PROGRAM rejouer USE mod_const_mpi, ONLY: comm_lmdz USE inigeomphy_mod, ONLY: inigeomphy USE comvert_mod, ONLY: presnivs USE comvert_mod, ONLY: preff, pa USE ioipsl, ONLY: getin IMPLICIT NONE INCLUDE "dimensions.h" REAL :: airefi REAL :: zcufi = 1. REAL :: zcvfi = 1. REAL :: rlat_rad(1), rlon_rad(1) INTEGER ntime INTEGER jour0, mois0, an0, day_step, anneeref, dayref INTEGER klev, klon CHARACTER (len = 10) :: calend CHARACTER(len = 20) :: calendrier !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! L'appel a inigeomphy n'est utile que pour avoir getin_p dans ! les initialisations !--------------------------------------------------------------------- zcufi = 1. zcvfi = 1. rlat_rad(1) = 0. rlon_rad(1) = 0. preff = 101325. !preff=100000. pa = 50000. CALL disvert() CALL inigeomphy(1, 1, llm, & 1, comm_lmdz, & (/rlat_rad(1), 0./), (/0./), & (/0., 0./), (/rlon_rad(1), 0./), & (/ (/airefi, 0./), (/0., 0./) /), & (/zcufi, 0., 0., 0./), & (/zcvfi, 0./)) CALL suphel !ntime=4320 ntime = 10000000 dayref = 1 anneeref = 2000 CALL getin('dayref', dayref) CALL getin('anneeref', anneeref) CALL getin('calend', calend) CALL getin('day_step', day_step) calendrier = calend IF (calendrier == "earth_360d") calendrier = "360_day" jour0 = dayref mois0 = (jour0 - 1) / 30 + 1 jour0 = jour0 - 30 * ((jour0 - 1) / 30) an0 = anneeref !PRINT*,"REPLAY1D jour0,mois0,an0",jour0,mois0,an0 klon = 1 klev = llm CALL iotd_ini('', 1, 1, klev, 0., 0., presnivs, jour0, mois0, an0, 0., 86400. / day_step, calendrier) ! Consistent with ... CALL iophys_ini(600.) !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Initialisation de la parametrisation !--------------------------------------------------------------------- CALL call_ini_replay !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Boucle en temps sur l'appel à la parametrisation !--------------------------------------------------------------------- CALL call_param_replay(klon, klev) end !--------------------------------------------------------------------- !///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// !///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ! routine additionnelles utiles, prises dans 1DUTILS.h !///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// !///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// !--------------------------------------------------------------------- !======================================================================= SUBROUTINE abort_gcm(modname, message, ierr) USE IOIPSL ! Stops the simulation cleanly, closing files and printing various ! comments !======================================================================= ! Input: modname = name of calling program ! message = stuff to print ! ierr = severity of situation ( = 0 normal ) CHARACTER(LEN = *) modname INTEGER ierr CHARACTER(LEN = *) message WRITE(*, *) 'in abort_gcm' CALL histclo WRITE(*, *) 'out of histclo' WRITE(*, *) 'Stopping in ', modname WRITE(*, *) 'Reason = ', message CALL getin_dump IF (ierr == 0) THEN WRITE(*, *) 'Everything is cool' else WRITE(*, *) 'Houston, we have a problem ', ierr endif STOP END !======================================================================= SUBROUTINE gr_dyn_fi(nfield, im, jm, ngrid, pdyn, pfi) USE lmdz_ssum_scopy, ONLY: scopy IMPLICIT NONE ! passage d'un champ de la grille scalaire a la grille physique !======================================================================= !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! declarations: ! ------------- INTEGER im, jm, ngrid, nfield REAL pdyn(im, jm, nfield) REAL pfi(ngrid, nfield) INTEGER j, ifield, ig !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! calcul: ! ------- IF(ngrid/=2 + (jm - 2) * (im - 1).AND.ngrid/=1) & STOP 'probleme de dim' ! traitement des poles CALL SCOPY(nfield, pdyn, im * jm, pfi, ngrid) CALL SCOPY(nfield, pdyn(1, jm, 1), im * jm, pfi(ngrid, 1), ngrid) ! traitement des point normaux DO ifield = 1, nfield DO j = 2, jm - 1 ig = 2 + (j - 2) * (im - 1) CALL SCOPY(im - 1, pdyn(1, j, ifield), 1, pfi(ig, ifield), 1) ENDDO ENDDO RETURN END