! ! $Id: calltherm.F90 1517 2011-05-10 13:07:35Z nfevrier $ ! subroutine calltherm(dtime & & ,pplay,paprs,pphi,weak_inversion & & ,u_seri,v_seri,t_seri,q_seri,zqsat,debut & & ,d_u_ajs,d_v_ajs,d_t_ajs,d_q_ajs & & ,fm_therm,entr_therm,detr_therm,zqasc,clwcon0,lmax,ratqscth, & & ratqsdiff,zqsatth,Ale_bl,Alp_bl,lalim_conv,wght_th, & & zmax0,f0,zw2,fraca,ztv,zpspsk,ztla,zthl) USE dimphy implicit none #include "dimensions.h" !#include "dimphy.h" #include "thermcell.h" #include "iniprint.h" !IM 140508 INTEGER itap REAL dtime LOGICAL debut LOGICAL logexpr0, logexpr2(klon,klev), logexpr1(klon) REAL fact(klon) INTEGER nbptspb REAL u_seri(klon,klev),v_seri(klon,klev) REAL t_seri(klon,klev),q_seri(klon,klev),qmemoire(klon,klev) REAL weak_inversion(klon) REAL paprs(klon,klev+1) REAL pplay(klon,klev) REAL pphi(klon,klev) real zlev(klon,klev+1) !test: on sort lentr et a* pour alimenter KE REAL wght_th(klon,klev) INTEGER lalim_conv(klon) REAL zw2(klon,klev+1),fraca(klon,klev+1) !FH Update Thermiques REAL d_t_ajs(klon,klev), d_q_ajs(klon,klev) REAL d_u_ajs(klon,klev),d_v_ajs(klon,klev) real fm_therm(klon,klev+1) real entr_therm(klon,klev),detr_therm(klon,klev) !******************************************************** ! declarations LOGICAL flag_bidouille_stratocu real fmc_therm(klon,klev+1),zqasc(klon,klev) real zqla(klon,klev) real zqta(klon,klev) real ztv(klon,klev) real zpspsk(klon,klev) real ztla(klon,klev) real zthl(klon,klev) real wmax_sec(klon) real zmax_sec(klon) real f_sec(klon) real detrc_therm(klon,klev) ! FH WARNING : il semble que ces save ne servent a rien ! save fmc_therm, detrc_therm real clwcon0(klon,klev) real zqsat(klon,klev) real zw_sec(klon,klev+1) integer lmix_sec(klon) integer lmax(klon) real ratqscth(klon,klev) real ratqsdiff(klon,klev) real zqsatth(klon,klev) !nouvelles variables pour la convection real Ale_bl(klon) real Alp_bl(klon) real Ale(klon) real Alp(klon) !RC !on garde le zmax du pas de temps precedent real zmax0(klon), f0(klon) !******************************************************** ! variables locales REAL d_t_the(klon,klev), d_q_the(klon,klev) REAL d_u_the(klon,klev),d_v_the(klon,klev) ! real zfm_therm(klon,klev+1),zdt real zentr_therm(klon,klev),zdetr_therm(klon,klev) ! FH A VERIFIER : SAVE INUTILES ! save zentr_therm,zfm_therm character (len=20) :: modname='calltherm' character (len=80) :: abort_message integer i,k logical, save :: first=.true. !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(first) !******************************************************** if (first) then itap=0 first=.false. endif ! Incrementer le compteur de la physique itap = itap + 1 ! Modele du thermique ! =================== ! print*,'thermiques: WARNING on passe t au lieu de t_seri' ! On prend comme valeur initiale des thermiques la valeur du pas ! de temps precedent zfm_therm(:,:)=fm_therm(:,:) zdetr_therm(:,:)=detr_therm(:,:) zentr_therm(:,:)=entr_therm(:,:) ! On reinitialise les flux de masse a