! $Id $ SUBROUTINE phyetat0(fichnom) ! Load initial state for the physics ! and do some resulting initializations USE dimphy, only: klon USE iostart, ONLY: open_startphy,get_field,close_startphy USE iophy, ONLY: init_iophy_new USE geometry_mod, ONLY: longitude_deg, latitude_deg IMPLICIT NONE CHARACTER(len=*),INTENT(in) :: fichnom ! input file name REAL :: lon_startphy(klon), lat_startphy(klon) INTEGER :: i ! open physics initial state file: CALL open_startphy(fichnom) ! read latitudes and make a sanity check (because already known from dyn) CALL get_field("latitude",lat_startphy) DO i=1,klon IF (ABS(lat_startphy(i)-latitude_deg(i))>=1) THEN WRITE(*,*) "phyetat0: Error! Latitude discrepancy wrt startphy file:",& " i=",i," lat_startphy(i)=",lat_startphy(i),& " latitude_deg(i)=",latitude_deg(i) ! This is presumably serious enough to abort run CALL abort_physic("phyetat0","discrepancy in latitudes!",1) ENDIF IF (ABS(lat_startphy(i)-latitude_deg(i))>=0.0001) THEN WRITE(*,*) "phyetat0: Warning! Latitude discrepancy wrt startphy file:",& " i=",i," lat_startphy(i)=",lat_startphy(i),& " latitude_deg(i)=",latitude_deg(i) ENDIF ENDDO ! read longitudes and make a sanity check (because already known from dyn) CALL get_field("longitude",lon_startphy) DO i=1,klon IF (ABS(lon_startphy(i)-longitude_deg(i))>=1) THEN WRITE(*,*) "phyetat0: Error! Longitude discrepancy wrt startphy file:",& " i=",i," lon_startphy(i)=",lon_startphy(i),& " longitude_deg(i)=",longitude_deg(i) ! This is presumably serious enough to abort run CALL abort_physic("phyetat0","discrepancy in longitudes!",1) ENDIF IF (ABS(lon_startphy(i)-longitude_deg(i))>=0.0001) THEN WRITE(*,*) "phyetat0: Warning! Longitude discrepancy wrt startphy file:",& " i=",i," lon_startphy(i)=",lon_startphy(i),& " longitude_deg(i)=",longitude_deg(i) ENDIF ENDDO ! read in other variables here ... ! close file CALL close_startphy ! do some more initializations CALL init_iophy_new(latitude_deg,longitude_deg) END SUBROUTINE phyetat0