! $Id$ module regr_pr_o3_m implicit none contains SUBROUTINE regr_pr_o3(p3d, o3_mob_regr) ! "regr_pr_o3" stands for "regrid pressure ozone". ! This procedure reads Mobidic ozone mole fraction from ! "coefoz_LMDZ.nc" at the initial day of the run and regrids it in ! pressure. ! Ozone mole fraction from "coefoz_LMDZ.nc" at the initial day is ! a 2D latitude -- pressure variable. ! The target horizontal LMDZ grid is the "scalar" grid: "rlonv", "rlatu". ! The target vertical LMDZ grid is the grid of layer boundaries. ! We assume that the input variable is already on the LMDZ "rlatu" ! latitude grid. ! The input variable does not depend on longitude, but the ! pressure at LMDZ layers does. ! Therefore, the values on the LMDZ grid do depend on longitude. ! Regridding is by averaging, assuming a step function. ! We assume that, in the input file, the pressure levels are in ! hPa and strictly increasing. use netcdf95, only: nf95_open, nf95_close, nf95_inq_varid, nf95_get_var use netcdf, only: nf90_nowrite use assert_m, only: assert use regr_conserv_m, only: regr_conserv use press_coefoz_m, only: press_in_edg use time_phylmdz_mod, only: day_ref use lmdz_grid_phy, only: nbp_lon, nbp_lat, nbp_lev REAL, intent(in):: p3d(:, :, :) ! pressure at layer interfaces, in Pa ! ("p3d(i, j, l)" is at longitude "rlonv(i)", latitude "rlatu(j)", ! for interface "l") real, intent(out):: o3_mob_regr(:, :, :) ! (iim + 1, jjm + 1, llm) ! (ozone mole fraction from Mobidic adapted to the LMDZ grid) ! ("o3_mob_regr(i, j, l)" is at longitude "rlonv(i)", latitude ! "rlatu(j)" and pressure level "pls(i, j, l)") ! Variables local to the procedure: integer ncid, varid, ncerr ! for NetCDF integer i, j real r_mob(nbp_lat, size(press_in_edg) - 1) ! (ozone mole fraction from Mobidic at day "day_ref") ! (r_mob(j, k) is at latitude "rlatu(j)", in pressure interval ! "[press_in_edg(k), press_in_edg(k+1)]".) !------------------------------------------------------------ print *, "Call sequence information: regr_pr_o3" CALL assert(shape(o3_mob_regr) == (/nbp_lon + 1, nbp_lat, nbp_lev/), & "regr_pr_o3 o3_mob_regr") CALL assert(shape(p3d) == (/nbp_lon + 1, nbp_lat, nbp_lev + 1/), "regr_pr_o3 p3d") CALL nf95_open("coefoz_LMDZ.nc", nf90_nowrite, ncid) CALL nf95_inq_varid(ncid, "r_Mob", varid) ! Get data at the right day from the input file: CALL nf95_get_var(ncid, varid, r_mob, start=(/1, 1, day_ref/)) ! Latitudes are in ascending order in the input file while ! "rlatu" is in descending order so we need to invert order: r_mob = r_mob(nbp_lat:1:-1, :) CALL nf95_close(ncid) ! Regrid in pressure by averaging a step function of pressure: ! Poles: do j = 1, nbp_lat, nbp_lat-1 CALL regr_conserv(1, r_mob(j, :), press_in_edg, & p3d(1, j, nbp_lev + 1:1:-1), o3_mob_regr(1, j, nbp_lev:1:-1)) ! (invert order of indices because "p3d" is in descending order) END DO ! Other latitudes: do j = 2, nbp_lat-1 do i = 1, nbp_lon CALL regr_conserv(1, r_mob(j, :), press_in_edg, & p3d(i, j, nbp_lev + 1:1:-1), o3_mob_regr(i, j, nbp_lev:1:-1)) ! (invert order of indices because "p3d" is in descending order) END DO END DO ! Duplicate pole values on all longitudes: o3_mob_regr(2:, 1, :) = spread(o3_mob_regr(1, 1, :), dim=1, ncopies=nbp_lon) o3_mob_regr(2:, nbp_lat, :) & = spread(o3_mob_regr(1, nbp_lat, :), dim=1, ncopies=nbp_lon) ! Duplicate first longitude to last longitude: o3_mob_regr(nbp_lon + 1, 2:nbp_lat-1, :) = o3_mob_regr(1, 2:nbp_lat-1, :) END SUBROUTINE regr_pr_o3 end module regr_pr_o3_m