! radiation_general_cloud_optics_data.F90 - Type to store generalized cloud optical properties ! ! (C) Copyright 2019- ECMWF. ! ! This software is licensed under the terms of the Apache Licence Version 2.0 ! which can be obtained at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0. ! ! In applying this licence, ECMWF does not waive the privileges and immunities ! granted to it by virtue of its status as an intergovernmental organisation ! nor does it submit to any jurisdiction. ! ! Author: Robin Hogan ! Email: r.j.hogan@ecmwf.int ! License: see the COPYING file for details ! module radiation_general_cloud_optics_data use parkind1, only : jprb implicit none public !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! This type holds the configuration information to compute optical ! properties for a particular type of cloud or hydrometeor in one of ! the shortwave or longwave type general_cloud_optics_type ! Band-specific (or g-point-specific) values as a look-up table ! versus effective radius dimensioned (nband,n_effective_radius) ! Extinction coefficient per unit mass (m2 kg-1) real(jprb), allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: & & mass_ext ! Single-scattering albedo and asymmetry factor (dimensionless) real(jprb), allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: & & ssa, asymmetry ! Number of effective radius coefficients, start value and ! interval in look-up table integer :: n_effective_radius = 0 real(jprb) :: effective_radius_0, d_effective_radius ! Name of cloud/precip type and scattering model ! (e.g. "mie_droplet", "fu-muskatel_ice"). These are used to ! generate the name of the data file from which the coefficients ! are read. character(len=511) :: type_name ! Do we use bands or g-points? logical :: use_bands = .false. contains procedure :: setup => setup_general_cloud_optics procedure :: add_optical_properties procedure :: save => save_general_cloud_optics_data end type general_cloud_optics_type contains ! Provides elemental function "delta_eddington" #include "radiation_delta_eddington.h" !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Setup cloud optics coefficients by reading them from a file subroutine setup_general_cloud_optics(this, file_name, specdef, & & use_bands, use_thick_averaging, & & weighting_temperature, & & iverbose) use yomhook, only : lhook, dr_hook, jphook use easy_netcdf, only : netcdf_file use radiation_spectral_definition, only : spectral_definition_type use radiation_io, only : nulout, nulerr, radiation_abort class(general_cloud_optics_type), intent(inout) :: this character(len=*), intent(in) :: file_name type(spectral_definition_type), intent(in) :: specdef logical, intent(in), optional :: use_bands, use_thick_averaging real(jprb), intent(in), optional :: weighting_temperature ! K integer, intent(in), optional :: iverbose ! Spectral properties read from file, dimensioned (wavenumber, ! n_effective_radius) real(jprb), dimension(:,:), allocatable :: mass_ext, & ! m2 kg-1 & ssa, asymmetry ! Reflectance of an infinitely thick cloud, needed for thick ! averaging real(jprb), dimension(:,:), allocatable :: ref_inf ! Coordinate variables from file real(jprb), dimension(:), allocatable :: wavenumber ! cm-1 real(jprb), dimension(:), allocatable :: effective_radius ! m ! Matrix mapping optical properties in the file to values per ! g-point or band, such that in the thin-averaging case, ! this%mass_ext=matmul(mapping,file%mass_ext), so mapping is ! dimensioned (ngpoint,nwav) real(jprb), dimension(:,:), allocatable :: mapping ! The NetCDF file containing the coefficients type(netcdf_file) :: file real(jprb) :: diff_spread integer :: iverb integer :: nre ! Number of effective radii integer :: nwav ! Number of wavenumbers describing cloud logical :: use_bands_local, use_thick_averaging_local real(jphook) :: hook_handle if (lhook) call dr_hook('radiation_general_cloud_optics_data:setup',0,hook_handle) ! Set local values of optional inputs if (present(iverbose)) then iverb = iverbose else iverb = 2 end if if (present(use_bands)) then use_bands_local = use_bands else use_bands_local = .false. end if if (present(use_thick_averaging)) then use_thick_averaging_local = use_thick_averaging else use_thick_averaging_local = .false. end if ! Open the scattering file and configure the way it is read call file%open(trim(file_name), iverbose=iverb) !call file%transpose_matrices() ! Read coordinate variables call file%get('wavenumber', wavenumber) call file%get('effective_radius', effective_radius) ! Read the band-specific coefficients call file%get('mass_extinction_coefficient', mass_ext) call file%get('single_scattering_albedo', ssa) call