! %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ! Copyright (c) 2009, Lawrence Livemore National Security Limited Liability ! All rights reserved. ! Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are ! permitted provided that the following conditions are met: ! 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of ! conditions and the following disclaimer. ! 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list ! of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other ! materials provided with the distribution. ! 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors may be ! used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior ! written permission. ! THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY ! EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF ! MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL ! THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, ! SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT ! OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS ! INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT ! LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE ! OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. ! History ! May 2015 - D. Swales - Modified for COSPv2.0 ! %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% MODULE MOD_ICARUS USE COSP_KINDS, ONLY: wp USE COSP_PHYS_CONSTANTS, ONLY: amd,amw,avo,grav use MOD_COSP_STATS, ONLY: hist2D USE MOD_COSP_CONFIG, ONLY: R_UNDEF,numISCCPTauBins,numISCCPPresBins,isccp_histTau, & isccp_histPres implicit none ! Shared Parameters integer,parameter :: & ncolprint = 0 ! Flag for debug printing (set as parameter to increase performance) ! Cloud-top height determination integer :: & isccp_top_height, & ! Top height adjustment method isccp_top_height_direction ! Direction for finding atmosphere pressure level ! Parameters used by icarus real(wp),parameter :: & tauchk = -1._wp*log(0.9999999_wp), & ! Lower limit on optical depth isccp_taumin = 0.3_wp, & ! Minimum optical depth for joint-hostogram pstd = 1013250._wp, & ! Mean sea-level pressure (Pa) isccp_t0 = 296._wp, & ! Mean surface temperature (K) output_missing_value = -1.E+30 ! Missing values contains ! ########################################################################## ! ########################################################################## SUBROUTINE ICARUS(debug,debugcol,npoints,sunlit,nlev,ncol,pfull, & phalf,qv,cc,conv,dtau_s,dtau_c,th,thd,frac_out,skt,emsfc_lw,at,& dem_s,dem_c,fq_isccp,totalcldarea, meanptop,meantaucld, & meanalbedocld, meantb,meantbclr,boxtau,boxptop,levmatch) ! INPUTS INTEGER,intent(in) :: & ! npoints, & ! Number of model points in the horizontal nlev, & ! Number of model levels in column ncol, & ! Number of subcolumns debug, & ! Debug flag debugcol ! Debug column flag INTEGER,intent(in),dimension(npoints) :: & ! sunlit ! 1 for day points, 0 for night time REAL(WP),intent(in) :: & ! emsfc_lw ! 