MODULE limit !******************************************************************************* ! Author : L. Fairhead, 27/01/94 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Purpose: Boundary conditions files building for new model using climatologies. ! Both grids have to be regular. !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Note: This routine is designed to work for Earth !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Modification history: ! * 23/03/1994: Z. X. Li ! * 09/1999: L. Fairhead (netcdf reading in LMDZ.3.3) ! * 07/2001: P. Le Van ! * 11/2009: L. Guez (ozone day & night climatos, see etat0_netcdf.F90) ! * 12/2009: D. Cugnet (f77->f90, calendars, files from coupled runs) !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- USE ioipsl, ONLY: flininfo, flinopen, flinget, flinclo USE lmdz_assert_eq, ONLY: assert_eq USE cal_tools_m, ONLY: year_len, mid_month USE conf_dat_m, ONLY: conf_dat2d, conf_dat3d USE dimphy, ONLY: klon, zmasq USE lmdz_geometry, ONLY: longitude_deg, latitude_deg USE phys_state_var_mod, ONLY: pctsrf USE control_mod, ONLY: anneeref USE init_ssrf_m, ONLY: start_init_subsurf INTEGER, PARAMETER :: ns = 256 CHARACTER(LEN = ns), PARAMETER :: & fsst(5) = [' ', ' ', ' '& , ' ', ' '], & fsic(5) = [' ', ' ', ' '& , ' ', ' '], & vsst(5) = ['tosbcs ', 'tos ', 'SISUTESW ', 'tsol_oce ', 'sstk '], & vsic(5) = ['sicbcs ', 'sic ', 'SIICECOV ', 'pourc_sic ', 'ci '], & frugo = ' ', falbe = ' ', frelf = ' ', & vrug = 'RUGOS ', valb = 'ALBEDO ', vrel = 'RELIEF ', & DegK(11) = ['degK ', 'degree_K ', 'degreeK ', 'deg_K '& , 'degsK ', 'degrees_K ', 'degreesK ', 'degs_K '& , 'degree_kelvin ', 'degrees_kelvin', 'K '], & DegC(10) = ['degC ', 'degree_C ', 'degreeC ', 'deg_C '& , 'degsC ', 'degrees_C ', 'degreesC ', 'degs_C '& , 'degree_Celsius', 'celsius '], & Perc(2) = ['% ', 'percent '], & Frac(2) = ['1.0 ', '1 '] CONTAINS !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUBROUTINE limit_netcdf(masque, phis, extrap) !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Author : L. Fairhead, 27/01/94 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Purpose: Boundary conditions files building for new model using climatologies. ! Both grids have to be regular. !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Note: This routine is designed to work for Earth !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Modification history: ! * 23/03/1994: Z. X. Li ! * 09/1999: L. Fairhead (netcdf reading in LMDZ.3.3) ! * 07/2001: P. Le Van ! * 11/2009: L. Guez (ozone day & night climatos, see etat0_netcdf.F90) ! * 12/2009: D. Cugnet (f77->f90, calendars, files from coupled runs) ! * 04/2016: D. Cugnet (12/14 recs SST/SIC files: cyclic/interannual runs) ! * 05/2017: D. Cugnet (linear time interpolation for BCS files) !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- USE indice_sol_mod USE netcdf, ONLY: nf90_open, nf90_create, nf90_close, & nf90_def_dim, nf90_def_var, nf90_put_var, nf90_put_att, & nf90_noerr, nf90_nowrite, nf90_global, & nf90_clobber, nf90_enddef, nf90_unlimited, nf90_float, & nf90_64bit_offset USE lmdz_cppkeys_wrapper, ONLY: nf90_format USE inter_barxy_m, ONLY: inter_barxy USE netcdf95, ONLY: nf95_def_var, nf95_put_att, nf95_put_var USE comconst_mod, ONLY: pi USE phys_cal_mod, ONLY: calend USE lmdz_abort_physic, ONLY: abort_physic USE lmdz_iniprint, ONLY: lunout, prt_level IMPLICIT NONE !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Arguments: INCLUDE "dimensions.h" INCLUDE "paramet.h" REAL, DIMENSION(iip1, jjp1), INTENT(INOUT) :: masque ! land mask REAL, DIMENSION(iip1, jjp1), INTENT(INOUT) :: phis ! ground geopotential LOGICAL, INTENT(IN) :: extrap ! SST extrapolation flag !