SUBROUTINE LIQUID_EFFECTIVE_RADIUS & & (YDERAD,KIDIA, KFDIA, KLON, KLEV, & & PPRESSURE, PTEMPERATURE, PCLOUD_FRAC, PQ_LIQ, PQ_RAIN, & & PLAND_FRAC, PCCN_LAND, PCCN_SEA, & & PRE_UM) !, PPERT) ! LIQUID_EFFECTIVE_RADIUS ! ! (C) Copyright 2015- ECMWF. ! ! This software is licensed under the terms of the Apache Licence Version 2.0 ! which can be obtained at ! ! In applying this licence, ECMWF does not waive the privileges and immunities ! granted to it by virtue of its status as an intergovernmental organisation ! nor does it submit to any jurisdiction. ! ! PURPOSE ! ------- ! Calculate effective radius of liquid clouds ! ! AUTHOR ! ------ ! Robin Hogan, ECMWF (using code extracted from radlswr.F90) ! Original: 2015-09-24 ! ! MODIFICATIONS ! ------------- ! ! ! ------------------------------------------------------------------- USE PARKIND1 , ONLY : JPIM, JPRB USE YOMHOOK , ONLY : LHOOK, DR_HOOK, JPHOOK USE YOERAD , ONLY : TERAD USE YOERDU , ONLY : REPLOG, REPSCW USE YOMLUN , ONLY : NULERR USE YOMCST , ONLY : RD, RPI ! ------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPLICIT NONE ! INPUT ARGUMENTS ! *** Array dimensions and ranges TYPE(TERAD) ,INTENT(IN) :: YDERAD INTEGER(KIND=JPIM),INTENT(IN) :: KIDIA ! Start column to process INTEGER(KIND=JPIM),INTENT(IN) :: KFDIA ! End column to process INTEGER(KIND=JPIM),INTENT(IN) :: KLON ! Number of columns INTEGER(KIND=JPIM),INTENT(IN) :: KLEV ! Number of levels ! *** Variables on model levels REAL(KIND=JPRB), INTENT(IN) :: PPRESSURE(KLON,KLEV) ! (Pa) REAL(KIND=JPRB), INTENT(IN) :: PTEMPERATURE(KLON,KLEV) ! (K) REAL(KIND=JPRB), INTENT(IN) :: PCLOUD_FRAC(KLON,KLEV) REAL(KIND=JPRB), INTENT(IN) :: PQ_LIQ(KLON,KLEV) ! (kg/kg) REAL(KIND=JPRB), INTENT(IN) :: PQ_RAIN(KLON,KLEV) ! (kg/kg) ! *** Single-level variables REAL(KIND=JPRB), INTENT(IN) :: PLAND_FRAC(KLON) ! 1=land, 0=sea REAL(KIND=JPRB), INTENT(IN) :: PCCN_LAND(KLON) REAL(KIND=JPRB), INTENT(IN) :: PCCN_SEA(KLON) ! OUTPUT ARGUMENT ! Effective radius REAL(KIND=JPRB), INTENT(OUT) :: PRE_UM(KLON,KLEV) ! (microns) ! PARAMETERS ! Minimum and maximum effective radius, in microns REAL(KIND=JPRB), PARAMETER :: PP_MIN_RE_UM = 4.0_JPRB REAL(KIND=JPRB), PARAMETER :: PP_MAX_RE_UM = 30.0_JPRB ! LOCAL VARIABLES INTEGER(KIND=JPIM) :: IRADLP ! ID of effective radius scheme to use REAL(KIND=JPRB) :: ZCCN ! CCN concentration (units?) REAL(KIND=JPRB) :: ZSPECTRAL_DISPERSION REAL(KIND=JPRB) :: ZNTOT_CM3 ! Number conc in cm-3 REAL(KIND=JPRB) :: ZRE_CUBED REAL(KIND=JPRB) :: ZLWC_GM3, ZRWC_GM3 ! In-cloud liquid, rain content in g m-3 REAL(KIND=JPRB) :: ZAIR_DENSITY_GM3 ! Air density in g m-3 REAL(KIND=JPRB) :: ZRAIN_RATIO ! Ratio of rain to liquid water content REAL(KIND=JPRB) :: ZWOOD_FACTOR, ZRATIO INTEGER(KIND=JPIM) :: JL, JK REAL(KIND=JPHOOK) :: ZHOOK_HANDLE ! ------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "abor1.intfb.h" ! ------------------------------------------------------------------- IF (LHOOK) CALL