binCenters ! Joint histogram bin centers (cloud pressure) real(wp),parameter,dimension(2,ntau) :: & isccp_histTauEdges = tau_binEdges ! Joint histogram bin edges (optical depth) real(wp),parameter,dimension(2,npres) :: & isccp_histPresEdges = pres_binEdges ! Joint histogram bin edges (cloud pressure) ! #################################################################################### ! MISR simulator tau/CTH joint histogram information ! #################################################################################### integer,parameter :: & numMISRHgtBins = nhgt, & ! Number of cloud-top height bins numMISRTauBins = ntau ! Number of optical depth bins ! Joint histogram boundaries real(wp),parameter,dimension(numMISRHgtBins+1) :: & misr_histHgt = hgt_binBounds ! Joint-histogram boundaries (cloud height) real(wp),parameter,dimension(numMISRTauBins+1) :: & misr_histTau = tau_binBounds ! Joint-histogram boundaries (optical-depth) real(wp),parameter,dimension(numMISRHgtBins) :: & misr_histHgtCenters = hgt_binCenters ! Joint-histogram bin centers (cloud height) real(wp),parameter,dimension(2,numMISRHgtBins) :: & misr_histHgtEdges = hgt_BinEdges ! Joint-histogram bin edges (cloud height) ! #################################################################################### ! MODIS simulator tau/CTP joint histogram information ! #################################################################################### integer,parameter :: & numMODISPresBins = npres ! Number of pressure bins for joint-histogram real(wp),parameter,dimension(numMODISPresBins + 1) :: & modis_histPres = 100*pres_binBounds ! Joint-histogram boundaries (cloud pressure) real(wp),parameter,dimension(2, numMODISPresBins) :: & modis_histPresEdges = 100*pres_binEdges ! Joint-histogram bin edges (cloud pressure) real(wp),parameter,dimension(numMODISPresBins) :: & modis_histPresCenters = 100*pres_binCenters ! Joint-histogram bin centers (cloud pressure) ! For the MODIS simulator we want to preserve the ability for cospV1.4.0 to use the ! old histogram bin boundaries for optical depth, so these are set up in initialization. integer :: & numMODISTauBins ! Number of tau bins for joint-histogram real(wp),save,allocatable,dimension(:) :: & modis_histTau ! Joint-histogram boundaries (optical depth) !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(modis_histTau) real(wp),save,allocatable,dimension(:,:) :: & modis_histTauEdges ! Joint-histogram bin edges (optical depth) !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(modis_histTauEdges) real(wp),save,allocatable,dimension(:) :: & modis_histTauCenters ! Joint-histogram bin centers (optical depth) !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(modis_histTauCenters) ! #################################################################################### ! MODIS simulator tau/ReffICE and tau/ReffLIQ joint-histogram information ! #################################################################################### ! Ice integer,parameter :: & numMODISReffIceBins = nReffIce ! Number of bins for joint-histogram real(wp),parameter,dimension(nReffIce+1) :: & modis_histReffIce = reffICE_binBounds ! Effective radius bin boundaries real(wp),parameter,dimension(nReffIce) :: & modis_histReffIceCenters = reffICE_binCenters ! Effective radius bin centers real(wp),parameter,dimension(2,nReffICE) :: & modis_histReffIceEdges = reffICE_binEdges ! Effective radius bin edges ! Liquid integer,parameter :: & numMODISReffLiqBins = nReffLiq ! Number of bins for joint-histogram real(wp),parameter,dimension(nReffLiq+1) :: & modis_histReffLiq = reffLIQ_binBounds ! Effective radius bin boundaries real(wp),parameter,dimension(nReffLiq) :: & modis_histReffLiqCenters = reffICE_binCenters ! Effective radius bin centers real(wp),parameter,dimension(2,nReffICE) :: & modis_histReffLiqEdges = reffLIQ_binEdges ! Effective radius bin edges ! #################################################################################### ! CLOUDSAT reflectivity histogram information ! #################################################################################### integer,parameter :: & DBZE_BINS = 15, & ! Number of dBZe bins in histogram (cfad) DBZE_MIN = -100, & ! Minimum value for radar reflectivity DBZE_MAX = 80, & ! Maximum value for radar reflectivity CFAD_ZE_MIN = -50, & ! Lower value of the first CFAD Ze bin CFAD_ZE_WIDTH = 5 ! Bin width (dBZe) real(wp),parameter,dimension(DBZE_BINS+1) :: & cloudsat_histRef = (/DBZE_MIN,(/(i, i=int(CFAD_ZE_MIN+CFAD_ZE_WIDTH), & int(CFAD_ZE_MIN+(DBZE_BINS-1)*CFAD_ZE_WIDTH), & int(CFAD_ZE_WIDTH))/),DBZE_MAX/) real(wp),parameter,dimension(2,DBZE_BINS) :: & cloudsat_binEdges = reshape(source=(/cloudsat_histRef(1),((cloudsat_histRef(k), & l=1,2),k=2,DBZE_BINS),cloudsat_histRef(DBZE_BINS+1)/),& shape = (/2,DBZE_BINS/)) real(wp),parameter,dimension(DBZE_BINS) :: & cloudsat_binCenters = (cloudsat_binEdges(1,:)+cloudsat_binEdges(2,:))/2._wp ! #################################################################################### ! Parameters used by the CALIPSO LIDAR simulator ! #################################################################################### ! CALISPO backscatter histogram bins real(wp),parameter :: & S_cld = 5.0, & ! Threshold for cloud detection S_att = 0.01, & ! S_cld_att = 30. ! Threshold for undefined cloud phase detection real(wp),parameter,dimension(SR_BINS+1) :: & calipso_histBsct = (/-1.,0.01,1.2,3.0,5.0,7.0,10.0,15.0,20.0,25.0,30.0,40.0,50.0, & 60.0,80.0,999./) ! Backscatter histogram bins real(wp),parameter,dimension(2,SR_BINS) :: & calipso_binEdges = reshape(source=(/calipso_histBsct(1),((calipso_histBsct(k), & l=1,2),k=2,SR_BINS),calipso_histBsct(SR_BINS+1)/), & shape = (/2,SR_BINS/)) real(wp),parameter,dimension(SR_BINS) :: & calipso_binCenters = (calipso_binEdges(1,:)+calipso_binEdges(2,:))/2._wp integer,parameter :: & LIDAR_NTEMP = 40, & LIDAR_NCAT = 4 ! Number of categories for cloudtop heights (high/mid/low/tot) real(wp),parameter,dimension(LIDAR_NTEMP) :: & LIDAR_PHASE_TEMP= & (/-91.5,-88.5,-85.5,-82.5,-79.5,-76.5,-73.5,-70.5,-67.5,-64.5, & -61.5,-58.5,-55.5,-52.5,-49.5,-46.5,-43.5,-40.5,-37.5,-34.5, & -31.5,-28.5,-25.5,-22.5,-19.5,-16.5,-13.5,-10.5, -7.5, -4.5, & -1.5, 1.5, 4.5, 7.5, 10.5, 13.5, 16.5, 19.5, 22.5, 25.5/) real(wp),parameter,dimension(2,LIDAR_NTEMP) :: & LIDAR_PHASE_TEMP_BNDS=reshape(source= & (/-273.15, -90., -90., -87., -87., -84., -84., -81., -81., -78., & -78., -75., -75., -72., -72., -69., -69., -66., -66., -63., & -63., -60., -60., -57., -57., -54., -54., -51., -51., -48., & -48., -45., -45., -42., -42., -39., -39., -36., -36., -33., & -33., -30., -30., -27., -27., -24., -24., -21., -21., -18., & -18., -15., -15., -12., -12., -9., -9., -6., -6., -3., & -3., 0., 0., 3., 3., 6., 6., 9., 9., 12., & 12., 15., 15., 18., 18., 21., 21., 24., 24., 100. /), & shape=(/2,40/)) ! #################################################################################### ! New vertical grid used by CALIPSO and CLOUDSAT L3 (set up during initialization) ! #################################################################################### integer :: & Nlvgrid ! Number of levels in New grid ! real(wp),dimension(:),allocatable,save : & ! vgrid_zl, & ! New grid bottoms ! vgrid_zu, & ! New grid tops ! vgrid_z ! New grid center REAL(wp), SAVE, ALLOCATABLE :: vgrid_zl(:),vgrid_zu(:),vgrid_z(:) !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(vgrid_zl,vgrid_zu,vgrid_z) END MODULE MOD_COSP_CONFIG