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Local variables: INCLUDE "comgeom2.h" !--- INPUT NETCDF FILES AND VARIABLES NAMES ------------------------------------ CHARACTER(LEN = ns) :: icefile, sstfile, fnam, varname !--- OUTPUT VARIABLES FOR NETCDF FILE ------------------------------------------ REAL :: fi_ice(klon) REAL, POINTER :: phy_rug(:, :) => NULL(), phy_ice(:, :) => NULL() REAL, POINTER :: phy_sst(:, :) => NULL(), phy_alb(:, :) => NULL() REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: phy_bil(:, :), pctsrf_t(:, :, :) INTEGER :: nbad !--- VARIABLES FOR OUTPUT FILE WRITING ----------------------------------------- INTEGER :: nid, ndim, ntim, k, dims(2), ix_sic, ix_sst INTEGER :: id_tim, id_SST, id_BILS, id_RUG, id_ALB INTEGER :: id_FOCE, id_FSIC, id_FTER, id_FLIC, varid_longitude, varid_latitude INTEGER :: ndays !--- Depending on the output calendar CHARACTER(LEN = ns) :: str !--- INITIALIZATIONS ----------------------------------------------------------- CALL inigeom !--- MASK, GROUND GEOPOT. & SUBSURFACES COMPUTATION (IN CASE ok_etat0==.FALSE.) IF(ALL(masque==-99999.)) THEN CALL start_init_orog0(rlonv, rlatu, phis, masque) CALL gr_dyn_fi(1, iip1, jjp1, klon, masque, zmasq) !--- To physical grid ALLOCATE(pctsrf(klon, nbsrf)) CALL start_init_subsurf(.FALSE.) !--- TO MATCH EXACTLY WHAT WOULD BE DONE IN etat0phys_netcdf WHERE(masque(:, :)=1.0) fi_ice = 1.0 WHERE(fi_ice=1.0 - zmasq) pctsrf_t(:, is_sic, k) = 1.0 - zmasq pctsrf_t(:, is_oce, k) = 0.0 ELSEWHERE pctsrf_t(:, is_oce, k) = 1.0 - zmasq - pctsrf_t(:, is_sic, k) WHERE(pctsrf_t(:, is_oce, k)0) WRITE(lunout, *) 'pb sous maille pour nb points = ', nbad nbad = COUNT(ABS(SUM(pctsrf_t(:, :, k), DIM = 2) - 1.0)>EPSFRA) IF(nbad>0) WRITE(lunout, *) 'pb sous surface pour nb points = ', nbad END DO DEALLOCATE(phy_ice) !--- SST TREATMENT ------------------------------------------------------------- CALL msg(0, ""); CALL msg(0, " *** TRAITEMENT DE LA SST ***") ! Input SST file selection ! Open file only to test if available DO ix_sst = 1, SIZE(fsst) IF (nf90_open(TRIM(fsst(ix_sst)), nf90_nowrite, nid)==nf90_noerr) THEN sstfile = fsst(ix_sst); varname = vsst(ix_sst); EXIT END IF END DO IF(ix_sst==SIZE(fsst) + 1) THEN WRITE(lunout, *) 'ERROR! No sst input file was found.' WRITE(lunout, *) 'One of following files must be available : ' DO k = 1, SIZE(fsst); WRITE(lunout, *) TRIM(fsst(k)); END DO CALL abort_physic('limit_netcdf', 'No sst file was found', 1) END IF CALL ncerr(nf90_close(nid), sstfile) CALL msg(0, 'Fichier choisi pour la temperature de mer: ' // TRIM(sstfile)) CALL get_2Dfield(sstfile, varname, 'SST', ndays, phy_sst, flag = extrap) !--- ALBEDO TREATMENT ---------------------------------------------------------- CALL msg(0, ""); CALL msg(0, " *** TRAITEMENT DE L'ALBEDO ***") CALL get_2Dfield(falbe, valb, 'ALB', ndays, phy_alb) !--- REFERENCE GROUND HEAT FLUX TREATMENT -------------------------------------- ALLOCATE(phy_bil(klon, ndays)); phy_bil = 0.0 !--- OUTPUT FILE WRITING ------------------------------------------------------- CALL msg(0, ""); CALL msg(0, ' *** Ecriture du fichier limit : debut ***') fnam = "" !