! $Header$ SUBROUTINE convect1(len, nd, ndp1, noff, minorig, t, q, qs, u, v, p, ph, & iflag, ft, fq, fu, fv, precip, cbmf, delt, ma) ! .............................START PROLOGUE............................ ! SCCS IDENTIFICATION: @(#)convect1.f 1.1 04/21/00 ! 19:40:52 /h/cm/library/nogaps4/src/sub/fcst/convect1.f_v ! CONFIGURATION IDENTIFICATION: None ! MODULE NAME: convect1 ! DESCRIPTION: ! convect1 The Emanuel Cumulus Convection Scheme ! CONTRACT NUMBER AND TITLE: None ! REFERENCES: Programmers K. Emanuel (MIT), Timothy F. Hogan, M. Peng ! (NRL) ! CLASSIFICATION: Unclassified ! RESTRICTIONS: None ! COMPILER DEPENDENCIES: FORTRAN 77, FORTRAN 90 ! COMPILE OPTIONS: Fortran 77: -Zu -Wf"-ei -o aggress" ! Fortran 90: -O vector3,scalar3,task1,aggress,overindex -ei -r 2 ! LIBRARIES OF RESIDENCE: /a/ops/lib/libfcst159.a ! USAGE: CALL convect1(len,nd,noff,minorig, ! & t,q,qs,u,v, ! & p,ph,iflag,ft, ! & fq,fu,fv,precip,cbmf,delt) ! PARAMETERS: ! Name Type Usage Description ! ---------- ---------- ------- ---------------------------- ! len Integer Input first (i) dimension ! nd Integer Input vertical (k) dimension ! ndp1 Integer Input nd + 1 ! noff Integer Input integer limit for convection ! (nd-noff) ! minorig Integer Input First level of convection ! t Real Input temperature ! q Real Input specific hum ! qs Real Input sat specific hum ! u Real Input u-wind ! v Real Input v-wind ! p Real Input full level pressure ! ph Real Input half level pressure ! iflag Integer Output iflag on latitude strip ! ft Real Output temp tend ! fq Real Output spec hum tend ! fu Real Output u-wind tend ! fv Real Output v-wind tend ! cbmf Real In/Out cumulus mass flux ! delt Real Input time step ! iflag Integer Output integer flag for Emanuel ! conditions ! COMMON BLOCKS: ! Block Name Type Usage Notes ! -------- -------- ---- ------ ------------------------ ! FILES: None ! DATA BASES: None ! NON-FILE INPUT/OUTPUT: None ! ERROR CONDITIONS: None ! ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: None ! .................MAINTENANCE SECTION................................ ! MODULES CALLED: ! Name Description ! convect2 Emanuel cumulus convection tendency calculations ! ------- ---------------------- ! LOCAL VARIABLES AND ! STRUCTURES: ! Name Type Description ! ------- ------ ----------- ! See Comments Below ! i Integer loop index ! k Integer loop index ! METHOD: ! See Emanuel, K. and M. Zivkovic-Rothman, 2000: Development and evaluation ! of a ! convective scheme for use in climate models. ! FILES: None ! INCLUDE FILES: None ! MAKEFILE: /a/ops/met/nogaps/src/sub/fcst/fcst159lib.mak ! ..............................END PROLOGUE............................. USE dimphy IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER len INTEGER nd INTEGER ndp1 INTEGER noff REAL t(len, nd) REAL q(len, nd) REAL qs(len, nd) REAL u(len, nd) REAL v(len, nd) REAL p(len, nd) REAL ph(len, ndp1) INTEGER iflag(len) REAL ft(len, nd) REAL fq(len, nd) REAL fu(len, nd) REAL fv(len, nd) REAL precip(len) REAL cbmf(len) REAL ma(len, nd) INTEGER minorig REAL delt, cpd, cpv, cl, rv, rd, lv0, g REAL sigs, sigd, elcrit, tlcrit, omtsnow, dtmax, damp REAL alpha, entp, coeffs, coeffr, omtrain, cu ! ------------------------------------------------------------------- ! --- ARGUMENTS ! ------------------------------------------------------------------- ! --- On input: ! t: Array of absolute temperature (K) of dimension ND, with first ! index corresponding to lowest model level. Note that this array ! will be altered by the SUBROUTINE if dry convective adjustment ! occurs and if IPBL is not equal to 0. ! q: Array of specific humidity (gm/gm) of dimension ND, with first ! index corresponding to lowest model level. Must be defined ! at same grid levels as T. Note that this array will be altered ! if dry convective adjustment occurs and if IPBL is not equal to 0. ! qs: Array of saturation specific humidity of dimension ND, with first ! index corresponding to lowest model level. Must be defined ! at same grid levels as T. Note that this array will be altered ! if dry convective adjustment occurs and if IPBL is not equal to 0. ! u: Array of zonal wind velocity (m/s) of dimension ND, witth first ! index corresponding with the lowest model level. Defined at ! same levels as T. Note that this array will be altered if ! dry convective adjustment occurs and if IPBL is not equal to 0. ! v: Same as u but for meridional velocity. ! tra: Array of passive tracer mixing ratio, of dimensions (ND,NTRA), ! where NTRA is the number of different tracers. If no ! convective tracer transport is needed, define a dummy ! input array of dimension (ND,1). Tracers are defined at ! same vertical levels as T. Note that this array will be altered ! if dry convective adjustment occurs and if IPBL is not equal to 0. ! p: Array of pressure (mb) of dimension ND, with first ! index corresponding to lowest model level. Must be defined ! at same grid levels as T. ! ph: Array of pressure (mb) of dimension ND+1, with first index ! corresponding to lowest level. These pressures are defined at ! levels intermediate between those of P, T, Q and QS. The first ! value of PH should be greater than (i.e. at a lower level than) ! the first value of the array P. ! nl: The maximum number of levels to which convection can penetrate, plus ! 1. ! NL MUST be less than or equal to ND-1. ! delt: The model time step (sec) between calls to CONVECT ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! --- On Output: ! iflag: An output integer whose value denotes the following: ! VALUE INTERPRETATION ! ----- -------------- ! 0 Moist convection occurs. ! 1 Moist convection occurs, but a CFL condition ! on the subsidence warming is violated. This ! does not cause the scheme to terminate. ! 2 Moist convection, but no precip because ep(inb) lt 0.0001 ! 3 No moist convection because new cbmf is 0 and old cbmf is 0. ! 4 No moist convection; atmosphere is not ! unstable ! 6 No moist convection because ihmin le minorig. ! 7 No moist convection because unreasonable ! parcel level temperature or specific humidity. ! 8 No moist convection: lifted condensation ! level is above the 200 mb level. ! 9 No moist convection: cloud base is higher ! then the level NL-1. ! ft: Array of temperature tendency (K/s) of dimension ND, defined at ! same ! grid levels as T, Q, QS and P. ! fq: Array of specific humidity tendencies ((gm/gm)/s) of dimension ND, ! defined at same grid levels as T, Q, QS and P. ! fu: Array of forcing of zonal velocity (m/s^2) of dimension ND, ! defined at same grid levels as T. ! fv: Same as FU, but for forcing of meridional velocity. ! ftra: Array of forcing of tracer content, in tracer mixing ratio per ! second, defined