! $Id: conf_phys.F90 1668 2012-10-12 10:47:37Z idelkadi $ MODULE conf_phys_m IMPLICIT NONE CONTAINS SUBROUTINE conf_phys(ok_journe, ok_mensuel, ok_instan, ok_hf, & ok_LES, & callstats, & solarlong0, seuil_inversion, & fact_cldcon, facttemps, ok_newmicro, iflag_radia, & iflag_cld_th, & ratqsbas, ratqshaut, tau_ratqs, & ok_ade, ok_aie, ok_alw, ok_cdnc, ok_volcan, flag_volc_surfstrat, aerosol_couple, & chemistry_couple, flag_aerosol, flag_aerosol_strat, flag_aer_feedback, & flag_bc_internal_mixture, bl95_b0, bl95_b1, & read_climoz, & alp_offset) USE IOIPSL USE surface_data USE phys_cal_mod USE carbon_cycle_mod, ONLY: carbon_cycle_tr, carbon_cycle_cpl, carbon_cycle_rad, level_coupling_esm USE carbon_cycle_mod, ONLY: read_fco2_ocean_cor, var_fco2_ocean_cor USE carbon_cycle_mod, ONLY: read_fco2_land_cor, var_fco2_land_cor USE chemistry_cycle_mod, ONLY: dms_cycle_cpl, n2o_cycle_cpl USE lmdz_grid_phy, ONLY: klon_glo USE lmdz_print_control, ONLY: lunout USE config_ocean_skin_m, ONLY: config_ocean_skin USE phys_state_var_mod, ONLY: phys_tstep USE infotrac_phy, ONLY: type_trac USE lmdz_cppkeys_wrapper, ONLY: CPPKEY_STRATAER USE lmdz_abort_physic, ONLY: abort_physic INCLUDE "conema3.h" INCLUDE "nuage.h" INCLUDE "YOMCST.h" INCLUDE "YOMCST2.h" INCLUDE "alpale.h" !IM : on inclut/initialise les taux de CH4, N2O, CFC11 et CFC12 INCLUDE "clesphys.h" INCLUDE "compbl.h" INCLUDE "comsoil.h" INCLUDE "YOEGWD.h" ! Configuration de la "physique" de LMDZ a l'aide de la fonction ! GETIN de IOIPSL ! LF 05/2001 ! type_ocean: type d'ocean (force, slab, couple) ! version_ocean: version d'ocean (opa8/nemo pour type_ocean=couple ou ! sicOBS,sicINT,sicNO pour type_ocean=slab) ! ok_veget: type de modele de vegetation ! ok_journe: sorties journalieres ! ok_hf: sorties haute frequence ! ok_mensuel: sorties mensuelles ! ok_instan: sorties instantanees ! ok_ade, ok_aie: apply or not aerosol direct and indirect effects ! ok_alw: activate aerosol LW effect ! ok_cdnc, ok cloud droplet number concentration ! flag_aerosol_strat : flag pour les aerosols stratos ! flag_bc_internal_mixture : use BC internal mixture if true ! bl95_b*: parameters in the formula to link CDNC to aerosol mass conc ! ok_volcan: activate volcanic diags (SW heat & LW cool rate, SW & LW flux) ! flag_volc_surfstrat: VolMIP flag, activate forcing surface cooling rate (=1), strato heating rate (=2) or nothing (=0, default) ! Sortie: LOGICAL :: ok_newmicro INTEGER :: iflag_radia LOGICAL :: ok_journe, ok_mensuel, ok_instan, ok_hf LOGICAL :: ok_LES LOGICAL :: callstats LOGICAL :: ok_ade, ok_aie, ok_alw, ok_cdnc, ok_volcan LOGICAL :: aerosol_couple, chemistry_couple INTEGER :: flag_aerosol INTEGER :: flag_aerosol_strat INTEGER :: flag_volc_surfstrat LOGICAL :: flag_aer_feedback LOGICAL :: flag_bc_internal_mixture REAL :: bl95_b0, bl95_b1 REAL :: fact_cldcon, facttemps, ratqsbas, ratqshaut, tau_ratqs INTEGER :: iflag_cld_th CHARACTER (len = 6), SAVE :: type_ocean_omp, version_ocean_omp, ocean_omp CHARACTER (len = 10), SAVE :: type_veget_omp CHARACTER (len = 8), SAVE :: aer_type_omp INTEGER, SAVE :: landice_opt_omp INTEGER, SAVE :: iflag_tsurf_inlandsis_omp, iflag_temp_inlandsis_omp INTEGER, SAVE :: iflag_albcalc_omp, iflag_z0m_snow_omp LOGICAL, SAVE :: SnoMod_omp, BloMod_omp, ok_outfor_omp, ok_zsn_ii_omp LOGICAL, SAVE :: discret_xf_omp, opt_runoff_ac_omp LOGICAL, SAVE :: is_ok_slush_omp, is_ok_z0h_rn_omp, is_ok_density_kotlyakov_omp REAL, SAVE :: prescribed_z0m_snow_omp, correc_alb_omp REAL, SAVE :: buf_sph_pol_omp, buf_siz_pol_omp LOGICAL, SAVE :: ok_newmicro_omp LOGICAL, SAVE :: ok_all_xml_omp LOGICAL, SAVE :: ok_lwoff_omp LOGICAL, SAVE :: ok_journe_omp, ok_mensuel_omp, ok_instan_omp, ok_hf_omp LOGICAL, SAVE :: ok_LES_omp LOGICAL, SAVE :: callstats_omp LOGICAL, SAVE :: ok_ade_omp, ok_aie_omp, ok_alw_omp, ok_cdnc_omp, ok_volcan_omp LOGICAL, SAVE :: aerosol_couple_omp, chemistry_couple_omp INTEGER, SAVE :: flag_aerosol_omp INTEGER, SAVE :: flag_aerosol_strat_omp INTEGER, SAVE :: flag_volc_surfstrat_omp LOGICAL, SAVE :: flag_aer_feedback_omp LOGICAL, SAVE :: flag_bc_internal_mixture_omp REAL, SAVE :: bl95_b0_omp, bl95_b1_omp REAL, SAVE :: freq_ISCCP_omp, ecrit_ISCCP_omp REAL, SAVE :: freq_COSP_omp, freq_AIRS_omp REAL, SAVE :: fact_cldcon_omp, facttemps_omp, ratqsbas_omp REAL, SAVE :: tau_cld_cv_omp, coefw_cld_cv_omp INTEGER, SAVE :: iflag_cld_cv_omp REAL, SAVE :: ratqshaut_omp REAL, SAVE :: tau_ratqs_omp REAL, SAVE :: t_coupl_omp INTEGER, SAVE :: iflag_radia_omp INTEGER, SAVE :: iflag_rrtm_omp INTEGER, SAVE :: iflag_albedo_omp !albedo SB LOGICAL, SAVE :: ok_chlorophyll_omp ! albedo SB INTEGER, SAVE :: NSW_omp INTEGER, SAVE :: iflag_cld_th_omp, ip_ebil_phy_omp INTEGER, SAVE :: iflag_ratqs_omp REAL, SAVE :: f_cdrag_ter_omp, f_cdrag_oce_omp REAL, SAVE :: f_rugoro_omp, z0min_omp REAL, SAVE :: z0m_seaice_omp, z0h_seaice_omp REAL, SAVE :: z0m_landice_omp, z0h_landice_omp REAL, SAVE :: min_wind_speed_omp, f_gust_wk_omp, f_gust_bl_omp, f_qsat_oce_omp, f_z0qh_oce_omp INTEGER, SAVE :: iflag_gusts_omp, iflag_z0_oce_omp REAL :: seuil_inversion REAL, SAVE :: seuil_inversion_omp INTEGER, SAVE :: iflag_thermals_omp, nsplit_thermals_omp REAL, SAVE :: tau_thermals_omp, alp_bl_k_omp ! nrlmd le 10/04/2012 INTEGER, SAVE :: iflag_trig_bl_omp, iflag_clos_bl_omp, iflag_strig_omp INTEGER, SAVE :: tau_trig_shallow_omp, tau_trig_deep_omp REAL, SAVE :: s_trig_omp, h_trig_omp ! fin nrlmd le 10/04/2012 REAL :: alp_offset REAL, SAVE :: alp_offset_omp INTEGER, SAVE :: iflag_coupl_omp, iflag_clos_omp, iflag_wake_omp INTEGER, SAVE :: iflag_cvl_sigd_omp REAL, SAVE :: coef_clos_ls_omp REAL, SAVE :: supcrit1_omp, supcrit2_omp INTEGER, SAVE :: iflag_mix_omp INTEGER, SAVE :: iflag_mix_adiab_omp REAL, SAVE :: scut_omp, qqa1_omp, qqa2_omp, gammas_omp, Fmax_omp, alphas_omp REAL, SAVE :: tmax_fonte_cv_omp REAL, SAVE :: R_ecc_omp, R_peri_omp, R_incl_omp, solaire_omp REAL, SAVE :: solaire_omp_init LOGICAL, SAVE :: ok_suntime_rrtm_omp REAL, SAVE :: co2_ppm_omp, RCO2_omp, co2_ppm_per_omp, RCO2_per_omp REAL, SAVE :: co2_ppm0_omp REAL, SAVE :: CH4_ppb_omp, RCH4_omp, CH4_ppb_per_omp, RCH4_per_omp REAL, SAVE :: N2O_ppb_omp, RN2O_omp, N2O_ppb_per_omp, RN2O_per_omp REAL, SAVE :: CFC11_ppt_omp, RCFC11_omp, CFC11_ppt_per_omp, RCFC11_per_omp REAL, SAVE :: CFC12_ppt_omp, RCFC12_omp, CFC12_ppt_per_omp, RCFC12_per_omp REAL, SAVE :: epmax_omp REAL, SAVE :: coef_epmax_cape_omp LOGICAL, SAVE :: ok_adj_ema_omp INTEGER, SAVE :: iflag_clw_omp INTEGER, SAVE :: iflag_ice_thermo_omp LOGICAL, SAVE :: ok_ice_sursat_omp LOGICAL, SAVE :: ok_plane_h2o_omp, ok_plane_contrail_omp REAL, SAVE :: rad_froid_omp, rad_chau1_omp, rad_chau2_omp INTEGER, SAVE :: iflag_sic_omp, iflag_inertie_omp REAL, SAVE :: inertie_sol_omp, inertie_sno_omp, inertie_sic_omp REAL, SAVE :: inertie_lic_omp REAL, SAVE :: qsol0_omp REAL, SAVE :: evap0_omp REAL, SAVE :: albsno0_omp REAL :: solarlong0 REAL, SAVE :: solarlong0_omp INTEGER, SAVE :: top_height_omp, overlap_omp REAL, SAVE :: cdmmax_omp, cdhmax_omp, ksta_omp, ksta_ter_omp, f_ri_cd_min_omp LOGICAL, SAVE :: ok_kzmin_omp REAL, SAVE :: fmagic_omp, pmagic_omp INTEGER, SAVE :: iflag_pbl_omp, lev_histhf_omp, lev_histday_omp, lev_histmth_omp INTEGER, SAVE :: iflag_pbl_split_omp, iflag_physiq_omp !FC INTEGER, SAVE :: ifl_pbltree_omp REAL, SAVE :: Cd_frein_omp !FC INTEGER, SAVE :: iflag_order2_sollw_omp INTEGER, SAVE :: lev_histins_omp, lev_histLES_omp INTEGER, SAVE :: lev_histdayNMC_omp INTEGER, SAVE :: levout_histNMC_omp(3) LOGICAL, SAVE :: ok_histNMC_omp(3) REAL, SAVE :: freq_outNMC_omp(3), freq_calNMC_omp(3) CHARACTER*4, SAVE :: type_run_omp LOGICAL, SAVE :: ok_cosp_omp, ok_airs_omp LOGICAL, SAVE :: ok_mensuelCOSP_omp, ok_journeCOSP_omp, ok_hfCOSP_omp REAL, SAVE :: lonmin_ins_omp, lonmax_ins_omp, latmin_ins_omp, latmax_ins_omp REAL, SAVE :: ecrit_hf_omp, ecrit_day_omp, ecrit_mth_omp, ecrit_reg_omp REAL, SAVE :: ecrit_ins_omp REAL, SAVE :: ecrit_LES_omp REAL, SAVE :: ecrit_tra_omp REAL, SAVE :: cvl_comp_threshold_omp REAL, SAVE :: cvl_sig2feed_omp REAL, SAVE :: cvl_corr_omp LOGICAL, SAVE :: ok_lic_melt_omp LOGICAL, SAVE :: ok_lic_cond_omp REAL, SAVE :: zrel_oro_t_omp, zstd_orodr_t_omp REAL, SAVE :: zpmm_orodr_t_omp, zpmm_orolf_t_omp INTEGER, SAVE :: iflag_cycle_diurne_omp LOGICAL, SAVE :: soil_model_omp, new_oliq_omp LOGICAL, SAVE :: ok_orodr_omp, ok_orolf_omp, ok_limitvrai_omp INTEGER, SAVE :: nbapp_rad_omp, iflag_con_omp INTEGER, SAVE :: nbapp_cv_omp, nbapp_wk_omp INTEGER, SAVE :: iflag_ener_conserv_omp LOGICAL, SAVE :: ok_conserv_q_omp LOGICAL, SAVE :: ok_strato_omp LOGICAL, SAVE :: ok_hines_omp, ok_gwd_rando_omp REAL, SAVE :: gwd_rando_ruwmax_omp, gwd_rando_sat_omp REAL, SAVE :: gwd_front_ruwmax_omp, gwd_front_sat_omp REAL, SAVE :: sso_gkdrag_omp, sso_grahil_omp, sso_grcrit_omp REAL, SAVE :: sso_gfrcri_omp, sso_gkwake_omp, sso_gklift_omp LOGICAL, SAVE :: ok_qch4_omp LOGICAL, SAVE :: carbon_cycle_tr_omp LOGICAL, SAVE :: carbon_cycle_cpl_omp LOGICAL, SAVE :: carbon_cycle_rad_omp LOGICAL, SAVE :: dms_cycle_cpl_omp, n2o_cycle_cpl_omp INTEGER, SAVE :: level_coupling_esm_omp LOGICAL, SAVE :: read_fco2_ocean_cor_omp REAL, SAVE :: var_fco2_ocean_cor_omp LOGICAL, SAVE :: read_fco2_land_cor_omp REAL, SAVE :: var_fco2_land_cor_omp LOGICAL, SAVE :: adjust_tropopause_omp LOGICAL, SAVE :: ok_daily_climoz_omp LOGICAL, SAVE :: ok_new_lscp_omp LOGICAL, SAVE :: ok_icefra_lscp_omp !rajout de choix_bulk et nit_bulk par Olivier Torres INTEGER, SAVE :: choix_bulk_omp INTEGER, SAVE :: nit_bulk_omp INTEGER, SAVE :: kz0_omp LOGICAL, SAVE :: ok_bs_omp, ok_rad_bs_omp INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: read_climoz ! read ozone climatology, OpenMP shared ! Allowed values are 0, 1 and 2 ! 0: do not read an ozone climatology ! 1: read a single ozone climatology that will be used day and night ! 2: read two ozone climatologies, the average day and night ! climatology and the daylight climatology !----------------------------------------------------------------- PRINT*, 'CONFPHYS ENTREE' !