MODULE RADIATION_SETUP ! RADIATION_SETUP - Setting up modular radiation scheme ! ! (C) Copyright 2015- ECMWF. ! ! This software is licensed under the terms of the Apache Licence Version 2.0 ! which can be obtained at ! ! In applying this licence, ECMWF does not waive the privileges and immunities ! granted to it by virtue of its status as an intergovernmental organisation ! nor does it submit to any jurisdiction. ! ! PURPOSE ! ------- ! The modular radiation scheme is contained in a separate ! library. SETUP_RADIATION_SCHEME in this module sets up a small ! derived type that contains the configuration object for the ! radiation scheme, plus a small number of additional variables ! needed for its implemenation in the IFS. ! ! INTERFACE ! --------- ! SETUP_RADIATION_SCHEME is called from SUECRAD. The radiation ! scheme is actually run using the RADIATION_SCHEME routine (not in ! this module). ! ! AUTHOR ! ------ ! Robin Hogan, ECMWF ! Original: 2015-09-16 ! ! MODIFICATIONS ! ------------- ! 2017-03-03 R. Hogan Put global variables in TRADIATION derived type ! 2017-11-17 S. Remy Add Nitrates and SOA if NAERMACC=0 ! 2017-11-28 R. Hogan Delta scaling applied to particles only ! 2018-01-11 R. Hogan Capability to scale solar spectrum in each band ! 2018-04-20 A. Bozzo Added capability to read in aerosol optical properties ! at selected wavelengths ! 2019-01-21 R. Hogan Explicit albedo and emissivity spectral definitions ! leading to smarter weighting in ecRad ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- USE PARKIND1, ONLY : JPRB,JPIM USE radiation_config, ONLY : config_type, & & ISolverMcICA, ISolverSpartacus, & & ISolverTripleclouds, ISolverCloudless, & & ILiquidModelSlingo, ILiquidModelSOCRATES, & & IIceModelFu, IIceModelBaran, & & IOverlapExponential, IOverlapMaximumRandom, & & IOverlapExponentialRandom USE YOERAD, ONLY : TERAD IMPLICIT NONE SAVE ! Background aerosol is specified in an ugly way: using the old Tegen ! fields that are in terms of optical depth, and converted to mass ! mixing ratio via the relevant mass-extinction coefficient. The ! following are the indices to the aerosol types used to describe ! tropospheric and stratospheric background aerosol. INTEGER(KIND=JPIM), PARAMETER :: ITYPE_TROP_BG_AER = 8 ! hydrophobic organic INTEGER(KIND=JPIM), PARAMETER :: ITYPE_STRAT_BG_AER=12 ! non-absorbing sulphate ! This derived type contains configuration information for the ! radiation scheme plus a few additional variables and parameters ! needed for the IFS interface to it TYPE :: TRADIATION ! Configuration for wider aspects of the radiation scheme TYPE(TERAD) :: YRERAD ! Configuration information for the ecRad radiation scheme type(config_type) :: rad_config ! Ultraviolet weightings INTEGER(KIND=JPIM) :: NWEIGHT_UV INTEGER(KIND=JPIM) :: IBAND_UV(100) REAL(KIND=JPRB) :: WEIGHT_UV(100) ! Photosynthetically active radiation weightings INTEGER(KIND=JPIM) :: NWEIGHT_PAR INTEGER(KIND=JPIM) :: IBAND_PAR(100) REAL(KIND=JPRB) :: WEIGHT_PAR(100) ! Mass-extinction coefficient (m2 kg-1) of tropospheric and ! stratospheric background aerosol at 550 nm REAL(KIND=JPRB) :: TROP_BG_AER_MASS_EXT REAL(KIND=JPRB) :: STRAT_BG_AER_MASS_EXT END TYPE TRADIATION ! Dummy type TYPE :: TCOMPO LOGICAL :: LAERNITRATE = .false. LOGICAL :: LAERSOA = .false. END TYPE TCOMPO CONTAINS ! This routine copies information between the IFS radiation ! configuration (stored mostly in YDERAD) and the radiation ! configuration of the modular radiation scheme (stored in ! PRADIATION%rad_config). The optional input logical LDOUTPUT ! controls whether to print lots of information during the setup ! stage (default is no). SUBROUTINE SETUP_RADIATION_SCHEME(PRADIATION,LDOUTPUT,FILE_NAME) USE YOMHOOK, ONLY : LHOOK, DR_HOOK, JPHOOK USE YOMLUN, ONLY : NULOUT, NULERR !USE YOESRTWN, ONLY : NMPSRTM USE YOERAD, ONLY : TERAD USE YOEPHY, ONLY : TEPHY !USE YOMCOMPO, ONLY : TCOMPO USE RADIATION_INTERFACE, ONLY : SETUP_RADIATION USE RADIATION_AEROSOL_OPTICS, ONLY : DRY_AEROSOL_MASS_EXTINCTION ! Radiation configuration information TYPE(TCOMPO) :: YDCOMPO TYPE(TRADIATION) ,INTENT(INOUT), TARGET :: PRADIATION CHARACTER(LEN=512),INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: FILE_NAME ! Whether or not to print out information on the radiation scheme ! configuration LOGICAL, INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: LDOUTPUT ! Verbosity of configuration information 0=none, 1=warning, ! 2=info, 3=progress, 4=detailed, 5=debug INTEGER(KIND=JPIM) :: IVERBOSESETUP !INTEGER(KIND=JPIM) :: ISTAT ! Data directory name CHARACTER(LEN=256) :: CL_DATA_DIR ! Arrays to avoid temporaries REAL(KIND=JPRB) :: ZWAVBOUND(15) INTEGER(KIND=JPIM) :: IBAND(16) ! Do we use the nearest ecRad band to the albedo/emissivity ! intervals, or a more intelligent weighting? LOGICAL :: LL_DO_NEAREST_SW_ALBEDO, LL_DO_NEAREST_LW_EMISS REAL(KIND=JPHOOK) :: ZHOOK_HANDLE !#include "posname.intfb.h" #include "abor1.intfb.h" IF (LHOOK) CALL DR_HOOK('RADIATION_SETUP:SETUP_RADIATION_SCHEME',0,ZHOOK_HANDLE) ! *** GENERAL SETUP *** ASSOCIATE(YDERAD=>PRADIATION%YRERAD) ASSOCIATE(RAD_CONFIG=>PRADIATION%RAD_CONFIG,& & LAERNITRATE=>YDCOMPO%LAERNITRATE, & & LAERSOA=>YDCOMPO%LAERSOA, & & YSPECTPLANCK=>YDERAD%YSPECTPLANCK) ! Configure verbosity of setup of radiation scheme IVERBOSESETUP = 4 ! Provide plenty of information IF (PRESENT(LDOUTPUT)) THEN IF (.NOT. LDOUTPUT) THEN IVERBOSESETUP = 1 ! Warnings and errors only ENDIF ENDIF RAD_CONFIG%IVERBOSESETUP = IVERBOSESETUP IF (IVERBOSESETUP > 1) THEN WRITE(NULOUT,'(a)') '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------' WRITE(NULOUT,'(a)') 'RADIATION_SETUP: ecRad 1.5' ENDIF ! Normal operation of the radiation scheme displays only errors ! and warnings RAD_CONFIG%IVERBOSE = 1 ! Read data directory name from the DATA environment variable CALL GETENV("DATA", CL_DATA_DIR) IF (CL_DATA_DIR /= " ") THEN RAD_CONFIG%DIRECTORY_NAME = TRIM(CL_DATA_DIR) // "/ifsdata" ELSE ! If DATA not present, use the current directory RAD_CONFIG%DIRECTORY_NAME = "." ENDIF ! Do we do Hogan and Bozzo (2015) approximate longwave updates? RAD_CONFIG%DO_LW_DERIVATIVES = YDERAD%LAPPROXLWUPDATE ! If we are to perform Hogan and Bozzo (2015) approximate ! shortwave updates then we need the downwelling direct and ! diffuse shortwave fluxes at the surface in each albedo spectral ! interval RAD_CONFIG%DO_CANOPY_FLUXES_SW = YDERAD%LAPPROXSWUPDATE ! If we are to perform approximate longwave updates and we are ! using the new 