--- File creation CALL ncerr(nf90_create(fnam, IOR(nf90_clobber, nf90_64bit_offset), nid), fnam) CALL ncerr(nf90_put_att(nid, nf90_global, "title", "Fichier conditions aux limites"), fnam) str = 'File produced using ce0l executable.' str = TRIM(str) // NEW_LINE(' ') // 'Sea Ice Concentration built from' SELECT CASE(ix_sic) CASE(1); str = TRIM(str) // ' Amip mid-month boundary condition (BCS).' CASE(2); str = TRIM(str) // ' Amip monthly mean observations.' CASE(3); str = TRIM(str) // ' IPSL coupled model outputs.' CASE(4); str = TRIM(str) // ' LMDZ model outputs.' CASE(5); str = TRIM(str) // ' file.' END SELECT str = TRIM(str) // NEW_LINE(' ') // 'Sea Surface Temperature built from' SELECT CASE(ix_sst) CASE(1); str = TRIM(str) // ' Amip mid-month boundary condition (BCS).' CASE(2); str = TRIM(str) // ' Amip monthly mean observations.' CASE(3); str = TRIM(str) // ' IPSL coupled model outputs.' CASE(4); str = TRIM(str) // ' LMDZ model outputs.' CASE(5); str = TRIM(str) // ' file.' END SELECT CALL ncerr(nf90_put_att(nid, nf90_global, "history", TRIM(str)), fnam) !--- Dimensions creation CALL ncerr(nf90_def_dim(nid, "points_physiques", klon, ndim), fnam) CALL ncerr(nf90_def_dim(nid, "time", nf90_unlimited, ntim), fnam) dims = [ndim, ntim] !--- Variables creation CALL ncerr(nf90_def_var(nid, "TEMPS", nf90_format, [ntim], id_tim), fnam) CALL ncerr(nf90_def_var(nid, "FOCE", nf90_format, dims, id_FOCE), fnam) CALL ncerr(nf90_def_var(nid, "FSIC", nf90_format, dims, id_FSIC), fnam) CALL ncerr(nf90_def_var(nid, "FTER", nf90_format, dims, id_FTER), fnam) CALL ncerr(nf90_def_var(nid, "FLIC", nf90_format, dims, id_FLIC), fnam) CALL ncerr(nf90_def_var(nid, "SST", nf90_format, dims, id_SST), fnam) CALL ncerr(nf90_def_var(nid, "BILS", nf90_format, dims, id_BILS), fnam) CALL ncerr(nf90_def_var(nid, "ALB", nf90_format, dims, id_ALB), fnam) CALL ncerr(nf90_def_var(nid, "RUG", nf90_format, dims, id_RUG), fnam) CALL nf95_def_var(nid, "longitude", nf90_float, ndim, varid_longitude) CALL nf95_def_var(nid, "latitude", nf90_float, ndim, varid_latitude) !--- Attributes creation CALL ncerr(nf90_put_att(nid, id_tim, "title", "Jour dans l annee"), fnam) CALL ncerr(nf90_put_att(nid, id_tim, "calendar", calend), fnam) CALL ncerr(nf90_put_att(nid, id_FOCE, "title", "Fraction ocean"), fnam) CALL ncerr(nf90_put_att(nid, id_FSIC, "title", "Fraction glace de mer"), fnam) CALL ncerr(nf90_put_att(nid, id_FTER, "title", "Fraction terre"), fnam) CALL ncerr(nf90_put_att(nid, id_FLIC, "title", "Fraction land ice"), fnam) CALL ncerr(nf90_put_att(nid, id_SST, "title", "Temperature superficielle de la mer"), fnam) CALL ncerr(nf90_put_att(nid, id_BILS, "title", "Reference flux de chaleur au sol"), fnam) CALL ncerr(nf90_put_att(nid, id_ALB, "title", "Albedo a la surface"), fnam) CALL ncerr(nf90_put_att(nid, id_RUG, "title", "Rugosite"), fnam) CALL nf95_put_att(nid, varid_longitude, "standard_name", "longitude") CALL nf95_put_att(nid, varid_longitude, "units", "degrees_east") CALL nf95_put_att(nid, varid_latitude, "standard_name", "latitude") CALL nf95_put_att(nid, varid_latitude, "units", "degrees_north") CALL ncerr(nf90_enddef(nid), fnam) !--- Variables saving CALL ncerr(nf90_put_var(nid, id_tim, [(REAL(k), k = 1, ndays)]), fnam) CALL ncerr(nf90_put_var(nid, id_FOCE, pctsrf_t(:, is_oce, :), [1, 1], [klon, ndays]), fnam) CALL ncerr(nf90_put_var(nid, id_FSIC, pctsrf_t(:, is_sic, :), [1, 1], [klon, ndays]), fnam) CALL ncerr(nf90_put_var(nid, id_FTER, pctsrf_t(:, is_ter, :), [1, 1], [klon, ndays]), fnam) CALL ncerr(nf90_put_var(nid, id_FLIC, pctsrf_t(:, is_lic, :), [1, 1], [klon, ndays]), fnam) CALL ncerr(nf90_put_var(nid, id_SST, phy_sst(:, :), [1, 1], [klon, ndays]), fnam) CALL ncerr(nf90_put_var(nid, id_BILS, phy_bil(:, :), [1, 1], [klon, ndays]), fnam) CALL ncerr(nf90_put_var(nid, id_ALB, phy_alb(:, :), [1, 1], [klon, ndays]), fnam) CALL ncerr(nf90_put_var(nid, id_RUG, phy_rug(:, :), [1, 1], [klon, ndays]), fnam) CALL nf95_put_var(nid, varid_longitude, longitude_deg) CALL nf95_put_var(nid, varid_latitude, latitude_deg) CALL ncerr(nf90_close(nid), fnam) CALL msg(0, ""); CALL msg(0, ' *** Ecriture du fichier limit : fin ***') DEALLOCATE(pctsrf_t, phy_sst, phy_bil, phy_alb, phy_rug) !