SUBROUTINE convmas_loc(pbaru, pbarv, convm) !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Authors: P. Le Van , Fr. Hourdin. !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Purpose: Compute mass flux convergence at p levels. USE parallel_lmdz USE lmdz_filtreg_p IMPLICIT NONE include "dimensions.h" include "paramet.h" include "comgeom.h" !=============================================================================== ! Arguments: REAL, INTENT(IN) :: pbaru(ijb_u:ije_u,llm) REAL, INTENT(IN) :: pbarv(ijb_v:ije_v,llm) REAL, INTENT(OUT) :: convm(ijb_u:ije_u,llm) !=============================================================================== ! Method used: Computation from top to bottom. ! Mass convergence at level llm is equal to zero and is not stored in convm. !=============================================================================== ! Local variables: INTEGER :: l, ijb, ije, jjb, jje !=============================================================================== !--- Computation of - (d(pbaru)/dx + d(pbarv)/dy ) CALL convflu_loc( pbaru, pbarv, llm, convm ) !--- Filter jjb=jj_begin jje=jj_end+1 IF(pole_sud) jje=jj_end CALL filtreg_p(convm,jjb_u,jje_u,jjb,jje,jjp1,llm,2,2,.TRUE.,1) !--- Mass convergence is integrated from top to bottom !$OMP BARRIER !$OMP MASTER ijb=ij_begin ije=ij_end+iip1 IF(pole_sud) ije=ij_end DO l=llmm1,1,-1 convm(ijb:ije,l) = convm(ijb:ije,l) + convm(ijb:ije,l+1) END DO !$OMP END MASTER !$OMP BARRIER END SUBROUTINE convmas_loc