6-interval longwave emissivity scheme then we need ! ecRad to compute the downwelling surface longwave fluxes in each ! emissivity spectral interval IF (YDERAD%NLWOUT > 1) THEN RAD_CONFIG%DO_CANOPY_FLUXES_LW = .TRUE. ENDIF ! Surface spectral fluxes are needed for UV and PAR calculations RAD_CONFIG%DO_SURFACE_SW_SPECTRAL_FLUX = .TRUE. ! *** SETUP GAS OPTICS *** ! Assume IFS has already set-up RRTM, so the setup_radiation ! routine below does not have to !RAD_CONFIG%DO_SETUP_IFSRRTM = .FALSE. ! *** SETUP CLOUD OPTICS *** ! Setup liquid optics IF (YDERAD%NLIQOPT == 2) THEN RAD_CONFIG%I_LIQ_MODEL = ILIQUIDMODELSLINGO ELSEIF (YDERAD%NLIQOPT == 4) THEN RAD_CONFIG%I_LIQ_MODEL = ILIQUIDMODELSOCRATES ELSE WRITE(NULERR,'(a,i0)') '*** Error: Unavailable liquid optics model in modular radiation scheme: NLIQOPT=', & & YDERAD%NLIQOPT CALL ABOR1('RADIATION_SETUP: error interpreting NLIQOPT') ENDIF ! Setup ice optics IF (YDERAD%NICEOPT == 3) THEN RAD_CONFIG%I_ICE_MODEL = IICEMODELFU IF (YDERAD%LFU_LW_ICE_OPTICS_BUG) THEN RAD_CONFIG%DO_FU_LW_ICE_OPTICS_BUG = .TRUE. ENDIF ELSEIF (YDERAD%NICEOPT == 4) THEN RAD_CONFIG%I_ICE_MODEL = IICEMODELBARAN ELSE WRITE(NULERR,'(a,i0)') '*** Error: Unavailable ice optics model in modular radiation scheme: NICEOPT=', & & YDERAD%NICEOPT !! CALL ABOR1('RADIATION_SETUP: error interpreting NICEOPT') !db fix ENDIF ! For consistency with earlier versions of the IFS radiation ! scheme, until 45R1 we performed shortwave delta-Eddington ! scaling after the merge of the cloud, aerosol and gas optical ! properties. Setting this to "false" does the scaling on the ! cloud and aerosol properties separately before merging with ! gases, which is more physically appropriate. The impact is very ! small (see item 6 of table 2 of Technical Memo 787). RAD_CONFIG%DO_SW_DELTA_SCALING_WITH_GASES = .FALSE. ! *** SETUP AEROSOLS *** RAD_CONFIG%USE_AEROSOLS = .TRUE. ! If monochromatic aerosol properties are available they will be ! read in automatically so the following is not needed !IF (YDEAERATM%LAERRAD) RAD_CONFIG%AEROSOL_OPTICS%READ_MONOCHROMATIC_OPTICS=.TRUE. IF (YDERAD%NAERMACC == 1) THEN ! Using MACC climatology or prognostic aerosol variables - in ! this case the aerosol optics file will be chosen automatically ! 12 IFS aerosol classes: 1-3 Sea salt, 4-6 Boucher desert dust, ! 7 hydrophilic organics, 8 hydrophobic organics, 9&10 ! hydrophobic black carbon, 11 ammonium sulphate, 12 inactive ! SO2 RAD_CONFIG%N_AEROSOL_TYPES = 12 ! Indices to the aerosol optical properties in ! aerosol_ifs_rrtm_*.nc, for each class, where negative numbers ! index hydrophilic aerosol types and positive numbers index ! hydrophobic aerosol types RAD_CONFIG%I_AEROSOL_TYPE_MAP = 0 ! There can be up to 256 types RAD_CONFIG%I_AEROSOL_TYPE_MAP(1:12) = (/& & -1,&! Sea salt, size bin 1 (OPAC) & -2,&! Sea salt, size bin 2 (OPAC) & -3,&! Sea salt, size bin 3 (OPAC) & 7,&! Desert dust, size bin 1 (Woodward 2001) & 8,&! Desert dust, size bin 2 (Woodward 2001) & 9,&! Desert dust, size bin 3 (Woodward 2001) & -4,&! Hydrophilic organic matter (Hess, OPAC) & 10,&! Hydrophobic organic matter (Hess, OPAC) & 11,&! Black carbon (Hess, OPAC) & 11,&! Black carbon (Hess, OPAC) & -5,&! Ammonium sulphate (GACP) & 14 /) ! Stratospheric