10.5 micron emissivity of surface (fraction) REAL(WP),intent(in),dimension(npoints) :: & ! skt ! Skin Temperature (K) REAL(WP),intent(in),dimension(npoints,ncol,nlev) :: & ! frac_out ! Boxes gridbox divided up into subcolumns REAL(WP),intent(in),dimension(npoints,nlev) :: & ! pfull, & ! Pressure of full model levels (Pascals) qv, & ! Water vapor specific humidity (kg vapor/ kg air) cc, & ! Cloud cover in each model level (fraction) conv, & ! Convective cloud cover in each model at, & ! Temperature in each model level (K) dem_c, & ! Emissivity for convective clouds dem_s, & ! Emissivity for stratiform clouds dtau_c, & ! Optical depth for convective clouds dtau_s ! Optical depth for stratiform clouds REAL(WP),intent(in),dimension(npoints,nlev+1) :: & ! phalf ! Pressure of half model levels (Pascals)! integer,intent(in) :: th,thd ! OUTPUTS REAL(WP),intent(out),dimension(npoints,7,7) :: & fq_isccp ! The fraction of the model grid box covered by clouds REAL(WP),intent(out),dimension(npoints) :: & totalcldarea, & ! The fraction of model grid box columns with cloud present meanptop, & ! Mean cloud top pressure (mb) - linear averaging meantaucld, & ! Mean optical thickness meanalbedocld, & ! Mean cloud albedo meantb, & ! Mean all-sky 10.5 micron brightness temperature meantbclr ! Mean clear-sky 10.5 micron brightness temperature REAL(WP),intent(out),dimension(npoints,ncol) :: & boxtau, & ! Optical thickness in each column boxptop ! Cloud top pressure (mb) in each column INTEGER,intent(out),dimension(npoints,ncol) :: & levmatch ! Used for icarus unit testing only ! INTERNAL VARIABLES CHARACTER(len=10) :: ftn09 REAL(WP),dimension(npoints,ncol) :: boxttop REAL(WP),dimension(npoints,ncol,nlev) :: dtau,demIN INTEGER :: j,ilev,ibox INTEGER,dimension(nlev,ncol ) :: acc ! PARAMETERS character ,parameter, dimension(6) :: cchar=(/' ','-','1','+','I','+'/) character(len=1),parameter,dimension(6) :: cchar_realtops=(/ ' ',' ','1','1','I','I'/) ! ########################################################################## call cosp_simulator_optics(npoints,ncol,nlev,frac_out,dem_c,dem_s,demIN) call cosp_simulator_optics(npoints,ncol,nlev,frac_out,dtau_c,dtau_s,dtau) call ICARUS_SUBCOLUMN(npoints,ncol,nlev,sunlit,dtau,demIN,skt,emsfc_lw,qv,at, & pfull,phalf,frac_out,levmatch,boxtau,boxptop,boxttop,meantbclr) call ICARUS_COLUMN(npoints,ncol,boxtau,boxptop/100._wp,sunlit,boxttop,& fq_isccp,meanalbedocld,meanptop,meantaucld,totalcldarea,meantb) ! ########################################################################## ! OPTIONAL PRINTOUT OF DATA TO CHECK PROGRAM ! ########################################################################## if (debugcol.ne.0) then do j=1,npoints,debugcol ! Produce character output do ilev=1,nlev acc(ilev,1:ncol)=frac_out(j,1:ncol,ilev)*2 where(levmatch(j,1:ncol) .eq. ilev) acc(ilev,1:ncol)=acc(ilev,1:ncol)+1 enddo write(ftn09,11) j 11 format('ftn09.',i4.4) open(9, FILE=ftn09, FORM='FORMATTED') write(9,'(a1)') ' ' write(9,'(10i5)') (ilev,ilev=5,nlev,5) write(9,'(a1)') ' ' do ibox=1,ncol write(9,'(40(a1),1x,40(a1))') & (cchar_realtops(acc(ilev,ibox)+1),ilev=1,nlev),& (cchar(acc(ilev,ibox)+1),ilev=1,nlev) end do close(9) enddo end if return end SUBROUTINE ICARUS ! ############################################################################ ! ############################################################################ ! ############################################################################ SUBROUTINE ICARUS_SUBCOLUMN(npoints,ncol,nlev,sunlit,dtau,demiN,skt,emsfc_lw,qv,at, & pfull,phalf,frac_out,levmatch,boxtau,boxptop,boxttop,meantbclr) ! Inputs INTEGER, intent(in) :: & ncol, & ! Number of subcolumns npoints, & ! Number of horizontal gridpoints nlev ! Number of vertical levels INTEGER, intent(in), dimension(npoints) :: & sunlit ! 1=day 0=night REAL(WP),intent(in) :: & emsfc_lw ! 