! $Id$ MODULE filtreg_mod REAL, DIMENSION(:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: matriceun,matriceus,matricevn REAL, DIMENSION(:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: matricevs,matrinvn,matrinvs CONTAINS SUBROUTINE inifilr #ifdef CPP_PARA USE mod_filtre_fft, ONLY: use_filtre_fft,Init_filtre_fft USE mod_filtre_fft_loc, ONLY: Init_filtre_fft_loc=>Init_filtre_fft ! #endif USE serre_mod, ONLY: alphax USE logic_mod, ONLY: fxyhypb, ysinus USE comconst_mod, ONLY: maxlatfilter ! ... H. Upadhyaya, O.Sharma ... IMPLICIT NONE ! version 3 ..... ! Correction le 28/10/97 P. Le Van . ! ------------------------------------------------------------------- include "dimensions.h" include "paramet.h" ! ------------------------------------------------------------------- include "comgeom.h" include "coefils.h" REAL dlonu(iim),dlatu(jjm) REAL rlamda( iim ), eignvl( iim ) REAL lamdamax,pi,cof INTEGER i,j,modemax,imx,k,kf,ii REAL dymin,dxmin,colat0 REAL eignft(iim,iim), coff LOGICAL, SAVE :: first_call_inifilr = .TRUE. INTEGER ISMIN EXTERNAL ISMIN INTEGER iymin INTEGER ixmineq ! ------------------------------------------------------------ ! This routine computes the eigenfunctions of the laplacien ! on the stretched grid, and the filtering coefficients ! We designate: ! eignfn eigenfunctions of the discrete laplacien ! eigenvl eigenvalues ! jfiltn indexof the last scalar line filtered in NH ! jfilts index of the first line filtered in SH ! modfrst index of the mode from WHERE modes are filtered ! modemax maximum number of modes ( im ) ! coefil filtering coefficients ( lamda_max*COS(rlat)/lamda ) ! sdd SQRT( dx ) ! the modes are filtered from modfrst to modemax !----------------------------------------------------------- if ( iim == 1 ) return ! No filtre in 2D y-z pi = 2. * ASIN( 1. ) DO i = 1,iim dlonu(i) = xprimu( i ) ENDDO CALL inifgn(eignvl) PRINT *,'inifilr: EIGNVL ' PRINT 250,eignvl 250 FORMAT( 1x,5e14.6) ! compute eigenvalues and eigenfunctions !................................................................. ! compute the filtering coefficients for scalar lines and ! meridional wind v-lines ! we filter all those latitude lines WHERE coefil < 1 ! NO FILTERING AT POLES ! colat0 is to be used when alpha (stretching coefficient) ! is set equal to zero for the regular grid CASE ! ....... Calcul de colat0 ......... ! ..... colat0 = minimum de ( 0.5, min dy/ min dx ) ... DO j = 1,jjm dlatu( j ) = rlatu( j ) - rlatu( j+1 ) ENDDO dxmin = dlonu(1) DO i = 2, iim dxmin = MIN( dxmin,dlonu(i) ) ENDDO dymin = dlatu(1) DO j = 2, jjm dymin = MIN( dymin,dlatu(j) ) ENDDO ! For a regular grid, we want the filter to start at latitudes ! corresponding to lengths dx of the same size as dy (in terms ! of angles: dx=2*dy) => at colat0=0.5 (i.e. colatitude=30 degrees ! <=> latitude=60 degrees). ! Same idea for the zoomed grid: start filtering polewards as soon ! as length dx becomes of the same size as dy ! if maxlatfilter >0, prescribe the colat0 value from the .def files IF (maxlatfilter < 0.) THEN colat0 = MIN( 0.5, dymin/dxmin ) ! colat0 = 1. IF( .NOT.fxyhypb.AND.ysinus ) THEN colat0 = 0.6 ! ...... a revoir pour ysinus ! ....... alphax = 0. ENDIF ELSE colat0=(90.0-maxlatfilter)/180.0*pi ENDIF PRINT 50, colat0,alphax 50 FORMAT(/15x,' Inifilr colat0 alphax ',2e16.7) IF(alphax==1. ) THEN PRINT *,' Inifilr alphax doit etre < a 1. Corriger ' STOP ENDIF lamdamax = iim / ( pi * colat0 * ( 1. - alphax ) ) ! ... Correction le 28/10/97 ( P.Le Van ) .. DO i = 2,iim rlamda( i ) = lamdamax/ SQRT( ABS( eignvl(i) ) ) ENDDO DO j = 1,jjm DO i = 1,iim coefilu( i,j ) = 0.0 coefilv( i,j ) = 0.0 coefilu2( i,j ) = 0.0 coefilv2( i,j ) = 0.0 ENDDO ENDDO ! ... Determination de jfiltnu,jfiltnv,jfiltsu,jfiltsv .... ! ......................................................... modemax = iim !!!! imx = modemax - 4 * (modemax/iim) imx = iim PRINT *,'inifilr: TRUNCATION AT ',imx ! Ehouarn: set up some defaults jfiltnu=2 ! avoid north pole jfiltsu=jjm ! avoid south pole (which is at jjm+1) jfiltnv=1 ! NB: no poles on the V grid jfiltsv=jjm DO j = 2, jjm/2+1 cof = COS( rlatu(j) )/ colat0 IF ( cof < 1. ) THEN IF( rlamda(imx) * COS(rlatu(j) )<1. ) THEN jfiltnu= j ENDIF ENDIF cof = COS( rlatu(jjp1-j+1) )/ colat0 IF ( cof < 1. ) THEN IF( rlamda(imx) * COS(rlatu(jjp1-j+1) )<1. ) THEN jfiltsu= jjp1-j+1 ENDIF ENDIF ENDDO DO j = 1, jjm/2 cof = COS( rlatv(j) )/ colat0 IF ( cof < 1. ) THEN IF( rlamda(imx) * COS(rlatv(j) )<1. ) THEN jfiltnv= j ENDIF ENDIF cof = COS( rlatv(jjm-j+1) )/ colat0 IF ( cof < 1. ) THEN IF( rlamda(imx) * COS(rlatv(jjm-j+1) )<1. ) THEN jfiltsv= jjm-j+1 ENDIF ENDIF ENDDO IF( jfiltnu> jjm/2 +1 ) THEN PRINT *,' jfiltnu en dehors des valeurs acceptables ' ,jfiltnu STOP ENDIF IF( jfiltsu> jjm +1 ) THEN PRINT *,' jfiltsu en dehors des valeurs acceptables ' ,jfiltsu STOP ENDIF IF( jfiltnv> jjm/2 ) THEN PRINT *,' jfiltnv en dehors des valeurs acceptables ' ,jfiltnv STOP ENDIF IF( jfiltsv> jjm ) THEN PRINT *,' jfiltsv en dehors des valeurs acceptables ' ,jfiltsv STOP ENDIF PRINT *,'inifilr: jfiltnv jfiltsv jfiltnu jfiltsu ' , & jfiltnv,jfiltsv,jfiltnu,jfiltsu IF(first_call_inifilr) THEN ALLOCATE(matriceun(iim,iim,jfiltnu)) ALLOCATE(matriceus(iim,iim,jjm-jfiltsu+1)) ALLOCATE(matricevn(iim,iim,jfiltnv)) ALLOCATE(matricevs(iim,iim,jjm-jfiltsv+1)) ALLOCATE( matrinvn(iim,iim,jfiltnu)) ALLOCATE( matrinvs(iim,iim,jjm-jfiltsu+1)) first_call_inifilr = .FALSE. ENDIF ! ... Determination de coefilu,coefilv,n=modfrstu,modfrstv .... !................................................................ DO j = 1,jjm !default initialization: all modes are retained (i.e. no filtering) modfrstu( j ) = iim modfrstv( j ) = iim ENDDO DO j = 2,jfiltnu DO k = 2,modemax cof = rlamda(k) * COS( rlatu(j) ) IF ( cof < 1. ) GOTO 82 ENDDO GOTO 84 82 modfrstu( j ) = k kf = modfrstu( j ) DO k = kf , modemax cof = rlamda(k) * COS( rlatu(j) ) coefilu(k,j) = cof - 1. coefilu2(k,j) = cof*cof - 1. ENDDO 84 CONTINUE ENDDO DO j = 1,jfiltnv DO k = 2,modemax cof = rlamda(k) * COS( rlatv(j) ) IF ( cof < 1. ) GOTO 87 ENDDO GOTO 89 87 modfrstv( j ) = k kf = modfrstv( j ) DO k = kf , modemax cof = rlamda(k) * COS( rlatv(j) ) coefilv(k,j) = cof - 1. coefilv2(k,j) = cof*cof - 1. ENDDO 89 CONTINUE ENDDO DO j = jfiltsu,jjm DO k = 2,modemax cof = rlamda(k) * COS( rlatu(j) ) IF ( cof < 1. ) GOTO 92 ENDDO GOTO 94 92 modfrstu( j ) = k kf = modfrstu( j ) DO k = kf , modemax cof = rlamda(k) * COS( rlatu(j) ) coefilu(k,j) = cof - 1. coefilu2(k,j) = cof*cof - 1. ENDDO 94 CONTINUE ENDDO DO j = jfiltsv,jjm DO k = 2,modemax cof = rlamda(k) * COS( rlatv(j) ) IF ( cof < 1. ) GOTO 97 ENDDO GOTO 99 97 modfrstv( j ) = k kf = modfrstv( j ) DO k = kf , modemax cof = rlamda(k) * COS( rlatv(j) ) coefilv(k,j) = cof - 1. coefilv2(k,j) = cof*cof - 1. ENDDO 99 CONTINUE ENDDO IF(jfiltnv>=jjm/2 .OR. jfiltnu>=jjm/2)THEN ! Ehouarn: and what are these for??? Trying to handle a limit case ! where filters extend to and meet at the equator? IF(jfiltnv==jfiltsv)jfiltsv=1+jfiltnv IF(jfiltnu==jfiltsu)jfiltsu=1+jfiltnu PRINT *,'jfiltnv jfiltsv jfiltnu jfiltsu' , & jfiltnv,jfiltsv,jfiltnu,jfiltsu ENDIF PRINT *,' Modes premiers v ' PRINT 334,modfrstv PRINT *,' Modes premiers u ' PRINT 334,modfrstu ! ................................................................... ! ... Calcul de la matrice filtre 'matriceu' pour les champs situes ! sur la grille scalaire ........ ! ................................................................... DO j = 2, jfiltnu DO i=1,iim coff = coefilu(i,j) IF( i