! radiation_pdf_sampler.F90 - Get samples from a PDF for McICA ! ! (C) Copyright 2015- ECMWF. ! ! This software is licensed under the terms of the Apache Licence Version 2.0 ! which can be obtained at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0. ! ! In applying this licence, ECMWF does not waive the privileges and immunities ! granted to it by virtue of its status as an intergovernmental organisation ! nor does it submit to any jurisdiction. ! ! Author: Robin Hogan ! Email: r.j.hogan@ecmwf.int ! module radiation_pdf_sampler use parkind1, only : jprb implicit none public !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Derived type for sampling from a lognormal or gamma distribution, ! or other PDF, used to generate water content or optical depth ! scalings for use in the Monte Carlo Independent Column ! Approximation (McICA) type pdf_sampler_type ! Number of points in look-up table for cumulative distribution ! function (CDF) and fractional standard deviation (FSD) ! dimensions integer :: ncdf, nfsd ! First value of FSD and the reciprocal of the interval between ! FSD values (which are assumed to be uniformly distributed) real(jprb) :: fsd1, inv_fsd_interval ! Value of the distribution for each CDF and FSD bin real(jprb), allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: val contains procedure :: setup => setup_pdf_sampler procedure :: sample => sample_from_pdf procedure :: masked_sample => sample_from_pdf_masked procedure :: block_sample => sample_from_pdf_block procedure :: masked_block_sample => sample_from_pdf_masked_block procedure :: deallocate => deallocate_pdf_sampler end type pdf_sampler_type contains !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Load look-up table from a file subroutine setup_pdf_sampler(this, file_name, iverbose) use yomhook, only : lhook, dr_hook, jphook use easy_netcdf, only : netcdf_file class(pdf_sampler_type), intent(inout) :: this character(len=*), intent(in) :: file_name integer, optional, intent(in) :: iverbose type(netcdf_file) :: file integer :: iverb real(jprb), allocatable :: fsd(:) real(jphook) :: hook_handle if (lhook) call dr_hook('radiation_pdf_sampler:setup',0,hook_handle) if (present(iverbose)) then iverb = iverbose else iverb = 2 end if if (allocated(this%val)) then deallocate(this%val) end if call file%open(trim(file_name), iverbose=iverb) call file%get('fsd',fsd) call file%get('x', this%val) call file%close() this%ncdf = size(this%val,1) this%nfsd = size(this%val,2) this%fsd1 = fsd(1) this%inv_fsd_interval = 1.0_jprb / (fsd(2)-fsd(1)) deallocate(fsd) if (lhook) call dr_hook('radiation_pdf_sampler:setup',1,hook_handle) end subroutine setup_pdf_sampler !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Deallocate data in pdf_sampler_type derived type subroutine deallocate_pdf_sampler(this) use yomhook, only : lhook, dr_hook, jphook class(pdf_sampler_type), intent(inout) :: this real(jphook) :: hook_handle if (lhook) call dr_hook('radiation_pdf_sampler:deallocate',0,hook_handle) if (allocated(this%val)) then deallocate(this%val) end if if (lhook) call dr_hook('radiation_pdf_sampler:deallocate',1,hook_handle) end subroutine deallocate_pdf_sampler !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Extract the value from a PDF with fractional standard deviation ! "fsd" corresponding to the cumulative distribution function value ! "cdf", and return it in val. Since this is an elemental ! subroutine, fsd, cdf and val may be arrays. elemental subroutine sample_from_pdf(this, fsd, cdf, val) class(pdf_sampler_type), intent(in) :: this ! Fractional standard deviation (0 to 4) and cumulative ! distribution function (0 to 1) real(jprb), intent(in) :: fsd, cdf ! Sample from distribution real(jprb), intent(out) :: val ! Index to look-up table integer :: ifsd, icdf ! Weights in bilinear interpolation real(jprb) :: wfsd, wcdf ! Bilinear interpolation with bounds wcdf = cdf * (this%ncdf-1) + 1.0_jprb icdf = max(1, min(int(wcdf), this%ncdf-1)) wcdf = max(0.0_jprb, min(wcdf - icdf, 1.0_jprb)) wfsd = (fsd-this%fsd1) * this%inv_fsd_interval + 1.0_jprb ifsd = max(1, min(int(wfsd), this%nfsd-1)) wfsd = max(0.0_jprb, min(wfsd - ifsd, 1.0_jprb)) val = (1.0_jprb-wcdf)*(1.0_jprb-wfsd) * this%val(icdf ,ifsd) & & + (1.0_jprb-wcdf)* wfsd * this%val(icdf ,ifsd+1) & & + wcdf *(1.0_jprb-wfsd) * this%val(icdf+1,ifsd) & & + wcdf * wfsd * this%val(icdf+1,ifsd+1) end subroutine sample_from_pdf !