module nf95_inquire_variable_m implicit none contains subroutine nf95_inquire_variable(ncid, varid, name, xtype, ndims, dimids, & nAtts, ncerr) ! In "nf90_inquire_variable", "dimids" is an assumed-size array. ! This is not optimal. ! We are in the classical case of an array the size of which is ! unknown in the calling procedure, before the call. ! Here we use a better solution: an allocatable argument array. ! This procedure allocates and defines "dimids" if it is present. use nf95_abort_m, only: nf95_abort use netcdf, only: nf90_inquire_variable, nf90_max_var_dims use nf95_constants, only: nf95_noerr integer, intent(in):: ncid, varid character(len = *), optional, intent(out):: name integer, optional, intent(out) :: xtype, ndims integer, optional, allocatable, intent(out) :: dimids(:) integer, optional, intent(out) :: nAtts integer, intent(out), optional :: ncerr ! Variable local to the procedure: integer ncerr_not_opt integer dimids_local(nf90_max_var_dims) integer ndims_not_opt !------------------- if (present(dimids)) then ncerr_not_opt = nf90_inquire_variable(ncid, varid, name, xtype, & ndims_not_opt, dimids_local, nAtts) dimids = dimids_local(:ndims_not_opt) ! also works if ndims_not_opt == 0 if (present(ndims)) ndims = ndims_not_opt else ncerr_not_opt = nf90_inquire_variable(ncid, varid, name, xtype, ndims, & nAtts=nAtts) end if if (present(ncerr)) then ncerr = ncerr_not_opt else if (ncerr_not_opt /= nf95_noerr) call & nf95_abort("nf95_inquire_variable", ncerr_not_opt, ncid, varid) end if end subroutine nf95_inquire_variable end module nf95_inquire_variable_m