! $Id$ module regr_lat_time_coefoz_m ! Author: Lionel GUEZ implicit none private public regr_lat_time_coefoz contains subroutine regr_lat_time_coefoz ! "regr_lat_time_coefoz" stands for "regrid latitude time ! coefficients ozone". ! This procedure reads from a NetCDF file coefficients for ozone ! chemistry, regrids them in latitude and time, and writes the ! regridded fields to a new NetCDF file. ! The input fields depend on time, pressure level and latitude. ! We assume that the input fields are step functions of latitude. ! Regridding in latitude is made by averaging, with a cosine of ! latitude factor. ! The target LMDZ latitude grid is the "scalar" grid: "rlatu". ! The values of "rlatu" are taken to be the centers of intervals. ! Regridding in time is by linear interpolation. ! Monthly values are processed to get daily values, on the basis ! of a 360-day calendar. ! We assume that in the input file: ! -- the latitude is in degrees and strictly monotonic (as all ! NetCDF coordinate variables should be); ! -- time increases from January to December (even though we do ! not use values of the input time coordinate); ! -- pressure is in hPa and in strictly ascending order (even ! though we do not use pressure values here, we write the unit of ! pressure in the NetCDF header, and we will use the assumptions later, ! when we regrid in pressure). use mod_grid_phy_lmdz, ONLY : nbp_lat use regr_conserv_m, only: regr_conserv use regr_lint_m, only: regr_lint use netcdf95, only: nf95_open, nf95_close, nf95_inq_varid, nf95_get_var, & nf95_put_var, nf95_gw_var use lmdz_netcdf, only: nf90_nowrite use nrtype, only: pi use regular_lonlat_mod, only: boundslat_reg, south ! Variables local to the procedure: integer ncid_in, ncid_out ! NetCDF IDs for input and output files integer n_plev ! number of pressure levels in the input data integer n_lat! number of latitudes in the input data real, allocatable:: latitude(:) ! (of input data, converted to rad, sorted in strictly ascending order) real, allocatable:: lat_in_edg(:) ! (edges of latitude intervals for input data, in rad, in strictly ! ascending order) real, allocatable:: plev(:) ! pressure level of input data logical desc_lat ! latitude in descending order in the input file real, allocatable:: o3_par_in(:, :, :) ! (n_lat, n_plev, 12) ! (ozone parameter from the input file) ! ("o3_par_in(j, l, month)" is at latitude "latitude(j)" and pressure ! level "plev(l)". "month" is between 1 and 12.) real, allocatable:: v_regr_lat(:, :, :) ! (jjm + 1, n_plev, 0:13) ! (mean of a variable "v" over a latitude interval) ! (First dimension is latitude interval. ! The latitude interval for "v_regr_lat(j,:, :)" contains "rlatu(j)". ! If "j" is between 2 and "jjm" then the interval is: ! [rlatv(j), rlatv(j-1)] ! If "j" is 1 or "jjm + 1" then the interval is: ! [rlatv(1), pi / 2] ! or: ! [- pi / 2, rlatv(jjm)] ! respectively. ! "v_regr_lat(:, l, :)" is for pressure level "plev(l)". ! Last dimension is month number.) real, allocatable:: o3_par_out(:, :, :) ! (jjm + 1, n_plev, ndays) ! (regridded ozone parameter) ! ("o3_par_out(j, l, day)" is at latitude "rlatu(j)", pressure ! level "plev(l)" and date "January 1st 0h" + "tmidday(day)", in a ! 360-day calendar.) integer j integer i_v ! index of ozone parameter integer, parameter:: n_o3_param = 8 ! number of ozone parameters character(len=11) name_in(n_o3_param) ! (name of NetCDF primary variable in the input file) character(len=9) name_out(n_o3_param) ! (name of NetCDF primary variable in the output file) integer varid_in(n_o3_param), varid_out(n_o3_param), varid_plev, varid_time integer ncerr, varid ! (for NetCDF) real, parameter:: tmidmonth(0:13) = (/(-15. + 30. * j, j = 0, 13)/) ! (time to middle of month, in days since January 1st 0h, in a ! 