! --------------------------------------------- ! This file is part of an effort to replace most uses of preprocessor CPP keys by fortran variables, ! to improve readability, compilation coverage, and linting. ! CPP keys used here should ONLY be used here, ! and imported through USE ..., ONLY: ... elsewhere ! CPP keys supported (key -> fortran variables associated): ! NC_DOUBLE -> nf90_format ! CPP_PHYS -> CPPKEY_PHYS ! INCA -> CPPKEY_INCA ! --------------------------------------------- MODULE lmdz_cppkeys_wrapper USE, INTRINSIC :: ISO_FORTRAN_ENV, ONLY : REAL64, REAL32 USE netcdf, ONLY: nf90_float, nf90_double IMPLICIT NONE; PRIVATE PUBLIC nf90_format, CPPKEY_PHYS, CPPKEY_INCA #ifdef NC_DOUBLE INTEGER, PARAMETER :: nf90_format = nf90_double #else INTEGER, PARAMETER :: nf90_format = nf90_float #endif #ifdef CPP_PHYS LOGICAL, PARAMETER :: CPPKEY_PHYS = .TRUE. #else LOGICAL, PARAMETER :: CPPKEY_PHYS = .FALSE. #endif #ifdef INCA LOGICAL, PARAMETER :: CPPKEY_INCA = .TRUE. #else LOGICAL, PARAMETER :: CPPKEY_INCA = .FALSE. #endif END MODULE lmdz_cppkeys_wrapper