# This is a Makefile for the Intel compiler: run "make # PROFILE=intel". Note that by default the Intel compiler puts arrays # on the stack, which is likely to cause a stack overflow - hence the # use of "-heap-arrays" which puts them on the heap like most other # compilers. If you remove this argument you will likely need to set # the environment variable OMP_STACKSIZE to 64MB. FC = ifort CC = icc CPPFLAGS = ifndef DEBUG OPTFLAGS = -O3 else OPTFLAGS = -O0 -check bounds -init=snan endif LDFLAGS = -lrt WARNFLAGS = -warn all # We used to have the flag "-convert big_endian" here because the RRTM # input files are big endian Fortran unformatted files, but now the # file ordering has been specified at the OPEN command so no compiler # flags are needed. BASICFLAGS = -module ../mod -fpe0 -fp-model precise -ftz -fp-speculation safe -heap-arrays DEBUGFLAGS = -g OMPFLAG = -qopenmp -qopenmp-lib=compat