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! For true elements of mask, extract the values of a PDF with ! fractional standard deviation "fsd" corresponding to the ! cumulative distribution function values "cdf", and return in ! val. For false elements of mask, return zero in val. subroutine sample_from_pdf_masked(this, nsamp, fsd, cdf, val, mask) class(pdf_sampler_type), intent(in) :: this ! Number of samples integer, intent(in) :: nsamp ! Fractional standard deviation (0 to 4) and cumulative ! distribution function (0 to 1) real(jprb), intent(in) :: fsd(nsamp), cdf(nsamp) ! Sample from distribution real(jprb), intent(out) :: val(:) ! Mask logical, intent(in) :: mask(nsamp) ! Loop index integer :: jsamp ! Index to look-up table integer :: ifsd, icdf ! Weights in bilinear interpolation real(jprb) :: wfsd, wcdf do jsamp = 1,nsamp if (mask(jsamp)) then ! Bilinear interpolation with bounds wcdf = cdf(jsamp) * (this%ncdf-1) + 1.0_jprb icdf = max(1, min(int(wcdf), this%ncdf-1)) wcdf = max(0.0_jprb, min(wcdf - icdf, 1.0_jprb)) wfsd = (fsd(jsamp)-this%fsd1) * this%inv_fsd_interval + 1.0_jprb ifsd = max(1, min(int(wfsd), this%nfsd-1)) wfsd = max(0.0_jprb, min(wfsd - ifsd, 1.0_jprb)) val(jsamp)=(1.0_jprb-wcdf)*(1.0_jprb-wfsd) * this%val(icdf ,ifsd) & & +(1.0_jprb-wcdf)* wfsd * this%val(icdf ,ifsd+1) & & + wcdf *(1.0_jprb-wfsd) * this%val(icdf+1,ifsd) & & + wcdf * wfsd * this%val(icdf+1,ifsd+1) else val(jsamp) = 0.0_jprb end if end do end subroutine sample_from_pdf_masked !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Extract the values of a PDF with fractional standard deviation ! "fsd" corresponding to the cumulative distribution function values ! "cdf", and return in val. This version works on 2D blocks of data. subroutine sample_from_pdf_block(this, nz, ng, fsd, cdf, val) class(pdf_sampler_type), intent(in) :: this ! Number of samples integer, intent(in) :: nz, ng ! Fractional standard deviation (0 to 4) and cumulative ! distribution function (0 to 1) real(jprb), intent(in) :: fsd(nz), cdf(ng, nz) ! Sample from distribution real(jprb), intent(out) :: val(:,:) ! Loop index integer :: jz, jg ! Index to look-up table integer :: ifsd, icdf ! Weights in bilinear interpolation real(jprb) :: wfsd, wcdf do jz = 1,nz do jg = 1,ng if (cdf(jg, jz) > 0.0_jprb) then ! Bilinear interpolation with bounds wcdf = cdf(jg,jz) * (this%ncdf-1) + 1.0_jprb icdf = max(1, min(int(wcdf), this%ncdf-1)) wcdf = max(0.0_jprb, min(wcdf - icdf, 1.0_jprb)) wfsd = (fsd(jz)-this%fsd1) * this%inv_fsd_interval + 1.0_jprb ifsd = max(1, min(int(wfsd), this%nfsd-1)) wfsd = max(0.0_jprb, min(wfsd - ifsd, 1.0_jprb)) val(jg,jz)=(1.0_jprb-wcdf)*(1.0_jprb-wfsd) * this%val(icdf ,ifsd) & & +(1.0_jprb-wcdf)* wfsd * this%val(icdf ,ifsd+1) & & + wcdf *(1.0_jprb-wfsd) * this%val(icdf+1,ifsd) & & + wcdf * wfsd * this%val(icdf+1,ifsd+1) else val(jg,jz) = 0.0_jprb end if end do end do end subroutine sample_from_pdf_block !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Extract the values of a PDF with fractional standard deviation ! "fsd" corresponding to the cumulative distribution function values ! "cdf", and return in val. This version works on 2D blocks of data. subroutine sample_from_pdf_masked_block(this, nz, ng, fsd, cdf, val, mask) class(pdf_sampler_type), intent(in) :: this ! Number of samples integer, intent(in) :: nz, ng ! Fractional standard deviation (0 to 4) and cumulative ! distribution function (0 to 1) real(jprb), intent(in) :: fsd(nz), cdf(ng, nz) ! Sample from distribution real(jprb), intent(out) :: val(:,:) ! Mask logical, intent(in), optional :: mask(nz) ! Loop index integer :: jz, jg ! Index to look-up table integer :: ifsd, icdf ! Weights in bilinear interpolation real(jprb) :: wfsd, wcdf do jz = 1,nz if (mask(jz)) then do jg = 1,ng if (cdf(jg, jz) > 0.0_jprb) then ! Bilinear interpolation with bounds wcdf = cdf(jg,jz) * (this%ncdf-1) + 1.0_jprb icdf = max(1, min(int(wcdf), this%ncdf-1)) wcdf = max(0.0_jprb, min(wcdf - icdf, 1.0_jprb)) wfsd = (fsd(jz)-this%fsd1) * this%inv_fsd_interval + 1.0_jprb ifsd = max(1, min(int(wfsd), this%nfsd-1)) wfsd = max(0.0_jprb, min(wfsd - ifsd, 1.0_jprb)) val(jg,jz)=(1.0_jprb-wcdf)*(1.0_jprb-wfsd) * this%val(icdf ,ifsd) & & +(1.0_jprb-wcdf)* wfsd * this%val(icdf ,ifsd+1) & & + wcdf *(1.0_jprb-wfsd) * this%val(icdf+1,ifsd) & & + wcdf * wfsd * this%val(icdf+1,ifsd+1) else val(jg,jz) = 0.0_jprb end if end do end if end do end subroutine sample_from_pdf_masked_block end module radiation_pdf_sampler