SUBROUTINE inscav_spl(pdtime,it,masse,henry,kk,qliq, . flxr,flxs,zrho,zdz,t,x, . his_dh) USE dimphy IMPLICIT NONE c===================================================================== c Objet : depot humide de traceurs c Date : mars 1998 c Auteur: O. Boucher (LOA) c===================================================================== c INCLUDE "dimensions.h" INCLUDE "chem.h" INCLUDE "YOMCST.h" INCLUDE "YOECUMF.h" c INTEGER it REAL pdtime ! pas de temps (s) REAL masse ! molar mass (except for BC/OM/IF/DUST=Nav) REAL henry ! constante de Henry en mol/l/atm REAL kk ! coefficient de dependence en T (K) REAL qliq ! contenu en eau liquide dans le nuage (kg/kg) ! REAL flxr(klon,klev+1) ! flux precipitant de pluie ! REAL flxs(klon,klev+1) ! flux precipitant de neige REAL flxr(klon,klev) ! flux precipitant de pluie ! Titane REAL flxs(klon,klev) ! flux precipitant de neige ! Titane REAL flxr_aux(klon,klev+1) REAL flxs_aux(klon,klev+1) REAL zrho(klon,klev) REAL zdz(klon,klev) REAL t(klon,klev) REAL x(klon,klev) ! q de traceur REAL his_dh(klon) ! tendance de traceur integre verticalement c c--variables locales INTEGER i, k c REAL dx ! tendance de traceur REAL f_a !--rapport de la phase aqueuse a la phase gazeuse REAL beta !--taux de conversion de l'eau en pluie REAL henry_t !--constante de Henry a T t (mol/l/atm) REAL scav(klon,klev) !--fraction aqueuse du constituant REAL K1, K2, ph, frac REAL frac_gas, frac_aer !-cste pour la reevaporation PARAMETER (ph=5., frac_gas=1.0, frac_aer=0.5) c---cste de dissolution pour le depot humide REAL frac_fine_scav,frac_coar_scav c---added by nhl REAL aux_cte PARAMETER (frac_fine_scav=0.7) PARAMETER (frac_coar_scav=0.7) c--101.325 m3/l x Pa/atm c--R Pa.m3/mol/K c c------------------------------------------ c cnhl IF ( THEN !--aerosol ! AS IT WAS FIRST IF ( THEN !--aerosol frac=frac_aer ELSE !--gas frac=frac_gas ENDIF c IF (it.EQ.1) THEN DO k=1, klev DO i=1, klon henry_t=henry*exp(-kk*(1./298.-1./t(i,k))) !--mol/l/atm K1=1.2e-2*exp(-2010*(1/298.-1/t(i,k))) K2=6.6e-8*exp(-1510*(1/298.-1/t(i,k))) henry_t=henry_t*(1 + K1/10.**(-ph) + K1*K2/(10.**(-ph))**2) f_a=henry_t/101.325*R*t(i,k)*qliq*zrho(i,k)/rho_water scav(i,k)=f_a/(1.+f_a) ENDDO ENDDO ELSEIF (it.EQ.2) THEN DO k=1, klev DO i=1, klon scav(i,k)=frac_fine_scav ENDDO ENDDO ELSEIF (it.EQ.3) THEN DO k=1, klev DO i=1, klon scav(i,k)=frac_coar_scav ENDDO ENDDO ELSEIF (it.EQ.4) THEN DO k=1, klev DO i=1, klon scav(i,k)=frac_coar_scav ENDDO ENDDO ELSE PRINT *,'it non pris en compte' STOP ENDIF c ! NHL ! Auxiliary variables defined to deal with the fact that precipitation ! fluxes are defined on klev levels only. ! NHL ! flxr_aux(:,klev+1)=0.0 flxs_aux(:,klev+1)=0.0 flxr_aux(:,1:klev)=flxr(:,:) flxs_aux(:,1:klev)=flxs(:,:) DO k=klev, 1, -1 DO i=1, klon c--scavenging beta=flxr_aux(i,k)-flxr_aux(i,k+1)+flxs_aux(i,k)-flxs_aux(i,k+1) beta=beta/zdz(i,k)/qliq/zrho(i,k) beta=MAX(0.0,beta) dx=x(i,k)*(exp(-scav(i,k)*beta*pdtime)-1.) x(i,k)=x(i,k)+dx his_dh(i)=his_dh(i)-dx/RNAVO* . masse*1.e3*1.e6*zdz(i,k)/pdtime !--mgS/m2/s c--reevaporation beta=flxr_aux(i,k)-flxr_aux(i,k+1)+flxs_aux(i,k)-flxs_aux(i,k+1) IF (beta.LT.0.) beta=beta/(flxr_aux(i,k+1)+flxs_aux(i,k+1)) IF (flxr_aux(i,k)+flxs_aux(i,k).EQ.0) THEN !--reevaporation totale beta=MIN(MAX(0.0,-beta),1.0) ELSE !--reevaporation non totale pour aerosols !print *,'FRAC USED IN INSCAV_SPL' beta=MIN(MAX(0.0,-beta)*frac,1.0) ENDIF dx=beta*his_dh(i)*RNAVO/masse/1.e3/1.e6/zdz(i,k)*pdtime !ORIG LINE ! funny line for TL/AD ! AD test works without (x) and for xd = dxd*1.e5 : 2.79051851638 times the 0. ! AD test does not work with the line : 754592404.083 times the 0. ! problem seems to be linked to the largest dx wrt x ! x(i, k) = x(i, k) + dx ! x(i, k) = x(i, k) + dx ! THIS LINE WAS COMMENTED OUT ORIGINALY !nhl his_dh(i)=(1.-beta)*his_dh(i) ENDDO ENDDO c RETURN END