$OMP MASTER !Config Key = type_ocean !Config Desc = Type d'ocean !Config Def = force !Config Help = Type d'ocean utilise: force, slab,couple type_ocean_omp = 'force ' CALL getin('type_ocean', type_ocean_omp) !Config Key = version_ocean !Config Desc = Version d'ocean !Config Def = xxxxxx !Config Help = Version d'ocean utilise: opa8/nemo/sicOBS/xxxxxx version_ocean_omp = 'xxxxxx' CALL getin('version_ocean', version_ocean_omp) !Config Key = OCEAN !Config Desc = Old parameter name for type_ocean !Config Def = yyyyyy !Config Help = This is only for testing purpose ocean_omp = 'yyyyyy' CALL getin('OCEAN', ocean_omp) IF (ocean_omp /= 'yyyyyy') THEN WRITE(lunout, *)'ERROR! Old variable name OCEAN used in parmeter file.' WRITE(lunout, *)'Variable OCEAN has been replaced by the variable type_ocean.' WRITE(lunout, *)'You have to update your parameter file physiq.def to succed running' CALL abort_physic('conf_phys', 'Variable OCEAN no longer existing, use variable name type_ocean', 1) ENDIF !Config Key = t_coupl !Config Desc = Pas de temps du couplage atm/oce en sec. !Config Def = 86400 !Config Help = This is only for testing purpose t_coupl_omp = 86400. CALL getin('t_coupl', t_coupl_omp) IF (t_coupl_omp == 0) THEN WRITE(lunout, *)'ERROR! Timestep of coupling between atmosphere and ocean' WRITE(lunout, *)'cannot be zero.' CALL abort_physic('conf_phys', 't_coupl = 0.', 1) ENDIF !Config Key = ok_all_xml !Config Desc = utiliser les xml pourles définitions des champs pour xios !Config Def = .FALSE. !Config Help = ok_all_xml_omp = .FALSE. CALL getin('ok_all_xml', ok_all_xml_omp) !Config Key = ok_lwoff !Config Desc = inhiber l effet radiatif LW des nuages !Config Def = .FALSE. !Config Help = ok_lwoff_omp = .FALSE. CALL getin('ok_lwoff', ok_lwoff_omp) !Config Key = VEGET !Config Desc = Type de modele de vegetation !Config Def = .FALSE. !Config Help = Type de modele de vegetation utilise type_veget_omp = 'orchidee' CALL getin('VEGET', type_veget_omp) ! INLANDSIS !================================================================== ! Martin et Etienne !Config Key = landice_opt !Config Desc = which landice snow model (BULK, or INLANDSIS) !Config Def = 0 landice_opt_omp = 0 CALL getin('landice_opt', landice_opt_omp) ! Martin et Etienne !Etienne !Config Key = iflag_temp_inlandsis !Config Desc = which method to calculate temp within the soil in INLANDSIS !Config Def = 0 iflag_temp_inlandsis_omp = 0 CALL getin('iflag_temp_inlandsis', iflag_temp_inlandsis_omp) !Etienne !Config Key = iflag_tsurf_inlandsis !Config Desc = which method to calculate tsurf in INLANDSIS !Config Def = 0 iflag_tsurf_inlandsis_omp = 1 CALL getin('iflag_tsurf_inlandsis', iflag_tsurf_inlandsis_omp) !Etienne !Config Key = iflag_albcalc !Config Desc = method to calculate snow albedo in INLANDSIS !Config Def = 0 iflag_albcalc_omp = 0 CALL getin('iflag_albcalc', iflag_albcalc_omp) !Etienne !Config Key = SnoMod !Config Desc = activation of snow modules in inlandsis !Config Def = .TRUE. SnoMod_omp = .TRUE. CALL getin('SnoMod', SnoMod_omp) !Etienne !Config Key = BloMod !Config Desc = activation of blowing snow in inlandsis !Config Def = .FALSE. BloMod_omp = .FALSE. CALL getin('BloMod', BloMod_omp) !Etienne !Config Key = ok_outfor !Config Desc = activation of output ascii file in inlandsis !Config Def = .FALSE. ok_outfor_omp = .FALSE. CALL getin('ok_outfor', ok_outfor_omp) !Etienne !Config Key = ok_sn_ii !Config Desc = activation of ice/snow detection !Config Def = .TRUE. ok_zsn_ii_omp = .TRUE. CALL getin('ok_zsn_ii', ok_zsn_ii_omp) !Etienne !Config Key = discret_xf !Config Desc = snow discretization following XF !Config Def = .TRUE. discret_xf_omp = .TRUE. CALL getin('discret_xf', discret_xf_omp) !Etienne !Config Key = is_ok_slush !Config Desc = activation of the slush option !Config Def = .TRUE. is_ok_slush_omp = .TRUE. CALL getin('is_ok_slush', is_ok_slush_omp) !Etienne !Config Key = opt_runoff_ac !Config Desc = option runoff AC !Config Def = .TRUE. opt_runoff_ac_omp = .TRUE. CALL getin('opt_runoff_ac', opt_runoff_ac_omp) !Etienne !Config Key = is_ok_z0h_rn !Config Desc = z0h calculation following RN method !Config Def = .TRUE. is_ok_z0h_rn_omp = .TRUE. CALL getin('is_ok_z0h_rn', is_ok_z0h_rn_omp) !Etienne !Config Key = is_ok_density_kotlyakov !Config Desc = snow density calculation following kotlyakov !Config Def = .FALSE. is_ok_density_kotlyakov_omp = .FALSE. CALL getin('is_ok_density_kotlyakov', is_ok_density_kotlyakov_omp) !Etienne !Config Key = prescribed_z0m_snow !Config Desc = prescribed snow z0m !Config Def = 0.005 prescribed_z0m_snow_omp = 0.005 CALL getin('prescribed_z0m_snow', prescribed_z0m_snow_omp) !Etienne !Config Key = iflag_z0m_snow !Config Desc = method to calculate snow z0m !Config Def = 0 iflag_z0m_snow_omp = 0 CALL getin('iflag_z0m_snow', iflag_z0m_snow_omp) !Etienne !Config Key = correc_alb !Config Desc = correction term for albedo !Config Def = 1.01 correc_alb_omp = 1.01 CALL getin('correc_alb', correc_alb_omp) !Etienne !Config Key = buf_sph_pol !Config Desc = sphericity of buffer layer in polar regions !Config Def = 99. buf_sph_pol_omp = 99. CALL getin('buf_sph_pol', buf_sph_pol_omp) !Etienne !Config Key = buf_siz_pol !Config Desc = grain size of buffer layer in polar regions in e-4m !Config Def = 4. buf_siz_pol_omp = 4. CALL getin('buf_siz_pol', buf_siz_pol_omp) !================================================================== !Config Key = OK_journe !Config Desc = Pour des sorties journalieres !Config Def = .FALSE. !Config Help = Pour creer le fichier histday contenant les sorties ! journalieres ok_journe_omp = .FALSE. CALL getin('OK_journe', ok_journe_omp) !Config Key = ok_hf !Config Desc = Pour des sorties haute frequence !Config Def = .FALSE. !Config Help = Pour creer le fichier histhf contenant les sorties ! haute frequence ( 3h ou 6h) ok_hf_omp = .FALSE. CALL getin('ok_hf', ok_hf_omp) !Config Key = OK_mensuel !Config Desc = Pour des sorties mensuelles !Config Def = .TRUE. !Config Help = Pour creer le fichier histmth contenant les sorties ! mensuelles ok_mensuel_omp = .TRUE. CALL getin('OK_mensuel', ok_mensuel_omp) !Config Key = OK_instan !Config Desc = Pour des sorties instantanees !Config Def = .FALSE. !Config Help = Pour creer le fichier histins contenant les sorties ! instantanees ok_instan_omp = .FALSE. CALL getin('OK_instan', ok_instan_omp) !Config Key = ok_ade !Config Desc = Aerosol direct effect or not? !Config Def = .FALSE. !Config Help = Used in radlwsw.F ok_ade_omp = .FALSE. CALL getin('ok_ade', ok_ade_omp) !Config Key = ok_alw !Config Desc = Aerosol longwave effect or not? !Config Def = .FALSE. !Config Help = Used in radlwsw.F ok_alw_omp = .FALSE. CALL getin('ok_alw', ok_alw_omp) !Config Key = ok_aie !Config Desc = Aerosol indirect effect or not? !Config Def = .FALSE. !Config Help = Used in nuage.F and radlwsw.F ok_aie_omp = .FALSE. CALL getin('ok_aie', ok_aie_omp) !Config Key = ok_cdnc !Config Desc = ok cloud droplet number concentration !Config Def = .FALSE. !Config Help = Used in newmicro.F ok_cdnc_omp = .FALSE. CALL getin('ok_cdnc', ok_cdnc_omp) !Config Key = ok_volcan !Config Desc = ok to generate volcanic diags !Config Def = .FALSE. !Config Help = Used in radlwsw_m.F ok_volcan_omp = .FALSE. CALL getin('ok_volcan', ok_volcan_omp) !Config Key = flag_volc_surfstrat !Config Desc = impose cooling rate at the surface (=1), ! heating rate in the strato (=2), or nothing (=0) !Config Def = 0 !Config Help = Used in radlwsw_m.F flag_volc_surfstrat_omp = 0 ! NL: SURFSTRAT CALL getin('flag_volc_surfstrat', flag_volc_surfstrat_omp) !Config Key = aerosol_couple !Config Desc = read aerosol in file or calcul by inca !Config Def = .FALSE. !Config Help = Used in physiq.F aerosol_couple_omp = .FALSE. CALL getin('aerosol_couple', aerosol_couple_omp) !Config Key = chemistry_couple !Config Desc = read O3 chemistry in file or calcul by inca !Config Def = .FALSE. !Config Help = Used in physiq.F chemistry_couple_omp = .FALSE. CALL getin('chemistry_couple', chemistry_couple_omp) !Config Key = flag_aerosol !Config Desc = which aerosol is use for coupled model !Config Def = 1 !Config Help = Used in physiq.F ! - flag_aerosol=0 => no aerosol ! - flag_aerosol=1 => so4 only (defaut) ! - flag_aerosol=2 => bc only ! - flag_aerosol=3 => pom only ! - flag_aerosol=4 => seasalt only ! - flag_aerosol=5 => dust only ! - flag_aerosol=6 => all aerosol ! - flag_aerosol=7 => natural aerosol + MACv2SP ! - (in this case aerosols.1980.nc should point to aerosols.nat.nc) flag_aerosol_omp = 0 CALL getin('flag_aerosol', flag_aerosol_omp) !Config Key = flag_bc_internal_mixture !Config Desc = state of mixture for BC aerosols ! - n = external mixture ! - y = internal mixture !Config Def = n !Config Help = Used in physiq.F / aeropt flag_bc_internal_mixture_omp = .FALSE. CALL getin('flag_bc_internal_mixture', flag_bc_internal_mixture_omp) !Config Key = aer_type !Config Desc = Use a constant field for the aerosols !Config Def = scenario !Config Help = Used in readaerosol.F90 aer_type_omp = 'scenario' CALL getin('aer_type', aer_type_omp) !Config Key = bl95_b0 !Config Desc = Parameter in CDNC-maer link (Boucher&Lohmann 1995) !Config Def = .FALSE. !Config Help = Used in nuage.F bl95_b0_omp = 2. CALL getin('bl95_b0', bl95_b0_omp) !Config Key = bl95_b1 !Config Desc = Parameter in CDNC-maer link (Boucher&Lohmann 1995) !Config Def = .FALSE. !Config Help = Used in nuage.F bl95_b1_omp = 0.2 CALL getin('bl95_b1', bl95_b1_omp) !Config Key = freq_ISCCP !Config Desc = Frequence d'appel du simulateur ISCCP en secondes; ! par defaut 10800, i.e. 3 heures !Config Def = 10800. !Config Help = Used in ini_histISCCP.h freq_ISCCP_omp = 10800. CALL getin('freq_ISCCP', freq_ISCCP_omp) !Config Key = ecrit_ISCCP !Config Desc = Frequence d'ecriture des resultats du simulateur ISCCP en nombre de jours; ! par defaut 1., i.e. 1 jour !Config Def = 1. !Config Help = Used in ini_histISCCP.h ecrit_ISCCP_omp = 1. CALL getin('ecrit_ISCCP', ecrit_ISCCP_omp) !Config Key = freq_COSP !Config Desc = Frequence d'appel du simulateur COSP en secondes; ! par defaut 10800, i.e. 3 heures !Config Def = 10800. !Config Help = Used in ini_histdayCOSP.h freq_COSP_omp = 10800. CALL getin('freq_COSP', freq_COSP_omp) !Config Key = freq_AIRS !Config Desc = Frequence d'appel du simulateur AIRS en secondes; ! par defaut 10800, i.e. 3 heures !Config Def = 10800. !Config Help = Used in ini_histdayAIRS.h freq_AIRS_omp = 10800. CALL getin('freq_AIRS', freq_AIRS_omp) !Config Key = ip_ebil_phy !Config Desc = Niveau de sortie pour les diags bilan d'energie !Config Def = 0 !Config Help = ip_ebil_phy_omp = 0 CALL getin('ip_ebil_phy', ip_ebil_phy_omp) IF (ip_ebil_phy_omp/=0) THEN CALL abort_physic('conf_phys', 'ip_ebil_phy_omp doit etre 0 sur cette version', 1) ENDIF !Config Key = seuil_inversion !Config Desc = Seuil ur dTh pour le choix entre les schemas de CL !Config Def = -0.1 !Config Help = seuil_inversion_omp = -0.1 CALL getin('seuil_inversion', seuil_inversion_omp) ! Constante solaire & Parametres orbitaux & taux gaz effet de serre BEG !Config Key = R_ecc !Config Desc = Excentricite !Config Def = 0.016715 !Config Help = !valeur AMIP II R_ecc_omp = 0.016715 CALL getin('R_ecc', R_ecc_omp) !Config Key = R_peri !Config Desc = Equinoxe !Config Def = !Config Help = !valeur AMIP II R_peri_omp = 102.7 CALL getin('R_peri', R_peri_omp) !Config Key = R_incl !Config Desc = Inclinaison !Config Def = !Config Help = !valeur AMIP II R_incl_omp = 23.441 CALL getin('R_incl', R_incl_omp) !Config Key = solaire !Config Desc = Constante solaire en W/m2 !Config Def = 1365. !Config Help = !valeur AMIP II solaire_omp = 1365. solaire_omp_init = solaire_omp !