=============================================================================== CONTAINS !=============================================================================== !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUBROUTINE get_2Dfield(fnam, varname, mode, ndays, champo, flag, mask) !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Comments: ! There are two assumptions concerning the NetCDF files, that are satisfied ! with files that are conforming NC convention: ! 1) The last dimension of the variables used is the time record. ! 2) Dimensional variables have the same names as corresponding dimensions. !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- USE netcdf, ONLY: nf90_open, nf90_inq_varid, nf90_inquire_variable, & nf90_close, nf90_inq_dimid, nf90_inquire_dimension, nf90_get_var, & nf90_get_att USE lmdz_libmath_pch, ONLY: pchsp_95, pchfe_95 USE lmdz_arth, ONLY: arth USE indice_sol_mod USE lmdz_abort_physic, ONLY: abort_physic USE lmdz_libmath, ONLY: minmax IMPLICIT NONE INCLUDE "dimensions.h" INCLUDE "paramet.h" INCLUDE "comgeom2.h" !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Arguments: CHARACTER(LEN = *), INTENT(IN) :: fnam ! NetCDF file name CHARACTER(LEN = *), INTENT(IN) :: varname ! NetCDF variable name CHARACTER(LEN = *), INTENT(IN) :: mode ! RUG, SIC, SST or ALB INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: ndays ! current year number of days REAL, POINTER, DIMENSION(:, :) :: champo ! output field = f(t) LOGICAL, OPTIONAL, INTENT(IN) :: flag ! extrapol. (SST) old ice (SIC) REAL, OPTIONAL, DIMENSION(iim, jjp1), INTENT(IN) :: mask !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! Local variables: !--- NetCDF INTEGER :: ncid, varid ! NetCDF identifiers CHARACTER(LEN = ns) :: dnam ! dimension name !--- dimensions INTEGER :: dids(4) ! NetCDF dimensions identifiers REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: dlon_ini(:) ! initial longitudes vector REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: dlat_ini(:) ! initial latitudes vector REAL, POINTER :: dlon(:), dlat(:) ! reordered lon/lat vectors !--- fields INTEGER :: imdep, jmdep, lmdep ! dimensions of 'champ' REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: champ(:, :) ! wanted field on initial grid REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: yder(:), timeyear(:) REAL :: champint(iim, jjp1) ! interpolated field REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: champtime(:, :, :) REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: champan(:, :, :) !--- input files CHARACTER(LEN = ns) :: fnam_m, fnam_p ! previous/next files names CHARACTER(LEN = ns) :: cal_in ! calendar CHARACTER(LEN = ns) :: units ! attribute "units" in sic/sst file INTEGER :: ndays_in ! number of days REAL :: value ! mean/max value near equator !--- misc INTEGER :: i, j, k, l ! loop counters REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: work(:, :) ! used for extrapolation CHARACTER(LEN = ns) :: title, mess ! for messages LOGICAL :: is_bcs ! flag for BCS data LOGICAL :: extrp ! flag for extrapolation LOGICAL :: ll REAL :: chmin, chmax, timeday, al INTEGER ierr, idx INTEGER n_extrap ! number of extrapolated points LOGICAL skip !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ !---Variables depending on keyword 'mode' ------------------------------------- NULLIFY(champo) SELECT CASE(mode) CASE('RUG'); title = 'Rugosite' CASE('SIC'); title = 'Sea-ice' CASE('SST'); title = 'SST' CASE('ALB'); title = 'Albedo' END SELECT extrp = .FALSE.; IF(PRESENT(flag).AND.mode=='SST') extrp = flag is_bcs = (mode=='SIC'.AND.ix_sic==1).OR.(mode=='SST'.AND.ix_sst==1) idx = INDEX(fnam, '.nc') - 1 !--- GETTING SOME DIMENSIONAL VARIABLES FROM FILE ----------------------------- CALL msg(5, ' Now reading file : ' // TRIM(fnam)) CALL ncerr(nf90_open(fnam, nf90_nowrite, ncid), fnam) CALL ncerr(nf90_inq_varid(ncid, trim(varname), varid), fnam) CALL ncerr(nf90_inquire_variable(ncid, varid, dimids = dids), fnam) !--- Longitude CALL ncerr(nf90_inquire_dimension(ncid, dids(1), name = dnam, len = imdep), fnam) ALLOCATE(dlon_ini(imdep), dlon(imdep)) CALL ncerr(nf90_inq_varid(ncid, dnam, varid), fnam) CALL ncerr(nf90_get_var(ncid, varid, dlon_ini), fnam) CALL msg(5, 'variable ' // TRIM(dnam) // ' dimension ', imdep) !--- Latitude CALL ncerr(nf90_inquire_dimension(ncid, dids(2), name = dnam, len = jmdep), fnam) ALLOCATE(dlat_ini(jmdep), dlat(jmdep)) CALL ncerr(nf90_inq_varid(ncid, dnam, varid), fnam) CALL ncerr(nf90_get_var(ncid, varid, dlat_ini), fnam) CALL msg(5, 'variable ' // TRIM(dnam) // ' dimension ', jmdep) !--- Time (variable is not needed - it is rebuilt - but calendar is) CALL ncerr(nf90_inquire_dimension(ncid, dids(3), name = dnam, len = lmdep), fnam) ALLOCATE(timeyear(lmdep + 2)) CALL ncerr(nf90_inq_varid(ncid, dnam, varid), fnam) cal_in = ' ' IF(nf90_get_att(ncid, varid, 'calendar', cal_in)/=nf90_noerr) THEN SELECT CASE(mode) CASE('RUG', 'ALB'); cal_in = '360_day' CASE('SIC', 'SST'); cal_in = 'gregorian' END SELECT CALL msg(0, 'WARNING: missing "calendar" attribute for "time" in '& // TRIM(fnam) // '. Choosing default value.') END IF CALL strclean(cal_in) !--- REMOVE (WEIRD) NULL CHARACTERS CALL msg(0, 'var, calendar, dim: ' // TRIM(dnam) // ' ' // TRIM(cal_in), lmdep) !--- Determining input file number of days, depending on calendar ndays_in = year_len(anneeref, cal_in) !--- Rebuilding input time vector (field from input file might be unreliable) IF(lmdep==12) THEN timeyear = mid_month(anneeref, cal_in) CALL msg(0, 'Monthly input file(s) for ' // TRIM(title) // '.') ELSE IF(lmdep==ndays_in) THEN timeyear = [(REAL(k) - 0.5, k = 0, ndays_in + 1)] CALL msg(0, 'Daily input file (no time interpolation).') ELSE WRITE(mess, '(a,i3,a,i3,a)')'Mismatching input file: found', lmdep, & ' records, 12/', ndays_in, ' (monthly/daily needed).' CALL abort_physic('mid_month', TRIM(mess), 1) END IF !--- GETTING THE FIELD AND INTERPOLATING IT ---------------------------------- ALLOCATE(champ(imdep, jmdep), champtime(iim, jjp1, lmdep + 2)) IF(extrp) ALLOCATE(work(imdep, jmdep)) CALL msg(5, '') CALL msg(5, 'READ AND INTERPOLATE HORIZONTALLY ', lmdep, ' FIELDS.') CALL ncerr(nf90_inq_varid(ncid, varname, varid), fnam) DO l = 1, lmdep CALL ncerr(nf90_get_var(ncid, varid, champ, [1, 1, l], [imdep, jmdep, 1]), fnam) CALL conf_dat2d(title, dlon_ini, dlat_ini, dlon, dlat, champ, .TRUE.) !--- FOR SIC/SST FIELDS ONLY IF(l==1.AND.is_in(mode, ['SIC', 'SST'])) THEN !--- DETERMINE THE UNIT: READ FROM FILE OR ASSUMED USING FIELD VALUES ierr = nf90_get_att(ncid, varid, 'units', units) IF(ierr==nf90_noerr) THEN !--- ATTRIBUTE "units" FOUND IN THE FILE CALL strclean(units) IF(mode=='SIC'.AND.is_in(units, Perc)) units = "%" IF(mode=='SIC'.AND.is_in(units, Frac)) units = "1" IF(mode=='SST'.AND.is_in(units, DegC)) units = "C" IF(mode=='SST'.AND.is_in(units, DegK)) units = "K" ELSE !