! $Id$ module interpolation ! From Press et al., 1996, version 2.10a ! B3 Interpolation and Extrapolation IMPLICIT NONE contains pure FUNCTION locate(xx,x) REAL, DIMENSION(:), INTENT(IN) :: xx REAL, INTENT(IN) :: x INTEGER locate ! Given an array xx(1:N), and given a value x, returns a value j, ! between 0 and N, such that x is between xx(j) and xx(j + 1). xx ! must be monotonic, either increasing or decreasing. j = 0 or j = ! N is returned to indicate that x is out of range. This ! procedure should not be called with a zero-sized array argument. ! See notes. INTEGER n,jl,jm,ju LOGICAL ascnd !---------------------------- n=size(xx) ascnd = (xx(n) >= xx(1)) ! (True if ascending order of table, false otherwise.) ! Initialize lower and upper limits: jl=0 ju=n+1 do while (ju-jl > 1) jm=(ju+jl)/2 ! Compute a midpoint, if (ascnd .eqv. (x >= xx(jm))) then jl=jm ! and replace either the lower limit else ju=jm ! or the upper limit, as appropriate. end if END DO ! {ju == jl + 1} ! {(ascnd .and. xx(jl) <= x < xx(jl+1)) ! .neqv. ! (.not. ascnd .and. xx(jl+1) <= x < xx(jl))} ! Then set the output, being careful with the endpoints: if (x == xx(1)) then locate=1 else if (x == xx(n)) then locate=n-1 else locate=jl end if END FUNCTION locate !*************************** pure SUBROUTINE hunt(xx,x,jlo) ! Given an array xx(1:N ), and given a value x, returns a value ! jlo such that x is between xx(jlo) and xx(jlo+1). xx must be ! monotonic, either increasing or decreasing. jlo = 0 or jlo = N is ! returned to indicate that x is out of range. jlo on input is taken as ! the initial guess for jlo on output. ! Modified so that it uses the information "jlo = 0" on input. INTEGER, INTENT(INOUT) :: jlo REAL, INTENT(IN) :: x REAL, DIMENSION(:), INTENT(IN) :: xx INTEGER n,inc,jhi,jm LOGICAL ascnd, hunt_up !----------------------------------------------------- n=size(xx) ascnd = (xx(n) >= xx(1)) ! (True if ascending order of table, false otherwise.) if (jlo < 0 .or. jlo > n) then ! Input guess not useful. Go immediately to bisection. jlo=0 jhi=n+1 else inc=1 ! Set the hunting increment. if (jlo == 0) then hunt_up = .true. else hunt_up = x >= xx(jlo) .eqv. ascnd end if if (hunt_up) then ! Hunt up: do jhi=jlo+inc if (jhi > n) then ! Done hunting, since off end of table. jhi=n+1 exit else if (x < xx(jhi) .eqv. ascnd) exit jlo=jhi ! Not done hunting, inc=inc+inc ! so double the increment end if END DO ! and try again. else ! Hunt down: jhi=jlo do jlo=jhi-inc if (jlo < 1) then ! Done hunting, since off end of table. jlo=0 exit else if (x >= xx(jlo) .eqv. ascnd) exit jhi=jlo ! Not done hunting, inc=inc+inc ! so double the increment end if END DO ! and try again. end if end if ! Done hunting, value bracketed. do ! Hunt is done, so begin the final bisection phase: if (jhi-jlo <= 1) then if (x == xx(n)) jlo=n-1 if (x == xx(1)) jlo=1 exit else jm=(jhi+jlo)/2 if (x >= xx(jm) .eqv. ascnd) then jlo=jm else jhi=jm end if end if END DO END SUBROUTINE hunt end module interpolation