--we keep track of the default value CALL getin('solaire', solaire_omp) !Config Key = co2_ppm !Config Desc = concentration du CO2 en ppmv !Config Def = 348. !Config Help = !valeur AMIP II co2_ppm_omp = 348. CALL getin('co2_ppm', co2_ppm_omp) !conversion en rapport de mélange massique RCO2_omp = co2_ppm_omp * 1.0e-06 * RMCO2 / RMD !Config Key = co2_ppm0 !Config Desc = concentration initiale du CO2 en ppmv pour la version ESM avec CO2 interactif dans le cas ! où cette concentration de figure pas dans l'état de redémarrage de la physique !Config Def = 284.32 !Config Help = co2_ppm0_omp = 284.32 CALL getin('co2_ppm0', co2_ppm0_omp) !Config Key = RCH4 !Config Desc = Concentration du CH4 !Config Def = 1.65E-06* 16.043/28.97 !Config Help = CH4_ppb_omp = 1650. CALL getin('CH4_ppb', CH4_ppb_omp) !conversion en rapport de mélange massique RCH4_omp = CH4_ppb_omp * 1.0E-09 * RMCH4 / RMD !Config Key = RN2O !Config Desc = Concentration du N2O !Config Def = 306.E-09* 44.013/28.97 !Config Help = N2O_ppb_omp = 306. CALL getin('N2O_ppb', N2O_ppb_omp) !conversion en rapport de mélange massique RN2O_omp = N2O_ppb_omp * 1.0E-09 * RMN2O / RMD !Config Key = RCFC11 !Config Desc = Concentration du CFC11 !Config Def = 280.E-12* 137.3686/28.97 !Config Help = CFC11_ppt_omp = 280. CALL getin('CFC11_ppt', CFC11_ppt_omp) !conversion en rapport de mélange massique RCFC11_omp = CFC11_ppt_omp * 1.0E-12 * RMCFC11 / RMD !Config Key = RCFC12 !Config Desc = Concentration du CFC12 !Config Def = 484.E-12* 120.9140/28.97 !Config Help = CFC12_ppt_omp = 484. CALL getin('CFC12_ppt', CFC12_ppt_omp) !conversion en rapport de mélange massique RCFC12_omp = CFC12_ppt_omp * 1.0E-12 * RMCFC12 / RMD !Config Key = co2_ppm_per !Config Desc = concentration du CO2 perturbé en ppmv (CFMIP) !Config Def = 348. !Config Help = co2_ppm_per_omp = co2_ppm_omp CALL getin('co2_ppm_per', co2_ppm_per_omp) !conversion en rapport de mélange massique RCO2_per_omp = co2_ppm_per_omp * 1.0e-06 * RMCO2 / RMD !Config Key = RCH4_per !Config Desc = Concentration du CH4_per !Config Def = 1.65E-06* 16.043/28.97 !Config Help = CH4_ppb_per_omp = CH4_ppb_omp CALL getin('CH4_ppb_per', CH4_ppb_per_omp) !conversion en rapport de mélange massique RCH4_per_omp = CH4_ppb_per_omp * 1.0E-09 * RMCH4 / RMD !Config Key = RN2O_per !Config Desc = Concentration du N2O_per !Config Def = 306.E-09* 44.013/28.97 !Config Help = N2O_ppb_per_omp = N2O_ppb_omp CALL getin('N2O_ppb_per', N2O_ppb_per_omp) !conversion en rapport de mélange massique RN2O_per_omp = N2O_ppb_per_omp * 1.0E-09 * RMN2O / RMD !Config Key = RCFC11_per !Config Desc = Concentration du CFC11_per !Config Def = 280.E-12* 137.3686/28.97 !Config Help = CFC11_ppt_per_omp = CFC11_ppt_omp CALL getin('CFC11_ppt_per', CFC11_ppt_per_omp) !conversion en rapport de mélange massique RCFC11_per_omp = CFC11_ppt_per_omp * 1.0E-12 * RMCFC11 / RMD !Config Key = RCFC12_per !Config Desc = Concentration du CFC12_per !Config Def = 484.E-12* 120.9140/28.97 !Config Help = CFC12_ppt_per_omp = CFC12_ppt_omp CALL getin('CFC12_ppt_per', CFC12_ppt_per_omp) !conversion en rapport de mélange massique RCFC12_per_omp = CFC12_ppt_per_omp * 1.0E-12 * RMCFC12 / RMD ! FH 2008/05/09 On elimine toutes les clefs physiques dans la dynamique ! Constantes precedemment dans dyn3d/conf_gcm !Config Key = iflag_cycle_diurne !Config Desc = Cycle diurne !Config Def = 1 !Config Help = Cette option permet d'eteidre le cycle diurne. !Config Peut etre util pour accelerer le code ! iflag_cycle_diurne_omp = 1 CALL getin('iflag_cycle_diurne', iflag_cycle_diurne_omp) !Config Key = soil_model !Config Desc = Modele de sol !Config Def = y !Config Help = Choix du modele de sol (Thermique ?) !Config Option qui pourait un string afin de pouvoir !Config plus de choix ! Ou meme une liste d'options ! soil_model_omp = .TRUE. CALL getin('soil_model', soil_model_omp) !Config Key = new_oliq !Config Desc = Nouvelle eau liquide !Config Def = y !Config Help = Permet de mettre en route la !Config nouvelle parametrisation de l'eau liquide ! new_oliq_omp = .TRUE. CALL getin('new_oliq', new_oliq_omp) !Config Key = ok_orodr !Config Desc = Orodr ??? !Config Def = y !Config Help = Y en a pas comprendre ! !Config ok_orodr_omp = .TRUE. CALL getin('ok_orodr', ok_orodr_omp) !Config Key = ok_orolf !Config Desc = Orolf ?? !Config Def = y !Config Help = Connais pas ! ok_orolf_omp = .TRUE. CALL getin('ok_orolf', ok_orolf_omp) !Config Key = zrel_oro_t !Config Desc = zrel_oro_t !Config Def = 9999. !Config Help = Connais pas ! zrel_oro_t_omp = 9999. CALL getin('zrel_oro_t', zrel_oro_t_omp) !Config Key = zstd_orodr_t !Config Desc = zstd_orodr_t !Config Def = 0. !Config Help = Connais pas ! zstd_orodr_t_omp = 10. CALL getin('zstd_orodr_t', zstd_orodr_t_omp) !Config Key = zpmm_orodr_t !Config Desc = zpmm_orodr_t !Config Def = 0. !Config Help = Connais pas ! zpmm_orodr_t_omp = 100. CALL getin('zpmm_orodr_t', zpmm_orodr_t_omp) !Config Key = zpmm_orolf_t !Config Desc = zpmm_orolf_t !Config Def = 0. !Config Help = Connais pas ! zpmm_orolf_t_omp = 100. CALL getin('zpmm_orolf_t', zpmm_orolf_t_omp) !Config Key = ok_limitvrai !Config Desc = Force la lecture de la bonne annee !Config Def = n !Config Help = On peut forcer le modele a lire le !Config fichier SST de la bonne annee. C'est une tres bonne !Config idee, pourquoi ne pas mettre toujours a y ??? ok_limitvrai_omp = .FALSE. CALL getin('ok_limitvrai', ok_limitvrai_omp) !Config Key = nbapp_rad !Config Desc = Frequence d'appel au rayonnement !Config Def = 12 !Config Help = Nombre d'appels des routines de rayonnements !Config par jour. nbapp_rad_omp = 12 CALL getin('nbapp_rad', nbapp_rad_omp) !rajout Olivier Torres !Config Key = choix_bulk !Config Desc = choix de la formulation bulk a prendre dans clcdrag au-dessus de l'ocean !Config Def = 0 !Config 0 -> originale (lmdz/Louis 79) !Config 1 -> COARE !Config 2 -> CORE-"pure" (cf. Large) !Config 3 -> CORE-"mixte" (avec z_0 et C_T^N donnees par Smith 88) choix_bulk_omp = 0 CALL getin('choix_bulk', choix_bulk_omp) !Config Key = nit_bulk !Config Desc = choix du nombre d'it de pt fixe dans la bulk !Config Def = 5 nit_bulk_omp = 1 CALL getin('nit_bulk', nit_bulk_omp) !Config Key = kz0 !Config Desc = choix de la formulation z0 pour la bulk ECUME !Config Def = 1 !Config 0 -> ARPEGE formulation !Config 1 -> Smith Formulation !Config 2 -> Direct computation using the stability functions kz0_omp = 0 CALL getin('kz0', kz0_omp) !Config Key = iflag_con !Config Desc = Flag de convection !Config Def = 2 !Config Help = Flag pour la convection les options suivantes existent : !Config 1 pour LMD, !Config 2 pour Tiedtke, !Config 3 pour CCM(NCAR) iflag_con_omp = 2 CALL getin('iflag_con', iflag_con_omp) !Config Key = nbapp_cv !Config Desc = Frequence d'appel a la convection !Config Def = 0 !Config Help = Nombre d'appels des routines de convection !Config par jour. Si =0, appel a chaque pas de temps physique. nbapp_cv_omp = 0 CALL getin('nbapp_cv', nbapp_cv_omp) !Config Key = nbapp_wk !Config Desc = Frequence d'appel aux wakes !Config Def = 0 !Config Help = Nombre d'appels des routines de wakes !Config par jour. Si =0, appel a chaque pas de temps physique. nbapp_wk_omp = 0 CALL getin('nbapp_wk', nbapp_wk_omp) !Config Key = iflag_ener_conserv !Config Desc = Flag de convection !Config Def = 1 !Config Help = Flag pour la convection les options suivantes existent : !Config -1 pour Kinetic energy correction !Config 1 conservation kinetic and enthalpy iflag_ener_conserv_omp = -1 CALL getin('iflag_ener_conserv', iflag_ener_conserv_omp) !Config Key = ok_conserv_q !Config Desc = Switch des corrections de conservation de l'eau !Config Def = y !Config Help = Switch des corrections de conservation de l'eau !Config y -> corrections activees !Config n -> conformite avec versions anterieures au 1/4/2014 ok_conserv_q_omp = .FALSE. CALL getin('ok_conserv_q', ok_conserv_q_omp) ! Constante solaire & Parametres orbitaux & taux gaz effet de serre END ! KE !Config key = cvl_comp_threshold !Config Desc = maximum fraction of convective points enabling compression !Config Def = 1.00 !Config Help = fields are compressed when less than a fraction cvl_comp_threshold !Config Help = of the points is convective. cvl_comp_threshold_omp = 1.00 CALL getin('cvl_comp_threshold', cvl_comp_threshold_omp) !Config key = cvl_sig2feed !Config Desc = sigma coordinate at top of feeding layer !Config Def = 0.97 !Config Help = deep convection is fed by the layer extending from the surface (pressure ps) !Config Help = and cvl_sig2feed*ps. cvl_sig2feed_omp = 0.97 CALL getin('cvl_sig2feed', cvl_sig2feed_omp) !Config key = cvl_corr !Config Desc = Facteur multiplication des precip convectives dans KE !Config Def = 1.00 !Config Help = 1.02 pour