SUBROUTINE SRTM_KGB27 ! Originally by J.Delamere, Atmospheric & Environmental Research. ! Revision: 2.4 ! BAND 16: 29000-38000 cm-1 (low - O3; high - O3) ! Reformatted for F90 by JJMorcrette, ECMWF ! G.Mozdzynski March 2011 read constants from files ! T. Wilhelmsson and K. Yessad (Oct 2013) Geometry and setup refactoring. ! F. Vana 05-Mar-2015 Support for single precision ! ------------------------------------------------------------------ USE PARKIND1 , ONLY : JPRB USE YOMHOOK , ONLY : LHOOK, DR_HOOK, JPHOOK USE YOMLUN , ONLY : NULRAD USE YOMMP0 , ONLY : NPROC, MYPROC USE MPL_MODULE, ONLY : MPL_BROADCAST USE YOMTAG , ONLY : MTAGRAD USE YOESRTA27 , ONLY : KA, KB, SFLUXREF, RAYL, SCALEKUR, LAYREFFR, & & KA_D, KB_D ! ------------------------------------------------------------------ IMPLICIT NONE ! KURUCZ ! The following values were obtained using the "low resolution" ! version of the Kurucz solar source function. For unknown reasons, ! the total irradiance in this band differs from the corresponding ! total in the "high-resolution" version of the Kurucz function. ! Therefore, below these values are scaled by the factor SCALEKUR. REAL(KIND=JPHOOK) :: ZHOOK_HANDLE #include "abor1.intfb.h" IF (LHOOK) CALL DR_HOOK('SRTM_KGB27',0,ZHOOK_HANDLE) IF( MYPROC==1 )THEN READ(NULRAD,ERR=1001) KA_D,KB_D KA = REAL(KA_D,JPRB) KB = REAL(KB_D,JPRB) ENDIF IF( NPROC>1 )THEN CALL MPL_BROADCAST (KA,MTAGRAD,1,CDSTRING='SRTM_KGB27:') CALL MPL_BROADCAST (KB,MTAGRAD,1,CDSTRING='SRTM_KGB27:') ENDIF SFLUXREF = (/ & & 14.0526_JPRB , 11.4794_JPRB , 8.72590_JPRB , 5.56966_JPRB , & & 3.80927_JPRB , 1.57690_JPRB , 1.15099_JPRB , 1.10012_JPRB , & & 0.658212_JPRB , 5.86859E-02_JPRB, 5.56186E-02_JPRB, 4.68040E-02_JPRB, & & 3.64897E-02_JPRB, 3.58053E-02_JPRB, 1.38130E-02_JPRB, 1.90193E-03_JPRB /) ! Rayleigh extinction coefficient at v = 2925 cm-1. RAYL = (/ & & 3.44534E-06_JPRB,4.14480E-06_JPRB,4.95069E-06_JPRB,5.81204E-06_JPRB, & & 6.69748E-06_JPRB,7.56488E-06_JPRB,8.36344E-06_JPRB,9.04135E-06_JPRB, & & 9.58324E-06_JPRB,9.81542E-06_JPRB,9.75119E-06_JPRB,9.74533E-06_JPRB, & & 9.74139E-06_JPRB,9.73525E-06_JPRB,9.73577E-06_JPRB,9.73618E-06_JPRB /) SCALEKUR = 50.15_JPRB/48.37_JPRB LAYREFFR = 32 ! ------------------------------------------------------------------ ! The array KA contains absorption coefs at the 16 chosen g-values ! for a range of pressure levels> ~100mb, temperatures, and binary ! species parameters (see taumol.f for definition). The first ! index in the array, JS, runs from 1 to 9, and corresponds to ! different values of the binary species parameter. For instance, ! JS=1 refers to dry air, JS = 2 corresponds to the paramter value 1/8, ! JS = 3 corresponds to the parameter value 2/8, etc. The second index ! in the array, JT, which runs from 1 to 5, corresponds to different ! temperatures. More specifically, JT = 3 means that the data are for ! the reference temperature TREF for this pressure level, JT = 2 refers ! to TREF-15, JT = 1 is for TREF-30, JT = 4 is for TREF+15, and JT = 5 ! is for TREF+30. The third index, JP, runs from 1 to 13 and refers ! to the JPth reference pressure level (see taumol.f for these levels ! in mb). The fourth index, IG, goes from 1 to 16, and indicates ! which g-interval the absorption coefficients are for. ! ----------------------------------------------------------------- ! ----------------------------------------------------------------- ! The array KB contains absorption coefs at the 16 chosen g-values ! for a range of pressure levels < ~100mb and temperatures. The first ! index in the array, JT, which runs from 1 to 5, corresponds to ! different temperatures. More specifically, JT = 3 means that the ! data are for the reference temperature TREF for this pressure ! level, JT = 2 refers to the temperature TREF-15, JT = 1 is for ! TREF-30, JT = 4 is for TREF+15, and JT = 5 is for TREF+30. ! The second index, JP, runs from 13 to 59 and refers to the JPth ! reference pressure level (see taumol.f for the value of these ! pressure levels in mb). The third index, IG, goes from 1 to 16, ! and tells us which g-interval the absorption coefficients are for. ! ----------------------------------------------------------------- ! ----------------------------------------------------------------- IF (LHOOK) CALL DR_HOOK('SRTM_KGB27',1,ZHOOK_HANDLE) RETURN 1001 CONTINUE CALL ABOR1("SRTM_KGB27:ERROR READING FILE RADSRTM") END SUBROUTINE SRTM_KGB27