10.5 micron emissivity of surface (fraction) REAL(WP),intent(in), dimension(npoints) :: & skt ! Skin temperature REAL(WP),intent(in), dimension(npoints,nlev) :: & at, & ! Temperature pfull, & ! Presure qv ! Specific humidity REAL(WP),intent(in), dimension(npoints,ncol,nlev) :: & frac_out, & ! Subcolumn cloud cover dtau, & ! Subcolumn optical thickness demIN ! Subcolumn emissivity REAL(WP),intent(in), dimension(npoints,nlev+1) :: & phalf ! Pressure at model half levels ! Outputs REAL(WP),intent(inout),dimension(npoints) :: & meantbclr ! Mean clear-sky 10.5 micron brightness temperature REAL(WP),intent(inout),dimension(npoints,ncol) :: & boxtau, & ! Optical thickness in each column boxptop, & ! Cloud top pressure (mb) in each column boxttop ! Cloud top temperature in each column INTEGER, intent(inout),dimension(npoints,ncol) :: levmatch ! Local Variables INTEGER :: & j,ibox,ilev,k1,k2,icycle INTEGER,dimension(npoints) :: & nmatch,itrop INTEGER,dimension(npoints,nlev-1) :: & match REAL(WP) :: & logp,logp1,logp2,atd REAL(WP),dimension(npoints) :: & bb,attropmin,attrop,ptrop,atmax,btcmin,transmax,tauir,taumin,fluxtopinit,press, & dpress,atmden,rvh20,rhoave,rh20s,rfrgn,tmpexp,tauwv,wk,trans_layers_above_clrsky, & fluxtop_clrsky REAL(WP),dimension(npoints,nlev) :: & dem_wv REAL(WP),dimension(npoints,ncol) :: & trans_layers_above,dem,tb,emcld,fluxtop,tau,ptop ! #################################################################################### ! Compute cloud optical depth for each column by summing up subcolumns tau(1:npoints,1:ncol) = 0._wp tau(1:npoints,1:ncol) = sum(dtau,dim=3) ! Set tropopause values if (isccp_top_height .eq. 1 .or. isccp_top_height .eq. 3) then ptrop(1:npoints) = 5000._wp attropmin(1:npoints) = 400._wp atmax(1:npoints) = 0._wp attrop(1:npoints) = 120._wp itrop(1:npoints) = 1 do ilev=1,nlev where(pfull(1:npoints,ilev) .lt. 40000. .and. & pfull(1:npoints,ilev) .gt. 5000. .and. & at(1:npoints,ilev) .lt. attropmin(1:npoints)) ptrop(1:npoints) = pfull(1:npoints,ilev) attropmin(1:npoints) = at(1:npoints,ilev) attrop(1:npoints) = attropmin(1:npoints) itrop = ilev endwhere enddo do ilev=1,nlev atmax(1:npoints) = merge(at(1:npoints,ilev),atmax(1:npoints),& at(1:npoints,ilev) .gt. atmax(1:npoints) .and. ilev .ge. itrop(1:npoints)) enddo end if if (isccp_top_height .eq. 1 .or. isccp_top_height .eq. 3) then ! ############################################################################ ! Clear-sky radiance calculation ! Compute water vapor continuum emissivity this treatment follows Schwarkzopf ! and Ramasamy JGR 1999,vol 104, pages 9467-9499. The emissivity is calculated ! at a wavenumber of 955 cm-1, or 10.47 microns ! ############################################################################ do ilev=1,nlev press(1:npoints) = pfull(1:npoints,ilev)*10._wp dpress(1:npoints) = (phalf(1:npoints,ilev+1)-phalf(1:npoints,ilev))*10 atmden(1:npoints) = dpress(1:npoints)/(grav*100._wp) rvh20(1:npoints) = qv(1:npoints,ilev)*amd/amw wk(1:npoints) = rvh20(1:npoints)*avo*atmden/amd rhoave(1:npoints) = (press(1:npoints)/pstd)*(isccp_t0/at(1:npoints,ilev)) rh20s(1:npoints) = rvh20(1:npoints)*rhoave(1:npoints) rfrgn(1:npoints) = rhoave(1:npoints)-rh20s(1:npoints) tmpexp(1:npoints) = exp(-0.02_wp*(at(1:npoints,ilev)-isccp_t0)) tauwv(1:npoints) = wk(1:npoints)*1.e-20*((0.0224697_wp*rh20s(1:npoints)* & tmpexp(1:npoints))+(3.41817e-7*rfrgn(1:npoints)))*0.98_wp dem_wv(1:npoints,ilev) = 