MODULE chemistry_cycle_mod !======================================================================= ! Authors: Anne Cozic and Thibaut Lurton ! Purpose and description: ! ----------------------- ! Control module for the chemistry tracers : ! - Definition of fluxes to be exchanged with Pisces and Inca !======================================================================= IMPLICIT NONE ! Variables read from parmeter file physiq.def LOGICAL, SAVE, PUBLIC :: dms_cycle_cpl ! Coupling of DMS fluxes between LMDZ/ORCHIDEE and LMDZ/OCEAN(PISCES) !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(dms_cycle_cpl) LOGICAL, SAVE, PUBLIC :: n2o_cycle_cpl ! Coupling of N2O fluxes between LMDZ/ORCHIDEE and LMDZ/OCEAN(PISCES) !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(n2o_cycle_cpl) END MODULE chemistry_cycle_mod