sulphate (GACP) [ climatology only ] ! Background aerosol mass-extinction coefficients are obtained ! after the configuration files have been read - see later in ! this routine. ! The default aerosol optics file is the following - please ! update here, not in radiation/module/radiation_config.F90 RAD_CONFIG%AEROSOL_OPTICS_OVERRIDE_FILE_NAME = '' ELSE ! Using Tegen climatology RAD_CONFIG%N_AEROSOL_TYPES = 6 RAD_CONFIG%I_AEROSOL_TYPE_MAP = 0 ! There can be up to 256 types RAD_CONFIG%I_AEROSOL_TYPE_MAP(1:6) = (/& & 1,&! Continental background & 2,&! Maritime & 3,&! Desert & 4,&! Urban & 5,&! Volcanic active & 6 /) ! Stratospheric background ! Manually set the aerosol optics file name (the directory will ! be added automatically) RAD_CONFIG%AEROSOL_OPTICS_OVERRIDE_FILE_NAME = '' ENDIF ! *** SETUP SOLVER *** ! 3D effects are off by default RAD_CONFIG%DO_3D_EFFECTS = .FALSE. ! Select longwave solver SELECT CASE (YDERAD%NLWSOLVER) CASE(0) RAD_CONFIG%I_SOLVER_LW = ISOLVERMCICA CASE(1) RAD_CONFIG%I_SOLVER_LW = ISOLVERSPARTACUS CASE(2) RAD_CONFIG%I_SOLVER_LW = ISOLVERSPARTACUS RAD_CONFIG%DO_3D_EFFECTS = .TRUE. CASE(3) RAD_CONFIG%I_SOLVER_LW = ISOLVERTRIPLECLOUDS CASE(4) RAD_CONFIG%I_SOLVER_LW = ISOLVERCLOUDLESS CASE DEFAULT WRITE(NULERR,'(a,i0)') '*** Error: Unknown value for NLWSOLVER: ', YDERAD%NLWSOLVER CALL ABOR1('RADIATION_SETUP: error interpreting NLWSOLVER') END SELECT ! Select shortwave solver SELECT CASE (YDERAD%NSWSOLVER) CASE(0) RAD_CONFIG%I_SOLVER_SW = ISOLVERMCICA CASE(1) RAD_CONFIG%I_SOLVER_SW = ISOLVERSPARTACUS RAD_CONFIG%DO_3D_EFFECTS = .FALSE. IF (YDERAD%NLWSOLVER == 2) THEN CALL ABOR1('RADIATION_SETUP: cannot represent 3D effects in LW but not SW') ENDIF CASE(2) RAD_CONFIG%I_SOLVER_SW = ISOLVERSPARTACUS RAD_CONFIG%DO_3D_EFFECTS = .TRUE. IF (YDERAD%NLWSOLVER == 1) THEN CALL ABOR1('RADIATION_SETUP: cannot represent 3D effects in SW but not LW') ENDIF CASE(3) RAD_CONFIG%I_SOLVER_SW = ISOLVERTRIPLECLOUDS CASE(4) RAD_CONFIG%I_SOLVER_SW = ISOLVERCLOUDLESS CASE DEFAULT WRITE(NULERR,'(a,i0)') '*** Error: Unknown value for NSWSOLVER: ', YDERAD%NSWSOLVER CALL ABOR1('RADIATION_SETUP: error interpreting NSWSOLVER') END SELECT ! For stability the cloud effective size can't be too small in ! SPARTACUS RAD_CONFIG%MIN_CLOUD_EFFECTIVE_SIZE = 500.0_JPRB ! SPARTACUS solver requires delta scaling to be done separately ! for clouds & aerosols IF (RAD_CONFIG%I_SOLVER_SW == ISOLVERSPARTACUS) THEN RAD_CONFIG%DO_SW_DELTA_SCALING_WITH_GASES = .FALSE. ENDIF ! Do we represent longwave scattering? RAD_CONFIG%DO_LW_CLOUD_SCATTERING = .FALSE. RAD_CONFIG%DO_LW_AEROSOL_SCATTERING = .FALSE. SELECT CASE (YDERAD%NLWSCATTERING) CASE(1) RAD_CONFIG%DO_LW_CLOUD_SCATTERING = .TRUE. CASE(2) RAD_CONFIG%DO_LW_CLOUD_SCATTERING = .TRUE. IF (YDERAD%NAERMACC > 0) THEN ! Tegen climatology omits data required to do longwave ! scattering by aerosols, so only turn this on with a more ! recent scattering database RAD_CONFIG%DO_LW_AEROSOL_SCATTERING = .TRUE. ENDIF END SELECT SELECT CASE (YDERAD%NCLOUDOVERLAP) CASE (1) RAD_CONFIG%I_OVERLAP_SCHEME = IOVERLAPMAXIMUMRANDOM CASE (2) ! Use Exponential-Exponential cloud overlap to match original IFS ! implementation of Raisanen cloud generator RAD_CONFIG%I_OVERLAP_SCHEME = IOVERLAPEXPONENTIAL