1._wp - exp( -1._wp * tauwv(1:npoints)) enddo fluxtop_clrsky(1:npoints) = 0._wp trans_layers_above_clrsky(1:npoints) = 1._wp do ilev=1,nlev ! Black body emission at temperature of the layer bb(1:npoints) = 1._wp / ( exp(1307.27_wp/at(1:npoints,ilev)) - 1._wp ) ! Increase TOA flux by flux emitted from layer times total transmittance in layers above fluxtop_clrsky(1:npoints) = fluxtop_clrsky(1:npoints) + & dem_wv(1:npoints,ilev)*bb(1:npoints)*trans_layers_above_clrsky(1:npoints) ! Update trans_layers_above with transmissivity from this layer for next time around loop trans_layers_above_clrsky(1:npoints) = trans_layers_above_clrsky(1:npoints)*& (1.-dem_wv(1:npoints,ilev)) enddo ! Add in surface emission bb(1:npoints) = 1._wp/( exp(1307.27_wp/skt(1:npoints)) - 1._wp ) fluxtop_clrsky(1:npoints) = fluxtop_clrsky(1:npoints) + & emsfc_lw * bb(1:npoints)*trans_layers_above_clrsky(1:npoints) ! Clear Sky brightness temperature meantbclr(1:npoints) = 1307.27_wp/(log(1._wp+(1._wp/fluxtop_clrsky(1:npoints)))) ! ################################################################################# ! All-sky radiance calculation ! ################################################################################# fluxtop(1:npoints,1:ncol) = 0._wp trans_layers_above(1:npoints,1:ncol) = 1._wp do ilev=1,nlev ! Black body emission at temperature of the layer bb=1._wp/(exp(1307.27_wp/at(1:npoints,ilev)) - 1._wp) do ibox=1,ncol ! Emissivity dem(1:npoints,ibox) = merge(dem_wv(1:npoints,ilev), & 1._wp-(1._wp-demIN(1:npoints,ibox,ilev))*(1._wp-dem_wv(1:npoints,ilev)), & demIN(1:npoints,ibox,ilev) .eq. 0) ! Increase TOA flux emitted from layer fluxtop(1:npoints,ibox) = fluxtop(1:npoints,ibox) + dem(1:npoints,ibox)*bb*trans_layers_above(1:npoints,ibox) ! Update trans_layer by emitted layer from above trans_layers_above(1:npoints,ibox) = trans_layers_above(1:npoints,ibox)*(1._wp-dem(1:npoints,ibox)) enddo enddo ! Add in surface emission bb(1:npoints)=1._wp/( exp(1307.27_wp/skt(1:npoints)) - 1._wp ) do ibox=1,ncol fluxtop(1:npoints,ibox) = fluxtop(1:npoints,ibox) + emsfc_lw*bb(1:npoints)*trans_layers_above(1:npoints,ibox) end do ! All Sky brightness temperature boxttop(1:npoints,1:ncol) = 1307.27_wp/(log(1._wp+(1._wp/fluxtop(1:npoints,1:ncol)))) ! ################################################################################# ! Cloud-Top Temperature ! Now that you have the top of atmosphere radiance, account for ISCCP ! procedures to determine cloud top temperature account for partially ! transmitting cloud recompute flux ISCCP would see assuming a single layer ! cloud. *NOTE* choice here of 2.13, as it is primarily ice clouds which have ! partial emissivity and need the adjustment performed in this section. If it ! turns out that the cloud brightness temperature is greater than 260K, then ! the liquid cloud conversion factor of 2.56 is used. *NOTE* that this is ! discussed on pages 85-87 of the ISCCP D level documentation ! (Rossow et al. 1996) ! ################################################################################# ! Compute minimum brightness temperature and optical depth btcmin(1:npoints) = 1._wp / ( exp(1307.27_wp/(attrop(1:npoints)-5._wp)) - 1._wp ) do ibox=1,ncol transmax(1:npoints) = (fluxtop(1:npoints,ibox)-btcmin) /(fluxtop_clrsky(1:npoints)-btcmin(1:npoints)) tauir(1:npoints) = tau(1:npoints,ibox)/2.13_wp taumin(1:npoints) = -log(max(min(transmax(1:npoints),0.9999999_wp),0.001_wp)) if (isccp_top_height .eq. 1) then do j=1,npoints if (transmax(j) .gt. 0.001 .and. transmax(j) .le. 0.9999999) then fluxtopinit(j) = fluxtop(j,ibox) tauir(j) = tau(j,ibox)/2.13_wp endif enddo do icycle=1,2 do j=1,npoints if (tau(j,ibox) .gt. (tauchk)) then if (transmax(j) .gt. 0.001 .and. transmax(j) .le. 0.9999999) then emcld(j,ibox) = 1._wp - exp(-1._wp * tauir(j) ) fluxtop(j,ibox) = fluxtopinit(j) - ((1.