! $Id: getparam.F90 5113 2024-07-24 11:17:08Z abarral $ MODULE getparam USE IOIPSL INTERFACE getpar MODULE PROCEDURE getparamr,getparami,getparaml END INTERFACE PRIVATE getparamr,getparami,getparaml INTEGER, PARAMETER :: out_eff=99 CONTAINS SUBROUTINE ini_getparam(fichier) IMPLICIT NONE CHARACTER*(*) :: fichier open(out_eff,file=fichier,status='unknown',form='formatted') END SUBROUTINE ini_getparam SUBROUTINE fin_getparam IMPLICIT NONE close(out_eff) END SUBROUTINE fin_getparam SUBROUTINE getparamr(TARGET,def_val,ret_val,comment) IMPLICIT NONE ! Get a real scalar. We first check if we find it ! in the database and if not we get it from the run.def ! getinr1d and getinr2d are written on the same pattern CHARACTER*(*) :: TARGET REAL :: def_val REAL :: ret_val CHARACTER*(*) :: comment ret_val=def_val CALL getin(TARGET,ret_val) write(out_eff,*) '######################################' write(out_eff,*) '#### ',comment,' #####' write(out_eff,*) TARGET,'=',ret_val END SUBROUTINE getparamr SUBROUTINE getparami(TARGET,def_val,ret_val,comment) IMPLICIT NONE ! Get a real scalar. We first check if we find it ! in the database and if not we get it from the run.def ! getinr1d and getinr2d are written on the same pattern CHARACTER*(*) :: TARGET INTEGER :: def_val INTEGER :: ret_val CHARACTER*(*) :: comment ret_val=def_val CALL getin(TARGET,ret_val) write(out_eff,*) '######################################' write(out_eff,*) '#### ',comment,' #####' write(out_eff,*) comment write(out_eff,*) TARGET,'=',ret_val END SUBROUTINE getparami SUBROUTINE getparaml(TARGET,def_val,ret_val,comment) IMPLICIT NONE ! Get a real scalar. We first check if we find it ! in the database and if not we get it from the run.def ! getinr1d and getinr2d are written on the same pattern CHARACTER*(*) :: TARGET LOGICAL :: def_val LOGICAL :: ret_val CHARACTER*(*) :: comment ret_val=def_val CALL getin(TARGET,ret_val) write(out_eff,*) '######################################' write(out_eff,*) '#### ',comment,' #####' write(out_eff,*) TARGET,'=',ret_val END SUBROUTINE getparaml END MODULE getparam