! ! $Header$ ! C $Id: oasis.dummy 743 2006-12-11 15:55:31Z snguyen $ C**** C C**** *INICMA* - Initialize coupled mode communication for atmosphere C and exchange some initial information with Oasis C C Input: C ----- C KASTP : total number of timesteps in atmospheric model C KEXCH : frequency of exchange (in time steps) C KSTEP : length of timestep (in seconds) C C ----------------------------------------------------------- C SUBROUTINE inicma(kastp,kexch,kstep,imjm) c c INCLUDE "param.h" c INTEGER kastp, kexch, kstep,imjm INTEGER iparal(3) INTEGER ifcpl, idt, info, imxtag, istep, jf c -- LOOP c #include "dimensions.h" INTEGER jjmp1 PARAMETER (jjmp1=jjm+1-1/jjm) #include "dimphy.h" REAL zwindsp(klon) c c -- LOOP c #include "param_cou.h" #include "inc_cpl.h" CHARACTER*3 cljobnam ! experiment name CHARACTER*6 clmodnam ! model name c EM: not used by Oasis2.4 CEM CHARACTER*6 clbid(2) ! for CLIM_Init call (not used) CEM ! must be dimensioned by the number of models CEM INTEGER nbid(2) ! for CLIM_Init call (not used) CEM ! must be dimensioned by the number of models CHARACTER*5 cloasis ! coupler name (Oasis) INTEGER imess(4) INTEGER getpid ! system functions INTEGER nuout CEM LOGICAL llmodel PARAMETER (nuout = 6) c #include "clim.h" #include "mpiclim.h" c #include "oasis.h" ! contains the name of communication technique. Here ! cchan=CLIM only is possible. c ! ctype=MPI2 c C ----------------------------------------------------------- C C* 1. Initializations C --------------- C WRITE(nuout,*) ' ' WRITE(nuout,*) ' ' WRITE(nuout,*) ' ROUTINE INICMA' WRITE(nuout,*) ' **************' WRITE(nuout,*) ' ' WRITE(nuout,*) ' ' c c Define the model name c clmodnam = 'lmdz.x' ! as in $NBMODEL in Cpl/Nam/namcouple.tmp c c Define the coupler name c cloasis = 'Oasis' ! always 'Oasis' as in the coupler c c c Define symbolic name for fields exchanged from atmos to coupler, c must be the same as (1) of the field definition in namcouple: c cl_writ(8)='COSHFICE' cl_writ(9)='COSHFOCE' cl_writ(10)='CONSFICE' cl_writ(11)='CONSFOCE' cl_writ(12)='CODFLXDT' c cl_writ(6)='COICTEMP' cl_writ(13)='COTFSICE' cl_writ(14)='COTFSOCE' cl_writ(15)='COTOLPSU' cl_writ(16)='COTOSPSU' cl_writ(17)='CORUNCOA' cl_writ(18)='CORIVFLU' cl_writ(19)='COCALVIN' cxxx cl_writ(13)='COZOTAUX' cxxx cl_writ(14)='COZOTAUV' cxxx cl_writ(15)='COMETAUY' cxxx cl_writ(16)='COMETAUU' cl_writ(1)='COTAUXXU' cl_writ(2)='COTAUYYU' cl_writ(3)='COTAUZZU' cl_writ(4)='COTAUXXV' cl_writ(5)='COTAUYYV' cl_writ(6)='COTAUZZV' c -- LOOP cl_writ(7)='COWINDSP' c -- LOOP c c Define files name for fields exchanged from atmos to coupler, c must be the same as (6) of the field definition in namcouple: c cl_f_writ(1)='flxatmos' cl_f_writ(2)='flxatmos' cl_f_writ(3)='flxatmos' cl_f_writ(4)='flxatmos' cl_f_writ(5)='flxatmos' cl_f_writ(6)='flxatmos' cl_f_writ(7)='flxatmos' cl_f_writ(8)='flxatmos' cl_f_writ(9)='flxatmos' cl_f_writ(10)='flxatmos' cl_f_writ(11)='flxatmos' cl_f_writ(12)='flxatmos' cl_f_writ(13)='flxatmos' cl_f_writ(14)='flxatmos' cl_f_writ(15)='flxatmos' cl_f_writ(16)='flxatmos' cl_f_writ(17)='flxatmos' cl_f_writ(18)='flxatmos' c -- LOOP cl_f_writ(19)='flxatmos' c -- LOOP c c c Define symbolic name for fields exchanged from coupler to atmosphere, c must be the same as (2) of the field definition in namcouple: c cl_read(1)='SISUTESW' cl_read(2)='SIICECOV' cl_read(3)='SIICEALW' cl_read(4)='SIICTEMW' c c Define files names for fields exchanged from coupler to atmosphere, c must be the same as (7) of the field definition in namcouple: c cl_f_read(1)='sstatmos' cl_f_read(2)='sstatmos' cl_f_read(3)='sstatmos' cl_f_read(4)='sstatmos' c c c Define the number of processors involved in the coupling for c Oasis (=1) and each model (as last two INTEGER on $CHATYPE line c in the namcouple); they will be stored in a COMMON in mpiclim.h c (used for CLIM/MPI2 only) mpi_nproc(0)=1 mpi_nproc(1)=1 mpi_nproc(2)=1 c c Define infos to be sent initially to oasis c imess(1) = kastp ! total number of timesteps in atmospheric model imess(2) = kexch ! period of exchange (in time steps) imess(3) = kstep ! length of atmospheric timestep (in seconds) imess(4) = getpid() ! PID of atmospheric model c c Initialization and exchange of initial info in the CLIM technique c IF (cchan.eq.'CLIM') THEN c c Define the experiment name : c cljobnam = 'CLI' ! as $JOBNAM in namcouple c c Start the coupling c (see lib/clim/src/CLIM_Init for the definition of input parameters) c cEM clbid(1)=' ' cEM clbid(2)=' ' cEM nbid(1)=0 cEM nbid(2)=0 CEM llmodel=.true. c c Define the number of processors used by each model as in c $CHATYPE line of namcouple (used for CLIM/MPI2 only) mpi_totproc(1)=1 mpi_totproc(2)=1 c c Define names of each model as in $NBMODEL line of namcouple c (used for CLIM/MPI2 only) cmpi_modnam(1)='lmdz.x' cmpi_modnam(2)='opa.xx' c Start the coupling c CALL CLIM_Init ( cljobnam, clmodnam, 3, 7, * kastp, kexch, kstep, * 5, 3600, 3600, info ) c IF (info.ne.CLIM_Ok) THEN WRITE ( nuout, *) ' inicma : pb init clim ' WRITE ( nuout, *) ' error code is = ', info CALL halte('STOP in inicma') ELSE WRITE(nuout,*) 'inicma : init clim ok ' ENDIF c c For each coupling field, association of a port to its symbolic name c c -Define the parallel decomposition associated to the port of each c field; here no decomposition for all ports. iparal ( clim_strategy ) = clim_serial iparal ( clim_length ) = imjm iparal ( clim_offset ) = 0 c c -Loop on total number of coupler-to-atmosphere fields c (see lib/clim/src/CLIM_Define for the definition of input parameters) DO jf=1, jpfldo2a CALL CLIM_Define (cl_read(jf), clim_in , clim_double, iparal $ , info ) WRITE(nuout,*) 'inicma : clim define done for ',jf $ ,cl_read(jf) END DO c c -Loop on total number of atmosphere-to-coupler fields c (see lib/clim/src/CLIM_Define for the definition of input parameters) DO jf=1, jpflda2o1+jpflda2o2 CALL CLIM_Define (cl_writ(jf), clim_out , clim_double, $ iparal, info ) WRITE(nuout,*) 'inicma : clim define done for ',jf $ ,cl_writ(jf) END DO c WRITE(nuout,*) 'inicma : clim_define ok ' c c -Join a pvm group, wait for other programs and broadcast usefull c informations to Oasis and to the ocean (see lib/clim/src/CLIM_Start) CALL CLIM_Start ( imxtag, info ) IF (info.ne.clim_ok) THEN WRITE ( nuout, *) 'inicma : pb start clim ' WRITE ( nuout, *) ' error code is = ', info CALL halte('stop in inicma') ELSE WRITE ( nuout, *) 'inicma : start clim ok ' ENDIF c c -Get initial information from Oasis c (see lib/clim/src/CLIM_Stepi) CALL CLIM_Stepi (cloasis, istep, ifcpl, idt, info) IF (info .NE. clim_ok) THEN WRITE ( UNIT = nuout, FMT = *) $ ' warning : problem in getting step info ', $ 'from oasis ' WRITE (UNIT = nuout, FMT = *) $ ' ======= error code number = ', info ELSE WRITE (UNIT = nuout, FMT = *) $ ' got step information from oasis ' ENDIF WRITE ( nuout, *) ' number of tstep in oasis ', istep WRITE ( nuout, *) ' exchange frequency in oasis ', ifcpl WRITE ( nuout, *) ' length of tstep in oasis ', idt ENDIF RETURN END c $Id: oasis.dummy 743 2006-12-11 15:55:31Z snguyen $ SUBROUTINE fromcpl(kt, imjm, sst, gla, tice, albedo) c ====================================================================== c S. Valcke (02/99) adapted From L.Z.X Li: this subroutine reads the SST c and Sea-Ice provided by the coupler with the CLIM (PVM exchange messages) c technique. c====================================================================== IMPLICIT none INTEGER imjm, kt REAL sst(imjm) ! sea-surface-temperature REAL gla(imjm) ! sea-ice REAL tice(imjm) ! temp glace REAL albedo(imjm) ! albedo glace c INTEGER nuout ! listing output unit PARAMETER (nuout=6) c INTEGER nuread, ios, iflag, icpliter INTEGER info, jf c #include "clim.h" c #include "oasis.h" #include "param_cou.h" c #include "inc_cpl.h" c c WRITE (nuout,*) ' ' WRITE (nuout,*) 'Fromcpl: Reading fields from CPL, kt=',kt WRITE (nuout,*) ' ' CALL flush (nuout) IF (cchan.eq.'CLIM') THEN c c -Get interpolated oceanic fields from Oasis c DO jf=1,jpfldo2a IF (jf.eq.1) CALL CLIM_Import (cl_read(jf) , kt, sst, info) IF (jf.eq.2) CALL CLIM_Import (cl_read(jf) , kt, gla, info) IF (jf.eq.3) CALL CLIM_Import (cl_read(jf), kt,albedo, info) IF (jf.eq.4) CALL CLIM_Import (cl_read(jf) , kt, tice, info) IF ( info .NE. CLIM_Ok) THEN WRITE(nuout,*)'Pb in reading ', cl_read(jf), jf WRITE(nuout,*)'Couplage kt is = ',kt WRITE(nuout,*)'CLIM error code is = ', info CALL halte('STOP in fromcpl.F') ENDIF END DO ENDIF c RETURN END c $Id: oasis.dummy 743 2006-12-11 15:55:31Z snguyen $ c -- LOOP SUBROUTINE intocpl(kt, imjm, fsolice, fsolwat, fnsolice, fnsolwat, $ fnsicedt, evice, evwat, lpre, spre, dirunoff, rivrunoff, $ calving, tauxx_u, tauyy_u, tauzz_u, tauxx_v, tauyy_v, tauzz_v, $ windsp, last) c -- LOOP c ====================================================================== c S. Valcke (02/99) adapted From L.Z.X Li: this subroutine provides the c atmospheric coupling fields to the coupler with the CLIM (PVM exchange c messages) technique. c IF last time