360-day calendar) ! (We add values -15 and 375 so that, for example, day 3 of the year is ! interpolated between the December and the January value.) real, parameter:: tmidday(360) = (/(j + 0.5, j = 0, 359)/) ! (time to middle of day, in days since January 1st 0h, in a ! 360-day calendar) !--------------------------------- print *, "Call sequence information: regr_lat_time_coefoz" ! Names of ozone parameters: i_v = 0 i_v = i_v + 1 name_in(i_v) = "P_net" name_out(i_v) = "P_net_Mob" i_v = i_v + 1 name_in(i_v) = "a2" name_out(i_v) = "a2" i_v = i_v + 1 name_in(i_v) = "tro3" name_out(i_v) = "r_Mob" i_v = i_v + 1 name_in(i_v) = "a4" name_out(i_v) = "a4" i_v = i_v + 1 name_in(i_v) = "temperature" name_out(i_v) = "temp_Mob" i_v = i_v + 1 name_in(i_v) = "a6" name_out(i_v) = "a6" i_v = i_v + 1 name_in(i_v) = "Sigma" name_out(i_v) = "Sigma_Mob" i_v = i_v + 1 name_in(i_v) = "R_Het" name_out(i_v) = "R_Het" call nf95_open("coefoz.nc", nf90_nowrite, ncid_in) ! Get coordinates from the input file: call nf95_inq_varid(ncid_in, "latitude", varid) call nf95_gw_var(ncid_in, varid, latitude) ! Convert from degrees to rad, because "boundslat_reg" is in rad: latitude = latitude / 180. * pi n_lat = size(latitude) ! We need to supply the latitudes to "regr_conserv" in ! ascending order, so invert order if necessary: desc_lat = latitude(1) > latitude(n_lat) if (desc_lat) latitude = latitude(n_lat:1:-1) ! Compute edges of latitude intervals: allocate(lat_in_edg(n_lat + 1)) lat_in_edg(1) = - pi / 2 forall (j = 2:n_lat) lat_in_edg(j) = (latitude(j - 1) + latitude(j)) / 2 lat_in_edg(n_lat + 1) = pi / 2 deallocate(latitude) call nf95_inq_varid(ncid_in, "plev", varid) call nf95_gw_var(ncid_in, varid, plev) n_plev = size(plev) ! (We only need the pressure coordinate to copy it to the output file.) ! Get the IDs of ozone parameters in the input file: do i_v = 1, n_o3_param call nf95_inq_varid(ncid_in, trim(name_in(i_v)), varid_in(i_v)) end do ! Create the output file and get the variable IDs: call prepare_out(ncid_in, varid_in, n_plev, name_out, ncid_out, & varid_out, varid_plev, varid_time) ! Write remaining coordinate variables: call nf95_put_var(ncid_out, varid_time, tmidday) call nf95_put_var(ncid_out, varid_plev, plev) deallocate(plev) allocate(o3_par_in(n_lat, n_plev, 12)) allocate(v_regr_lat(nbp_lat, n_plev, 0:13)) allocate(o3_par_out(nbp_lat, n_plev, 360)) do i_v = 1, n_o3_param ! Process ozone parameter "name_in(i_v)" call nf95_get_var(ncid_in, varid_in(i_v), o3_par_in) if (desc_lat) o3_par_in = o3_par_in(n_lat:1:-1, :, :) ! Regrid in latitude: ! We average with respect to sine of latitude, which is ! equivalent to weighting by cosine of latitude: call regr_conserv(1, o3_par_in, xs = sin(lat_in_edg), & xt = (/-1., sin((/boundslat_reg(nbp_lat-1:1:-1,south)/)), 1./), & vt = v_regr_lat(nbp_lat:1:-1, :, 1:12)) ! (invert order of indices in "v_regr_lat" because "rlatu" is ! in descending order) ! Duplicate January and December values, in preparation of time ! interpolation: v_regr_lat(:, :, 0) = v_regr_lat(:, :, 12) v_regr_lat(:, :, 13) = v_regr_lat(:, :, 1) ! Regrid in time by linear interpolation: call regr_lint(3, v_regr_lat, tmidmonth, tmidday, o3_par_out) ! Write to file: call nf95_put_var(ncid_out, varid_out(i_v), & o3_par_out(nbp_lat:1:-1, :, :)) ! (The order of "rlatu" is inverted in the output file) end do call nf95_close(ncid_out) call nf95_close(ncid_in) end subroutine regr_lat_time_coefoz !