at same levels as T. Dimensioned (ND,NTRA). ! precip: Scalar convective precipitation rate (mm/day). ! wd: A convective downdraft velocity scale. For use in surface ! flux parameterizations. See convect.ps file for details. ! tprime: A convective downdraft temperature perturbation scale (K). ! For use in surface flux parameterizations. See convect.ps ! file for details. ! qprime: A convective downdraft specific humidity ! perturbation scale (gm/gm). ! For use in surface flux parameterizations. See convect.ps ! file for details. ! cbmf: The cloud base mass flux ((kg/m**2)/s). THIS SCALAR VALUE MUST ! BE STORED BY THE CALLING PROGRAM AND RETURNED TO CONVECT AT ! ITS NEXT CALL. That is, the value of CBMF must be "remembered" ! by the calling program between calls to CONVECT. ! det: Array of detrainment mass flux of dimension ND. ! ------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Local arrays INTEGER nl INTEGER nlp INTEGER nlm INTEGER i, k, n REAL delti REAL rowl REAL clmcpv REAL clmcpd REAL cpdmcp REAL cpvmcpd REAL eps REAL epsi REAL epsim1 REAL ginv REAL hrd REAL prccon1 INTEGER icbmax REAL lv(klon, klev) REAL cpn(klon, klev) REAL cpx(klon, klev) REAL tv(klon, klev) REAL gz(klon, klev) REAL hm(klon, klev) REAL h(klon, klev) REAL work(klon) INTEGER ihmin(klon) INTEGER nk(klon) REAL rh(klon) REAL chi(klon) REAL plcl(klon) INTEGER icb(klon) REAL tnk(klon) REAL qnk(klon) REAL gznk(klon) REAL pnk(klon) REAL qsnk(klon) REAL ticb(klon) REAL gzicb(klon) REAL tp(klon, klev) REAL tvp(klon, klev) REAL clw(klon, klev) REAL ah0(klon), cpp(klon) REAL tg, qg, s, alv, tc, ahg, denom, es, rg INTEGER ncum INTEGER idcum(klon) cpd = 1005.7 cpv = 1870.0 cl = 4190.0 rv = 461.5 rd = 287.04 lv0 = 2.501E6 g = 9.8 ! *** ELCRIT IS THE AUTOCONVERSION THERSHOLD WATER CONTENT (gm/gm) *** ! *** TLCRIT IS CRITICAL TEMPERATURE BELOW WHICH THE AUTO- *** ! *** CONVERSION THRESHOLD IS ASSUMED TO BE ZERO *** ! *** (THE AUTOCONVERSION THRESHOLD VARIES LINEARLY *** ! *** BETWEEN 0 C AND TLCRIT) *** ! *** ENTP IS THE COEFFICIENT OF MIXING IN THE ENTRAINMENT *** ! *** FORMULATION *** ! *** SIGD IS THE FRACTIONAL AREA COVERED BY UNSATURATED DNDRAFT *** ! *** SIGS IS THE FRACTION OF PRECIPITATION FALLING OUTSIDE *** ! *** OF CLOUD *** ! *** OMTRAIN IS THE ASSUMED FALL SPEED (P/s) OF RAIN *** ! *** OMTSNOW IS THE ASSUMED FALL SPEED (P/s) OF SNOW *** ! *** COEFFR IS A COEFFICIENT GOVERNING THE RATE OF EVAPORATION *** ! *** OF RAIN *** ! *** COEFFS IS A COEFFICIENT GOVERNING THE RATE OF EVAPORATION *** ! *** OF SNOW *** ! *** CU IS THE COEFFICIENT GOVERNING CONVECTIVE MOMENTUM *** ! *** TRANSPORT *** ! *** DTMAX IS THE MAXIMUM NEGATIVE TEMPERATURE PERTURBATION *** ! *** A LIFTED PARCEL IS ALLOWED TO HAVE BELOW ITS LFC *** ! *** ALPHA AND DAMP ARE PARAMETERS THAT CONTROL THE RATE OF *** ! *** APPROACH TO QUASI-EQUILIBRIUM *** ! *** (THEIR STANDARD VALUES ARE 0.20 AND 0.1, RESPECTIVELY) *** ! *** (DAMP MUST BE LESS THAN 1) *** sigs = 0.12 sigd = 0.05 elcrit = 0.0011 tlcrit = -55.0 omtsnow = 5.5 dtmax = 0.9 damp = 0.1 alpha = 0.2 entp = 1.5 coeffs = 0.8 coeffr = 1.0 omtrain = 50.0 cu = 0.70 damp = 0.1 ! Define nl, nlp, nlm, and delti nl = nd - noff nlp = nl + 1 nlm = nl - 1 delti = 1.0/delt ! ------------------------------------------------------------------- ! --- SET CONSTANTS ! ------------------------------------------------------------------- rowl = 1000.0 clmcpv = cl - cpv clmcpd = cl - cpd cpdmcp = cpd - cpv cpvmcpd = cpv - cpd eps = rd/rv epsi = 1.0/eps epsim1 = epsi - 1.0 ginv = 1.0/g hrd = 0.5*rd prccon1 = 86400.0*1000.0/(rowl*g) ! dtmax is the maximum negative temperature perturbation. ! ===================================================================== ! --- INITIALIZE OUTPUT ARRAYS AND PARAMETERS ! ===================================================================== DO k = 1, nd DO i = 1, len ft(i, k) = 0.0 fq(i, k) = 0.0 fu(i, k) = 0.0 fv(i, k) = 0.0 tvp(i, k) = 0.0 tp(i, k) = 0.0 clw(i, k) = 0.0 gz(i, k) = 0. END DO END DO DO i = 1, len precip(i) = 0.0 iflag(i) = 0 END DO ! ===================================================================== ! --- CALCULATE ARRAYS OF GEOPOTENTIAL, HEAT CAPACITY & STATIC ENERGY ! ===================================================================== DO k = 1, nl + 1 DO i = 1, len lv(i, k) = lv0 - clmcpv*(t(i,k)-273.15) cpn(i, k) = cpd*(1.0-q(i,k)) + cpv*q(i, k) cpx(i, k) = cpd*(1.0-q(i,k)) + cl*q(i, k) tv(i, k) = t(i, k)*(1.0+q(i,k)*epsim1) END DO END DO ! gz = phi at the full levels (same as p). DO i = 1, len gz(i, 1) = 0.0 END DO DO k = 2, nlp DO i = 1, len gz(i, k) = gz(i, k-1) + hrd*(tv(i,k-1)+tv(i,k))*(p(i,k-1)-p(i,k))/ph(i, & k) END DO END DO ! h = phi + cpT (dry static energy). ! hm = phi + cp(T-Tbase)+Lq DO k = 1, nlp DO i = 1, len h(i, k) = gz(i, k) + cpn(i, k)*t(i, k) hm(i, k) = gz(i, k) + cpx(i, k)*(t(i,k)-t(i,1)) + lv(i, k)*q(i, k) END DO END DO ! ------------------------------------------------------------------- ! --- Find level of minimum moist static energy ! --- If level of minimum moist static energy coincides with ! --- or is lower than minimum allowable parcel origin level, ! --- set iflag to 6. ! ------------------------------------------------------------------- DO i = 1, len work(i) = 1.0E12 ihmin(i) = nl END DO DO k = 2, nlp DO i = 1, len IF ((hm(i,k)work(i)) .AND. (k<=ihmin(i))) THEN work(i) = hm(i, k) nk(i) = k END IF END DO END DO ! ------------------------------------------------------------------- ! --- Check whether parcel level temperature and specific humidity ! --- are reasonable ! ------------------------------------------------------------------- DO i = 1, len IF (((t(i,nk(i))<250.0) .OR. (q(i,nk(i))<=0.0) .OR. (p(i,ihmin(i))< & 400.0)) .AND. (iflag(i)==0)) iflag(i) = 7 END DO ! ------------------------------------------------------------------- ! --- Calculate lifted condensation level of air at parcel origin level ! --- (Within 0.2% of formula of Bolton, MON. WEA. REV.,1980) ! ------------------------------------------------------------------- DO i = 1, len tnk(i) = t(i, nk(i)) qnk(i) = q(i, nk(i)) gznk(i) = gz(i, nk(i)) pnk(i) = p(i, nk(i)) qsnk(i) = qs(i, nk(i)) rh(i) = qnk(i)/qsnk(i) rh(i) = min(1.0, rh(i)) chi(i) = tnk(i)/(1669.0-122.0*rh(i)-tnk(i)) plcl(i) = pnk(i)*(rh(i)**chi(i)) IF (((plcl(i)<200.0) .OR. (plcl(i)>=2000.0)) .AND. (iflag(i)==0)) iflag(i & ) = 8 END DO ! ------------------------------------------------------------------- ! --- Calculate first level above lcl (=icb) ! ------------------------------------------------------------------- DO i = 1, len icb(i) = nlm END DO DO k = minorig, nl DO i = 1, len IF ((k>=(nk(i)+1)) .AND. (p(i,k)=nlm) .AND. (iflag(i)==0)) iflag(i) = 9 END DO ! Compute icbmax. icbmax = 2 DO i = 1, len icbmax = max(icbmax, icb(i)) END DO ! ------------------------------------------------------------------- ! --- Calculates the lifted parcel virtual temperature at nk, ! --- the actual temperature, and the adiabatic ! --- liquid water content. The procedure is to solve the equation. ! cp*tp+L*qp+phi=cp*tnk+L*qnk+gznk. ! ------------------------------------------------------------------- DO i = 1, len tnk(i) = t(i, nk(i)) qnk(i) = q(i, nk(i)) gznk(i) = gz(i, nk(i)) ticb(i) = t(i, icb(i)) gzicb(i) = gz(i, icb(i)) END DO ! *** Calculate certain parcel quantities, including static energy *** DO i = 1, len ah0(i) = (cpd*(1.-qnk(i))+cl*qnk(i))*tnk(i) + qnk(i)*(lv0-clmcpv*(tnk(i)- & 273.15)) + gznk(i) cpp(i) = cpd*(1.-qnk(i)) + qnk(i)*cpv END DO ! *** Calculate lifted parcel quantities below cloud base *** DO k = minorig, icbmax - 1 DO i = 1, len tp(i, k) = tnk(i) - (gz(i,k)-gznk(i))/cpp(i) tvp(i, k) = tp(i, k)*(1.+qnk(i)*epsi) END DO END DO ! *** Find lifted parcel quantities above cloud base *** DO i = 1, len tg = ticb(i) qg = qs(i, icb(i)) alv = lv0 - clmcpv*(ticb(i)-273.15) ! First iteration. s = cpd + alv*alv*qg/(rv*ticb(i)*ticb(i)) s = 1./s ahg = cpd*tg + (cl-cpd)*qnk(i)*ticb(i) + alv*qg + gzicb(i) tg = tg + s*(ah0(i)-ahg) tg = max(tg, 35.0) tc = tg - 273.15 denom = 243.5 + tc IF (tc>=0.0) THEN es = 6.112*exp(17.67*tc/denom) ELSE es = exp(23.33086-6111.72784/tg+0.15215*log(tg)) END IF qg = eps*es/(p(i,icb(i))-es*(1.-eps)) ! Second iteration. s = cpd + alv*alv*qg/(rv*ticb(i)*ticb(i)) s = 1./s ahg = cpd*tg + (cl-cpd)*qnk(i)*ticb(i) + alv*qg + gzicb(i) tg = tg + s*(ah0(i)-ahg) tg = max(tg, 35.0) tc = tg - 273.15 denom = 243.5 + tc IF (tc>=0.0) THEN es = 6.112*exp(17.67*tc/denom) ELSE es = exp(23.33086-6111.72784/tg+0.15215*log(tg)) END IF qg = eps*es/(p(i,icb(i))-es*(1.-eps)) alv = lv0 - clmcpv*(ticb(i)-273.15) tp(i, icb(i)) = (ah0(i)-(cl-cpd)*qnk(i)*ticb(i)-gz(i,icb(i))-alv*qg)/cpd clw(i, icb(i)) = qnk(i) - qg clw(i, icb(i)) = max(0.0, clw(i,icb(i))) rg = qg/(1.-qnk(i)) tvp(i, icb(i)) = tp(i, icb(i))*(1.+rg*epsi) END DO DO k = minorig, icbmax DO i = 1, len tvp(i, k) = tvp(i, k) - tp(i, k)*qnk(i) END DO END DO ! ------------------------------------------------------------------- ! --- Test for instability. ! --- If there was no convection at last time step and parcel ! --- is stable at icb, then set iflag to 4. ! ------------------------------------------------------------------- DO i = 1, len IF ((cbmf(i)==0.0) .AND. (iflag(i)==0) .AND. (tvp(i, & icb(i))<=(tv(i,icb(i))-dtmax))) iflag(i) = 4 END DO ! ===================================================================== ! --- IF THIS POINT IS REACHED, MOIST CONVECTIVE ADJUSTMENT IS NECESSARY ! ===================================================================== ncum = 0 DO i = 1, len IF (iflag(i)==0) THEN ncum = ncum + 1 idcum(ncum) = i END IF END DO ! Call convect2, which compresses the points and computes the heating, ! moistening, velocity mixing, and precipiation. ! PRINT*,'cpd avant convect2 ',cpd IF (ncum>0) THEN CALL convect2(ncum, idcum, len, nd, ndp1, nl, minorig, nk, icb, t, q, qs, & u, v, gz, tv, tp, tvp, clw, h, lv, cpn, p, ph, ft, fq, fu, fv, tnk, & qnk, gznk, plcl, precip, cbmf, iflag, delt, cpd, cpv, cl, rv, rd, lv0, & g, sigs, sigd, elcrit, tlcrit, omtsnow, dtmax, damp, alpha, entp, & coeffs, coeffr, omtrain, cu, ma) END IF END SUBROUTINE convect1