--- CHECK THE FIELD VALUES IF(mode=='SIC') value = MAXVAL(champ(:, :)) IF(mode=='SST') value = SUM(champ(:, jmdep / 2), DIM = 1) / REAL(imdep) IF(mode=='SIC') THEN; units = "1"; IF(value>= 10.) units = "%"; END IF IF(mode=='SST') THEN; units = "C"; IF(value>=100.) units = "K"; END IF END IF CALL msg(0, 'INPUT FILE ' // TRIM(title) // ' UNIT IS: "' // TRIM(units) // '".') IF(ierr/=nf90_noerr) CALL msg(0, 'WARNING ! UNIT TO BE CHECKED ! ' & // 'No "units" attribute, so only based on the fields values.') !--- CHECK VALUES ARE IN THE EXPECTED RANGE SELECT CASE(units) CASE('%'); ll = ANY(champ>100.0 + EPSFRA); str = 'percentages > 100.' CASE('1'); ll = ANY(champ> 1.0 + EPSFRA); str = 'fractions > 1.' CASE('C'); ll = ANY(champ<-100.).OR.ANY(champ> 60.); str = '<-100 or >60 DegC' CASE('K'); ll = ANY(champ< 180.).OR.ANY(champ>330.); str = '<180 or >330 DegK' CASE DEFAULT; CALL abort_physic(mode, 'Unrecognized ' // TRIM(title) & // ' unit: ' // TRIM(units), 1) END SELECT !--- DROPPED FOR BCS DATA (FRACTIONS CAN BE HIGHER THAN 1) IF(ll.AND.ix_sic/=1.AND.mode=='SIC') & CALL abort_physic(mode, 'unrealistic ' // TRIM(mode) // ' found: ' // TRIM(str), 1) END IF IF(extrp) CALL extrapol(champ, imdep, jmdep, 999999., .TRUE., .TRUE., 2, work) IF(l==1) THEN CALL msg(5, "--------------------------------------------------------") CALL msg(5, "$$$ Barycentric interpolation for " // TRIM(title) // " $$$") CALL msg(5, "--------------------------------------------------------") END IF IF(mode=='RUG') champ = LOG(champ) CALL inter_barxy(dlon, dlat(:jmdep - 1), champ, rlonu(:iim), rlatv, champint) IF(mode=='RUG') THEN champint = EXP(champint) WHERE(NINT(mask)/=1) champint = 0.001 END IF champtime(:, :, l + 1) = champint END DO CALL ncerr(nf90_close(ncid), fnam) !--- FIRST RECORD: LAST ONE OF PREVIOUS YEAR (CURRENT YEAR IF UNAVAILABLE) fnam_m = fnam(1:idx) // '' IF(nf90_open(fnam_m, nf90_nowrite, ncid)==nf90_noerr) THEN CALL msg(0, 'Reading previous year file ("' // TRIM(fnam_m) // '") last record for ' // TRIM(title)) CALL ncerr(nf90_inq_varid(ncid, varname, varid), fnam_m) CALL ncerr(nf90_inquire_variable(ncid, varid, dimids = dids), fnam_m) CALL ncerr(nf90_inquire_dimension(ncid, dids(3), len = l), fnam_m) CALL ncerr(nf90_get_var(ncid, varid, champ, [1, 1, l], [imdep, jmdep, 1]), fnam_m) CALL ncerr(nf90_close(ncid), fnam_m) CALL conf_dat2d(title, dlon_ini, dlat_ini, dlon, dlat, champ, .TRUE.) IF(extrp) CALL extrapol(champ, imdep, jmdep, 999999., .TRUE., .TRUE., 2, work) IF(mode=='RUG') champ = LOG(champ) CALL inter_barxy(dlon, dlat(:jmdep - 1), champ, rlonu(:iim), rlatv, champint) IF(mode=='RUG') THEN champint = EXP(champint) WHERE(NINT(mask)/=1) champint = 0.001 END IF champtime(:, :, 1) = champint ELSE CALL msg(0, 'Using current year file ("' // TRIM(fnam) // '") last record for ' // TRIM(title)) champtime(:, :, 1) = champtime(:, :, lmdep + 1) END IF !--- LAST RECORD: FIRST ONE OF NEXT YEAR (CURRENT YEAR IF UNAVAILABLE) fnam_p = fnam(1:idx) // '' IF(nf90_open(fnam_p, nf90_nowrite, ncid)==nf90_noerr) THEN CALL msg(0, 'Reading next year file ("' // TRIM(fnam_p) // '") first record for ' // TRIM(title)) CALL ncerr(nf90_inq_varid(ncid, varname, varid), fnam_p) CALL ncerr(nf90_get_var(ncid, varid, champ, [1, 1, 1], [imdep, jmdep, 1]), fnam_p) CALL ncerr(nf90_close(ncid), fnam_p) CALL conf_dat2d(title, dlon_ini, dlat_ini, dlon, dlat, champ, .TRUE.) IF(extrp) CALL extrapol(champ, imdep, jmdep, 999999., .TRUE., .TRUE., 2, work) IF(mode=='RUG') champ = LOG(champ) CALL inter_barxy(dlon, dlat(:jmdep - 1), champ, rlonu(:iim), rlatv, champint) IF(mode=='RUG') THEN champint = EXP(champint) WHERE(NINT(mask)/=1) champint = 0.001 END IF champtime(:, :, lmdep + 2) = champint ELSE CALL msg(0, 'Using current year file ("' // TRIM(fnam) // '") first record for ' // TRIM(title)) champtime(:, :, lmdep + 2) = champtime(:, :, 2) END IF DEALLOCATE(dlon_ini, dlat_ini, dlon, dlat, champ) IF(extrp) DEALLOCATE(work) !