zero pour le cumul en ! cas de splitting fm_therm(:,:)=0. entr_therm(:,:)=0. detr_therm(:,:)=0. Ale_bl(:)=0. Alp_bl(:)=0. if (prt_level.ge.10) then print*,'thermV4 nsplit: ',nsplit_thermals,' weak_inversion' endif ! tests sur les valeurs negatives de l'eau logexpr0=prt_level.ge.10 nbptspb=0 do k=1,klev do i=1,klon ! Attention teste abderr 19-03-09 ! logexpr2(i,k)=.not.q_seri(i,k).ge.0. logexpr2(i,k)=.not.q_seri(i,k).ge.1.e-15 if (logexpr2(i,k)) then q_seri(i,k)=1.e-15 nbptspb=nbptspb+1 endif ! if (logexpr0) & ! & print*,'WARN eau<0 avant therm i=',i,' k=',k & ! & ,' dq,q',d_q_the(i,k),q_seri(i,k) enddo enddo if(nbptspb.GT.0) print*,'Number of points with q_seri(i,k)<=0 ',nbptspb zdt=dtime/REAL(nsplit_thermals) do isplit=1,nsplit_thermals if (iflag_thermals.eq.1) then CALL thermcell_2002(klon,klev,zdt & & ,pplay,paprs,pphi & & ,u_seri,v_seri,t_seri,q_seri & & ,d_u_the,d_v_the,d_t_the,d_q_the & & ,zfm_therm,zentr_therm & & ,r_aspect_thermals,30.,w2di_thermals & & ,tau_thermals) else if (iflag_thermals.eq.2) then CALL thermcell_sec(klon,klev,zdt & & ,pplay,paprs,pphi,zlev & & ,u_seri,v_seri,t_seri,q_seri & & ,d_u_the,d_v_the,d_t_the,d_q_the & & ,zfm_therm,zentr_therm & & ,r_aspect_thermals,30.,w2di_thermals & & ,tau_thermals) else if (iflag_thermals.eq.3) then CALL thermcell(klon,klev,zdt & & ,pplay,paprs,pphi & & ,u_seri,v_seri,t_seri,q_seri & & ,d_u_the,d_v_the,d_t_the,d_q_the & & ,zfm_therm,zentr_therm & & ,r_aspect_thermals,l_mix_thermals,w2di_thermals & & ,tau_thermals) else if (iflag_thermals.eq.10) then CALL thermcell_eau(klon,klev,zdt & & ,pplay,paprs,pphi & & ,u_seri,v_seri,t_seri,q_seri & & ,d_u_the,d_v_the,d_t_the,d_q_the & & ,zfm_therm,zentr_therm & & ,r_aspect_thermals,l_mix_thermals,w2di_thermals & & ,tau_thermals) else if (iflag_thermals.eq.11) then abort_message = 'cas non prevu dans calltherm' CALL abort_gcm (modname,abort_message,1) ! CALL thermcell_pluie(klon,klev,zdt & ! & ,pplay,paprs,pphi,zlev & ! & ,u_seri,v_seri,t_seri,q_seri & ! & ,d_u_the,d_v_the,d_t_the,d_q_the & ! & ,zfm_therm,zentr_therm,zqla & ! & ,r_aspect_thermals,l_mix_thermals,w2di_thermals & ! & ,tau_thermals,3) else if (iflag_thermals.eq.12) then CALL calcul_sec(klon,klev,zdt & & ,pplay,paprs,pphi,zlev & & ,u_seri,v_seri,t_seri,q_seri & & ,zmax_sec,wmax_sec,zw_sec,lmix_sec & & ,r_aspect_thermals,l_mix_thermals,w2di_thermals & & ,tau_thermals) else if (iflag_thermals==13.or.iflag_thermals==14) then CALL thermcellV0_main(itap,klon,klev,zdt & & ,pplay,paprs,pphi,debut & & ,u_seri,v_seri,t_seri,q_seri & & ,d_u_the,d_v_the,d_t_the,d_q_the & & ,zfm_therm,zentr_therm,zdetr_therm,zqasc,zqla,lmax & & ,ratqscth,ratqsdiff,zqsatth & & ,r_aspect_thermals,l_mix_thermals & & ,tau_thermals,Ale,Alp,lalim_conv,wght_th & & ,zmax0,f0,zw2,fraca) else if (iflag_thermals==15.or.iflag_thermals==16) then ! print*,'THERM iflag_thermas_ed=',iflag_thermals_ed CALL thermcell_main(itap,klon,klev,zdt & & ,pplay,paprs,pphi,debut & & ,u_seri,v_seri,t_seri,q_seri & & ,d_u_the,d_v_the,d_t_the,d_q_the & & ,zfm_therm,zentr_therm,zdetr_therm,zqasc,zqla,lmax & & ,ratqscth,ratqsdiff,zqsatth & ! & ,r_aspect_thermals,l_mix_thermals & ! & ,tau_thermals,iflag_thermals_ed,iflag_coupl & & ,Ale,Alp,lalim_conv,wght_th & & ,zmax0,f0,zw2,fraca,ztv,zpspsk & & ,ztla,zthl) if (prt_level.gt.10) write(lunout,*)'Apres thermcell_main OK' else abort_message = 'Cas des thermiques non prevu' CALL abort_gcm (modname,abort_message,1) endif flag_bidouille_stratocu=iflag_thermals.eq.14.or.iflag_thermals.eq.16 fact(:)=0. DO i=1,klon logexpr1(i)=flag_bidouille_stratocu.or.weak_inversion(i).gt.0.5 IF(logexpr1(i)) fact(i)=1./REAL(nsplit_thermals) ENDDO DO k=1,klev ! transformation de la derivee en tendance d_t_the(:,k)=d_t_the(:,k)*dtime*fact(:) d_u_the(:,k)=d_u_the(:,k)*dtime*fact(:) d_v_the(:,k)=d_v_the(:,k)*dtime*fact(:) d_q_the(:,k)=d_q_the(:,k)*dtime*fact(:) fm_therm(:,k)=fm_therm(:,k) & & +zfm_therm(:,k)*fact(:) entr_therm(:,k)=entr_therm(:,k) & & +zentr_therm(:,k)*fact(:) detr_therm(:,k)=detr_therm(:,k) & & +zdetr_therm(:,k)*fact(:) ENDDO fm_therm(:,klev+1)=0. ! accumulation de la tendance d_t_ajs(:,:)=d_t_ajs(:,:)+d_t_the(:,:) d_u_ajs(:,:)=d_u_ajs(:,:)+d_u_the(:,:) d_v_ajs(:,:)=d_v_ajs(:,:)+d_v_the(:,:) d_q_ajs(:,:)=d_q_ajs(:,:)+d_q_the(:,:) ! incrementation des variables meteo t_seri(:,:) = t_seri(:,:) + d_t_the(:,:) u_seri(:,:) = u_seri(:,:) + d_u_the(:,:) v_seri(:,:) = v_seri(:,:) + d_v_the(:,:) qmemoire(:,:)=q_seri(:,:) q_seri(:,:) = q_seri(:,:) + d_q_the(:,:) if (prt_level.gt.10) write(lunout,*)'Apres apres thermcell_main OK' DO i=1,klon if(prt_level.GE.10) print*,'calltherm i Alp_bl Alp Ale_bl Ale',i,Alp_bl(i),Alp(i),Ale_bl(i),Ale(i) fm_therm(i,klev+1)=0. Ale_bl(i)=Ale_bl(i)+Ale(i)/REAL(nsplit_thermals) ! write(22,*)'ALE CALLTHERM',Ale_bl(i),Ale(i) Alp_bl(i)=Alp_bl(i)+Alp(i)/REAL(nsplit_thermals) ! write(23,*)'ALP CALLTHERM',Alp_bl(i),Alp(i) ENDDO !IM 060508 marche pas comme cela !!! enddo ! isplit ! tests sur les valeurs negatives de l'eau nbptspb=0 DO k = 1, klev DO i = 1, klon logexpr2(i,k)=.not.q_seri(i,k).ge.0. if (logexpr2(i,k)) then q_seri(i,k)=1.e-15 nbptspb=nbptspb+1 ! if (prt_level.ge.10) then ! print*,'WARN eau<0 apres therm i=',i,' k=',k & ! & ,' dq,q',d_q_the(i,k),q_seri(i,k), & ! & 'fm=',zfm_therm(i,k),'entr=',entr_therm(i,k) endif ENDDO ENDDO IF(nbptspb.GT.0) print*,'Number of points with q_seri(i,k)<=0 ',nbptspb ! tests sur les valeurs de la temperature nbptspb=0 DO k = 1, klev DO i = 1, klon logexpr2(i,k)=t_seri(i,k).lt.50..or.t_seri(i,k).gt.370. if (logexpr2(i,k)) nbptspb=nbptspb+1 ! if ((t_seri(i,k).lt.50.) .or. & ! & (t_seri(i,k).gt.370.)) then ! print*,'WARN temp apres therm i=',i,' k=',k & ! & ,' t_seri',t_seri(i,k) ! CALL abort ! endif ENDDO ENDDO IF(nbptspb.GT.0) print*,'Number of points with q_seri(i,k)<=0 ',nbptspb enddo ! isplit ! !*************************************************************** ! calcul du flux ascencant conservatif ! print*,'<<<