module setup_config_from_lmdz use parkind1, only : jprb implicit none public type driver_config_type logical :: ok_effective_size = .true. logical :: ok_separation = .false. real(jprb) :: high_inv_effective_size = -1.0_jprb ! m-1 real(jprb) :: middle_inv_effective_size = -1.0_jprb ! m-1 real(jprb) :: low_inv_effective_size = -1.0_jprb ! m-1 real(jprb) :: cloud_inhom_separation_factor = -1.0_jprb real(jprb) :: cloud_separation_scale_surface = -1.0_jprb real(jprb) :: cloud_separation_scale_toa = -1.0_jprb real(jprb) :: cloud_separation_scale_power = -1.0_jprb real(jprb) :: frac_std = 0.75_jprb real(jprb) :: overlap_decorr_length = 2000.0_jprb ! KDECOLAT : 0 > cste, 1 > Shonk et al. (2010) 2 > 1 lisse a l'equateur ! 3 : 1+variation sur la verticale ! 4 : 2+variation sur la verticale integer :: kdecolat = 0 real(jprb) :: low_decorrelation_length = 2000.0_jprb real(jprb) :: mid_decorrelation_length = 2000.0_jprb real(jprb) :: high_decorrelation_length = 2000.0_jprb contains procedure :: read => read_config_from_namelist end type driver_config_type contains !--------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine read_config_from_namelist(this, file_name, is_success) use radiation_io, only : nulerr, radiation_abort class(driver_config_type), intent(inout) :: this character(*), intent(in) :: file_name logical, intent(out), optional :: is_success logical :: ok_effective_size, ok_separation integer :: iosopen ! Status after calling open real(jprb) :: high_inv_effective_size real(jprb) :: middle_inv_effective_size real(jprb) :: low_inv_effective_size real(jprb) :: cloud_inhom_separation_factor real(jprb) :: cloud_separation_scale_surface real(jprb) :: cloud_separation_scale_toa real(jprb) :: cloud_separation_scale_power real(jprb) :: frac_std real(jprb) :: overlap_decorr_length integer :: kdecolat real(jprb) :: low_decorrelation_length real(jprb) :: mid_decorrelation_length real(jprb) :: high_decorrelation_length namelist /radiation_driver/ ok_effective_size, ok_separation, & & frac_std, overlap_decorr_length, kdecolat, & & low_decorrelation_length, mid_decorrelation_length, high_decorrelation_length, & & high_inv_effective_size, middle_inv_effective_size, low_inv_effective_size, & & cloud_inhom_separation_factor, cloud_separation_scale_surface, & & cloud_separation_scale_toa, cloud_separation_scale_power ok_effective_size = .false. ok_separation = .false. high_inv_effective_size = -1.0_jprb middle_inv_effective_size = -1.0_jprb low_inv_effective_size = -1.0_jprb cloud_inhom_separation_factor = -1.0_jprb cloud_separation_scale_surface = -1.0_jprb cloud_separation_scale_toa = -1.0_jprb cloud_separation_scale_power = -1.0_jprb frac_std = 0.75_jprb overlap_decorr_length = 2000.0_jprb kdecolat = 0 low_decorrelation_length = 2000.0_jprb mid_decorrelation_length = 2000.0_jprb high_decorrelation_length = 2000.0_jprb ! Open the namelist file and read the radiation_driver namelist open(unit=10, iostat=iosopen, file=trim(file_name)) if (iosopen /= 0) then ! An error occurred if (present(is_success)) then is_success = .false. ! We now continue the subroutine so that the default values ! are placed in the config structure else write(nulerr,'(a,a,a)') '*** Error: namelist file "', & & trim(file_name), '" not found' call radiation_abort('Driver configuration error') end if else ! Read the radiation_driver namelist, noting that it is not an ! error if this namelist is not present, provided all the required ! variables are present in the NetCDF data file instead read(unit=10, nml=radiation_driver) close(unit=10) end if ! Copy namelist data into configuration object this%ok_effective_size = ok_effective_size this%ok_separation = ok_separation this%frac_std = frac_std this%overlap_decorr_length = overlap_decorr_length this%kdecolat = kdecolat this%low_decorrelation_length = low_decorrelation_length this%mid_decorrelation_length = mid_decorrelation_length this%high_decorrelation_length = high_decorrelation_length this%cloud_inhom_separation_factor = cloud_inhom_separation_factor this%cloud_separation_scale_surface = cloud_separation_scale_surface this%cloud_separation_scale_toa = cloud_separation_scale_toa this%cloud_separation_scale_power = cloud_separation_scale_power this%high_inv_effective_size = high_inv_effective_size this%middle_inv_effective_size = middle_inv_effective_size this%low_inv_effective_size = low_inv_effective_size end subroutine read_config_from_namelist end module setup_config_from_lmdz