step, writes output fields to binary files. c ====================================================================== IMPLICIT NONE c -- LOOP c #include "dimensions.h" INTEGER jjmp1 PARAMETER (jjmp1=jjm+1-1/jjm) #include "dimphy.h" c REAL zu10m(klon), zv10m(klon) REAL zwindsp(klon) c c -- LOOP c INTEGER kt, imjm c REAL fsolice(imjm) REAL fsolwat(imjm) REAL fnsolwat(imjm) REAL fnsolice(imjm) REAL fnsicedt(imjm) REAL evice(imjm) REAL evwat(imjm) REAL lpre(imjm) REAL spre(imjm) REAL dirunoff(imjm) REAL rivrunoff(imjm) REAL calving(imjm) cxxx REAL tauxu(imjm) cxxx REAL tauxv(imjm) cxxx REAL tauyu(imjm) cxxx REAL tauyv(imjm) REAL tauxx_u(imjm) REAL tauxx_v(imjm) REAL tauyy_u(imjm) REAL tauyy_v(imjm) REAL tauzz_u(imjm) REAL tauzz_v(imjm) c -- LOOP REAL windsp(imjm) c -- LOOP LOGICAL last c INTEGER nuout PARAMETER (nuout = 6) c #include "clim.h" #include "param_cou.h" #include "inc_cpl.h" c CHARACTER*8 file_name(jpmaxfld) INTEGER max_file INTEGER file_unit_max, file_unit(jpmaxfld), $ file_unit_field(jpmaxfld) INTEGER icstep, info, jn, jf, ierror LOGICAL trouve c #include "oasis.h" c icstep=kt c WRITE(nuout,*) ' ' WRITE(nuout,*) 'Intocpl: sending fields to CPL, kt= ', kt WRITE(nuout,*) 'last ', last WRITE(nuout,*) IF (last) THEN c c -WRITE fields to binary files for coupler restart at last time step c c -initialisation and files opening c max_file=1 file_unit_max=99 c -keeps first file name file_name(max_file)=cl_f_writ(max_file) c -keeps first file unit file_unit(max_file)=file_unit_max c -decrements file unit maximum file_unit_max=file_unit_max-1 c -keeps file unit for field file_unit_field(1)=file_unit(max_file) c c -different files names counter c DO jf= 2, jpflda2o1 + jpflda2o2 trouve=.false. DO jn= 1, max_file IF (.not.trouve) THEN IF (cl_f_writ(jf).EQ.file_name(jn)) THEN c -keep file unit for field file_unit_field(jf)=file_unit(jn) trouve=.true. END IF END IF END DO IF (.not.trouve) then c -increment the number of different files max_file=max_file+1 c -keep file name file_name(max_file)=cl_f_writ(jf) c -keep file unit for file file_unit(max_file)=file_unit_max c -keep file unit for field file_unit_field(jf)=file_unit(max_file) c -decrement unit maximum number from 99 to 98, ... file_unit_max=file_unit_max-1 END IF END DO c DO jn=1, max_file OPEN (file_unit(jn), FILE=file_name(jn), FORM='UNFORMATTED') WRITE(*,*) 'Opening FILE ', file_unit(jn), ' ' $ , file_name(jn) REWIND(file_unit(jn)) END DO c c WRITE fields to files DO jf=1, jpflda2o1 + jpflda2o2 IF (jf.eq.8) $ CALL locwrite(cl_writ(jf),fsolice, imjm, $ file_unit_field(jf), ierror) IF (jf.eq.9) $ CALL locwrite(cl_writ(jf),fsolwat, imjm, $ file_unit_field(jf), ierror) IF (jf.eq.10) $ CALL locwrite(cl_writ(jf),fnsolice, imjm, $ file_unit_field(jf), ierror) IF (jf.eq.11) $ CALL locwrite(cl_writ(jf),fnsolwat, imjm, $ file_unit_field(jf), ierror) IF (jf.eq.12) $ CALL locwrite(cl_writ(jf),fnsicedt, imjm, $ file_unit_field(jf), ierror) c IF (jf.eq.13) c $ CALL locwrite(cl_writ(jf),ictemp, imjm, c $ file_unit_field(jf), ierror) IF (jf.eq.13) $ CALL locwrite(cl_writ(jf),evice, imjm, $ file_unit_field(jf), ierror) IF (jf.eq.14) $ CALL locwrite(cl_writ(jf),evwat, imjm, $ file_unit_field(jf), ierror) IF (jf.eq.15) $ CALL locwrite(cl_writ(jf),lpre, imjm, $ file_unit_field(jf), ierror) IF (jf.eq.16) $ CALL locwrite(cl_writ(jf),spre, imjm, $ file_unit_field(jf), ierror) IF (jf.eq.17) $ CALL locwrite(cl_writ(jf),dirunoff, imjm, $ file_unit_field(jf), ierror) IF (jf.eq.18) $ CALL locwrite(cl_writ(jf),rivrunoff, imjm, $ file_unit_field(jf), ierror) IF (jf.eq.19) $ CALL locwrite(cl_writ(jf),calving, imjm, $ file_unit_field(jf), ierror) cxxx IF (jf.eq.13) cxxx $ CALL locwrite(cl_writ(jf),tauxu, imjm, cxxx $ file_unit_field(jf),ierror) cxxx IF (jf.eq.1') cxxx $ CALL locwrite(cl_writ(jf),tauxv, imjm, cxxx $ file_unit_field(jf),ierror) cxxx IF (jf.eq.15) cxxx $ CALL locwrite(cl_writ(jf),tauyv, imjm, cxxx $ file_unit_field(jf),ierror) cxxx IF (jf.eq.16) cxxx $ CALL locwrite(cl_writ(jf),tauyu, imjm, cxxx $ file_unit_field(jf), ierror) IF (jf.eq.1) $ CALL locwrite(cl_writ(jf),tauxx_u, imjm, $ file_unit_field(jf),ierror) IF (jf.eq.2) $ CALL locwrite(cl_writ(jf),tauyy_u, imjm, $ file_unit_field(jf),ierror) IF (jf.eq.3) $ CALL locwrite(cl_writ(jf),tauzz_u, imjm, $ file_unit_field(jf),ierror) IF (jf.eq.4) $ CALL locwrite(cl_writ(jf),tauxx_v, imjm, $ file_unit_field(jf),ierror) IF (jf.eq.5) $ CALL locwrite(cl_writ(jf),tauyy_v, imjm, $ file_unit_field(jf),ierror) IF (jf.eq.6) $ CALL locwrite(cl_writ(jf),tauzz_v, imjm, $ file_unit_field(jf),ierror) c -- LOOP IF (jf.eq.7) $ CALL locwrite(cl_writ(jf),windsp, imjm, $ file_unit_field(jf),ierror) c -- LOOP END DO C C -simulate a FLUSH C DO jn=1, max_file CLOSE (file_unit(jn)) END DO C C IF(cchan.eq.'CLIM') THEN C C -inform PVM daemon that message exchange is finished C CALL CLIM_Quit (CLIM_ContPvm, info) IF (info .NE. CLIM_Ok) THEN WRITE (6, *) $ 'An error occured while leaving CLIM. Error = ', $ info ENDIF END IF RETURN END IF C IF(cchan.eq.'CLIM') THEN C C -Give atmospheric fields to Oasis C DO jn=1, jpflda2o1 + jpflda2o2 C IF (jn.eq.8) CALL CLIM_Export(cl_writ(jn), kt, fsolice, info) IF (jn.eq.9) CALL CLIM_Export(cl_writ(jn), kt, fsolwat, info) IF (jn.eq.10) CALL CLIM_Export(cl_writ(jn), kt, fnsolice, info) IF (jn.eq.11) CALL CLIM_Export(cl_writ(jn), kt, fnsolwat, info) IF (jn.eq.12) CALL CLIM_Export(cl_writ(jn), kt, fnsicedt, info) c IF (jn.eq.6) CALL CLIM_Export(cl_writ(jn), kt, ictemp, info) IF (jn.eq.13) CALL CLIM_Export(cl_writ(jn), kt, evice, info) IF (jn.eq.14) CALL CLIM_Export(cl_writ(jn), kt, evwat, info) IF (jn.eq.15) CALL CLIM_Export(cl_writ(jn), kt, lpre, info) IF (jn.eq.16) CALL CLIM_Export(cl_writ(jn), kt, spre, info) IF (jn.eq.17) CALL CLIM_Export(cl_writ(jn),kt,dirunoff, info) IF (jn.eq.18) CALL CLIM_Export(cl_writ(jn),kt,rivrunoff,info) IF (jn.eq.19) CALL CLIM_Export(cl_writ(jn),kt,calving,info) cxxx IF (jn.eq.13) CALL CLIM_Export(cl_writ(jn), kt, tauxu, info) cxxx IF (jn.eq.14) CALL