un moderne ou un pre-ind. A ajuster pour un glaciaire cvl_corr_omp = 1.00 CALL getin('cvl_corr', cvl_corr_omp) !Config Key = epmax !Config Desc = Efficacite precip !Config Def = 0.993 !Config Help = epmax_omp = .993 CALL getin('epmax', epmax_omp) coef_epmax_cape_omp = 0.0 CALL getin('coef_epmax_cape', coef_epmax_cape_omp) !Config Key = ok_adj_ema !Config Desc = !Config Def = FALSE !Config Help = ok_adj_ema_omp = .FALSE. CALL getin('ok_adj_ema', ok_adj_ema_omp) !Config Key = iflag_clw !Config Desc = !Config Def = 0 !Config Help = iflag_clw_omp = 0 CALL getin('iflag_clw', iflag_clw_omp) !Config Key = iflag_ratqs !Config Desc = !Config Def = 1 !Config Help = iflag_ratqs_omp = 1 CALL getin('iflag_ratqs', iflag_ratqs_omp) !Config Key = iflag_radia !Config Desc = !Config Def = 1 !Config Help = iflag_radia_omp = 1 CALL getin('iflag_radia', iflag_radia_omp) !Config Key = iflag_rrtm !Config Desc = !Config Def = 0 !Config Help = iflag_rrtm_omp = 0 CALL getin('iflag_rrtm', iflag_rrtm_omp) !Config Key = NSW !Config Desc = !Config Def = 0 !Config Help = NSW_omp = 2 CALL getin('NSW', NSW_omp) !albedo SB >>> iflag_albedo_omp = 0 CALL getin('iflag_albedo', iflag_albedo_omp) ok_chlorophyll_omp = .FALSE. CALL getin('ok_chlorophyll', ok_chlorophyll_omp) !albedo SB <<< !Config Key = ok_sun_time !Config Desc = oui ou non variabilite solaire !Config Def = .FALSE. !Config Help = !valeur AMIP II ok_suntime_rrtm_omp = .FALSE. IF (iflag_rrtm_omp==1) THEN CALL getin('ok_suntime_rrtm', ok_suntime_rrtm_omp) ENDIF !Config Key = flag_aerosol_strat !Config Desc = use stratospheric aerosols 0, 1, 2 ! - 0 = no stratospheric aerosols ! - 1 = stratospheric aerosols scaled from 550 nm AOD ! - 2 = stratospheric aerosol properties from CMIP6 !Option 2 is only available with RRTM, this is tested later on !Config Def = 0 !Config Help = Used in physiq.F flag_aerosol_strat_omp = 0 CALL getin('flag_aerosol_strat', flag_aerosol_strat_omp) !Config Key = flag_aer_feedback !Config Desc = (des)activate aerosol radiative feedback ! - F = no aerosol radiative feedback ! - T = aerosol radiative feedback !Config Def = T !Config Help = Used in physiq.F flag_aer_feedback_omp = .TRUE. IF (iflag_rrtm_omp==1) THEN CALL getin('flag_aer_feedback', flag_aer_feedback_omp) ENDIF !Config Key = iflag_cld_th !Config Desc = !Config Def = 1 !Config Help = iflag_cld_th_omp = 1 ! On lit deux fois avec l'ancien et le nouveau nom ! pour assurer une retrocompatiblite. ! A abandonner un jour CALL getin('iflag_cldcon', iflag_cld_th_omp) CALL getin('iflag_cld_th', iflag_cld_th_omp) iflag_cld_cv_omp = 0 CALL getin('iflag_cld_cv', iflag_cld_cv_omp) !Config Key = tau_cld_cv !Config Desc = !Config Def = 10. !Config Help = tau_cld_cv_omp = 10. CALL getin('tau_cld_cv', tau_cld_cv_omp) !Config Key = coefw_cld_cv !Config Desc = !Config Def = 0.1 !Config Help = coefw_cld_cv_omp = 0.1 CALL getin('coefw_cld_cv', coefw_cld_cv_omp) !Config Key = fact_cldcon !Config Desc = !Config Def = 0.375 !Config Help = fact_cldcon_omp = 0.375 CALL getin('fact_cldcon', fact_cldcon_omp) !Config Key = facttemps !Config Desc = !Config Def = 1.e-4 !Config Help = facttemps_omp = 1.e-4 CALL getin('facttemps', facttemps_omp) !Config Key = ok_newmicro !Config Desc = !Config Def = .TRUE. !Config Help = ok_newmicro_omp = .TRUE. CALL getin('ok_newmicro', ok_newmicro_omp) !Config Key = ratqsbas !Config Desc = !Config Def = 0.01 !Config Help = ratqsbas_omp = 0.01 CALL getin('ratqsbas', ratqsbas_omp) !Config Key = ratqshaut !Config Desc = !Config Def = 0.3 !Config Help = ratqshaut_omp = 0.3 CALL getin('ratqshaut', ratqshaut_omp) !Config Key = tau_ratqs !Config Desc = !Config Def = 1800. !Config Help = tau_ratqs_omp = 1800. CALL getin('tau_ratqs', tau_ratqs_omp) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Longitude solaire pour le calcul de l'ensoleillement en degre ! si on veut imposer la saison. Sinon, solarlong0=-999.999 !Config Key = solarlong0 !Config Desc = !Config Def = -999.999 !Config Help = solarlong0_omp = -999.999 CALL getin('solarlong0', solarlong0_omp) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Valeur imposee pour configuration idealisees !Config Key = qsol0 pour le bucket, evap0 pour aquaplanetes, albsno0 ! Default value -1 to activate the full computation qsol0_omp = -1. CALL getin('qsol0', qsol0_omp) evap0_omp = -1. CALL getin('evap0', evap0_omp) albsno0_omp = -1. CALL getin('albsno0', albsno0_omp) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !Config Key = iflag_sic !Config Desc = !Config Def = 0 !Config Help = iflag_sic_omp = 0 CALL getin('iflag_sic', iflag_sic_omp) !Config Key = iflag_inertie !Config Desc = !Config Def = 0 !Config Help = iflag_inertie_omp = 0 CALL getin('iflag_inertie', iflag_inertie_omp) !Config Key = inertie_sic !Config Desc = !Config Def = 2000. !Config Help = inertie_sic_omp = 2000. CALL getin('inertie_sic', inertie_sic_omp) !Config Key = inertie_lic !Config Desc = !Config Def = 2000. !Config Help = inertie_lic_omp = 2000. CALL getin('inertie_lic', inertie_lic_omp) !Config Key = inertie_sno !Config Desc = !Config Def = 2000. !Config Help = inertie_sno_omp = 2000. CALL getin('inertie_sno', inertie_sno_omp) !Config Key = inertie_sol !Config Desc = !Config Def = 2000. !Config Help = inertie_sol_omp = 2000. CALL getin('inertie_sol', inertie_sol_omp) !Config Key = rad_froid !Config Desc = !Config Def = 35.0 !Config Help = rad_froid_omp = 35.0 CALL getin('rad_froid', rad_froid_omp) !Config Key = rad_chau1 !Config Desc = !Config Def = 13.0 !Config Help = rad_chau1_omp = 13.0 CALL getin('rad_chau1', rad_chau1_omp) !Config Key = rad_chau2 !Config Desc = !Config Def = 9.0 !Config Help = rad_chau2_omp = 9.0 CALL getin('rad_chau2', rad_chau2_omp) !Config Key = iflag_ice_thermo !Config Desc = !Config Def = 0 !Config Help = iflag_ice_thermo_omp = 0 CALL getin('iflag_ice_thermo', iflag_ice_thermo_omp) !Config Key = ok_ice_sursat !Config Desc = !Config Def = 0 !Config Help = ok_ice_sursat_omp = .FALSE. CALL getin('ok_ice_sursat', ok_ice_sursat_omp) !Config Key = ok_plane_h2o !Config Desc = !Config Def = 0 !Config Help = ok_plane_h2o_omp = .FALSE. CALL getin('ok_plane_h2o', ok_plane_h2o_omp) !Config Key = ok_plane_contrail !Config Desc = !Config Def = 0 !Config Help = ok_plane_contrail_omp = .FALSE. CALL getin('ok_plane_contrail', ok_plane_contrail_omp) !Config Key = top_height !Config Desc = !Config Def = 3 !Config Help = top_height_omp = 3 CALL getin('top_height', top_height_omp) !Config Key = overlap !Config Desc = !Config Def = 3 !Config Help = overlap_omp = 3 CALL getin('overlap', overlap_omp) !Config Key = cdmmax !Config Desc = !Config Def = 1.3E-3 !Config Help = cdmmax_omp = 1.3E-3 CALL getin('cdmmax', cdmmax_omp) !Config Key = cdhmax !Config Desc = !Config Def = 1.1E-3 !Config Help = cdhmax_omp = 1.1E-3 CALL getin('cdhmax', cdhmax_omp) !261103 !Config Key = ksta !Config Desc = !Config Def = 1.0e-10 !Config Help = ksta_omp = 1.0e-10 CALL getin('ksta', ksta_omp) !Config Key = ksta_ter !Config Desc = !Config Def = 1.0e-10 !Config Help = ksta_ter_omp = 1.0e-10 CALL getin('ksta_ter', ksta_ter_omp) !Config Key = f_ri_cd_min !Config Desc = !Config Def = 0.1 !Config Help = f_ri_cd_min_omp = 0.1 CALL getin('f_ri_cd_min', f_ri_cd_min_omp) !Config Key = ok_kzmin !Config Desc = !Config Def = .TRUE. !Config Help = ok_kzmin_omp = .TRUE. CALL getin('ok_kzmin', ok_kzmin_omp) !Config Key = fmagic !Config Desc = additionnal multiplicator factor used for albedo !Config Def = 1. !Config Help = additionnal multiplicator factor used in albedo.F fmagic_omp = 1. CALL getin('fmagic', fmagic_omp) !Config Key = pmagic !Config Desc = additional factor used for albedo !Config Def = 0. !Config Help = additional factor used in albedo.F pmagic_omp = 0. CALL getin('pmagic', pmagic_omp) !Config Key = ok_lic_melt !Config Desc = Prise en compte de la fonte de la calotte dans le bilan d'eau !Config Def = .FALSE. !Config Help = mettre a .FALSE. pour assurer la conservation en eau ok_lic_melt_omp = .FALSE. CALL getin('ok_lic_melt', ok_lic_melt_omp) !Config Key = ok_lic_cond !Config Desc = Prise en compte depot de vapeur d'eau sur la calotte dans le bilan d'eau !Config Def = .FALSE. !Config Help = mettre a .TRUE. pour assurer la conservation en eau ok_lic_cond_omp = .FALSE. CALL getin('ok_lic_cond', ok_lic_cond_omp) ! PARAMETER FOR THE PLANETARY BOUNDARY LAYER !Config Key = iflag_pbl !Config Desc = !Config Def = 1 !Config Help = iflag_pbl_omp = 1 CALL getin('iflag_pbl', iflag_pbl_omp) iflag_physiq_omp = 0 ! 0: std, 1: with physiqex output, 2: for physiqex CALL getin('iflag_physiq', iflag_physiq_omp) !FC !Config Key = ifl_pbltree !Config Desc = drag from trees 0 no activated !Config Def = 0 !Config Help = ifl_pbltree_omp = 0 CALL getin('ifl_pbltree', ifl_pbltree_omp) !FC !Config Key = Cd_frein !Config Desc = drag from trees !Config Def = 7.5E-02 (valeur Masson mais fait planter avec des LAI eleves) !Config Help = Cd_frein_omp = 7.5E-02 CALL getin('Cd_frein', Cd_frein_omp) !Config Key = iflag_pbl_split !Config Desc = decimal flag: least signif digit = split vdf; next digit = split thermals !Config Def = 0 !Config Help = 0-> no splitting; 1-> vdf splitting; 10-> thermals splitting; 11-> full splitting iflag_pbl_split_omp = 0 CALL getin('iflag_pbl_split', iflag_pbl_split_omp) !Config Key = iflag_order2_sollw !Config Desc = !Config Def = 0 !Config Help = iflag_order2_sollw_omp = 0 CALL getin('iflag_order2_sollw', iflag_order2_sollw_omp) !Config Key = iflag_thermals !Config Desc = !Config Def = 0 !Config Help = iflag_thermals_omp = 0 CALL getin('iflag_thermals', iflag_thermals_omp) !Config Key = nsplit_thermals !Config Desc = !Config Def = 0 !Config Help = nsplit_thermals_omp = 1 CALL getin('nsplit_thermals', nsplit_thermals_omp) !Config Key = nsplit_thermals !Config Desc = !Config Def = 0 !Config Help = alp_bl_k_omp = 1. CALL getin('alp_bl_k', alp_bl_k_omp) ! nrlmd le 10/04/2012 !Config Key = iflag_trig_bl !Config Desc = !Config Def = 0 !Config Help = iflag_trig_bl_omp = 0 CALL getin('iflag_trig_bl', iflag_trig_bl_omp) !Config Key = iflag_strig !Config Desc = !Config Def = 0 !Config Help = iflag_strig_omp = 0 CALL getin('iflag_strig', iflag_strig_omp) !Config Key = s_trig_bl !Config Desc = !Config Def = 0 !Config Help = s_trig_omp = 2e7 CALL getin('s_trig', s_trig_omp) !Config Key = h_trig !Config Desc = !Config Def = 0 !Config Help = h_trig_omp = 6000. CALL getin('h_trig', h_trig_omp) !Config Key = tau_trig_shallow !Config Desc = !Config Def = 0 !Config Help = tau_trig_shallow_omp = 600 CALL getin('tau_trig_shallow', tau_trig_shallow_omp) !Config Key = tau_trig_deep !Config Desc = !Config Def = 0 !Config Help = tau_trig_deep_omp = 1800 CALL getin('tau_trig_deep', tau_trig_deep_omp) !Config Key = iflag_clos_bl !Config Desc = !Config Def = 0 !Config Help = iflag_clos_bl_omp = 0 CALL getin('iflag_clos_bl', iflag_clos_bl_omp) ! fin nrlmd le 10/04/2012 !Config Key = tau_thermals !Config Desc = !Config Def = 0. !Config Help = tau_thermals_omp = 0. CALL getin('tau_thermals', tau_thermals_omp) !Config Key = iflag_coupl !Config Desc = !Config Def = 0 !Config Help = iflag_coupl_omp = 0 CALL getin('iflag_coupl', iflag_coupl_omp) !Config Key = iflag_clos !Config Desc = !Config Def = 0 !Config Help = iflag_clos_omp = 1 CALL getin('iflag_clos', iflag_clos_omp) !Config Key = coef_clos_ls !Config Desc = !Config Def = 0 !Config Help = coef_clos_ls_omp = 0. CALL getin('coef_clos_ls', coef_clos_ls_omp) !Config Key = iflag_cvl_sigd !Config Desc = !Config Def = 0 !Config Help = iflag_cvl_sigd_omp = 0 CALL getin('iflag_cvl_sigd', iflag_cvl_sigd_omp) !Config Key = iflag_wake !Config Desc = !Config Def = 0 !Config Help = iflag_wake_omp = 0 CALL getin('iflag_wake', iflag_wake_omp) !Config Key = alp_offset !Config Desc = !Config Def = 0 !Config Help = alp_offset_omp = 0. CALL getin('alp_offset', alp_offset_omp) !Config Key = lev_histhf !Config Desc = !Config Def = 1 !Config Help = lev_histhf_omp = 1 CALL getin('lev_histhf', lev_histhf_omp) !Config Key = lev_histday !Config Desc = !Config Def = 1 !Config Help = lev_histday_omp = 1 CALL getin('lev_histday', lev_histday_omp) !Config Key = lev_histmth !Config Desc = !Config Def = 2 !Config Help = lev_histmth_omp = 2 CALL getin('lev_histmth', lev_histmth_omp) !Config Key = lev_histins !Config Desc = !Config Def = 1 !Config Help = lev_histins_omp = 1 CALL getin('lev_histins', lev_histins_omp) !Config Key = lev_histLES !Config Desc = !Config Def = 1 !Config Help = lev_histLES_omp = 1 CALL getin('lev_histLES', lev_histLES_omp) !Config Key = lev_histdayNMC !Config Desc = !Config Def = 8 !Config Help = lev_histdayNMC_omp = 8 CALL getin('lev_histdayNMC', lev_histdayNMC_omp) !Config Key = levout_histNMC !Config Desc = !Config Def = 5 !Config Help = levout_histNMC_omp(1) = 5 levout_histNMC_omp(2) = 5 levout_histNMC_omp(3) = 5 CALL getin('levout_histNMC', levout_histNMC_omp) !histNMC BEG !Config Key = ok_histNMC !Config Desc = ok_histNMC(1) = frequence de sortie fichiers histmthNMC !Config Desc = ok_histNMC(2) = frequence de sortie fichiers histdayNMC !Config Desc = ok_histNMC(3) = frequence de sortie fichiers histhfNMC !Config Def = n, n, n !Config Help = ok_histNMC_omp(1) = .FALSE. ok_histNMC_omp(2) = .FALSE. ok_histNMC_omp(3) = .FALSE. CALL getin('ok_histNMC', ok_histNMC_omp) !Config Key = freq_outNMC !Config Desc = freq_outNMC(1) = frequence de sortie fichiers histmthNMC !Config Desc = freq_outNMC(2) = frequence de sortie fichiers histdayNMC !Config Desc = freq_outNMC(3) = frequence de sortie fichiers histhfNMC !Config Def = 2592000., 86400., 21600. (1mois, 1jour, 6h) !Config Help = freq_outNMC_omp(1) = mth_len freq_outNMC_omp(2) = 1. freq_outNMC_omp(3) = 1. / 4. CALL getin('freq_outNMC', freq_outNMC_omp) !Config Key = freq_calNMC !Config Desc = freq_calNMC(1) = frequence de calcul fichiers histmthNMC !Config Desc = freq_calNMC(2) = frequence de calcul fichiers histdayNMC !Config Desc = freq_calNMC(3) = frequence de calcul fichiers histhfNMC !Config Def = phys_tstep !Config Help = freq_calNMC_omp(1) = phys_tstep freq_calNMC_omp(2) = phys_tstep freq_calNMC_omp(3) = phys_tstep CALL getin('freq_calNMC', freq_calNMC_omp) !Config Key = type_run !Config Desc = !Config Def = 'AMIP'/'CFMIP' ou 'CLIM'/'ENSP' !Config Help = type_run_omp = 'AMIP' CALL getin('type_run', type_run_omp) !Config Key = ok_cosp !Config Desc = !Config Def = .FALSE. !Config Help = ok_cosp_omp = .FALSE. CALL getin('ok_cosp', ok_cosp_omp) !Config Key = ok_airs !Config Desc = !Config Def = .FALSE. !Config Help = ok_airs_omp = .FALSE. CALL getin('ok_airs', ok_airs_omp) !Config Key = ok_mensuelCOSP !Config Desc = !Config Def = .TRUE. !Config Help = ok_mensuelCOSP_omp = .TRUE. CALL getin('ok_mensuelCOSP', ok_mensuelCOSP_omp) !Config Key = ok_journeCOSP !Config Desc = !Config Def = .TRUE. !Config Help = ok_journeCOSP_omp = .TRUE. CALL getin('ok_journeCOSP', ok_journeCOSP_omp) !Config Key = ok_hfCOSP !Config Desc = !Config Def = .FALSE. !Config Help = ok_hfCOSP_omp = .FALSE. CALL getin('ok_hfCOSP', ok_hfCOSP_omp) ! coordonnees (lonmin_ins, lonmax_ins, latmin_ins, latmax_ins) pour la zone ! avec sorties instantannees tous les pas de temps de la physique => "histbilKP_ins.nc" !Config Key = lonmin_ins !Config Desc = 100. !Config Def = longitude minimale sorties "bilKP_ins" !Config Help = lonmin_ins_omp = 100. CALL getin('lonmin_ins', lonmin_ins_omp) !Config Key = lonmax_ins !Config Desc = 130. !Config Def = longitude maximale sorties "bilKP_ins" !Config Help = lonmax_ins_omp = 130. CALL getin('lonmax_ins', lonmax_ins_omp) !Config Key = latmin_ins !Config Desc = -20. !Config Def = latitude minimale sorties "bilKP_ins" !Config Help = latmin_ins_omp = -20. CALL getin('latmin_ins', latmin_ins_omp) !Config Key = latmax_ins !Config Desc = 20. !Config Def = latitude maximale sorties "bilKP_ins" !Config Help = latmax_ins_omp = 20. CALL getin('latmax_ins', latmax_ins_omp) !Config Key = ecrit_hf !Config Desc = !Config Def = 1./8. !toutes les 3h !Config Help = ecrit_hf_omp = 1. / 8. CALL getin('ecrit_hf', ecrit_hf_omp) !Config Key = ecrit_ins !Config Desc = !Config Def = 1./48. ! toutes les 1/2 h !Config Help = ecrit_ins_omp = 1. / 48. CALL getin('ecrit_ins', ecrit_ins_omp) !Config Key = ecrit_day !Config Desc = !Config Def = 1.0 !tous les jours !Config Help = nombre de jours pour ecriture fichier histday.nc ecrit_day_omp = 1.0 CALL getin('ecrit_day', ecrit_day_omp) !Config Key = ecrit_mth !Config Desc = !Config Def = 30. !tous les 30jours (1 fois par mois) !Config Help = ecrit_mth_omp = 30. CALL getin('ecrit_mth', ecrit_mth_omp) !Config Key = ecrit_tra !Config Desc = !Config Def = 30. !tous les 30jours (1 fois par mois) !Config Help = ecrit_tra_omp = 0. CALL getin('ecrit_tra', ecrit_tra_omp) !Config Key = ecrit_reg !Config Desc = !Config Def = 0.25 !4 fois par jour !Config Help = ecrit_reg_omp = 0.25 !4 fois par jour CALL getin('ecrit_reg', ecrit_reg_omp) PRINT*, 'CONFPHYS OOK avant drag_ter' ! PARAMETRES CDRAG f_cdrag_ter_omp = 0.8 CALL getin('f_cdrag_ter', f_cdrag_ter_omp) f_cdrag_oce_omp = 0.8 CALL getin('f_cdrag_oce', f_cdrag_oce_omp) ! Gustiness flags f_z0qh_oce_omp = 1. CALL getin('f_z0qh_oce', f_z0qh_oce_omp) f_qsat_oce_omp = 1. CALL getin('f_qsat_oce', f_qsat_oce_omp) f_gust_bl_omp = 0. CALL getin('f_gust_bl', f_gust_bl_omp) f_gust_wk_omp = 0. CALL getin('f_gust_wk', f_gust_wk_omp) !Config Key = iflag_z0_oce !Config Desc = 0 (z0h=z0m), 1 (diff. equ. for z0h and z0m), -1 (z0m=z0h=z0min) !Config Def = 0 ! z0h = z0m !Config Help = iflag_z0_oce_omp = 0 CALL getin('iflag_z0_oce', iflag_z0_oce_omp) iflag_gusts_omp = 0 CALL getin('iflag_gusts', iflag_gusts_omp) min_wind_speed_omp = 1. CALL getin('min_wind_speed', min_wind_speed_omp) z0m_seaice_omp = 0.002 ; CALL getin('z0m_seaice', z0m_seaice_omp) z0h_seaice_omp = 0.002 ; CALL getin('z0h_seaice', z0h_seaice_omp) z0m_landice_omp = 0.001 ; CALL getin('z0m_landice', z0m_landice_omp) z0h_landice_omp = 0.001 ; CALL getin('z0h_landice', z0h_landice_omp) f_rugoro_omp = 0. CALL getin('f_rugoro', f_rugoro_omp) z0min_omp = 0.000015 CALL getin('z0min', z0min_omp) ! PARAMETERS FOR CONVECTIVE INHIBITION BY TROPOS. DRYNESS !Config Key = supcrit1 !Config Desc = !Config Def = .540 !Config Help = supcrit1_omp = .540 CALL getin('supcrit1', supcrit1_omp) !Config Key = supcrit2 !Config Desc = !Config Def = .600 !Config Help = supcrit2_omp = .600 CALL getin('supcrit2', supcrit2_omp) ! PARAMETERS FOR THE MIXING DISTRIBUTION ! iflag_mix: 0=OLD, ! 1=NEW (JYG), ! 2=NEW + conv. depth inhib. by tropos. dryness ! '2' is NOT operationnal and should not be used. !Config Key = iflag_mix !Config Desc = !Config Def = 1 !Config Help = iflag_mix_omp = 1 CALL getin('iflag_mix', iflag_mix_omp) ! PARAMETERS FOR THE EROSION OF THE ADIABATIC ASCENTS ! iflag_mix_adiab: 0=OLD, ! 