SUBROUTINE condsurfc_new(jour,lmt_bcff, lmt_bcnff, . lmt_bcbbl,lmt_bcbbh, lmt_bcba, . lmt_omff,lmt_omnff,lmt_ombbl,lmt_ombbh, . lmt_omnat, lmt_omba) USE mod_grid_phy_lmdz USE mod_phys_lmdz_para USE dimphy USE lmdz_netcdf, ONLY:nf90_get_var,nf_close,nf_noerr,nf_inq_varid,nf_open,nf_nowrite IMPLICIT none c c Lire les conditions aux limites du modele pour la chimie. c -------------------------------------------------------- c INCLUDE "dimensions.h" REAL lmt_bcff(klon), lmt_bcnff(klon), lmt_bcba(klon) REAL lmt_omff(klon), lmt_omnff(klon), lmt_ombb(klon) REAL lmt_bcbbl(klon), lmt_bcbbh(klon) REAL lmt_ombbl(klon), lmt_ombbh(klon) REAL lmt_omnat(klon), lmt_omba(klon) REAL lmt_terp(klon) c REAL lmt_bcff_glo(klon_glo), lmt_bcnff_glo(klon_glo) REAL lmt_bcba_glo(klon_glo) REAL lmt_omff_glo(klon_glo), lmt_omnff_glo(klon_glo) REAL lmt_ombb_glo(klon_glo) REAL lmt_bcbbl_glo(klon_glo), lmt_bcbbh_glo(klon_glo) REAL lmt_ombbl_glo(klon_glo), lmt_ombbh_glo(klon_glo) REAL lmt_omnat_glo(klon_glo), lmt_omba_glo(klon_glo) REAL lmt_terp_glo(klon_glo) ! INTEGER jour, i INTEGER ierr INTEGER nid1,nvarid INTEGER debut(2),epais(2) c ! IF (jour.LT.0 .OR. jour.GT.(366-1)) THEN IF (jour<0 .OR. jour>366) THEN PRINT*,'Le jour demande n est pas correcte:', jour print *,'JE: FORCED TO CONTINUE (emissions have . to be longer than 1 year!!!! )' !JE CALL ABORT ENDIF !$OMP MASTER IF (is_mpi_root .AND. is_omp_root) THEN ! ! Tranche a lire: debut(1) = 1 debut(2) = jour epais(1) = klon_glo ! epais(1) = klon epais(2) = 1 ! !======================================================================= ! BC EMISSIONS !======================================================================= ! ierr = NF_OPEN ("", NF_NOWRITE, nid1) if (ierr/=NF_NOERR) then write(6,*)' Pb d''ouverture du fichier' write(6,*)' ierr = ', ierr call exit(1) endif ! ! BC emissions from fossil fuel combustion ! ierr = NF_INQ_VARID (nid1, "BCFF", nvarid) ierr = nf90_get_var (nid1, nvarid, lmt_bcff_glo, debut, epais) IF (ierr /= NF_NOERR) THEN PRINT*, 'Pb de lecture pour les sources BC' CALL exit(1) ENDIF !print *,'lmt_bcff = ',lmt_bcff !stop ! ! BC emissions from non fossil fuel combustion ! ierr = NF_INQ_VARID (nid1, "BCNFF", nvarid) ierr = nf90_get_var (nid1, nvarid, lmt_bcnff_glo, debut, epais) IF (ierr /= NF_NOERR) THEN PRINT*, 'Pb de lecture pour les sources BC' CALL exit(1) ENDIF ! ! Low BC emissions from biomass burning ! ierr = NF_INQ_VARID (nid1, "BCBBL", nvarid) ierr = nf90_get_var (nid1, nvarid, lmt_bcbbl_glo, debut, epais) IF (ierr /= NF_NOERR) THEN PRINT*, 'Pb de lecture pour les sources BC low' CALL exit(1) ENDIF ! ! High BC emissions from biomass burning ! ierr = NF_INQ_VARID (nid1, "BCBBH", nvarid) ierr = nf90_get_var (nid1, nvarid, lmt_bcbbh_glo, debut, epais) IF (ierr /= NF_NOERR) THEN PRINT*, 'Pb de lecture pour les sources BC high' CALL exit(1) ENDIF ! ! BC emissions from ship transport ! ierr = NF_INQ_VARID (nid1, "BCBA", nvarid) ierr = nf90_get_var (nid1, nvarid, lmt_bcba_glo, debut, epais) IF (ierr /= NF_NOERR) THEN PRINT*, 'Pb de lecture pour les sources BC' CALL exit(1) ENDIF ! !