CLIM_Export(cl_writ(jn), kt, tauxv, info) cxxx IF (jn.eq.15) CALL CLIM_Export(cl_writ(jn), kt, tauyv, info) cxxx IF (jn.eq.16) CALL CLIM_Export(cl_writ(jn), kt, tauyu, info) IF (jn.eq.1) CALL CLIM_Export(cl_writ(jn), kt, tauxx_u, info) IF (jn.eq.2) CALL CLIM_Export(cl_writ(jn), kt, tauyy_u, info) IF (jn.eq.3) CALL CLIM_Export(cl_writ(jn), kt, tauzz_u, info) IF (jn.eq.4) CALL CLIM_Export(cl_writ(jn), kt, tauxx_v, info) IF (jn.eq.5) CALL CLIM_Export(cl_writ(jn), kt, tauyy_v, info) IF (jn.eq.6) CALL CLIM_Export(cl_writ(jn), kt, tauzz_v, info) c -- LOOP IF (jn.eq.7) CALL CLIM_Export(cl_writ(jn), kt, windsp, info) c -- LOOP IF (info .NE. CLIM_Ok) THEN WRITE (nuout,*) 'STEP : Pb giving ',cl_writ(jn), ':',jn WRITE (nuout,*) ' at timestep = ', icstep,'kt = ',kt WRITE (nuout,*) 'Clim error code is = ',info CALL halte('STOP in intocpl ') ENDIF END DO ENDIF C RETURN END SUBROUTINE halte print *, 'Attention dans oasis.F, halte est non defini' RETURN END SUBROUTINE locread print *, 'Attention dans oasis.F, locread est non defini' RETURN END SUBROUTINE locwrite print *, 'Attention dans oasis.F, locwrite est non defini' RETURN END SUBROUTINE pipe_model_define print*,'Attention dans oasis.F, pipe_model_define est non defini' RETURN END SUBROUTINE pipe_model_stepi print*,'Attention dans oasis.F, pipe_model_stepi est non defini' RETURN END SUBROUTINE pipe_model_recv print *, 'Attention dans oasis.F, pipe_model_recv est non defini' RETURN END SUBROUTINE pipe_model_send print *, 'Attention dans oasis.F, pipe_model_send est non defini' RETURN END SUBROUTINE clim_stepi print *, 'Attention dans oasis.F, clim_stepi est non defini' RETURN END SUBROUTINE clim_start print *, 'Attention dans oasis.F, clim_start est non defini' RETURN END SUBROUTINE clim_import print *, 'Attention dans oasis.F, clim_import est non defini' RETURN END SUBROUTINE clim_export print *, 'Attention dans oasis.F, clim_export est non defini' RETURN END SUBROUTINE clim_init print *, 'Attention dans oasis.F, clim_init est non defini' RETURN END SUBROUTINE clim_define print *, 'Attention dans oasis.F, clim_define est non defini' RETURN END SUBROUTINE clim_quit print *, 'Attention dans oasis.F, clim_quit est non defini' RETURN END SUBROUTINE svipc_write print *, 'Attention dans oasis.F, svipc_write est non defini' RETURN END SUBROUTINE svipc_close print *, 'Attention dans oasis.F, svipc_close est non defini' RETURN END SUBROUTINE svipc_read print *, 'Attention dans oasis.F, svipc_read est non defini' RETURN END SUBROUTINE quitcpl print *, 'Attention dans oasis.F, quitcpl est non defini' RETURN END SUBROUTINE sipc_write_model print *, 'Attention dans oasis.F, sipc_write_model est non defini' RETURN END SUBROUTINE sipc_attach print *, 'Attention dans oasis.F, sipc_attach est non defini' RETURN END SUBROUTINE sipc_init_model print *, 'Attention dans oasis.F, sipc_init_model est non defini' RETURN END SUBROUTINE sipc_read_model print *, 'Attention dans oasis.F, sipc_read_model est non defini' RETURN END