DR_HOOK('LIQUID_EFFECTIVE_RADIUS',0,ZHOOK_HANDLE) ! ------------------------------------------------------------------- IRADLP=YDERAD%NRADLP SELECT CASE(IRADLP) CASE(0) ! Very old parameterization as a function of pressure, used in ERA-15 PRE_UM(KIDIA:KFDIA,:) = 10.0_JPRB& & + (100000.0_JPRB-PPRESSURE(KIDIA:KFDIA,:))*3.5_JPRB CASE(1) ! Simple distinction between land (10um) and ocean (13um) by Zhang ! and Rossow DO JL = KIDIA,KFDIA IF (PLAND_FRAC(JL) < 0.5_JPRB) THEN PRE_UM(JL,:) = 13.0_JPRB ELSE PRE_UM(JL,:) = 10.0_JPRB ENDIF ENDDO CASE(2) ! Martin et al. (JAS 1994) DO JL = KIDIA,KFDIA ! First compute the cloud droplet concentration IF (PLAND_FRAC(JL) < 0.5_JPRB) THEN ! Sea case IF (YDERAD%LCCNO) THEN ZCCN = PCCN_SEA(JL) ELSE ZCCN = YDERAD%RCCNSEA ENDIF ZSPECTRAL_DISPERSION = 0.77_JPRB ! Cloud droplet concentration in cm-3 (activated CCN) over ! ocean ZNTOT_CM3 = -1.15E-03_JPRB*ZCCN*ZCCN + 0.963_JPRB*ZCCN + 5.30_JPRB ELSE ! Land case IF (YDERAD%LCCNL) THEN ZCCN=PCCN_LAND(JL) ELSE ZCCN=YDERAD%RCCNLND ENDIF ZSPECTRAL_DISPERSION = 0.69_JPRB ! Cloud droplet concentration in cm-3 (activated CCN) over ! land ZNTOT_CM3 = -2.10E-04_JPRB*ZCCN*ZCCN + 0.568_JPRB*ZCCN - 27.9_JPRB ENDIF ZRATIO = (0.222_JPRB/ZSPECTRAL_DISPERSION)**0.333_JPRB DO JK = 1,KLEV ! Only consider cloudy regions IF (PCLOUD_FRAC(JL,JK) >= 0.001_JPRB& & .AND. (PQ_LIQ(JL,JK)+PQ_RAIN(JL,JK)) > 0.0_JPRB) THEN ! Compute liquid and rain water contents ZAIR_DENSITY_GM3 = 1000.0_JPRB * PPRESSURE(JL,JK)& & / (RD*PTEMPERATURE(JL,JK)) ! In-cloud mean water contents found by dividing by cloud ! fraction ZLWC_GM3 = ZAIR_DENSITY_GM3 * PQ_LIQ(JL,JK) / PCLOUD_FRAC(JL,JK) ZRWC_GM3 = ZAIR_DENSITY_GM3 * PQ_RAIN(JL,JK) / PCLOUD_FRAC(JL,JK) ! Wood's (2000, eq. 19) adjustment to Martin et al's ! parameterization IF (ZLWC_GM3 > REPSCW) THEN ZRAIN_RATIO = ZRWC_GM3 / ZLWC_GM3 ZWOOD_FACTOR = ((1.0_JPRB + ZRAIN_RATIO)**0.666_JPRB)& & / (1.0_JPRB + 0.2_JPRB * ZRATIO*ZRAIN_RATIO) ELSE ZWOOD_FACTOR = 1.0_JPRB ENDIF ! g m-3 and cm-3 units cancel out with density of water ! 10^6/(1000*1000); need a factor of 10^6 to convert to ! microns and cubed root is factor of 100 which appears in ! equation below ZRE_CUBED = (3.0_JPRB * (ZLWC_GM3 + ZRWC_GM3))& & / (4.0_JPRB*RPI*ZNTOT_CM3*ZSPECTRAL_DISPERSION) IF (ZRE_CUBED > REPLOG) THEN PRE_UM(JL,JK) = ZWOOD_FACTOR*100.0_JPRB*EXP(0.333_JPRB*LOG(ZRE_CUBED)) ! Make sure effective radius is bounded in range 4-30 microns PRE_UM(JL,JK) = MAX(PP_MIN_RE_UM, MIN(PRE_UM(JL,JK), PP_MAX_RE_UM)) ELSE PRE_UM(JL,JK) = PP_MIN_RE_UM ENDIF ELSE ! Cloud fraction or liquid+rain water content too low to ! consider this a cloud PRE_UM(JL,JK) = PP_MIN_RE_UM ENDIF ENDDO ENDDO CASE DEFAULT WRITE(NULERR,'(A,I0,A)') 'LIQUID EFFECTIVE RADIUS OPTION IRADLP=',IRADLP,' NOT AVAILABLE' CALL ABOR1('ERROR IN LIQUID_EFFECTIVE_RADIUS') END SELECT ! ------------------------------------------------------------------- IF (LHOOK) CALL DR_HOOK('LIQUID_EFFECTIVE_RADIUS',1,ZHOOK_HANDLE) END SUBROUTINE LIQUID_EFFECTIVE_RADIUS