SUBROUTINE CLOUD_OVERLAP_DECORR_LEN & & (KIDIA, KFDIA, KLON, PGEMU, KDECOLAT, & & PDECORR_LEN_EDGES_KM, PDECORR_LEN_WATER_KM, PDECORR_LEN_RATIO) ! CLOUD_OVERLAP_DECORR_LEN ! ! (C) Copyright 2016- ECMWF. ! ! This software is licensed under the terms of the Apache Licence Version 2.0 ! which can be obtained at ! ! In applying this licence, ECMWF does not waive the privileges and immunities ! granted to it by virtue of its status as an intergovernmental organisation ! nor does it submit to any jurisdiction. ! ! PURPOSE ! ------- ! Calculate the cloud overlap decorrelation length as a function of ! latitude for use in the radiation scheme ! ! INTERFACE ! --------- ! CLOUD_OVERLAP_DECORR_LEN is called from RADLSWR and RADIATION_SCHEME ! ! AUTHOR ! ------ ! Robin Hogan, ECMWF (using code extracted from radlswr.F90) ! Original: 2016-02-16 ! ! MODIFICATIONS ! ------------- ! ! ------------------------------------------------------------------- USE PARKIND1 , ONLY : JPIM, JPRB USE YOMHOOK , ONLY : LHOOK, DR_HOOK, JPHOOK USE YOMCST , ONLY : RPI USE YOECLD , ONLY : RDECORR_CF, RDECORR_CW ! ------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPLICIT NONE ! INPUT ARGUMENTS ! *** Array dimensions and ranges INTEGER(KIND=JPIM),INTENT(IN) :: KIDIA ! Start column to process INTEGER(KIND=JPIM),INTENT(IN) :: KFDIA ! End column to process INTEGER(KIND=JPIM),INTENT(IN) :: KLON ! Number of columns ! *** Configuration variable controlling the overlap scheme INTEGER(KIND=JPIM),INTENT(IN) :: KDECOLAT ! *** Single-level variables REAL(KIND=JPRB), INTENT(IN) :: PGEMU(KLON) ! Sine of latitude ! OUTPUT ARGUMENTS ! *** Decorrelation lengths for cloud edges and cloud water content, ! *** in km REAL(KIND=JPRB), INTENT(OUT) :: PDECORR_LEN_EDGES_KM(KLON) REAL(KIND=JPRB), INTENT(OUT), OPTIONAL :: PDECORR_LEN_WATER_KM(KLON) ! Ratio of water-content to cloud-edge decorrelation lengths REAL(KIND=JPRB), INTENT(OUT), OPTIONAL :: PDECORR_LEN_RATIO ! LOCAL VARIABLES REAL(KIND=JPRB) :: ZRADIANS_TO_DEGREES, ZABS_LAT_DEG, ZCOS_LAT INTEGER(KIND=JPIM) :: JL REAL(KIND=JPHOOK) :: ZHOOK_HANDLE ! ------------------------------------------------------------------- IF (LHOOK) CALL DR_HOOK('CLOUD_OVERLAP_DECORR_LEN',0,ZHOOK_HANDLE) ! ------------------------------------------------------------------- IF (KDECOLAT == 0) THEN ! Decorrelation lengths are constant values PDECORR_LEN_EDGES_KM(KIDIA:KFDIA) = RDECORR_CF IF (PRESENT(PDECORR_LEN_WATER_KM)) THEN PDECORR_LEN_WATER_KM(KIDIA:KFDIA) = RDECORR_CW ENDIF IF (PRESENT(PDECORR_LEN_RATIO)) THEN PDECORR_LEN_RATIO = RDECORR_CW / RDECORR_CF ENDIF ELSE ZRADIANS_TO_DEGREES = 180.0_JPRB / RPI IF (KDECOLAT == 1) THEN ! Shonk et al. (2010) Eq. 13 formula DO JL = KIDIA,KFDIA ZABS_LAT_DEG = ABS(ASIN(PGEMU(JL)) * ZRADIANS_TO_DEGREES) PDECORR_LEN_EDGES_KM(JL) = 2.899_JPRB - 0.02759_JPRB * ZABS_LAT_DEG ENDDO ELSE ! KDECOLAT == 2 DO JL = KIDIA,KFDIA ! Shonk et al. (2010) but smoothed over the equator ZCOS_LAT = COS(ASIN(PGEMU(JL))) PDECORR_LEN_EDGES_KM(JL) = 0.75_JPRB + 2.149_JPRB * ZCOS_LAT*ZCOS_LAT ENDDO ENDIF ! Both KDECOLAT = 1 and 2 assume that the decorrelation length for ! cloud water content is half that for cloud edges IF (PRESENT(PDECORR_LEN_WATER_KM)) THEN PDECORR_LEN_WATER_KM(KIDIA:KFDIA) = PDECORR_LEN_EDGES_KM(KIDIA:KFDIA) * 0.5_JPRB ENDIF IF (PRESENT(PDECORR_LEN_RATIO)) THEN PDECORR_LEN_RATIO = 0.5_JPRB ENDIF ENDIF ! ------------------------------------------------------------------- IF (LHOOK) CALL DR_HOOK('CLOUD_OVERLAP_DECORR_LEN',1,ZHOOK_HANDLE) END SUBROUTINE CLOUD_OVERLAP_DECORR_LEN