======================================================================= ! OM EMISSIONS !======================================================================= ! ! ! OM emissions from fossil fuel combustion ! ierr = NF_INQ_VARID (nid1, "OMFF", nvarid) ierr = nf90_get_var (nid1, nvarid, lmt_omff_glo, debut, epais) IF (ierr /= NF_NOERR) THEN PRINT*, 'Pb de lecture pour les sources OM' CALL exit(1) ENDIF ! ! OM emissions from non fossil fuel combustion ! ierr = NF_INQ_VARID (nid1, "OMNFF", nvarid) ierr = nf90_get_var (nid1, nvarid, lmt_omnff_glo, debut, epais) IF (ierr /= NF_NOERR) THEN PRINT*, 'Pb de lecture pour les sources OM' CALL exit(1) ENDIF ! ! Low OM emissions from biomass burning - low ! ierr = NF_INQ_VARID (nid1, "OMBBL", nvarid) ierr = nf90_get_var (nid1, nvarid, lmt_ombbl_glo, debut, epais) IF (ierr /= NF_NOERR) THEN PRINT*, 'Pb de lecture pour les sources OM low' CALL exit(1) ENDIF ! ! High OM emissions from biomass burning - high ! ierr = NF_INQ_VARID (nid1, "OMBBH", nvarid) ierr = nf90_get_var (nid1, nvarid, lmt_ombbh_glo, debut, epais) IF (ierr /= NF_NOERR) THEN PRINT*, 'Pb de lecture pour les sources OM high' CALL exit(1) ENDIF ! ! High OM emissions from ship ! ierr = NF_INQ_VARID (nid1, "OMBA", nvarid) ierr = nf90_get_var (nid1, nvarid, lmt_omba_glo, debut, epais) IF (ierr /= NF_NOERR) THEN PRINT*, 'Pb de lecture pour les sources OM ship' CALL exit(1) ENDIF ! ! Natural Terpene emissions => Natural OM emissions ! ierr = NF_INQ_VARID (nid1, "TERP", nvarid) ierr = nf90_get_var (nid1, nvarid, lmt_terp_glo, debut, epais) IF (ierr /= NF_NOERR) THEN PRINT*, 'Pb de lecture pour les sources Terpene' CALL exit(1) ENDIF ! DO i=1,klon_glo lmt_omnat_glo(i) = lmt_terp_glo(i)*0.11*1.4 !-- 11% Terpene is OC ENDDO ierr = NF_CLOSE(nid1) ! PRINT*, 'Carbon sources lues pour jour: ', jour ! lmt_bcff(klon)=0.0 ! lmt_bcnff(klon)=0.0 ! lmt_omff(klon)=0.0 ! lmt_omnff(klon)=0.0 ! lmt_ombb(klon)=0.0 ! lmt_bcbbl(klon)=0.0 ! lmt_bcbbh(klon)=0.0 ! lmt_ombbl(klon)=0.0 ! lmt_ombbh(klon)=0.0 ! lmt_omnat(klon)=0.0 ! lmt_omba(klon)=0.0 ! lmt_terp(klon)=0.0 ENDIF !$OMP END MASTER !$OMP BARRIER call scatter( lmt_bcff_glo , lmt_bcff ) call scatter( lmt_bcnff_glo , lmt_bcnff ) call scatter( lmt_bcbbl_glo , lmt_bcbbl ) call scatter( lmt_bcbbh_glo , lmt_bcbbh ) call scatter( lmt_bcba_glo , lmt_bcba ) call scatter( lmt_omff_glo , lmt_omff ) call scatter( lmt_omnff_glo , lmt_omnff ) call scatter( lmt_ombbl_glo , lmt_ombbl ) call scatter( lmt_ombbh_glo , lmt_ombbh ) call scatter( lmt_omba_glo , lmt_omba ) call scatter( lmt_terp_glo , lmt_terp ) call scatter( lmt_omnat_glo , lmt_omnat ) RETURN END