-emcld(j,ibox))*fluxtop_clrsky(j)) fluxtop(j,ibox)=max(1.E-06_wp,(fluxtop(j,ibox)/emcld(j,ibox))) tb(j,ibox)= 1307.27_wp / (log(1._wp + (1._wp/fluxtop(j,ibox)))) if (tb(j,ibox) .gt. 260.) then tauir(j) = tau(j,ibox) / 2.56_wp end if end if end if enddo enddo endif ! Cloud-top temperature where(tau(1:npoints,ibox) .gt. tauchk) tb(1:npoints,ibox)= 1307.27_wp/ (log(1. + (1._wp/fluxtop(1:npoints,ibox)))) where (isccp_top_height .eq. 1 .and. tauir(1:npoints) .lt. taumin(1:npoints)) tb(1:npoints,ibox) = attrop(1:npoints) - 5._wp tau(1:npoints,ibox) = 2.13_wp*taumin(1:npoints) endwhere endwhere ! Clear-sky brightness temperature where(tau(1:npoints,ibox) .le. tauchk) tb(1:npoints,ibox) = meantbclr(1:npoints) endwhere enddo else meantbclr(1:npoints) = output_missing_value end if ! #################################################################################### ! Cloud-Top Pressure ! The 2 methods differ according to whether or not you use the physical cloud ! top pressure (isccp_top_height = 2) or the radiatively determined cloud top ! pressure (isccp_top_height = 1 or 3) ! #################################################################################### do ibox=1,ncol !segregate according to optical thickness if (isccp_top_height .eq. 1 .or. isccp_top_height .eq. 3) then ! Find level whose temperature most closely matches brightness temperature nmatch(1:npoints)=0 do k1=1,nlev-1 ilev = merge(nlev-k1,k1,isccp_top_height_direction .eq. 2) do j=1,npoints if (ilev .ge. itrop(j) .and. & ((at(j,ilev) .ge. tb(j,ibox) .and. & at(j,ilev+1) .le. tb(j,ibox)) .or. & (at(j,ilev) .le. tb(j,ibox) .and. & at(j,ilev+1) .ge. tb(j,ibox)))) then nmatch(j)=nmatch(j)+1 match(j,nmatch(j))=ilev endif enddo enddo do j=1,npoints if (nmatch(j) .ge. 1) then k1 = match(j,nmatch(j)) k2 = k1 + 1 logp1 = log(pfull(j,k1)) logp2 = log(pfull(j,k2)) atd = max(tauchk,abs(at(j,k2) - at(j,k1))) logp=logp1+(logp2-logp1)*abs(tb(j,ibox)-at(j,k1))/atd ptop(j,ibox) = exp(logp) levmatch(j,ibox) = merge(k1,k2,abs(pfull(j,k1)-ptop(j,ibox)) .lt. abs(pfull(j,k2)-ptop(j,ibox))) else if (tb(j,ibox) .le. attrop(j)) then ptop(j,ibox)=ptrop(j) levmatch(j,ibox)=itrop(j) end if if (tb(j,ibox) .ge. atmax(j)) then ptop(j,ibox)=pfull(j,nlev) levmatch(j,ibox)=nlev end if end if enddo else ptop(1:npoints,ibox)=0. do ilev=1,nlev where((ptop(1:npoints,ibox) .eq. 0. ) .and.(frac_out(1:npoints,ibox,ilev) .ne. 0)) ptop(1:npoints,ibox)=phalf(1:npoints,ilev) levmatch(1:npoints,ibox)=ilev endwhere end do end if where(tau(1:npoints,ibox) .le. tauchk) ptop(1:npoints,ibox)=0._wp levmatch(1:npoints,ibox)=0._wp endwhere enddo ! #################################################################################### ! Compute subcolumn pressure and optical depth ! #################################################################################### boxtau(1:npoints,1:ncol) = output_missing_value boxptop(1:npoints,1:ncol) = output_missing_value do ibox=1,ncol do j=1,npoints if (tau(j,ibox) .gt. (tauchk) .and. ptop(j,ibox) .gt. 0.) then if (sunlit(j).eq.1 .or. isccp_top_height .eq. 3) then boxtau(j,ibox) = tau(j,ibox) boxptop(j,ibox) = ptop(j,ibox)!