! Configuration namelists for ecRad radiation scheme ! ! The "radiation_driver" namelist controls the behaviour of the driver ! routine, including parallelization options and overriding numbers ! read from the NetCDF input file. The "radiation" namelist controls ! the behaviour of the radiative transfer algorithm itself. Any line ! prefixed by "!" is ignored. If a namelist parameter is missing then ! ecRad will use a default value. For most parameters you can see ! what ecRad has used from the output printed to the terminal when it ! runs. ! ! The "iverbose*" parameters specify the verbosity level: 0=none, ! 1=warning, 2=info, 3=progress, 4=detailed, 5=debug &radiation_driver ! ! GENERAL ! iverbose = 2, do_parallel = true, ! Use OpenMP parallelization, if possible? nblocksize = 32, ! Number of columns to process per thread experiment_name = "Control", ! Written to output file, used in plot legends ! ! SCALE OR OVERRIDE ECRAD INPUTS ! fractional_std = 1, ! Fractional standard dev. of in-cloud water content overlap_decorr_length_scaling = 1.0, ! Scale cloud overlap decorr. length solar_irradiance_override = 1361.0, ! Top-of-atmosphere solar irradiance (W m-2) !cos_solar_zenith_angle = 0.0, ! 0.0 = night-time, 1.0 = overhead sun ! ! SCALE GAS CONCENTRATIONS ! h2o_scaling = 1.0, ! Scale water vapour concentration co2_scaling = 1.0, ! Scale carbon dioxide concentration o3_scaling = 1.0, ! Scale ozone concentration ch4_scaling = 1.0, ! Scale methane concentration n2o_scaling = 1.0, ! Scale nitrous oxide concentration o2_scaling = 1.0, ! Scale molecular oxygen concentration cfc11_scaling = 1.0, ! Scale CFC11 concentration cfc12_scaling = 1.0, ! Scale CFC12 concentration ! ! The following settings configure the SPARTACUS solver cloud_separation_scale_toa = 14000.0, cloud_separation_scale_surface = 2500.0, cloud_separation_scale_power = 3.5, cloud_inhom_separation_factor = 0.75, ! ! Writing fluxes in double precision removes noise from differences in ! mesospheric heating rates do_write_double_precision = true, / &radiation ! ! GENERAL ! iverbose = 1, iverbosesetup = 1, directory_name = "data", ! Location of configuration files do_surface_sw_spectral_flux = false, ! Save surface fluxes in each band? ! ! CLOUDS ! use_general_cloud_optics = false, ice_model_name = "Fu-IFS", ! Can be "Fu-IFS" or "Yi" sw_solver_name = "Tripleclouds", ! "Tripleclouds", "McICA" or "SPARTACUS" lw_solver_name = "Tripleclouds", ! "Tripleclouds", "McICA" or "SPARTACUS" overlap_scheme_name = "Exp-Ran", ! McICA also accepts Max-Ran or Exp-Exp do_lw_cloud_scattering = true, ! Clouds scatter in the longwave? gas_model_name = "RRTMG-IFS", ! "RRTMG-IFS" or "ECCKD" ! ! AEROSOLS ! use_aerosols = true, ! Radiation sees aerosols? use_general_aerosol_optics=false, do_lw_aerosol_scattering = false, ! Aerosols scatter in the longwave? ! ! 11 IFS aerosol mixing ratios are stored in the ecRad input file: 1-3 ! Sea salt, 4-6 mineral dust, 7 hydrophilic organics, 8 hydrophobic ! organics, 9 hydrophilic black carbon, 10 hydrophobic black carbon, 11 ! ammonium sulfate n_aerosol_types = 11, ! Number of aerosol types in input file ! ! The aerosol optical properties are in this file: aerosol_optics_override_file_name = 'aerosol_ifs_rrtm_46R1_with_NI_AM.nc' ! ! For each of the 11 mixing ratios in the input file, we need to map to ! one of the optical properties, where negative numbers index ! hydrophilic aerosol types and positive numbers index hydrophobic ! aerosol types, e.g. 11=black carbon, -5=sulphate. i_aerosol_type_map = -1, -2, -3, 1, 2, 3, -4, 10, 11, 11, -5, /