1=NEW (CR), !Config Key = iflag_mix_adiab !Config Desc = !Config Def = 1 !Config Help = iflag_mix_adiab_omp = 0 CALL getin('iflag_mix_adiab', iflag_mix_adiab_omp) !Config Key = scut !Config Desc = !Config Def = 0.95 !Config Help = scut_omp = 0.95 CALL getin('scut', scut_omp) !Config Key = qqa1 !Config Desc = !Config Def = 1.0 !Config Help = qqa1_omp = 1.0 CALL getin('qqa1', qqa1_omp) !Config Key = qqa2 !Config Desc = !Config Def = 0.0 !Config Help = qqa2_omp = 0.0 CALL getin('qqa2', qqa2_omp) !Config Key = gammas !Config Desc = !Config Def = 0.05 !Config Help = gammas_omp = 0.05 CALL getin('gammas', gammas_omp) !Config Key = Fmax !Config Desc = !Config Def = 0.65 !Config Help = Fmax_omp = 0.65 CALL getin('Fmax', Fmax_omp) !Config Key = tmax_fonte_cv !Config Desc = !Config Def = 275.15 !Config Help = tmax_fonte_cv_omp = 275.15 CALL getin('tmax_fonte_cv', tmax_fonte_cv_omp) !Config Key = alphas !Config Desc = !Config Def = -5. !Config Help = alphas_omp = -5. CALL getin('alphas', alphas_omp) !Config key = ok_strato !Config Desc = activation de la version strato !Config Def = .FALSE. !Config Help = active la version stratosph\'erique de LMDZ de F. Lott ! Et la sponge layer (Runs Stratospheriques) ok_strato_omp = .FALSE. CALL getin('ok_strato', ok_strato_omp) !Config key = ok_hines !Config Desc = activation de la parametrisation de hines !Config Def = .FALSE. !Config Help = Clefs controlant la parametrization de Hines ok_hines_omp = .FALSE. CALL getin('ok_hines', ok_hines_omp) ! Parametres pour les ondes de gravite ! Subgrid Scale Orography (Lott Miller (1997), Lott (1999)) sso_gkdrag_omp = merge(0.1875, 0.2, ok_strato_omp) CALL getin('sso_gkdrag', sso_gkdrag_omp) sso_grahil_omp = merge(0.1, 1., ok_strato_omp) CALL getin('sso_grahil', sso_grahil_omp) sso_grcrit_omp = merge(1., 0.01, ok_strato_omp) CALL getin('sso_grcrit', sso_grcrit_omp) sso_gfrcri_omp = 1. CALL getin('sso_gfrcri', sso_gfrcri_omp) sso_gkwake_omp = 0.50 CALL getin('sso_gkwake', sso_gkwake_omp) sso_gklift_omp = merge(0.25, 0.50, ok_strato_omp) CALL getin('sso_gklift', sso_gklift_omp) ! Random gravity waves: ok_gwd_rando_omp = .FALSE. IF (klon_glo == 1) THEN PRINT*, 'La parametrisation des ondes de gravites non orographiques' PRINT*, 'ne fonctionne pas en 1D' ELSE CALL getin('ok_gwd_rando', ok_gwd_rando_omp) ENDIF gwd_rando_ruwmax_omp = 2.00 CALL getin('gwd_rando_ruwmax', gwd_rando_ruwmax_omp) gwd_rando_sat_omp = 0.25 CALL getin('gwd_rando_sat', gwd_rando_sat_omp) gwd_front_ruwmax_omp = 2.50 CALL getin('gwd_front_ruwmax', gwd_front_ruwmax_omp) gwd_front_sat_omp = 0.60 CALL getin('gwd_front_sat', gwd_front_sat_omp) !Config key = ok_qch4 !Config Desc = activation de la parametrisation du methane !Config Def = .FALSE. !Config Help = Clef controlant l'activation de la parametrisation ! de l'humidite due a oxydation+photolyse du methane strato ok_qch4_omp = .FALSE. CALL getin('ok_qch4', ok_qch4_omp) !Config Key = OK_LES !Config Desc = Pour des sorties LES !Config Def = .FALSE. !Config Help = Pour creer le fichier histLES contenant les sorties ! LES ok_LES_omp = .FALSE. CALL getin('OK_LES', ok_LES_omp) !Config Key = callstats !Config Desc = Pour des sorties callstats !Config Def = .FALSE. !Config Help = Pour creer le fichier stats contenant les sorties ! stats callstats_omp = .FALSE. CALL getin('callstats', callstats_omp) !Config Key = ecrit_LES !Config Desc = Frequence d'ecriture des resultats du LES en nombre de jours; ! par defaut 1., i.e. 1 jour !Config Def = 1./8. !Config Help = ... adjust_tropopause = .FALSE. CALL getin('adjust_tropopause', adjust_tropopause_omp) !Config Key = adjust_tropopause !Config Desc = Adjust the ozone field from the climoz file by stretching its ! tropopause so that it matches the one of LMDZ. !Config Def = .FALSE. !Config Help = Ensure tropospheric ozone column conservation. ok_daily_climoz = .FALSE. CALL getin('ok_daily_climoz', ok_daily_climoz_omp) !Config Key = ok_daily_climoz !Config Desc = Interpolate in time the ozone forcings within ce0l. ! .TRUE. if backward compatibility is needed. !Config Def = .TRUE. !Config Help = .FALSE. ensure much fewer (no calendar dependency) ! and lighter monthly climoz files, inetrpolated in time at gcm run time. ok_new_lscp_omp = .FALSE. CALL getin('ok_new_lscp', ok_new_lscp_omp) !Config Key = ok_new_lscp_omp !Config Desc = new cloud scheme ith ice and mixed phase (Etienne and JB) !Config Def = .FALSE. !Config Help = ... ok_icefra_lscp_omp = .FALSE. CALL getin('ok_icefra_lscp', ok_icefra_lscp_omp) !Config Key = ok_icefra_lscp_omp !Config Desc = ice fraction in radiation from lscp !Config Def = .FALSE. !Config Help = ... ok_bs_omp = .FALSE. CALL getin('ok_bs', ok_bs_omp) !Config Key = ok_bs_omp !Config Desc = include blowing snow !Config Def = .FALSE. !Config Help = ... ok_rad_bs_omp = .FALSE. CALL getin('ok_rad_bs', ok_rad_bs_omp) !Config Key = ok_rad_bs_omp !Config Desc = include blowing snow radiative effect !Config Def = .FALSE. !Config Help = ... ecrit_LES_omp = 1. / 8. CALL getin('ecrit_LES', ecrit_LES_omp) read_climoz = 0 ! default value CALL getin('read_climoz', read_climoz) carbon_cycle_tr_omp = .FALSE. CALL getin('carbon_cycle_tr', carbon_cycle_tr_omp) carbon_cycle_cpl_omp = .FALSE. CALL getin('carbon_cycle_cpl', carbon_cycle_cpl_omp) carbon_cycle_rad_omp = .FALSE. CALL getin('carbon_cycle_rad', carbon_cycle_rad_omp) read_fco2_ocean_cor_omp = .FALSE. CALL getin('read_fco2_ocean_cor', read_fco2_ocean_cor_omp) var_fco2_ocean_cor_omp = 0. ! default value CALL getin('var_fco2_ocean_cor', var_fco2_ocean_cor_omp) read_fco2_land_cor_omp = .FALSE. CALL getin('read_fco2_land_cor', read_fco2_land_cor_omp) var_fco2_land_cor_omp = 0. ! default value CALL getin('var_fco2_land_cor', var_fco2_land_cor_omp) ! level_coupling_esm : level of coupling of the biogeochemical fields between LMDZ, ORCHIDEE and NEMO ! Definitions of level_coupling_esm in physiq.def ! level_coupling_esm = 0 ! No field exchange between LMDZ and ORCHIDEE models ! ! No field exchange between LMDZ and NEMO ! level_coupling_esm = 1 ! Field exchange between LMDZ and ORCHIDEE models ! ! No field exchange between LMDZ and NEMO models ! level_coupling_esm = 2 ! No field exchange between LMDZ and ORCHIDEE models ! ! Field exchange between LMDZ and NEMO models ! level_coupling_esm = 3 ! Field exchange between LMDZ and ORCHIDEE models ! ! Field exchange between LMDZ and NEMO models level_coupling_esm_omp = 0 ! default value CALL getin('level_coupling_esm', level_coupling_esm_omp) dms_cycle_cpl_omp = .FALSE. CALL getin('transm_dms_oa', dms_cycle_cpl_omp) !Config Key = dms_cycle_cpl !Config Desc = receive dms from pisces via oasis !Config Def = .FALSE. !Config Help = can be activated only if lmdz use inca for the atmospheric chemistry n2o_cycle_cpl_omp = .FALSE. CALL getin('transm_n2o_oa', n2o_cycle_cpl_omp) !Config Key = n2o_cycle_cpl !Config Desc = receive n2o from pisces via oasis !Config Def = .FALSE. !Config Help = can be activated only if lmdz use inca for the atmospheric chemistry !$OMP END MASTER !$OMP BARRIER R_ecc = R_ecc_omp R_peri = R_peri_omp R_incl = R_incl_omp solaire = solaire_omp ok_suntime_rrtm = ok_suntime_rrtm_omp co2_ppm = co2_ppm_omp co2_ppm0 = co2_ppm0_omp RCO2 = RCO2_omp CH4_ppb = CH4_ppb_omp RCH4 = RCH4_omp N2O_ppb = N2O_ppb_omp RN2O = RN2O_omp CFC11_ppt = CFC11_ppt_omp RCFC11 = RCFC11_omp CFC12_ppt = CFC12_ppt_omp RCFC12 = RCFC12_omp RCO2_act = RCO2 RCH4_act = RCH4 RN2O_act = RN2O RCFC11_act = RCFC11 RCFC12_act = RCFC12 RCO2_per = RCO2_per_omp RCH4_per = RCH4_per_omp RN2O_per = RN2O_per_omp RCFC11_per = RCFC11_per_omp RCFC12_per = RCFC12_per_omp iflag_cycle_diurne = iflag_cycle_diurne_omp soil_model = soil_model_omp new_oliq = new_oliq_omp ok_orodr = ok_orodr_omp ok_orolf = ok_orolf_omp zrel_oro_t = zrel_oro_t_omp zstd_orodr_t = zstd_orodr_t_omp zpmm_orodr_t = zpmm_orodr_t_omp zpmm_orolf_t = zpmm_orolf_t_omp ok_limitvrai = ok_limitvrai_omp nbapp_rad = nbapp_rad_omp iflag_con = iflag_con_omp nbapp_cv = nbapp_cv_omp nbapp_wk = nbapp_wk_omp iflag_ener_conserv = iflag_ener_conserv_omp ok_conserv_q = ok_conserv_q_omp epmax = epmax_omp coef_epmax_cape = coef_epmax_cape_omp ok_adj_ema = ok_adj_ema_omp iflag_clw = iflag_clw_omp solarlong0 = solarlong0_omp qsol0 = qsol0_omp evap0 = evap0_omp albsno0 = albsno0_omp iflag_sic = iflag_sic_omp iflag_inertie = iflag_inertie_omp inertie_sol = inertie_sol_omp inertie_sic = inertie_sic_omp inertie_lic = inertie_lic_omp inertie_sno = inertie_sno_omp ok_bs = ok_bs_omp ok_rad_bs = ok_rad_bs_omp rad_froid = rad_froid_omp rad_chau1 = rad_chau1_omp rad_chau2 = rad_chau2_omp iflag_ice_thermo = iflag_ice_thermo_omp ok_ice_sursat = ok_ice_sursat_omp ok_plane_h2o = ok_plane_h2o_omp ok_plane_contrail = ok_plane_contrail_omp top_height = top_height_omp overlap = overlap_omp cdmmax = cdmmax_omp cdhmax = cdhmax_omp ksta = ksta_omp ksta_ter = ksta_ter_omp f_ri_cd_min = f_ri_cd_min_omp ok_kzmin = ok_kzmin_omp fmagic = fmagic_omp pmagic = pmagic_omp iflag_pbl = iflag_pbl_omp iflag_physiq = iflag_physiq_omp iflag_pbl_split = iflag_pbl_split_omp !FC ifl_pbltree = ifl_pbltree_omp Cd_frein = Cd_frein_omp iflag_order2_sollw = iflag_order2_sollw_omp lev_histhf = lev_histhf_omp lev_histday = lev_histday_omp lev_histmth = lev_histmth_omp lev_histins = lev_histins_omp lev_histLES = lev_histLES_omp lev_histdayNMC = lev_histdayNMC_omp levout_histNMC = levout_histNMC_omp ok_histNMC(:) = ok_histNMC_omp(:) freq_outNMC(:) = freq_outNMC_omp(:) freq_calNMC(:) = freq_calNMC_omp(:) type_ocean = type_ocean_omp version_ocean = version_ocean_omp t_coupl = t_coupl_omp ok_veget = .TRUE. type_veget = type_veget_omp IF (type_veget=='n' .OR. type_veget=='bucket' .OR. type_veget=='betaclim') THEN ok_veget = .FALSE. ENDIF ! INLANDSIS !================================================= landice_opt = landice_opt_omp iflag_tsurf_inlandsis = iflag_tsurf_inlandsis_omp iflag_temp_inlandsis = iflag_temp_inlandsis_omp iflag_albcalc = iflag_albcalc_omp SnoMod = SnoMod_omp BloMod = BloMod_omp ok_outfor = ok_outfor_omp is_ok_slush = is_ok_slush_omp opt_runoff_ac = opt_runoff_ac_omp is_ok_z0h_rn = is_ok_z0h_rn_omp is_ok_density_kotlyakov = is_ok_density_kotlyakov_omp prescribed_z0m_snow = prescribed_z0m_snow_omp correc_alb = correc_alb_omp iflag_z0m_snow = iflag_z0m_snow_omp ok_zsn_ii = ok_zsn_ii_omp discret_xf = discret_xf_omp buf_sph_pol = buf_sph_pol_omp buf_siz_pol = buf_siz_pol_omp !