/100._wp endif endif enddo enddo end SUBROUTINE ICARUS_SUBCOLUMN ! ###################################################################################### ! SUBROUTINE icarus_column ! ###################################################################################### SUBROUTINE ICARUS_column(npoints,ncol,boxtau,boxptop,sunlit,boxttop,fq_isccp, & meanalbedocld,meanptop,meantaucld,totalcldarea,meantb) ! Inputs INTEGER, intent(in) :: & ncol, & ! Number of subcolumns npoints ! Number of horizontal gridpoints INTEGER, intent(in),dimension(npoints) :: & sunlit ! day=1 night=0 REAL(WP),intent(in),dimension(npoints,ncol) :: & boxttop, & ! Subcolumn top temperature boxptop, & ! Subcolumn cloud top pressure boxtau ! Subcolumn optical depth ! Outputs REAL(WP),intent(inout),dimension(npoints) :: & meanalbedocld, & ! Gridmean cloud albedo meanptop, & ! Gridmean cloud top pressure (mb) - linear averaging meantaucld, & ! Gridmean optical thickness totalcldarea, & ! The fraction of model grid box columns with cloud present meantb ! Gridmean all-sky 10.5 micron brightness temperature REAL(WP),intent(inout),dimension(npoints,7,7) :: & fq_isccp ! The fraction of the model grid box covered by clouds ! Local Variables INTEGER :: j,ilev,ilev2 REAL(WP),dimension(npoints,ncol) :: albedocld LOGICAL, dimension(npoints,ncol) :: box_cloudy ! Variables for new joint-histogram implementation logical,dimension(ncol) :: box_cloudy2 ! #################################################################################### ! Brightness Temperature ! #################################################################################### if (isccp_top_height .eq. 1 .or. isccp_top_height .eq. 3) then meantb(1:npoints)=sum(boxttop,2)/ncol else meantb(1:npoints) = output_missing_value endif ! #################################################################################### ! Determines ISCCP cloud type frequencies ! Now that boxptop and boxtau have been determined, determine amount of each of the ! 49 ISCCP cloud types. Also compute grid box mean cloud top pressure and ! optical thickness. The mean cloud top pressure and optical thickness are ! averages over the cloudy area only. The mean cloud top pressure is a linear ! average of the cloud top pressures. The mean cloud optical thickness is ! computed by converting optical thickness to an albedo, averaging in albedo ! units, then converting the average albedo back to a mean optical thickness. ! #################################################################################### ! Initialize albedocld(1:npoints,1:ncol) = 0._wp box_cloudy(1:npoints,1:ncol) = .false. ! Reset frequencies !fq_isccp = spread(spread(merge(0._wp,output_missing_value,sunlit .eq. 1 .or. isccp_top_height .eq. 3),2,7),2,7) do ilev=1,7 do ilev2=1,7 do j=1,npoints ! if (sunlit(j).eq.1 .or. isccp_top_height .eq. 3) then fq_isccp(j,ilev,ilev2)= 0. else fq_isccp(j,ilev,ilev2)= output_missing_value end if enddo enddo enddo ! Reset variables need for averaging cloud properties where(sunlit .eq. 1 .or. isccp_top_height .eq. 3) totalcldarea(1:npoints) = 0._wp meanalbedocld(1:npoints) = 0._wp meanptop(1:npoints) = 0._wp meantaucld(1:npoints) = 0._wp elsewhere totalcldarea(1:npoints) = output_missing_value meanalbedocld(1:npoints) = output_missing_value