CASE (3) RAD_CONFIG%I_OVERLAP_SCHEME = IOVERLAPEXPONENTIALRANDOM CASE DEFAULT WRITE(NULERR,'(a,i0)') '*** Error: Unknown value for NCLOUDOVERLAP: ', YDERAD%NCLOUDOVERLAP CALL ABOR1('RADIATION_SETUP: error interpreting NCLOUDOVERLAP') END SELECT ! Change cloud overlap to exponential-random if Tripleclouds or ! SPARTACUS selected as both the shortwave and longwave solvers IF (RAD_CONFIG%I_OVERLAP_SCHEME /= IOVERLAPEXPONENTIALRANDOM & & .AND. ( RAD_CONFIG%I_SOLVER_SW == ISOLVERTRIPLECLOUDS & & .OR. RAD_CONFIG%I_SOLVER_LW == ISOLVERTRIPLECLOUDS & & .OR. RAD_CONFIG%I_SOLVER_SW == ISOLVERSPARTACUS & & .OR. RAD_CONFIG%I_SOLVER_LW == ISOLVERSPARTACUS)) THEN IF (RAD_CONFIG%I_SOLVER_SW == RAD_CONFIG%I_SOLVER_LW) THEN WRITE(NULOUT,'(a)') 'Warning: Tripleclouds/SPARTACUS solver selected so changing cloud overlap to Exp-Ran' RAD_CONFIG%I_OVERLAP_SCHEME = IOVERLAPEXPONENTIALRANDOM ELSE ! If the solvers are not the same and exponential-random has ! not been selected then abort WRITE(NULERR,'(a)') '*** Error: Tripleclouds and SPARTACUS solvers can only simulate exponential-random overlap' CALL ABOR1('RADIATION_SETUP: Cloud overlap incompatible with solver') ENDIF ! For additional stability in SPARTACUS solver it helps if the ! cloud fraction threshold is higher than the default of 1.0e-6 ! used for McICA; this is done for Tripleclouds too so that it ! is a good control for SPARTACUS. RAD_CONFIG%CLOUD_FRACTION_THRESHOLD = 2.5E-5_JPRB ENDIF ! Number of longwave surface emissivity intervals to use: ! Traditional approach: one value of emissivty for parts of the ! spectrum on either side of the infrared atmospheric window ! (PEMIR), and one value for the window itself (PEMIW) YDERAD%NLWEMISS = 2 ! ...and the longwave approximate update scheme uses a single ! broadband emissivity YDERAD%NLWOUT = 1 ! Create a spectral Planck look-up table, used by RADHEATN. Note ! that this routine makes use of the length of its third argument. ! The wavelength bounds (metres) allow for the first emissivity to ! represent values outside the infrared atmospheric window, and the ! second emissivity to represent values within it. CALL YDERAD%YSPECTPLANCK%INIT(2, [ 8.0E-6_JPRB, 13.0E-6_JPRB ], & & [ 1,2,1 ]) ! Populate the mapping between the 14 RRTM shortwave bands and the ! 6 albedo inputs. YDERAD%NSW = 6 ZWAVBOUND(1:5) = [ 0.25e-6_jprb, 0.44e-6_jprb, 0.69e-6_jprb, & & 1.19e-6_jprb, 2.38e-6_jprb ] IBAND(1:6) = [ 1,2,3,4,5,6 ] ! If NALBEDOSCHEME==2 then we are using the 6-component MODIS ! albedo climatology, and a weighted average is used to compute ! the albedos in each ecRad spectral band. If NALBEDOSCHEME==3 ! then we use the diffuse part of the 4 components but still with ! a weighted average. Otherwise the older behaviour is followed: ! the nearest albedo interval to each band is selected, resulting ! in a discrete mapping that matches the one in YOESRTWN:NMPSRTM. ! Note that this tends to bias albedo high because there is a lot ! of energy around the interface between the UV-Vis and Near-IR ! channels, so this should be close to the 0.7 microns intended by ! the MODIS dataset, not shifted to the nearest RRTM band boundary ! at 0.625 microns. LL_DO_NEAREST_SW_ALBEDO = .FALSE. CALL