******************************************** subroutine prepare_out(ncid_in, varid_in, n_plev, name_out, ncid_out, & varid_out, varid_plev, varid_time) ! This subroutine creates the NetCDF output file, defines ! dimensions and variables, and writes one of the coordinate variables. use mod_grid_phy_lmdz, ONLY : nbp_lat use assert_eq_m, only: assert_eq use netcdf95, only: nf95_create, nf95_def_dim, nf95_def_var, & nf95_put_att, nf95_enddef, nf95_copy_att, nf95_put_var use lmdz_netcdf, only: nf90_clobber, nf90_float, nf90_copy_att, nf90_global use nrtype, only: pi use regular_lonlat_mod, only : lat_reg integer, intent(in):: ncid_in, varid_in(:), n_plev character(len=*), intent(in):: name_out(:) ! of NetCDF variables integer, intent(out):: ncid_out, varid_out(:), varid_plev, varid_time ! Variables local to the procedure: integer ncerr integer dimid_rlatu, dimid_plev, dimid_time integer varid_rlatu integer i, n_o3_param !--------------------------- print *, "Call sequence information: prepare_out" n_o3_param = assert_eq(size(varid_in), size(varid_out), & size(name_out), "prepare_out") call nf95_create("coefoz_LMDZ.nc", nf90_clobber, ncid_out) ! Dimensions: call nf95_def_dim(ncid_out, "time", 360, dimid_time) call nf95_def_dim(ncid_out, "plev", n_plev, dimid_plev) call nf95_def_dim(ncid_out, "rlatu", nbp_lat, dimid_rlatu) ! Define coordinate variables: call nf95_def_var(ncid_out, "time", nf90_float, dimid_time, varid_time) call nf95_put_att(ncid_out, varid_time, "units", "days since 2000-1-1") call nf95_put_att(ncid_out, varid_time, "calendar", "360_day") call nf95_put_att(ncid_out, varid_time, "standard_name", "time") call nf95_def_var(ncid_out, "plev", nf90_float, dimid_plev, varid_plev) call nf95_put_att(ncid_out, varid_plev, "units", "millibar") call nf95_put_att(ncid_out, varid_plev, "standard_name", "air_pressure") call nf95_put_att(ncid_out, varid_plev, "long_name", "air pressure") call nf95_def_var(ncid_out, "rlatu", nf90_float, dimid_rlatu, varid_rlatu) call nf95_put_att(ncid_out, varid_rlatu, "units", "degrees_north") call nf95_put_att(ncid_out, varid_rlatu, "standard_name", "latitude") ! Define primary variables: do i = 1, n_o3_param call nf95_def_var(ncid_out, name_out(i), nf90_float, & (/dimid_rlatu, dimid_plev, dimid_time/), varid_out(i)) ! The following commands may fail. That is OK. It should just ! mean that the attribute is not defined in the input file. ncerr = nf90_copy_att(ncid_in, varid_in(i), "long_name",& & ncid_out, varid_out(i)) call handle_err_copy_att("long_name") ncerr = nf90_copy_att(ncid_in, varid_in(i), "units", ncid_out,& & varid_out(i)) call handle_err_copy_att("units") ncerr = nf90_copy_att(ncid_in, varid_in(i), "standard_name", ncid_out,& & varid_out(i)) call handle_err_copy_att("standard_name") end do ! Global attributes: call nf95_copy_att(ncid_in, nf90_global, "Conventions", ncid_out, & nf90_global) call nf95_copy_att(ncid_in, nf90_global, "title", ncid_out, nf90_global) call nf95_copy_att(ncid_in, nf90_global, "source", ncid_out, nf90_global) call nf95_put_att(ncid_out, nf90_global, "comment", "Regridded for LMDZ") call nf95_enddef(ncid_out) ! Write one of the coordinate variables: call nf95_put_var(ncid_out, varid_rlatu, lat_reg(nbp_lat:1:-1) / pi * 180.) ! (convert from rad to degrees and sort in ascending order) contains subroutine handle_err_copy_att(att_name) use lmdz_netcdf, only: nf90_noerr, nf90_strerror character(len=*), intent(in):: att_name !---------------------------------------- if (ncerr /= nf90_noerr) then print *, "prepare_out " // trim(name_out(i)) & // " nf90_copy_att " // att_name // " -- " & // trim(nf90_strerror(ncerr)) end if end subroutine handle_err_copy_att end subroutine prepare_out end module regr_lat_time_coefoz_m