meanptop(1:npoints) = output_missing_value meantaucld(1:npoints) = output_missing_value endwhere ! Compute column quantities and joint-histogram do j=1,npoints ! Subcolumns that are cloudy(true) and not(false) box_cloudy2(1:ncol) = merge(.true.,.false.,boxtau(j,1:ncol) .gt. tauchk .and. boxptop(j,1:ncol) .gt. 0.) ! Compute joint histogram and column quantities for points that are sunlit and cloudy if (sunlit(j) .eq.1 .or. isccp_top_height .eq. 3) then ! Joint-histogram call hist2D(boxtau(j,1:ncol),boxptop(j,1:ncol),ncol,isccp_histTau,numISCCPTauBins, & isccp_histPres,numISCCPPresBins,fq_isccp(j,1:numISCCPTauBins,1:numISCCPPresBins)) fq_isccp(j,1:numISCCPTauBins,1:numISCCPPresBins) = & fq_isccp(j,1:numISCCPTauBins,1:numISCCPPresBins)/ncol ! Column cloud area totalcldarea(j) = real(count(box_cloudy2(1:ncol) .and. boxtau(j,1:ncol) .gt. isccp_taumin))/ncol ! Subcolumn cloud albedo !albedocld(j,1:ncol) = merge((boxtau(j,1:ncol)**0.895_wp)/((boxtau(j,1:ncol)**0.895_wp)+6.82_wp),& ! 0._wp,box_cloudy2(1:ncol) .and. boxtau(j,1:ncol) .gt. isccp_taumin) where(box_cloudy2(1:ncol) .and. boxtau(j,1:ncol) .gt. isccp_taumin) albedocld(j,1:ncol) = (boxtau(j,1:ncol)**0.895_wp)/((boxtau(j,1:ncol)**0.895_wp)+6.82_wp) elsewhere albedocld(j,1:ncol) = 0._wp endwhere ! Column cloud albedo meanalbedocld(j) = sum(albedocld(j,1:ncol))/ncol ! Column cloud top pressure meanptop(j) = sum(boxptop(j,1:ncol),box_cloudy2(1:ncol) .and. boxtau(j,1:ncol) .gt. isccp_taumin)/ncol endif enddo ! Compute mean cloud properties. Set to mssing value in the event that totalcldarea=0 where(totalcldarea(1:npoints) .gt. 0) meanptop(1:npoints) = 100._wp*meanptop(1:npoints)/totalcldarea(1:npoints) meanalbedocld(1:npoints) = meanalbedocld(1:npoints)/totalcldarea(1:npoints) meantaucld(1:npoints) = (6.82_wp/((1._wp/meanalbedocld(1:npoints))-1.))**(1._wp/0.895_wp) elsewhere meanptop(1:nPoints) = output_missing_value meanalbedocld(1:nPoints) = output_missing_value meantaucld(1:nPoints) = output_missing_value endwhere !meanptop(1:npoints) = merge(100._wp*meanptop(1:npoints)/totalcldarea(1:npoints),& ! output_missing_value,totalcldarea(1:npoints) .gt. 0) !meanalbedocld(1:npoints) = merge(meanalbedocld(1:npoints)/totalcldarea(1:npoints), & ! output_missing_value,totalcldarea(1:npoints) .gt. 0) !meantaucld(1:npoints) = merge((6.82_wp/((1._wp/meanalbedocld(1:npoints))-1.))**(1._wp/0.895_wp), & ! output_missing_value,totalcldarea(1:npoints) .gt. 0) ! Represent in percent where(totalcldarea .ne. output_missing_value) totalcldarea = totalcldarea*100._wp where(fq_isccp .ne. output_missing_value) fq_isccp = fq_isccp*100._wp end SUBROUTINE ICARUS_column subroutine cosp_simulator_optics(dim1,dim2,dim3,flag,varIN1,varIN2,varOUT) ! INPUTS integer,intent(in) :: & dim1, & ! Dimension 1 extent (Horizontal) dim2, & ! Dimension 2 extent (Subcolumn) dim3 ! Dimension 3 extent (Vertical) real(wp),intent(in),dimension(dim1,dim2,dim3) :: & flag ! Logical to determine the of merge var1IN and var2IN real(wp),intent(in),dimension(dim1, dim3) :: & varIN1, & ! Input field 1 varIN2 ! Input field 2 ! OUTPUTS real(wp),intent(out),dimension(dim1,dim2,dim3) :: & varOUT ! Merged output field ! LOCAL VARIABLES integer :: j varOUT(1:dim1,1:dim2,1:dim3) = 0._wp do j=1,dim2 where(flag(:,j,:) .eq. 1) varOUT(:,j,:) = varIN2 endwhere where(flag(:,j,:) .eq. 2) varOUT(:,j,:) = varIN1 endwhere enddo end subroutine cosp_simulator_optics end module MOD_ICARUS