--- TIME INTERPOLATION ------------------------------------------------------ IF(prt_level>0) THEN IF(ndays/=ndays_in) THEN WRITE(lunout, *)'DIFFERENT YEAR LENGTHS:' WRITE(lunout, *)' In the input file: ', ndays_in WRITE(lunout, *)' In the output file: ', ndays END IF IF(lmdep==ndays_in) THEN WRITE(lunout, *)'NO TIME INTERPOLATION.' WRITE(lunout, *)' Daily input file.' ELSE IF(is_bcs) WRITE(lunout, *)'LINEAR TIME INTERPOLATION.' IF(.NOT.is_bcs) WRITE(lunout, *)'SPLINES TIME INTERPOLATION.' WRITE(lunout, *)' Input time vector: ', timeyear WRITE(lunout, *)' Output time vector: from 0.5 to ', ndays - 0.5 END IF END IF ALLOCATE(champan(iip1, jjp1, ndays)) IF(lmdep==ndays_in) THEN !--- DAILY DATA: NO TIME INTERPOLATION DO l = 1, lmdep champan(1:iim, :, l) = champtime(:, :, l + 1) END DO ELSE IF(is_bcs) THEN !--- BCS DATA: LINEAR TIME INTERPOLATION l = 1 DO k = 1, ndays timeday = (REAL(k) - 0.5) * REAL(ndays_in) / ndays IF(timeyear(l + 1)= 271.38') WHERE(champan<271.38) champan = 271.38 END IF !--- SPECIAL FILTER FOR SIC: 0.01.0) champan = 1.0 WHERE(champan<0.0) champan = 0.0 END IF !--- DYNAMICAL TO PHYSICAL GRID ---------------------------------------------- ALLOCATE(champo(klon, ndays)) DO k = 1, ndays CALL gr_dyn_fi(1, iip1, jjp1, klon, champan(1, 1, k), champo(:, k)) END DO DEALLOCATE(champan) END SUBROUTINE get_2Dfield !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUBROUTINE start_init_orog0(lon_in, lat_in, phis, masque) USE grid_noro_m, ONLY: grid_noro0 IMPLICIT NONE !=============================================================================== ! Purpose: Compute "phis" just like it would be in start_init_orog. !=============================================================================== ! Arguments: REAL, INTENT(IN) :: lon_in(:), lat_in(:) ! dim (iml) (jml) REAL, INTENT(INOUT) :: phis(:, :), masque(:, :) ! dim (iml,jml) !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Local variables: CHARACTER(LEN = ns) :: modname = "start_init_orog0" INTEGER :: fid, llm_tmp, ttm_tmp, iml, jml, iml_rel, jml_rel, itau(1) REAL :: lev(1), date, dt, deg2rad REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: lon_rad(:), lon_ini(:), lon_rel(:, :), relief_hi(:, :) REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: lat_rad(:), lat_ini(:), lat_rel(:, :) !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- iml = assert_eq(SIZE(lon_in), SIZE(phis, 1), SIZE(masque, 1), TRIM(modname) // " iml") jml = assert_eq(SIZE(lat_in), SIZE(phis, 2), SIZE(masque, 2), TRIM(modname) // " jml") IF(iml/=iip1) CALL abort_gcm(TRIM(modname), 'iml/=iip1', 1) IF(jml/=jjp1) CALL abort_gcm(TRIM(modname), 'jml/=jjp1', 1) pi = 2.0 * ASIN(1.0); deg2rad = pi / 180.0 IF(ANY(phis/=-99999.)) RETURN !--- phis ALREADY KNOWN !--- HIGH RESOLUTION OROGRAPHY CALL flininfo(frelf, iml_rel, jml_rel, llm_tmp, ttm_tmp, fid) ALLOCATE(lat_rel(iml_rel, jml_rel), lon_rel(iml_rel, jml_rel)) CALL flinopen(frelf, .FALSE., iml_rel, jml_rel, llm_tmp, lon_rel, lat_rel, & lev, ttm_tmp, itau, date, dt, fid) ALLOCATE(relief_hi(iml_rel, jml_rel)) CALL flinget(fid, vrel, iml_rel, jml_rel, llm_tmp, ttm_tmp, 1, 1, relief_hi) CALL flinclo(fid) !--- IF ANGLES ARE IN DEGREES, THEY ARE CONVERTED INTO RADIANS ALLOCATE(lon_ini(iml_rel), lat_ini(jml_rel)) lon_ini(:) = lon_rel(:, 1); IF(MAXVAL(lon_rel)>pi) lon_ini = lon_ini * deg2rad lat_ini(:) = lat_rel(1, :); IF(MAXVAL(lat_rel)>pi) lat_ini = lat_ini * deg2rad !