RAD_CONFIG%DEFINE_SW_ALBEDO_INTERVALS(YDERAD%NSW, ZWAVBOUND, IBAND, & & DO_NEAREST=LL_DO_NEAREST_SW_ALBEDO) ! Likewise between the 16 RRTM longwave bands and the NLWEMISS ! emissivity inputs - these are defined in suecrad.F90. LL_DO_NEAREST_LW_EMISS = .TRUE. CALL RAD_CONFIG%DEFINE_LW_EMISS_INTERVALS(UBOUND(YSPECTPLANCK%INTERVAL_MAP,1), & & YSPECTPLANCK%WAVLEN_BOUND, YSPECTPLANCK%INTERVAL_MAP, & & DO_NEAREST=LL_DO_NEAREST_LW_EMISS) ! Do we scale the incoming solar radiation in each band? IF (YDERAD%NSOLARSPECTRUM == 1) THEN IF (RAD_CONFIG%N_BANDS_SW /= 14) THEN WRITE(NULERR,'(a)') '*** Error: Shortwave must have 14 bands to apply spectral scaling' CALL ABOR1('RADIATION_SETUP: Shortwave must have 14 bands to apply spectral scaling') ELSE RAD_CONFIG%USE_SPECTRAL_SOLAR_SCALING = .TRUE. ENDIF ENDIF ! *** IMPLEMENT SETTINGS *** ! For advanced configuration, the configuration data for the ! "radiation" project can specified directly in the namelist. ! However, the variable naming convention is not consistent with ! the rest of the IFS. For basic configuration there are specific ! variables in the NAERAD namelist available in the YDERAD ! structure. !CALL POSNAME(NULNAM, 'RADIATION', ISTAT) !SELECT CASE (ISTAT) ! CASE(0) ! CALL RAD_CONFIG%READ(UNIT=NULNAM) ! CASE(1) ! WRITE(NULOUT,'(a)') 'Namelist RADIATION not found, using settings from NAERAD only' ! CASE DEFAULT ! CALL ABOR1('RADIATION_SETUP: error reading RADIATION section of namelist file') !END SELECT IF (PRESENT(FILE_NAME)) THEN CALL RAD_CONFIG%READ(FILE_NAME=FILE_NAME) ENDIF ! Print configuration IF (IVERBOSESETUP > 1) THEN WRITE(NULOUT,'(a)') 'Radiation scheme settings:' CALL RAD_CONFIG%PRINT(IVERBOSE=IVERBOSESETUP) ENDIF ! Use configuration data to set-up radiation scheme, including ! reading scattering datafiles CALL SETUP_RADIATION(RAD_CONFIG) ! Get spectral weightings for UV and PAR CALL RAD_CONFIG%GET_SW_WEIGHTS(0.2E-6_JPRB, 0.4415E-6_JPRB,& & PRADIATION%NWEIGHT_UV, PRADIATION%IBAND_UV, PRADIATION%WEIGHT_UV,& & 'ultraviolet') CALL RAD_CONFIG%GET_SW_WEIGHTS(0.4E-6_JPRB, 0.7E-6_JPRB,& & PRADIATION%NWEIGHT_PAR, PRADIATION%IBAND_PAR, PRADIATION%WEIGHT_PAR,& & 'photosynthetically active radiation, PAR') IF (YDERAD%NAERMACC > 0) THEN ! With the MACC aerosol climatology we need to add in the ! background aerosol afterwards using the Tegen arrays. In this ! case we first configure the background aerosol mass-extinction ! coefficient at 550 nm, which corresponds to the 10th RRTMG ! shortwave band. PRADIATION%TROP_BG_AER_MASS_EXT = DRY_AEROSOL_MASS_EXTINCTION(RAD_CONFIG,& & ITYPE_TROP_BG_AER, 550.0E-9_JPRB) PRADIATION%STRAT_BG_AER_MASS_EXT = DRY_AEROSOL_MASS_EXTINCTION(RAD_CONFIG,& & ITYPE_STRAT_BG_AER, 550.0E-9_JPRB) WRITE(NULOUT,'(a,i0)') 'Tropospheric background uses aerosol type ',& & ITYPE_TROP_BG_AER WRITE(NULOUT,'(a,i0)') 'Stratospheric background uses aerosol type ',& & ITYPE_STRAT_BG_AER ELSE PRADIATION%TROP_BG_AER_MASS_EXT = 0.0_JPRB PRADIATION%STRAT_BG_AER_MASS_EXT = 0.0_JPRB ENDIF IF (IVERBOSESETUP > 1) THEN WRITE(NULOUT,'(a)') '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------' ENDIF END ASSOCIATE END ASSOCIATE IF (LHOOK) CALL DR_HOOK('RADIATION_SETUP:SETUP_RADIATION_SCHEME',1,ZHOOK_HANDLE) END SUBROUTINE SETUP_RADIATION_SCHEME END MODULE RADIATION_SETUP