! Configuration namelists for ECRAD radiation code ! This version is for use with the CKDMIP profiles (clear-sky only) ! using the ecCKD gas-optics scheme ! ! The following namelist controls the behaviour of the driver routine, ! including parallelization options and overriding numbers read from ! the NetCDF input file. ! &radiation_driver do_parallel = true, ! Use OpenMP parallelization? nblocksize = 1000, ! Number of columns to process per thread do_save_inputs = false, ! Save inputs in "inputs.nc"? ! Verbosity level: 0=none, 1=warning, 2=info, 3=progress, 4=detailed, 5=debug iverbose = 3, istartcol = 0, ! 0 = Use full range of columns by default iendcol = 0, ! 0 = Use full range of columns by default nrepeat = 1, lw_emissivity = 1.0, vmr_suffix_str = "_mole_fraction_fl", cos_solar_zenith_angle = 0.5, sw_albedo = 0.15, solar_irradiance_override=1361.0, / ! ! The following namelist controls the behaviour of the SPARTACUS ! radiation code ! &radiation do_sw = true, ! Compute shortwave fluxes? do_lw = true, ! Compute longwave fluxes? do_sw_direct = true, ! Compute direct downward shortwave fluxes? do_clear = false, ! Compute clear-sky fluxes? directory_name = "../../data", ! Location of configuration files sw_solver_name = "Cloudless", lw_solver_name = "Cloudless", do_save_radiative_properties = false, ! Save raw radiation properties in radiative_properties.nc? ! Verbosity level: 0=none, 1=warning, 2=info, 3=progress, 4=detailed, 5=debug ! Separate verbosity specified for setup and ordinary execution iverbose = 5, iverbosesetup = 3, use_aerosols = false, ! Include aerosols in radiation calculations? do_save_spectral_flux = false, ! Save spectral fluxes in output file? do_save_gpoint_flux = false, ! Save fluxes per g-point in output file? do_surface_sw_spectral_flux = false, do_lw_derivatives = false, ! Hogan-Bozzo style derivatives for approx updates gas_model_name = "ECCKD", ! Gas model /