--- FIELDS ARE PROCESSED TO BE ON STANDARD ANGULAR DOMAINS ALLOCATE(lon_rad(iml_rel), lat_rad(jml_rel)) CALL conf_dat2d(vrel, lon_ini, lat_ini, lon_rad, lat_rad, relief_hi, .FALSE.) DEALLOCATE(lon_ini, lat_ini) !--- COMPUTING SURFACE GEOPOTENTIAL USING ROUTINE grid_noro0 WRITE(lunout, *) WRITE(lunout, *)'*** Compute surface geopotential ***' !--- CALL OROGRAPHY MODULE (REDUCED VERSION) TO COMPUTE FIELDS CALL grid_noro0(lon_rad, lat_rad, relief_hi, lon_in, lat_in, phis, masque) phis = phis * 9.81 phis(iml, :) = phis(1, :) DEALLOCATE(relief_hi, lon_rad, lat_rad) END SUBROUTINE start_init_orog0 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUBROUTINE msg(lev, str1, i, str2) !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Arguments: INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: lev CHARACTER(LEN = *), INTENT(IN) :: str1 INTEGER, OPTIONAL, INTENT(IN) :: i CHARACTER(LEN = *), OPTIONAL, INTENT(IN) :: str2 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IF(prt_level>=lev) THEN IF(PRESENT(str2)) THEN WRITE(lunout, *) TRIM(str1), i, TRIM(str2) ELSE IF(PRESENT(i)) THEN WRITE(lunout, *) TRIM(str1), i ELSE WRITE(lunout, *) TRIM(str1) END IF END IF END SUBROUTINE msg !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUBROUTINE ncerr(ncres, fnam) !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Purpose: NetCDF errors handling. !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- USE netcdf, ONLY: nf90_noerr, nf90_strerror USE lmdz_abort_physic, ONLY: abort_physic IMPLICIT NONE !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Arguments: INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: ncres CHARACTER(LEN = *), INTENT(IN) :: fnam !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IF(ncres/=nf90_noerr) THEN WRITE(lunout, *)'Problem with file ' // TRIM(fnam) // ' in routine limit_netcdf.' CALL abort_physic('limit_netcdf', nf90_strerror(ncres), 1) END IF END SUBROUTINE ncerr !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUBROUTINE strclean(s) !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPLICIT NONE !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Purpose: Remove tail null characters from the input string. !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Parameters: CHARACTER(LEN = *), INTENT(INOUT) :: s !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Local variable: INTEGER :: k !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- k = LEN_TRIM(s); DO WHILE(ICHAR(s(k:k))==0); s(k:k) = ' '; k = LEN_TRIM(s); END DO END SUBROUTINE strclean !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FUNCTION is_in(s1, s2) RESULT(res) !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPLICIT NONE !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Purpose: Check wether s1 is present in the s2(:) list (case insensitive). !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Arguments: CHARACTER(LEN = *), INTENT(IN) :: s1, s2(:) LOGICAL :: res !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- res = .FALSE.; DO k = 1, SIZE(s2); res = res.OR.strLow(s1)==strLow(s2(k)); END DO END FUNCTION is_in !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ELEMENTAL FUNCTION strLow(s) RESULT(res) !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPLICIT NONE !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Purpose: Lower case conversion. !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Arguments: CHARACTER(LEN = *), INTENT(IN) :: s CHARACTER(LEN = ns) :: res !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Local variable: INTEGER :: k, ix !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- res = s DO k = 1, LEN(s); ix = IACHAR(s(k:k)) IF(64