================================================= ok_all_xml = ok_all_xml_omp ok_lwoff = ok_lwoff_omp ok_newmicro = ok_newmicro_omp ok_journe = ok_journe_omp ok_hf = ok_hf_omp ok_mensuel = ok_mensuel_omp ok_instan = ok_instan_omp freq_ISCCP = freq_ISCCP_omp ecrit_ISCCP = ecrit_ISCCP_omp freq_COSP = freq_COSP_omp freq_AIRS = freq_AIRS_omp ok_ade = ok_ade_omp ok_aie = ok_aie_omp ok_alw = ok_alw_omp ok_cdnc = ok_cdnc_omp ok_volcan = ok_volcan_omp flag_volc_surfstrat = flag_volc_surfstrat_omp aerosol_couple = aerosol_couple_omp chemistry_couple = chemistry_couple_omp flag_aerosol = flag_aerosol_omp flag_aerosol_strat = flag_aerosol_strat_omp flag_aer_feedback = flag_aer_feedback_omp flag_bc_internal_mixture = flag_bc_internal_mixture_omp aer_type = aer_type_omp bl95_b0 = bl95_b0_omp bl95_b1 = bl95_b1_omp fact_cldcon = fact_cldcon_omp facttemps = facttemps_omp ratqsbas = ratqsbas_omp ratqshaut = ratqshaut_omp tau_ratqs = tau_ratqs_omp iflag_radia = iflag_radia_omp iflag_rrtm = iflag_rrtm_omp iflag_albedo = iflag_albedo_omp ok_chlorophyll = ok_chlorophyll_omp NSW = NSW_omp iflag_cld_th = iflag_cld_th_omp iflag_cld_cv = iflag_cld_cv_omp tau_cld_cv = tau_cld_cv_omp coefw_cld_cv = coefw_cld_cv_omp iflag_ratqs = iflag_ratqs_omp ip_ebil_phy = ip_ebil_phy_omp iflag_thermals = iflag_thermals_omp nsplit_thermals = nsplit_thermals_omp tau_thermals = tau_thermals_omp alp_bl_k = alp_bl_k_omp ! nrlmd le 10/04/2012 iflag_trig_bl = iflag_trig_bl_omp iflag_strig = iflag_strig_omp s_trig = s_trig_omp h_trig = h_trig_omp tau_trig_shallow = tau_trig_shallow_omp tau_trig_deep = tau_trig_deep_omp iflag_clos_bl = iflag_clos_bl_omp ! fin nrlmd le 10/04/2012 iflag_coupl = iflag_coupl_omp iflag_clos = iflag_clos_omp iflag_wake = iflag_wake_omp coef_clos_ls = coef_clos_ls_omp alp_offset = alp_offset_omp iflag_cvl_sigd = iflag_cvl_sigd_omp type_run = type_run_omp ok_cosp = ok_cosp_omp ok_airs = ok_airs_omp ok_mensuelCOSP = ok_mensuelCOSP_omp ok_journeCOSP = ok_journeCOSP_omp ok_hfCOSP = ok_hfCOSP_omp seuil_inversion = seuil_inversion_omp lonmin_ins = lonmin_ins_omp lonmax_ins = lonmax_ins_omp latmin_ins = latmin_ins_omp latmax_ins = latmax_ins_omp ecrit_hf = ecrit_hf_omp ecrit_ins = ecrit_ins_omp ecrit_day = ecrit_day_omp ecrit_mth = ecrit_mth_omp ecrit_tra = ecrit_tra_omp ecrit_reg = ecrit_reg_omp cvl_comp_threshold = cvl_comp_threshold_omp cvl_sig2feed = cvl_sig2feed_omp cvl_corr = cvl_corr_omp ok_lic_melt = ok_lic_melt_omp ok_lic_cond = ok_lic_cond_omp f_cdrag_ter = f_cdrag_ter_omp f_cdrag_oce = f_cdrag_oce_omp f_gust_wk = f_gust_wk_omp f_gust_bl = f_gust_bl_omp f_qsat_oce = f_qsat_oce_omp f_z0qh_oce = f_z0qh_oce_omp min_wind_speed = min_wind_speed_omp iflag_gusts = iflag_gusts_omp iflag_z0_oce = iflag_z0_oce_omp z0m_seaice = z0m_seaice_omp z0h_seaice = z0h_seaice_omp z0m_landice = z0m_landice_omp z0h_landice = z0h_landice_omp f_rugoro = f_rugoro_omp z0min = z0min_omp supcrit1 = supcrit1_omp supcrit2 = supcrit2_omp iflag_mix = iflag_mix_omp iflag_mix_adiab = iflag_mix_adiab_omp scut = scut_omp qqa1 = qqa1_omp qqa2 = qqa2_omp gammas = gammas_omp Fmax = Fmax_omp tmax_fonte_cv = tmax_fonte_cv_omp alphas = alphas_omp gkdrag = sso_gkdrag_omp grahilo = sso_grahil_omp grcrit = sso_grcrit_omp gfrcrit = sso_gfrcri_omp gkwake = sso_gkwake_omp gklift = sso_gklift_omp ok_strato = ok_strato_omp ok_hines = ok_hines_omp ok_gwd_rando = ok_gwd_rando_omp gwd_rando_ruwmax = gwd_rando_ruwmax_omp gwd_rando_sat = gwd_rando_sat_omp gwd_front_ruwmax = gwd_front_ruwmax_omp gwd_front_sat = gwd_front_sat_omp ok_qch4 = ok_qch4_omp ok_LES = ok_LES_omp callstats = callstats_omp ecrit_LES = ecrit_LES_omp adjust_tropopause = adjust_tropopause_omp ok_daily_climoz = ok_daily_climoz_omp carbon_cycle_tr = carbon_cycle_tr_omp carbon_cycle_cpl = carbon_cycle_cpl_omp carbon_cycle_rad = carbon_cycle_rad_omp level_coupling_esm = level_coupling_esm_omp ok_new_lscp = ok_new_lscp_omp ok_icefra_lscp = ok_icefra_lscp_omp read_fco2_ocean_cor = read_fco2_ocean_cor_omp var_fco2_ocean_cor = var_fco2_ocean_cor_omp read_fco2_land_cor = read_fco2_land_cor_omp var_fco2_land_cor = var_fco2_land_cor_omp dms_cycle_cpl = dms_cycle_cpl_omp n2o_cycle_cpl = n2o_cycle_cpl_omp !rajout Olivier Torres kz0 = kz0_omp choix_bulk = choix_bulk_omp nit_bulk = nit_bulk_omp ! Test of coherence between type_ocean and version_ocean IF (type_ocean=='couple' .AND. (version_ocean/='opa8' .AND. version_ocean/='nemo')) THEN WRITE(lunout, *)' ERROR version_ocean=', version_ocean, ' not valid in coupled configuration' CALL abort_physic('conf_phys', 'version_ocean not valid', 1) ENDIF IF (type_ocean=='slab' .AND. version_ocean=='xxxxxx') THEN version_ocean = 'sicOBS' ELSE IF (type_ocean=='slab' .AND. version_ocean/='sicOBS' & .AND. version_ocean/='sicINT' .AND. version_ocean/='sicNO') THEN WRITE(lunout, *)' ERROR version_ocean=', version_ocean, ' not valid with slab ocean' CALL abort_physic('conf_phys', 'version_ocean not valid', 1) ENDIF !--test on radiative scheme IF (iflag_rrtm == 0) THEN IF (NSW/=2) THEN WRITE(lunout, *) ' ERROR iflag_rrtm=0 and NSW<>2 not possible' CALL abort_physic('conf_phys', 'choice NSW not valid', 1) ENDIF ELSE IF (iflag_rrtm == 1) THEN IF (NSW/=2.AND.NSW/=4.AND.NSW/=6) THEN WRITE(lunout, *) ' ERROR iflag_rrtm=1 and NSW<>2,4,6 not possible' CALL abort_physic('conf_phys', 'choice NSW not valid', 1) ENDIF ELSE IF (iflag_rrtm == 2) THEN IF (NSW/=2.AND.NSW/=4.AND.NSW/=6) THEN WRITE(lunout, *) ' ERROR iflag_rrtm=1 and NSW<>2,4,6 not possible' CALL abort_physic('conf_phys', 'choice NSW not valid', 1) ENDIF ELSE WRITE(lunout, *) ' ERROR iflag_rrtm<>0,1' CALL abort_physic('conf_phys', 'choice iflag_rrtm not valid', 1) ENDIF !--here we test that solaire has not been changed if ok_suntime_rrtm is activated ! IF (ok_suntime_rrtm.AND.ABS(solaire-solaire_omp_init).GT.1.E-7) THEN ! WRITE(lunout,*) ' ERROR ok_suntime_rrtm=y and solaire is provided in def file' ! CALL abort_physic('conf_phys','ok_suntime_rrtm=y and solaire is provided',1) ! ENDIF IF (CPPKEY_STRATAER) THEN IF (iflag_rrtm /= 1) THEN WRITE(lunout, *) ' ERROR iflag_rrtm<>1 but StratAer activated' CALL abort_physic('conf_phys', 'iflag_rrtm not valid for StratAer', 1) ENDIF IF (NSW /= 6) THEN WRITE(lunout, *) ' ERROR NSW<>6 but StratAer activated' CALL abort_physic('conf_phys', 'NSW not valid for StratAer', 1) ENDIF END IF !--test on ocean surface albedo IF (iflag_albedo<0.OR.iflag_albedo>2) THEN WRITE(lunout, *) ' ERROR iflag_albedo<>0,1' CALL abort_physic('conf_phys', 'choice iflag_albedo not valid', 1) ENDIF ! Flag_aerosol cannot be set to zero if aerosol direct effect (ade) or aerosol indirect effect (aie) are activated IF (ok_ade .OR. ok_aie) THEN IF (flag_aerosol == 0) THEN CALL abort_physic('conf_phys', 'flag_aerosol=0 not compatible avec ok_ade ou ok_aie=.TRUE.', 1) ENDIF ENDIF ! Flag_aerosol cannot be set to zero if we are in coupled mode for aerosol IF (aerosol_couple .AND. flag_aerosol == 0) THEN CALL abort_physic('conf_phys', 'flag_aerosol cannot be to zero if aerosol_couple=y ', 1) ENDIF ! Read_climoz needs to be set zero if we are in couple mode for chemistry IF (chemistry_couple .AND. read_climoz /= 0) THEN CALL abort_physic('conf_phys', 'read_climoz need to be to zero if chemistry_couple=y ', 1) ENDIF ! flag_aerosol need to be different to zero if ok_cdnc is activated IF (ok_cdnc .AND. flag_aerosol == 0) THEN CALL abort_physic('conf_phys', 'flag_aerosol cannot be to zero if ok_cdnc is activated ', 1) ENDIF ! ok_cdnc must be set to y if ok_aie is activated IF (ok_aie .AND. .NOT. ok_cdnc) THEN CALL abort_physic('conf_phys', 'ok_cdnc must be set to y if ok_aie is activated', 1) ENDIF ! flag_aerosol=7 => MACv2SP climatology IF (flag_aerosol==7.AND. iflag_rrtm/=1) THEN CALL abort_physic('conf_phys', 'flag_aerosol=7 (MACv2SP) can only be activated with RRTM', 1) ENDIF IF (flag_aerosol==7.AND. NSW/=6) THEN CALL abort_physic('conf_phys', 'flag_aerosol=7 (MACv2SP) can only be activated with NSW=6', 1) ENDIF ! BC internal mixture is only possible with RRTM & NSW=6 & flag_aerosol=6 or aerosol_couple IF (flag_bc_internal_mixture .AND. NSW/=6) THEN CALL abort_physic('conf_phys', 'flag_bc_internal_mixture can only be activated with NSW=6', 1) ENDIF IF (flag_bc_internal_mixture .AND. iflag_rrtm/=1) THEN CALL abort_physic('conf_phys', 'flag_bc_internal_mixture can only be activated with RRTM', 1) ENDIF IF (flag_bc_internal_mixture .AND. flag_aerosol/=6) THEN CALL abort_physic('conf_phys', 'flag_bc_internal_mixture can only be activated with flag_aerosol=6', 1) ENDIF ! test sur flag_volc_surfstrat IF (flag_volc_surfstrat<0.OR.flag_volc_surfstrat>2) THEN CALL abort_physic('conf_phys', 'flag_volc_surfstrat can only be 0 1 or 2', 1) ENDIF IF ((.NOT.ok_volcan.OR..NOT.ok_ade.OR..NOT.ok_aie).AND.flag_volc_surfstrat>0) THEN CALL abort_physic('conf_phys', 'ok_ade, ok_aie, ok_volcan need to be activated if flag_volc_surfstrat is 1 or 2', 1) ENDIF ! Test on carbon cycle IF (carbon_cycle_tr .AND. .NOT. carbon_cycle_cpl) THEN CALL abort_physic('conf_phys', 'carbon_cycle_cpl has to be TRUE if carbon_cycle_tr is on', 1) ENDIF IF (carbon_cycle_rad .AND. .NOT. carbon_cycle_cpl) THEN CALL abort_physic('conf_phys', 'carbon_cycle_cpl has to be TRUE if carbon_cycle_rad is on', 1) ENDIF ! Test on chemistry cycle IF ((type_trac /= "inca" .AND. type_trac /= "inco") .AND. (dms_cycle_cpl .OR. n2o_cycle_cpl)) THEN CALL abort_physic('conf_phys', 'dms_cycle_cpl or n2o_cycle_cpl has to be TRUE only with INCA coupling model', 1) ENDIF ! ORCHIDEE must be activated for ifl_pbltree=1 IF (.NOT. ok_veget .AND. ifl_pbltree==1) THEN WRITE(lunout, *)'Warning: ORCHIDEE must be activated for ifl_pbltree=1' WRITE(lunout, *)'ifl_pbltree is now changed to zero' ifl_pbltree = 0 ENDIF !$OMP MASTER WRITE(lunout, *) ' ##############################################' WRITE(lunout, *) ' Configuration des parametres de la physique: ' WRITE(lunout, *) ' Type ocean = ', type_ocean WRITE(lunout, *) ' Version ocean = ', version_ocean WRITE(lunout, *) ' Config veget = ', ok_veget, type_veget WRITE(lunout, *) ' Snow model landice : landice_opt = ', landice_opt WRITE(lunout, *) ' Config xml pour XIOS : ok_all_xml = ', ok_all_xml WRITE(lunout, *) ' Sortie journaliere = ', ok_journe WRITE(lunout, *) ' Sortie haute frequence = ', ok_hf WRITE(lunout, *) ' Sortie mensuelle = ', ok_mensuel WRITE(lunout, *) ' Sortie instantanee = ', ok_instan WRITE(lunout, *) ' Frequence appel simulateur ISCCP, freq_ISCCP =', freq_ISCCP WRITE(lunout, *) ' Frequence appel simulateur ISCCP, ecrit_ISCCP =', ecrit_ISCCP WRITE(lunout, *) ' Frequence appel simulateur COSP, freq_COSP =', freq_COSP WRITE(lunout, *) ' Frequence appel simulateur AIRS, freq_AIRS =', freq_AIRS WRITE(lunout, *) ' Sortie bilan d''energie, ip_ebil_phy =', ip_ebil_phy WRITE(lunout, *) ' Excentricite = ', R_ecc WRITE(lunout, *) ' Equinoxe = ', R_peri WRITE(lunout, *) ' Inclinaison =', R_incl WRITE(lunout, *) ' Constante solaire =', solaire WRITE(lunout, *) ' ok_suntime_rrtm =', ok_suntime_rrtm WRITE(lunout, *) ' co2_ppm =', co2_ppm WRITE(lunout, *) ' co2_ppm0 =', co2_ppm0 WRITE(lunout, *) ' RCO2_act = ', RCO2_act WRITE(lunout, *) ' CH4_ppb =', CH4_ppb, ' RCH4_act = ', RCH4_act WRITE(lunout, *) ' N2O_ppb =', N2O_ppb, ' RN2O_act= ', RN2O_act WRITE(lunout, *) ' CFC11_ppt=', CFC11_ppt, ' RCFC11_act= ', RCFC11_act