file%get('asymmetry_factor', asymmetry) ! Close scattering file call file%close() ! Check effective radius is evenly spaced nre = size(effective_radius) ! Fractional range of differences, should be near zero for evenly ! spaced data diff_spread = (maxval(effective_radius(2:nre)-effective_radius(1:nre-1)) & & -minval(effective_radius(2:nre)-effective_radius(1:nre-1))) & & / minval(abs(effective_radius(2:nre)-effective_radius(1:nre-1))) if (diff_spread > 0.01_jprb) then write(nulerr, '(a,a,a)') '*** Error: effective_radius in ', & & trim(file_name), ', is not evenly spaced to 1%' call radiation_abort('Radiation configuration error') end if ! Set up effective radius coordinate variable this%n_effective_radius = nre this%effective_radius_0 = effective_radius(1) this%d_effective_radius = effective_radius(2) - effective_radius(1) nwav = size(wavenumber) ! Define the mapping matrix call specdef%calc_mapping(wavenumber, mapping, & weighting_temperature=weighting_temperature, use_bands=use_bands) ! Thick averaging should be performed on delta-Eddington scaled ! quantities (it makes no difference to thin averaging) call delta_eddington(mass_ext, ssa, asymmetry) ! Thin averaging this%mass_ext = matmul(mapping, mass_ext) this%ssa = matmul(mapping, mass_ext*ssa) / this%mass_ext this%asymmetry = matmul(mapping, mass_ext*ssa*asymmetry) / (this%mass_ext*this%ssa) if (use_thick_averaging_local) then ! Thick averaging as described by Edwards and Slingo (1996), ! modifying only the single-scattering albedo allocate(ref_inf(nwav, nre)) ! Eqs. 18 and 17 of Edwards & Slingo (1996) ref_inf = sqrt((1.0_jprb - ssa) / (1.0_jprb - ssa*asymmetry)) ref_inf = (1.0_jprb - ref_inf) / (1.0_jprb + ref_inf) ! Here the left-hand side is actually the averaged ref_inf this%ssa = matmul(mapping, ref_inf) ! Eq. 19 of Edwards and Slingo (1996) this%ssa = 4.0_jprb * this%ssa / ((1.0_jprb + this%ssa)**2 & & - this%asymmetry * (1.0_jprb - this%ssa)**2) deallocate(ref_inf) end if deallocate(mapping) ! Revert back to unscaled quantities call revert_delta_eddington(this%mass_ext, this%ssa, this%asymmetry) if (iverb >= 2) then write(nulout,'(a,a)') ' File: ', trim(file_name) if (present(weighting_temperature)) then write(nulout,'(a,f7.1,a)') ' Weighting temperature: ', weighting_temperature, ' K' else write(nulout,'(a,f7.1,a)') ' Weighting temperature: ', specdef%reference_temperature, ' K' end if if (use_thick_averaging_local) then write(nulout,'(a)') ' SSA averaging: optically thick limit' else write(nulout,'(a)') ' SSA averaging: optically thin limit' end if if (use_bands_local) then write(nulout,'(a,i0,a)') ' Spectral discretization: ', specdef%nband, ' bands' else write(nulout,'(a,i0,a)') ' Spectral discretization: ', specdef%ng, ' g-points' end if write(nulout,'(a,i0,a,f6.1,a,f6.1,a)') ' Effective radius look-up: ', nre, ' points in range ', & & effective_radius(1)*1.0e6_jprb, '-', effective_radius(nre)*1.0e6_jprb, ' um' write(nulout,'(a,i0,a,i0,a)') ' Wavenumber range: ', int(specdef%min_wavenumber()), '-', & & int(specdef%max_wavenumber()), ' cm-1' end if if (lhook) call dr_hook('radiation_general_cloud_optics_data:setup',1,hook_handle) end subroutine setup_general_cloud_optics !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Add the optical properties of a particular cloud type to the ! accumulated optical properties of all cloud types subroutine add_optical_properties(this, ng, nlev, ncol, & & cloud_fraction, & & water_path, effective_radius, & & od, scat_od, scat_asymmetry) use yomhook, only : lhook, dr_hook, jphook class(general_cloud_optics_type), intent(in) :: this ! Number of g points, levels and columns integer, intent(in) :: ng, nlev, ncol ! Properties of present cloud type, dimensioned (ncol,nlev) real(jprb), intent(in) :: cloud_fraction(:,:) real(jprb), intent(in) :: water_path(:,:) ! kg m-2 real(jprb), intent(in) :: effective_radius(:,:) ! m ! Optical properties which are additive per cloud type, ! dimensioned (ng,nlev,ncol) real(jprb), intent(inout), dimension(ng,nlev,ncol) & & :: od ! Optical depth of layer real(jprb), intent(inout), dimension(ng,nlev,ncol), optional & & :: scat_od, & ! Scattering optical depth of layer & scat_asymmetry ! Scattering optical depth x asymmetry factor real(jprb) :: od_local(ng) real(jprb) :: re_index, weight1, weight2 integer :: ire integer :: jcol, jlev real(jphook) :: hook_handle if (lhook) call dr_hook('radiation_general_cloud_optics_data:add_optical_properties',0,hook_handle) if (present(scat_od)) then do jcol = 1,ncol do jlev = 1,nlev if (cloud_fraction(jcol, jlev) > 0.0_jprb) then re_index = max(1.0_jprb, min(1.0_jprb + (effective_radius(jcol,jlev)-this%effective_radius_0) & & / this%d_effective_radius, this%n_effective_radius-0.0001_jprb)) ire = int(re_index) weight2 = re_index - ire weight1 = 1.0_jprb - weight2 od_local = water_path(jcol, jlev) * (weight1*this%mass_ext(:,ire) & & +weight2*this%mass_ext(:,ire+1)) od(:,jlev,jcol) = od(:,jlev,jcol) + od_local od_local = od_local * (weight1*this%ssa(:,ire) & & +weight2*this%ssa(:,ire+1)) scat_od(:,jlev,jcol) = scat_od(:,jlev,jcol) + od_local scat_asymmetry(:,jlev,jcol) = scat_asymmetry(:,jlev,jcol) & & + od_local * (weight1*this%asymmetry(:,ire) & & +weight2*this%asymmetry(:,ire+1)) end if end do end do else ! No scattering: return the absorption optical depth do jcol = 1,ncol do jlev = 1,nlev if (water_path(jcol, jlev) > 0.0_jprb) then re_index = max(1.0_jprb, min(1.0_jprb + (effective_radius(jcol,jlev)-this%effective_radius_0) & & / this%d_effective_radius, this%n_effective_radius-0.0001_jprb)) ire = int(re_index) weight2 = re_index - ire weight1 = 1.0_jprb - weight2 od(:,jlev,jcol) = od(:,jlev,jcol) & & + water_path(jcol, jlev) * (weight1*this%mass_ext(:,ire) & & +weight2*this%mass_ext(:,ire+1)) & & * (1.0_jprb - (weight1*this%ssa(:,ire)+weight2*this%ssa(:,ire+1))) end if end do end do end if if (lhook) call dr_hook('radiation_general_cloud_optics_data:add_optical_properties',1,hook_handle) end subroutine add_optical_properties !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Return the Planck function (in W m-2 (cm-1)-1) for a given ! wavenumber (cm-1) and temperature (K), ensuring double precision ! for internal calculation elemental function calc_planck_function_wavenumber(wavenumber, temperature) use parkind1, only : jprb, jprd use radiation_constants, only : SpeedOfLight, BoltzmannConstant, PlanckConstant real(jprb), intent(in) :: wavenumber ! cm-1 real(jprb), intent(in) :: temperature ! K real(jprb) :: calc_planck_function_wavenumber real(jprd) :: freq ! Hz real(jprd) :: planck_fn_freq ! W m-2 Hz-1 freq = 100.0_jprd * real(SpeedOfLight,jprd) * real(wavenumber,jprd) planck_fn_freq = 2.0_jprd * real(PlanckConstant,jprd) * freq**3 & & / (real(SpeedOfLight,jprd)**2 * (exp(real(PlanckConstant,jprd)*freq & & /(real(BoltzmannConstant,jprd)*real(temperature,jprd))) - 1.0_jprd)) calc_planck_function_wavenumber = real(planck_fn_freq * 100.0_jprd * real(SpeedOfLight,jprd), jprb) end function calc_planck_function_wavenumber !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Save cloud optical properties in the named file subroutine save_general_cloud_optics_data(this, file_name, iverbose) use yomhook, only : lhook, dr_hook, jphook use easy_netcdf, only : netcdf_file class(general_cloud_optics_type), intent(in) :: this character(len=*), intent(in) :: file_name integer, optional, intent(in) :: iverbose ! Object for output NetCDF file type(netcdf_file) :: out_file real(jprb) :: effective_radius(this%n_effective_radius) integer :: ire real(jphook) :: hook_handle if (lhook) call dr_hook('radiation_general_cloud_optics_data:save',0,hook_handle) ! Create the file call out_file%create(trim(file_name), iverbose=iverbose) ! Define dimensions call out_file%define_dimension("band", size(this%mass_ext,1)) call out_file%define_dimension("effective_radius", this%n_effective_radius) ! Put global attributes call out_file%put_global_attributes( & & title_str="Optical properties of "//trim(this%type_name) & & //" hydrometeors using the spectral intervals of ecRad", & & source_str="ecRad offline radiation model") ! Define variables call out_file%define_variable("effective_radius", units_str="m", & & long_name="Effective radius", dim1_name="effective_radius") call out_file%define_variable("mass_extinction_coefficient", units_str="m2 kg-1", & & long_name="Mass-extinction coefficient", & & dim2_name="effective_radius", dim1_name="band") call out_file%define_variable("single_scattering_albedo", units_str="1", & & long_name="Single scattering albedo", & & dim2_name="effective_radius", dim1_name="band") call out_file%define_variable("asymmetry_factor", units_str="1", & & long_name="Asymmetry factor", & & dim2_name="effective_radius", dim1_name="band") ! Define effective radius do ire = 1,this%n_effective_radius effective_radius(ire) = this%effective_radius_0 + this%d_effective_radius*(ire-1) end do ! Write variables call out_file%put("effective_radius", effective_radius) call out_file%put("mass_extinction_coefficient", this%mass_ext) call out_file%put("single_scattering_albedo", this%ssa) call out_file%put("asymmetry_factor", this%asymmetry) call out_file%close() if (lhook) call dr_hook('radiation_general_cloud_optics_data:save',1,hook_handle) end subroutine save_general_cloud_optics_data end module radiation_general_cloud_optics_data