! $Id: caldyn.F90 5113 2024-07-24 11:17:08Z snguyen $ SUBROUTINE caldyn & (itau, ucov, vcov, teta, ps, masse, pk, pkf, phis, & phi, conser, du, dv, dteta, dp, w, pbaru, pbarv, time) USE comvert_mod, ONLY: ap, bp IMPLICIT NONE !======================================================================= ! Auteur : P. Le Van ! Objet: ! ------ ! Calcul des tendances dynamiques. ! Modif 04/93 F.Forget !======================================================================= !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! 0. Declarations: ! ---------------- include "dimensions.h" include "paramet.h" include "comgeom.h" ! Arguments: ! ---------- LOGICAL, INTENT(IN) :: conser ! triggers printing some diagnostics INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: itau ! time step index REAL, INTENT(IN) :: vcov(ip1jm, llm) ! covariant meridional wind REAL, INTENT(IN) :: ucov(ip1jmp1, llm) ! covariant zonal wind REAL, INTENT(IN) :: teta(ip1jmp1, llm) ! potential temperature REAL, INTENT(IN) :: ps(ip1jmp1) ! surface pressure REAL, INTENT(IN) :: phis(ip1jmp1) ! geopotential at the surface REAL, INTENT(IN) :: pk(ip1jmp1, llm) ! Exner at mid-layer REAL, INTENT(IN) :: pkf(ip1jmp1, llm) ! filtered Exner REAL, INTENT(IN) :: phi(ip1jmp1, llm) ! geopotential REAL, INTENT(OUT) :: masse(ip1jmp1, llm) ! air mass REAL, INTENT(OUT) :: dv(ip1jm, llm) ! tendency on vcov REAL, INTENT(OUT) :: du(ip1jmp1, llm) ! tendency on ucov REAL, INTENT(OUT) :: dteta(ip1jmp1, llm) ! tenddency on teta REAL, INTENT(OUT) :: dp(ip1jmp1) ! tendency on ps REAL, INTENT(OUT) :: w(ip1jmp1, llm) ! vertical velocity REAL, INTENT(OUT) :: pbaru(ip1jmp1, llm) ! mass flux in the zonal direction REAL, INTENT(OUT) :: pbarv(ip1jm, llm) ! mass flux in the meridional direction REAL, INTENT(IN) :: time ! current time ! Local: ! ------ REAL :: vcont(ip1jm, llm), ucont(ip1jmp1, llm) REAL :: ang(ip1jmp1, llm), p(ip1jmp1, llmp1) REAL :: massebx(ip1jmp1, llm), masseby(ip1jm, llm), psexbarxy(ip1jm) REAL :: vorpot(ip1jm, llm) REAL :: ecin(ip1jmp1, llm), convm(ip1jmp1, llm) REAL :: bern(ip1jmp1, llm) REAL :: massebxy(ip1jm, llm) INTEGER :: ij, l !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Compute dynamical tendencies: !-------------------------------- ! compute contravariant winds ucont() and vcont CALL covcont (llm, ucov, vcov, ucont, vcont) ! compute pressure p() CALL pression (ip1jmp1, ap, bp, ps, p) ! compute psexbarxy() XY-area weighted-averaged surface pressure (what for?) CALL psextbar (ps, psexbarxy) ! compute mass in each atmospheric mesh: masse() CALL massdair (p, masse) ! compute X and Y-averages of mass, massebx() and masseby() CALL massbar (masse, massebx, masseby) ! compute XY-average of mass, massebxy() CALL massbarxy(masse, massebxy) ! compute mass fluxes pbaru() and pbarv() CALL flumass (massebx, masseby, vcont, ucont, pbaru, pbarv) ! compute dteta() , horizontal converging flux of theta CALL dteta1 (teta, pbaru, pbarv, dteta) ! compute convm(), horizontal converging flux of mass CALL convmas (pbaru, pbarv, convm) ! compute pressure variation due to mass convergence DO ij = 1, ip1jmp1 dp(ij) = convm(ij, 1) / airesurg(ij) ENDDO ! compute vertical velocity w() CALL vitvert (convm, w) ! compute potential vorticity vorpot() CALL tourpot (vcov, ucov, massebxy, vorpot) ! compute rotation induced du() and dv() CALL dudv1 (vorpot, pbaru, pbarv, du, dv) ! compute kinetic energy ecin() CALL enercin (vcov, ucov, vcont, ucont, ecin) ! compute Bernouilli function bern() CALL bernoui (ip1jmp1, llm, phi, ecin, bern) ! compute and add du() and dv() contributions from Bernouilli and pressure CALL dudv2 (teta, pkf, bern, du, dv) DO l = 1, llm DO ij = 1, ip1jmp1 ang(ij, l) = ucov(ij, l) + constang(ij) ENDDO ENDDO ! compute vertical advection contributions to du(), dv() and dteta() CALL advect(ang, vcov, teta, w, massebx, masseby, du, dv, dteta) ! WARNING probleme de peridocite de dv sur les PC/linux. Pb d'arrondi ! probablement. Observe sur le code compile avec pgf90 3.0-1 DO l = 1, llm DO ij = 1, ip1jm, iip1 IF(dv(ij, l)/=dv(ij + iim, l)) THEN ! PRINT *,'!!!ATTENTION!!! probleme de periodicite sur vcov', ! , ' dans caldyn' ! PRINT *,' l, ij = ', l, ij, ij+iim,dv(ij+iim,l),dv(ij,l) dv(ij + iim, l) = dv(ij, l) ENDIF ENDDO ENDDO !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Output some control variables: !--------------------------------- IF(conser) THEN CALL sortvarc & (itau, ucov, teta, ps, masse, pk, phis, vorpot, phi, bern, dp, time, vcov) ENDIF END SUBROUTINE caldyn