WRITE(lunout, *) ' CFC12_ppt=', CFC12_ppt, ' RCFC12_act= ', RCFC12_act WRITE(lunout, *) ' RCO2_per = ', RCO2_per, ' RCH4_per = ', RCH4_per WRITE(lunout, *) ' RN2O_per = ', RN2O_per, ' RCFC11_per = ', RCFC11_per WRITE(lunout, *) ' RCFC12_per = ', RCFC12_per WRITE(lunout, *) ' cvl_comp_threshold=', cvl_comp_threshold WRITE(lunout, *) ' cvl_sig2feed=', cvl_sig2feed WRITE(lunout, *) ' cvl_corr=', cvl_corr WRITE(lunout, *) ' ok_lic_melt=', ok_lic_melt WRITE(lunout, *) ' ok_lic_cond=', ok_lic_cond WRITE(lunout, *) ' iflag_cycle_diurne=', iflag_cycle_diurne WRITE(lunout, *) ' soil_model=', soil_model WRITE(lunout, *) ' new_oliq=', new_oliq WRITE(lunout, *) ' ok_orodr=', ok_orodr WRITE(lunout, *) ' ok_orolf=', ok_orolf WRITE(lunout, *) ' zrel_oro_t=', zrel_oro_t WRITE(lunout, *) ' zstd_orodr_t=', zstd_orodr_t WRITE(lunout, *) ' zpmm_orodr_t=', zpmm_orodr_t WRITE(lunout, *) ' zpmm_orolf_t=', zpmm_orolf_t WRITE(lunout, *) ' ok_limitvrai=', ok_limitvrai WRITE(lunout, *) ' nbapp_rad=', nbapp_rad WRITE(lunout, *) ' iflag_con=', iflag_con WRITE(lunout, *) ' nbapp_cv=', nbapp_cv WRITE(lunout, *) ' nbapp_wk=', nbapp_wk WRITE(lunout, *) ' iflag_ener_conserv=', iflag_ener_conserv WRITE(lunout, *) ' ok_conserv_q=', ok_conserv_q WRITE(lunout, *) ' epmax = ', epmax WRITE(lunout, *) ' coef_epmax_cape = ', coef_epmax_cape WRITE(lunout, *) ' ok_adj_ema = ', ok_adj_ema WRITE(lunout, *) ' iflag_clw = ', iflag_clw WRITE(lunout, *) ' iflag_cld_th = ', iflag_cld_th WRITE(lunout, *) ' iflag_cld_cv = ', iflag_cld_cv WRITE(lunout, *) ' tau_cld_cv = ', tau_cld_cv WRITE(lunout, *) ' coefw_cld_cv = ', coefw_cld_cv WRITE(lunout, *) ' iflag_radia = ', iflag_radia WRITE(lunout, *) ' iflag_rrtm = ', iflag_rrtm WRITE(lunout, *) ' NSW = ', NSW WRITE(lunout, *) ' iflag_albedo = ', iflag_albedo !albedo SB WRITE(lunout, *) ' ok_chlorophyll =', ok_chlorophyll ! albedo SB WRITE(lunout, *) ' iflag_ratqs = ', iflag_ratqs WRITE(lunout, *) ' seuil_inversion = ', seuil_inversion WRITE(lunout, *) ' fact_cldcon = ', fact_cldcon WRITE(lunout, *) ' facttemps = ', facttemps WRITE(lunout, *) ' ok_newmicro = ', ok_newmicro WRITE(lunout, *) ' ratqsbas = ', ratqsbas WRITE(lunout, *) ' ratqshaut = ', ratqshaut WRITE(lunout, *) ' tau_ratqs = ', tau_ratqs WRITE(lunout, *) ' top_height = ', top_height WRITE(lunout, *) ' rad_froid = ', rad_froid WRITE(lunout, *) ' rad_chau1 = ', rad_chau1 WRITE(lunout, *) ' rad_chau2 = ', rad_chau2 WRITE(lunout, *) ' iflag_ice_thermo = ', iflag_ice_thermo WRITE(lunout, *) ' ok_ice_sursat = ', ok_ice_sursat WRITE(lunout, *) ' ok_plane_h2o = ', ok_plane_h2o WRITE(lunout, *) ' ok_plane_contrail = ', ok_plane_contrail WRITE(lunout, *) ' overlap = ', overlap WRITE(lunout, *) ' cdmmax = ', cdmmax WRITE(lunout, *) ' cdhmax = ', cdhmax WRITE(lunout, *) ' ksta = ', ksta WRITE(lunout, *) ' ksta_ter = ', ksta_ter WRITE(lunout, *) ' f_ri_cd_min = ', f_ri_cd_min WRITE(lunout, *) ' ok_kzmin = ', ok_kzmin WRITE(lunout, *) ' fmagic = ', fmagic WRITE(lunout, *) ' pmagic = ', pmagic WRITE(lunout, *) ' ok_ade = ', ok_ade WRITE(lunout, *) ' ok_volcan = ', ok_volcan WRITE(lunout, *) ' flag_volc_surfstrat = ', flag_volc_surfstrat WRITE(lunout, *) ' ok_aie = ', ok_aie WRITE(lunout, *) ' ok_alw = ', ok_alw WRITE(lunout, *) ' aerosol_couple = ', aerosol_couple WRITE(lunout, *) ' chemistry_couple = ', chemistry_couple WRITE(lunout, *) ' flag_aerosol = ', flag_aerosol WRITE(lunout, *) ' flag_aerosol_strat= ', flag_aerosol_strat WRITE(lunout, *) ' flag_aer_feedback= ', flag_aer_feedback WRITE(lunout, *) ' aer_type = ', aer_type WRITE(lunout, *) ' bl95_b0 = ', bl95_b0 WRITE(lunout, *) ' bl95_b1 = ', bl95_b1 WRITE(lunout, *) ' lev_histhf = ', lev_histhf WRITE(lunout, *) ' lev_histday = ', lev_histday WRITE(lunout, *) ' lev_histmth = ', lev_histmth WRITE(lunout, *) ' lev_histins = ', lev_histins WRITE(lunout, *) ' lev_histLES = ', lev_histLES WRITE(lunout, *) ' lev_histdayNMC = ', lev_histdayNMC WRITE(lunout, *) ' levout_histNMC = ', levout_histNMC WRITE(lunout, *) ' ok_histNMC = ', ok_histNMC WRITE(lunout, *) ' freq_outNMC = ', freq_outNMC WRITE(lunout, *) ' freq_calNMC = ', freq_calNMC WRITE(lunout, *) ' iflag_pbl = ', iflag_pbl WRITE(lunout, *) ' iflag_physiq = ', iflag_physiq !FC WRITE(lunout, *) ' ifl_pbltree = ', ifl_pbltree WRITE(lunout, *) ' Cd_frein = ', Cd_frein WRITE(lunout, *) ' iflag_pbl_split = ', iflag_pbl_split WRITE(lunout, *) ' iflag_order2_sollw = ', iflag_order2_sollw WRITE(lunout, *) ' iflag_thermals = ', iflag_thermals WRITE(lunout, *) ' iflag_clos = ', iflag_clos WRITE(lunout, *) ' coef_clos_ls = ', coef_clos_ls WRITE(lunout, *) ' type_run = ', type_run WRITE(lunout, *) ' ok_cosp = ', ok_cosp WRITE(lunout, *) ' ok_airs = ', ok_airs WRITE(lunout, *) ' ok_mensuelCOSP = ', ok_mensuelCOSP WRITE(lunout, *) ' ok_journeCOSP = ', ok_journeCOSP WRITE(lunout, *) ' ok_hfCOSP =', ok_hfCOSP WRITE(lunout, *) ' solarlong0 = ', solarlong0 WRITE(lunout, *) ' qsol0 = ', qsol0 WRITE(lunout, *) ' evap0 = ', evap0 WRITE(lunout, *) ' albsno0 = ', albsno0 WRITE(lunout, *) ' iflag_sic = ', iflag_sic WRITE(lunout, *) ' iflag_inertie = ', iflag_inertie WRITE(lunout, *) ' inertie_sol = ', inertie_sol WRITE(lunout, *) ' inertie_sic = ', inertie_sic WRITE(lunout, *) ' inertie_lic = ', inertie_lic WRITE(lunout, *) ' inertie_sno = ', inertie_sno WRITE(lunout, *) ' ok_bs = ', ok_bs WRITE(lunout, *) ' ok_rad_bs = ', ok_rad_bs WRITE(lunout, *) ' f_cdrag_ter = ', f_cdrag_ter WRITE(lunout, *) ' f_cdrag_oce = ', f_cdrag_oce WRITE(lunout, *) ' f_rugoro = ', f_rugoro WRITE(lunout, *) ' z0min = ', z0min WRITE(lunout, *) ' supcrit1 = ', supcrit1 WRITE(lunout, *) ' supcrit2 = ', supcrit2 WRITE(lunout, *) ' iflag_mix = ', iflag_mix WRITE(lunout, *) ' iflag_mix_adiab = ', iflag_mix_adiab WRITE(lunout, *) ' scut = ', scut WRITE(lunout, *) ' qqa1 = ', qqa1 WRITE(lunout, *) ' qqa2 = ', qqa2 WRITE(lunout, *) ' gammas = ', gammas WRITE(lunout, *) ' Fmax = ', Fmax WRITE(lunout, *) ' tmax_fonte_cv = ', tmax_fonte_cv WRITE(lunout, *) ' alphas = ', alphas WRITE(lunout, *) ' iflag_wake = ', iflag_wake WRITE(lunout, *) ' alp_offset = ', alp_offset ! nrlmd le 10/04/2012 WRITE(lunout, *) ' iflag_trig_bl = ', iflag_trig_bl WRITE(lunout, *) ' iflag_strig = ', iflag_strig WRITE(lunout, *) ' s_trig = ', s_trig WRITE(lunout, *) ' h_trig = ', h_trig WRITE(lunout, *) ' tau_trig_shallow = ', tau_trig_shallow WRITE(lunout, *) ' tau_trig_deep = ', tau_trig_deep WRITE(lunout, *) ' iflag_clos_bl = ', iflag_clos_bl ! fin nrlmd le 10/04/2012 WRITE(lunout, *) ' lonmin lonmax latmin latmax bilKP_ins =', & lonmin_ins, lonmax_ins, latmin_ins, latmax_ins WRITE(lunout, *) ' ecrit_ hf, ins, day, mth, reg, tra, ISCCP, LES', & ecrit_hf, ecrit_ins, ecrit_day, ecrit_mth, ecrit_reg, ecrit_tra, ecrit_ISCCP, ecrit_LES WRITE(lunout, *) ' ok_strato = ', ok_strato WRITE(lunout, *) ' ok_hines = ', ok_hines WRITE(lunout, *) ' ok_gwd_rando = ', ok_gwd_rando WRITE(lunout, *) ' ok_qch4 = ', ok_qch4 WRITE(lunout, *) ' gwd_rando_ruwmax = ', gwd_rando_ruwmax WRITE(lunout, *) ' gwd_rando_sat = ', gwd_rando_sat WRITE(lunout, *) ' gwd_front_ruwmax = ', gwd_front_ruwmax WRITE(lunout, *) ' gwd_front_sat = ', gwd_front_sat WRITE(lunout, *) ' SSO gkdrag =', gkdrag WRITE(lunout, *) ' SSO grahilo=', grahilo WRITE(lunout, *) ' SSO grcrit=', grcrit WRITE(lunout, *) ' SSO gfrcrit=', gfrcrit WRITE(lunout, *) ' SSO gkwake=', gkwake WRITE(lunout, *) ' SSO gklift=', gklift WRITE(lunout, *) ' adjust_tropopause = ', adjust_tropopause WRITE(lunout, *) ' ok_daily_climoz = ', ok_daily_climoz WRITE(lunout, *) ' ok_new_lscp = ', ok_new_lscp WRITE(lunout, *) ' ok_icefra_lscp = ', ok_icefra_lscp WRITE(lunout, *) ' read_climoz = ', read_climoz WRITE(lunout, *) ' carbon_cycle_tr = ', carbon_cycle_tr WRITE(lunout, *) ' carbon_cycle_cpl = ', carbon_cycle_cpl WRITE(lunout, *) ' carbon_cycle_rad = ', carbon_cycle_rad WRITE(lunout, *) ' level_coupling_esm = ', level_coupling_esm WRITE(lunout, *) ' read_fco2_ocean_cor = ', read_fco2_ocean_cor WRITE(lunout, *) ' var_fco2_ocean_cor = ', var_fco2_ocean_cor WRITE(lunout, *) ' read_fco2_land_cor = ', read_fco2_land_cor WRITE(lunout, *) ' var_fco2_land_cor = ', var_fco2_land_cor WRITE(lunout, *) ' dms_cycle_cpl = ', dms_cycle_cpl WRITE(lunout, *) ' n2o_cycle_cpl = ', n2o_cycle_cpl WRITE(lunout, *) ' iflag_tsurf_inlandsis = ', iflag_tsurf_inlandsis WRITE(lunout, *) ' iflag_temp_inlandsis = ', iflag_temp_inlandsis WRITE(lunout, *) ' iflag_albcalc = ', iflag_albcalc WRITE(lunout, *) ' SnoMod = ', SnoMod WRITE(lunout, *) ' BloMod = ', BloMod WRITE(lunout, *) ' ok_outfor = ', ok_outfor WRITE(lunout, *) ' is_ok_slush = ', is_ok_slush WRITE(lunout, *) ' opt_runoff_ac = ', opt_runoff_ac WRITE(lunout, *) ' is_ok_z0h_rn = ', is_ok_z0h_rn WRITE(lunout, *) ' is_ok_density_kotlyakov = ', is_ok_density_kotlyakov WRITE(lunout, *) ' prescribed_z0m_snow = ', prescribed_z0m_snow WRITE(lunout, *) ' iflag_z0m_snow = ', iflag_z0m_snow WRITE(lunout, *) ' ok_zsn_ii = ', ok_zsn_ii WRITE(lunout, *) ' discret_xf = ', discret_xf WRITE(lunout, *) ' correc_alb= ', correc_alb WRITE(lunout, *) ' buf_sph_pol = ', buf_sph_pol WRITE(lunout, *) ' buf_siz_pol= ', buf_siz_pol !rajout Olivier Torres WRITE(lunout, *) 'choix_bulk = ', choix_bulk WRITE(lunout, *) 'nit_bulk = ', nit_bulk WRITE(lunout, *) 'kz0 = ', kz0 !$OMP END MASTER CALL config_ocean_skin END SUBROUTINE conf_phys END MODULE conf_phys_m !################################################################# SUBROUTINE conf_interface(tau_calv) USE IOIPSL USE lmdz_print_control, ONLY: lunout IMPLICIT NONE ! Configuration de l'interace atm/surf ! tau_calv: temps de relaxation pour la fonte des glaciers REAL :: tau_calv REAL, SAVE :: tau_calv_omp !Config Key = tau_calv !Config Desc = temps de relaxation pour fonte des glaciers en jours !Config Def = 1 an !Config Help = tau_calv_omp = 360. * 10. !$OMP MASTER CALL getin('tau_calv', tau_calv_omp) !$OMP END MASTER !$OMP BARRIER tau_calv = tau_calv_omp !$OMP MASTER WRITE(lunout, *)' ##############################################' WRITE(lunout, *)' Configuration de l''interface atm/surfaces : ' WRITE(lunout, *)' tau_calv = ', tau_calv !$OMP END MASTER END SUBROUTINE conf_interface