module pchsp_95_m implicit none contains function pchsp_95(x, f, ibeg, iend, vc_beg, vc_end) ! PURPOSE: Set derivatives needed to determine the Hermite ! representation of the cubic spline interpolant to given data, ! with specified boundary conditions. ! Part of the "pchip" package. ! CATEGORY: E1A ! KEYWORDS: cubic hermite interpolation, piecewise cubic ! interpolation, spline interpolation ! DESCRIPTION: "pchsp" stands for "Piecewise Cubic Hermite Spline" ! Computes the Hermite representation of the cubic spline ! interpolant to the data given in X and F satisfying the boundary ! conditions specified by Ibeg, iend, vc_beg and VC_end. ! The resulting piecewise cubic Hermite function may be evaluated ! by "pchfe" or "pchfd". ! NOTE: This is a modified version of C. de Boor's cubic spline ! routine "cubspl". ! REFERENCE: Carl de Boor, A Practical Guide to Splines, Springer, ! 2001, pages 43-47 use assert_eq_m, only: assert_eq real, intent(in):: x(:) ! independent variable values ! The elements of X must be strictly increasing: ! X(I-1) < X(I), I = 2...N. ! (Error return if not.) ! (error if size(x) < 2) real, intent(in):: f(:) ! dependent variable values to be interpolated ! F(I) is value corresponding to X(I). INTEGER, intent(in):: ibeg ! desired boundary condition at beginning of data ! IBEG = 0 to set pchsp_95(1) so that the third derivative is con- ! tinuous at X(2). This is the "not a knot" condition ! provided by de Boor's cubic spline routine CUBSPL. ! This is the default boundary condition. ! IBEG = 1 if first derivative at X(1) is given in VC_BEG. ! IBEG = 2 if second derivative at X(1) is given in VC_BEG. ! IBEG = 3 to use the 3-point difference formula for pchsp_95(1). ! (Reverts to the default boundary condition if size(x) < 3 .) ! IBEG = 4 to use the 4-point difference formula for pchsp_95(1). ! (Reverts to the default boundary condition if size(x) < 4 .) ! NOTES: ! 1. An error return is taken if IBEG is out of range. ! 2. For the "natural" boundary condition, use IBEG=2 and ! VC_BEG=0. INTEGER, intent(in):: iend ! IC(2) = IEND, desired condition at end of data. ! IEND may take on the same values as IBEG, but applied to ! derivative at X(N). In case IEND = 1 or 2, The value is given in VC_END. ! NOTES: ! 1. An error return is taken if IEND is out of range. ! 2. For the "natural" boundary condition, use IEND=2 and ! VC_END=0. REAL, intent(in), optional:: vc_beg ! desired boundary value, as indicated above. ! VC_BEG need be set only if IBEG = 1 or 2 . REAL, intent(in), optional:: vc_end ! desired boundary value, as indicated above. ! VC_END need be set only if Iend = 1 or 2 . real pchsp_95(size(x)) ! derivative values at the data points ! These values will determine the cubic spline interpolant ! with the requested boundary conditions. ! The value corresponding to X(I) is stored in ! PCHSP_95(I), I=1...N. ! LOCAL VARIABLES: real wk(2, size(x)) ! real array of working storage INTEGER n ! number of data points integer ierr, ic(2) real vc(2) !------------------------------------------------------------------- n = assert_eq(size(x), size(f), "pchsp_95 n") if ((ibeg == 1 .or. ibeg == 2) .and. .not. present(vc_beg)) then print *, "vc_beg required for IBEG = 1 or 2" stop 1 end if if ((iend == 1 .or. iend == 2) .and. .not. present(vc_end)) then print *, "vc_end required for IEND = 1 or 2" stop 1 end if ic = (/ibeg, iend/) if (present(vc_beg)) vc(1) = vc_beg if (present(vc_end)) vc(2) = vc_end CALL PCHSP(IC, VC, N, X, F, pchsp_95, 1, WK, size(WK), IERR) if (ierr /= 0) stop 1 END function pchsp_95 end module pchsp_95_m